Finance Industry | Stock Markets (and other Popular lazy finance rewarding Industries securities) | Property at Banks







It goes without saying over this matter that the job of Businesses is to look after the smaller ones and keep them in paid work making sure they are delivering services where it is needed and when it is and not seeing whether it is possible for them to help run the government, Banks are to manage the finances concerning everybody and UK Government has a job to represent and see to the needs of those who elected them, not send out idiots that can talk nonsense and see through unseemly insults all over my Empire concerning its effects on the British and World economy - this sense the matter is therefore far from over as it were. It is therefore applicable that a certain degree of privilege must be accorded to those who have the task of managing Government business and the reason it will be enforced and applied in what is an unnatural way like the prognosis of attending concerns safe in the knowledge the fact One was born somewhere and grew up somewhere and is heading is a specific direction is not being explored, is that this process of tolerating idiots with personal finance costs and thus thereof their ideas about the world and how to enforce their will must either in some way come to an end or be funded by those who practice them and the damages done with it which does afford them so much pleasure. One personally is aware of their existence, finds it comforting to know what is happening in their stupid minds and rather quite used to their stupidity and the fact that they exist, are very determined and intrusive and have a will of their own for these purposes all together.

It’s not just a case of trying to be as happy as you can be since life is short and some people want to be miserable on account of what others have got and see you as a tool for that 24/7, which you need to do lest you turn out living their stupid dreams. It’s a case of them regularly thinking that access to my possessions means handling something valuable with which to conduct little wickedness and get away with it and there isn’t a group of people any less provocative than these freedom idiots and their American friends, so yes I do get accused to setting out I do not want black people around my concerns in public but in terms of theirs their little wickedness is to do with colonialism and world order and various other injustices – so these guys know how to make you very angry, how to look for trouble every single second of their lives and it never really does to act in anyway which saves them from it and for me personally I have to detach from them and keep all my concerns away from them too but obviously it is not enough. I feel no regret for my activities besides which Intellectual Property Administration Business has afforded me the unlikely opportunity of being able to get seen punishing them all of the time until we can never cease to see them complain about it as well. We do hear I am in trouble with Industry people and it is utter nonsense, I am not; lets just say they need to understand that anything I have done to them if any can be resolved unlike their fat cats turning up here to rip up my health and finances so as to ensure when they get on media to whisper something any action taken hits me really hard. So it is best to lay off the need to get on media and be inventive and listen to stupid journalists and issue a snap judgement and I don’t mind if it is lady man talking by the stupid women either, such nonsense could lead me to strike first as it were – I have had enough of it. Its never really clear exactly how much trouble you are supposed to get into as a person on account somebody else wants to spend your exit; were they born that way, were they raised that way, did they grow up that way, is it their own, is the Company Court their own, my skin colour their own etc?The only way to ensure every fool who tells me I am frigid ends up with an outcome whereby my Company and Office is affected has always been to let it be run by Male Media corruptions of involvement that equally works incredibly hard to achieve such nonsense.




