There is no getting into trouble with society people happening anywhere near these parts like it has begun to emerge because they are planning the stirring of some extremism on the basis of what I know and how their foolish children can be challenged by it rather than go off to Syria for instance measured from current states of affairs, then when challenged enough with their twisted stupidities, go off to Syria anyway. It will never work since we all know the story of taking up my time with their violent insults to secure privileges that are a function of their age as compared to mine is not something which happens because they are clever people and we all know there will be weeping and wailing really soon down that path they have chosen as well. I need to be left alone by them as we are not mates and contrary to their obvious belief that people can never have enough of them, the truth is that people do really quickly as it were. So far where I stand is that in the US is my inability to tolerate their freedom and social democracies, where Communism is concerned is my inability to tolerate their criminalities which communists do not look into when investing in whatever God forsaken hell hole that they live in most of the time – I need to have them leave me alone as we are not mates. The American ones like to claim I change my story every time I am about to be dealt with for messing with the US but I don’t know why people feel that a story needs to be changed or that a person thinks that changing what he is doing in order to appear to be doing something else will change his lot in a Country where there is a wise saying that suggests that wise guys finish last – the difference with me is that I live in a Country where there is a wise saying too that he for whom the bell tolls should not go outside and if they continue yapping I will start to number their own for them as well really soon. The only reason I would change anything I did would be if I saw it does not have the right effect when I needed to clip industry idiots making profit from a market they did not work for which is actually mine – they however can kill their civil rights scum that will play their games on media to the fullest but crossing over will lead to results as mentioned above.
So on the story of whether or not I gain anything by saying such things on the other hand, the case has always been as simple as the fact it is more a matter of the insults of lower class men especially coming to head, not a case of what I gain from what I say or do – the Politicians and the adultery and the community croons and the getting on government Office to do nothing but rip up my business – just some of the things they really need to refute as it were. So we hear these tales endlessly of how I do not support the Politicians when they attack Armed Forces employees but we all know that what they do is get after the good behaviour soldiers claiming somebody else that is more important owns their personal life and so on - leaving to my imagination for instance since I instigated the lack of respect for them by being a Christian in the first place, what that means or does and the American ones cannot stop talking about something I am supposed to fight for where civil rights is concerned, cannot stop talking about the threat of Communism when we all know that parameters of growth on both sides are different to such an extent that in Russia and China for instance you will need a permit to accept a Bible from a Christian who offers randomly on the streets but in the UK for instance nobody really cares how many millions of Christians you accepted a Bible from and whether or not that is actually your job even; so it does come down to the two issues being that those who are exceedingly rude annoy me alright but they are the responsibility of the Politicians and that is an end to the matter on on hand while on the other the problem concerning a weakling like me becoming Royalty, the weakling that is putting them through an education on the difference between democracy and communism economies because their insults that are a function of their age know no limits. Its not a big issue, we see the Americans created NGOs in Russian Territories to bring me back home, just an international version of their insults whereby I have been raised by my parents in such a way that only my parents age mates can see that the way I was raised was for their benefit and not mine which I think I have the imagination to do to peoples children for my part thereof and will as such ever understand – the weaklings here in the UK think they can measure out bad behaviour and then recycle the effects which depends on what I stop doing so they can have their way.
So this is where I get told I like to behave like a conqueror but have conquered nothing; reality being that war in Iraq and a living mess called Tony Blair, terrorism etc were all done within the time frame of a political term of Office and with existing packed picked up on Media, which I have made a point of to ensure the image is firmly cast of them as losers. The sacrifice was that of my academic work, it was the one I had been unable to protect but then again somebody will be punished for it really soon as well – all that yapping. So it makes sense to them that the British want to rule the world of course but will not stop whinging we all know the problem is that My Literary Empire and its Royal Estate and all the Alliances that were built for it globally have been waiting for 13 years now because they have a Politics and a Media and cannot stay out of other people’s concerns. They do speak of some hospitality competition that does not exist because they are being totally annihilated by me; so what they are referring to is a matter of a Christian that provokes them because he has a touch of God that is completely unique and therefore a rival to old civilisations that can bring about their resurgence considering they can beat him in a fight and so they need to fight as we can see that not enough people have died yet in their opinion. So it comes down to the one about sharing my renaissance all together and then there will be a fight between me and them that ends with my assassination which is never going to happen – I want to kill them and they want to kill me but the killing me bit they will get to do, the renaissance they will never share and its all becoming obsessive for me as a behaviour.