 It is always suggested that Banks and Financial services need to be Nationalised or more tightly regulated. I have no idea why Politicians like to have these kinds of conversations especially at such a late stage of an increasingly damaging crisis. What really needs to happen to the financial industry contrary to playboys who have found something a trend to latch onto for attention and problem transfer prognosis that comes with it and their useless lives, which is currently breeding and very frustrating and annoying economic disillusionment is for the consumers, a process of educating people about its nature and how to judge the equities of products offered them and for the producers the public declaration of the Market Equities of the services they have put on sale. Most Financial services providers already declare their market Equities but rather tend only to do for the business, hence do that in places like their websites for example but this leadership is not up to them, so we do not find it in places that will make them Publicly available, neither is my job and or property meant to make such things possible through media and Celebrity culture; about which socialist structures and systems all over the world are paying handsomely for it too. It is always suggested by them of the existence of people who jump on the lives of others to do their jobs with what they find out and have no clue what they are doing and more so in an academic fashion which is always because the decisions of their bosses can never be respected with regards to such persons and it does not concern them what wider problems they create from it nor will they be seen removing themselves from the business world, hence it is a statement they use when they have assumed some position of business leadership as well, which soon becomes unfathomably insulting when they have formed a habit of statements on public media which suggests some boy doing their stuff that they have always planned to do or be and more so knowing he is in trouble trying to please them with it too, about which they are finding out how he does it and the abuses have no arguments which suggests otherwise, especially when they are really stupid Americans too, who never seem to know when to shut their dirty mouths and or have never taken anything seriously in the silly lives because they are republicans, which is normally intensely annoying. The biggest problem with the Banking and financial sector of course therefore still remains a Political one; Politicians do not seem to realise with all that has occurred that political stability is specific in category and genre to the Banking and Financial services sector, not to mention the fact that it is where the economic crisis itself began in the first place even though they do not seem to make a connection between the crisis and their activities around the world. All they seem to realise rather annoyingly is how far their powers can go when it comes to grabbing other peoples property and of course it is not because they do not know, of which even if they did would make no sense either, when the prime problem is that they are practically opposed to the basic fundamental issues, claiming it is what religious people deploy for the purpose of controlling their actions, which they therefore abhor. This statement is a proficiency platform and not to be confused with what this Company position really is: what done here is not without teeth; nothing about his business will be safe, especially from spoiled children, their parents and companies that sell them things and media they have to play around with, unless there are companies and businesses that are made a public example of. I mean for example it is suggested that Government expect Banks to have more money and hold back on lending to avoid penalties and all other problems but are unhappy with the results at the same time: the truth and reality however being that Banks are lending money but are lending to Businesses who have a turnover that will come through in a long period of time, maybe these particular group will come through with large turn overs but as a method of lending which discriminates against those who will create turnovers in the immediate term, we can see that the problem is social and that the Guys at the top who know what is correct are so few in number they can do less about anything that the guys in the middle who are more in number and have more money than the guys below in the Banking system and therefore always tend to ensure the rhetoric is that they lend money anyway like we want but are getting their power as well, whoever on earth asked them as it were - this needs to be changed and re-balanced. I mean if I have such a big Literary Empire and it is the consulting Intellectual Property base for over 80% of major Industries all over the world, even thus to the Royal Office and Property and I break up the publicity that they provide me through the products which express such a fact and trade it in brokerage with the peoples of the world, what then if concerned with my work is so complicated about things such as Quantitative Easing, that it should be done in the UK Economy for example for three times in a period of less than Four Years? Yet when they see the property they will take it up and use it without questions asked or consultation made, then claim I am a man of lies or my reaction or action is amazing and fabulous but these are the kinds of things which have created the kinds of questions that have given me the reputation I have today.

The claim I can only hang about repeating myself is not developed on reality, this is all a process of equity development of which I had to display raw materials I had gathered for it, the real me in terms of people attacking me directly has developed into some sort of narcissism happiness that helps idiots to get famous, make advertisement and sell products and it was an endless source of happiness because it did not rely on their input, the question now being one of whether their stupidities will keep it in peace. It is so unnecessary to say that I now had to open up a Bookshop and an Office to the public everyday, by attacking other peoples narcissism happiness but that is where I have ended up. The original form it took was one in which their gimmicks were primarily the business of some women at the Monarchy, then it progressed to the stage where abuses peddled at me were meant to make them important persons, to which effect there was a refusal to employ their private security services at the market whilst it continued, then it moved on to an abusive gimmick of their own to ensure that whilst it continued, their private security industry was shoved into peoples affairs never the less and then some people took risks with personal safety on my account, to which effect they started a new form of abuse that allowed them to tackle my finances and property on behalf of Celebrities, over claims I am such a coward I got women to fight my battles for me and has now ended with the German influence involvement encouraging me to respond to the famous peoples insults on an Industrial level. They do claim it was to do with the way that my Country was at war with various other places including the Middle East - we know however that I had to run my Office in avoidance of wealthy people because it was the positive thing to do but I also had to avoid them because they wanted to be able to do all the things wealthy people did but had no money by which to do it, never mind the fact that unlike wealthy people who possessed money to bank roll projects I may have presented, they had nothing, only trouble to offer, insults, reading my birth sign and bully character violent nonsense they cannot back up, that left me feeling sore all over all day, getting increasingly real - we are aware that no matter what the Political and diplomatic conditions were, this has always been a prevalent state of affairs i.e. if this was all due to the fact my Country was at war with places that were fans of the German influence, I suppose we are now in a position to tackle the core problem associated with the matter all together. 

It is not really a crisis from my point of view, they were here handling a character who possessed a talent for converting ideologies that should not be explored into an industrial opportunity, however when they do raise the point, I would suppose we had entered into a state where the cause of the wars were set to be ironed out properly. I mean gimmicks like claims there were serious international problems that were my responsibility, hand in hand with their pseudo security services that were fighting my wars, all created from a history of abusing my privacy, whilst they trash my finances to claim when I tried to recover it, that my age had become a factor, with no way to explain what they meant to any person.




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General Firm Finance Equity & Banking culture social (Industry Secret Societies and the Media)


Company Partners and Associates | Royal Estate Courts, Consortium and Coven | Company Customers and Fans There seem to be rather a lot to discuss on the subject matter of free Banking. I never knew that one existed for my part, however it is remarkable to note that the same who have used the investment sector of Banking to completely wreck our finances and exchange our savings for debts are now calling for the abolition of free Banking, like they have before called for charges for Cash Machine services. They have needed this free Banking in the past in order to find out what products to sell the consumer but today it is no longer an integral part of setting up a banking business; no longer the case as far as they are concerned that people's entire financial existence in the industrialised world hinges around having a minimum of one free bank account but even more concerning is the fact that if free banking is raised on National television then it should indicate that those who make important decisions in the banking industry must be feeling that way and we are therefore still in a lot of massive economic trouble. I am not necessarily of the opinion that Banking is a dirty profession but there is something wrong with a business model which says anybody can come into my establishment and handle peoples money and more so how they like and if I lose the money, the governments will bail me out because they have got no choice, while I pay myself millions of pounds in bonuses alone for it, something wrong with a business model which says the big powers hit us all the time and it is in our interest to maintain a system of luxury and leisure for our financial robber customers, after all we have a story to tell for our actions - I am of the opinion therefore that we need to find alternatives or acquire means to control equities of the Banking Industry if we have money in them. The idea I myself have no money in the banks and therefore in no position to talk about it is simply the stage for fame idiots to tell the truth about their actions: reality is that I do not want to be lumbered with their various and lazy frustrations of Industries of hard working deviant and violent laziness (concerning them of which the desire to damage my person and property seems to beggar belief and the way their community idiots call for that and apply it without rest of respite seeks trouble all the time and of course expresses itself to be completely insatiable - not to mention the insults that will likely make it physical and relevant in the real world too, like an investment prospect in readiness for those who destroy other people's wealth and seek wealth from Authorities at the same time, not to mention making out it is an investment model and claiming it is power and therefore makes sense) and I want them off the profit margins of my Book sales and anybody in any Banks can handle their money as they like as far as I am concerned too. I am not in any particular mess on the matter of what people do to me in anyway; This is a Company that was built to manage my Industry Equities and Property and every item public deployed from my Royal Estate, held in trust, deployed etc – so if I end up in a condition where I scrub toilets, there is a link between doing that I getting these matters done; same old issue with the lower classes as well, where for the Middle class if they end up scrubbing toilets there is link between doing that and getting money for the Theatres and the Films and so on and for the lower class, it is more to do with buying a home and a car etc. The problem has continued to be that mine becomes people’s preoccupation for vandalism and attention seeking which makes riches by destruction because they have no compunction whatsoever and then there are the popular culture idiots providing leadership for the fallen because they cannot leave people alone as it were. I am not Middle class and I am not Lower class but I am a very minor royal – it is not to say I am not important, I am, it is to mention the dividing lines that separate the classes and the kind of issues that bring about the altercations and the people are the heart of it. Like the issue with the Banking system and the fact most people are not getting enough satisfaction with services they get from it; where we know the problem to be that the Banking system tends to understate its size when it comes to its people management responsibilities, while it overstates its size when it comes to fighting its corner; the problem however is that nobody dares to mention it on grounds of these other trouble makers and their alternative economics all over the place – “we want things to be done the way they are in Asia Pacific, if everybody acted like us and smashed companies and took the money we would not be in a mess today” and it goes on and on and on and they do not mind having an opinion or sharing a know how as well; I mean it is never clear what convinced them the money was theirs anyway but these are the kinds of problems they bring i.e. company funds with its assets and liabilities, is to the person at the helm his pocket money if he so wishes – so how many then of the other stuff, is he spending that money on now that it has taken it? Of course none and so it goes on and on and on and on and we all know that if a stand is not taken, we will have to deal with more serious matters like that which we expect they will carry out next i.e. community encroachments to get rich – “sell up or be made homeless we are developers” story; for now however of which the issue is that they do not mind having a bloody opinion around here or indeed sharing one if they do as it were. We can see that there is the Banking system employing developing economy idiots who pass insults at others for a living and have not got a clue what they are doing, which they copy from customers who come in to talk about their money as it were, which they play up with another group of customers that run communities and create this real danger therefore of inter community wars over setting up and running a business in the UK with their big mouth, which I had before crushed and they are still festering and getting violent at as well – the reason for this of course is that more and more UK residents have continued to play the guardians of racism card at