We find them with this obsession about a damaged personality I had which will add up to a problem at the Monarchy and how it had to be discussed – the reality on the other hand is that 15 years of abuses have done nothing to dampen these idiots having a desire to claim a personality I cultivated in a Hermitage was an empty clean slate on which to display, get rid of and make sense of their problems, are therefore always putting some form of abuse in. Never have I invited them to take part in my Court but we know the idiots can now feel me on my bed and it is always about every occasion producing an outcome where it does it and gets imagination up my bum, the whole thing having since grown into a crisis which outcome is that they made a case of the smell issues and have gotten a response that will cure it so far. It is not really a problem for me, just the existence of a part of the population which is comprised of very stupid people, that said, somebody out there is always weaving my career and work into their activities to ensure I spent some time responding to them and nobody asked them a question about my personality, their interest therefore being a hindrance as we hear them complain endlessly about state provided security which had not since yet provided them evidence that they and their Celebrities needed to stop mixing their business with mine because they were always complaining about results and consequences while the public could not engage with my Public image, which impacted my Bookshop and therefore my finances. They blew off that big mouth earlier and it eventually got a response from me, that saw them run off these filthy activities to end up at the back yards of Companies and Industry villages being my fathers who were completely lost as to what I had done to them, still blowing off that big mouth about how I would not dare to go up against them and their children, so I am certain the next response will be the finale, as I should ensure that their financial well being was affected. People have said they wanted me to do more on the matter but there is nothing to do – this is a case for instance of the Media having chores, chores which suggested that sexual activity was their main concern due to the way they abused people to secure extra money for the high life through a job that gets to their heads none the less and everybody knew about it, it is a case of city centre gits and Industry twats having something similar in form of a chore that concerns those who went off to conduct pornography that was linked to the way they destroyed peoples lives because they needed to make money – these are the things they claim added up to how they believed my personal life and personal space should be used to make sense of problems I did not have and to make those problems vanish, we have not heard them say or acknowledge once that it added up to a business of looking for a lot of trouble, we have instead heard the idiots seek to discuss my personality, more so when none was asking. The other main problem here being the women claiming they thought I was one of the biggest allies they had in decades but I appear to have been a point from which the Men extended their power but no such thing has happened – the men have been building their version me, their version of the Monarchy, their version of what the Monarchy thinks of me and have been running it off on Media to get what they want because they always must. So we had since reached the stage where they claimed that it will be a difficult time for me and my current relationship with the male community which is utter rubbish; first time round was the idea I supported them because they made so much trouble that any who tended to have physical features similar to that of their stupidities was vulnerable to people having fantasies of all being lost before the retirement was taken: a case of the last time we made sense of that stupid need to open people up and play practical jokes on peoples insides resulting in two world wars but continuing as a matter of Germans being a considerably successful enough, which indicated nothing had changed – this time I think its about to progress from my fathers making sense of the fact they blew off their big mouth at me and got into trouble, when they had a response, were completely lost at Industry and since they did not possess the intelligence to do the right things, spent most of their time doing the wrong things while clinging to my public image and of course it has always been a difficult time because I am a picture of a Man and their stupidities need to handle me to become important and respected, about which I dropped out of University and it did not matter that I had, so it continued for a decade on, at the end of which they had to invent other forms of abuses that communicated their stupidities thought I could not go up against them and their silly children, where the next response from me will help them decide where it stops and how they want it to stop, as I should ensure it was the finale by tackling their finances. What beats the imagination every time being that it was either stupid feminists that women in positions of authority describe as tiresome, were either an engine for publicity that brought this nonsense into mainstream living while they clung to peoples incomes and complained about it or the female community idiots were busy wrecking academic studies to chase female lovers.