the Banks. But you dared not say these things lest the idiots with alternative economy create more problems and get completely out of hand; it is one of the really important reasons I want all the fools to take a break and intend to divide society in the west between Capitalism and Theocracy and whatever else can burn in hell if it does not like it. The part where One creates and holds together certain difficult arrangements which have an effect that democratic people cannot move around is very well understood - I am aware that due to the nature of my Intellectual Property Administration business I will not be able to tolerate the slighest bit of anything else which takes up my time and we all know they are incredibly stubborn - I am aware we still have difficulty locating the dividing line between their rapport with their superiors or employers and their professionalism especially for those of them that work with a certain stupid media chipping away at me to wreck my finances and keep their own salaries and have what I have in order to dominate me - I am aware the idiots will not stop threatening me and therefore having been they have carried on like that everyday for the last 12 years so far, the result is that I cannot just tolerate it even if they stopped this instant and of course everything that is a product of my person and my reputation and my work belongs to me and they will have it in hell if they want it there. There is therefore the sense displayed right across my sites, including the main Trust website here, that I am in distress and in need of a lot of assistance - reality is rather that although it is stressful there was whole communities built up to distressingly push me around, I am not in as much distress as the way that the facts have affected people tended to suggest, instead I am engaged in a process of gathering necessary facts on Equity for Client product and Aesthetic developmental purposes, particularly for large spending customer investment products such as Houses, some Fashion and Automobiles, - that said, it is still personally distressing however that I ran my finances on a low key to get the Trust set up properly, especially on matters of currency liability, these characters then bashed the finances completely, the process of trying to recover it has been met with setbacks associated with what they claim was instances in which my age had become a factor whilst they continued to run off communities that got imagination into my panties to extricate schizophrenic feelings and mental states, whilst complaining about having already suffered the problem, so I guess the point being that considering their physical sizes, they were certain that I was unlikely to pose a threat. It is ever so annoying when the point about my qualifications were raised if these gits had built a world where they had grown in size to such an extent they investigated even the security services, took up jobs and used the jobs to find out the way that the personal lives, social lives and careers that they envied worked, clinging to my income with the help of twat in Washington who funds their gimmicks unfailingly, over the claim I was working with communists against them and a need to make money from trashing my assets to impress the American Authorities by fighting communists that I should have. The reality of it however being that I had made the university mess and the fact I dropped out into a part of the career story, leaving them to find out how it actually worked, since it is rather impossible to ascertain how a person progresses from idiots like these taking an interest in my personal space for popularity reasons, up to the point where I ended up dropping out of University, whereby it continued onto the bum fingering up start gimmicks that gained access to my personal space by eliminating the domestic abuse and single parenting matters as a priority, the question of what motivates them to convert a structure by which I worked such things into an abusive up start gimmick, up to the stage of building a community that fingered my bum to make money. I mean it would be said that it did not do for me to make something of my failure in such a way but these people have not yet said clearly whether I had a millstone tied to my legs to prevent me completing my academic pursuits, adding up to a 12 year delay on that issue, clinging to my Bookshop and stifling my finances until they were done with what their stupidities wanted to do on the career, so that the trouble they sought may kick off in earnest all together, talking nonsense about the reasons they did it being that they were bigger than I am and there was nothing I could therefore do about their stupidities. It is the same issue that involved first exploring my civil duties and now reading my birth sign as well – poof Leo who was always an ass where other peoples affairs were concerned is the main force behind people trying to make money by picking up my career publicity to do their own thing and making sure I looked the part by performing practical jokes that wrecked my finances – vagabond Virgo was behind the widespread support for ageism and the bum fingering up start gimmick – abusive Scorpio and its need to investigate law enforcement and end up committing their own crimes due to seduction by criminals had not yet taken a hint and shows up here making the most of famous pricks coming up with ideas where the way I stood up for myself was handed over to them because they were clearly more willing to make use of it than I am, keeping the famous jobs thereafter, if I am to ignore the fact they were now keeping it in a condition that led them to get on my nerves in a way that suggested they were looking for trouble where they were likely to find it easily; the history that had previously existed between me and their famous stupidities, set to be either consolidated or destroyed, since their career is on the line for it and they did not want to do it as would be better for them and for everybody else, I will do it as per the result would suit my interests. My career is older than my University experience, I cannot therefore say that it was wrong and the University experience was correct, I think that my current qualifications were working it satisfactorily therefore – helps on the matter that if I forfeited it to these gits, I would have to face the health crisis that came with the decision to do so and their consequent view of my entire existence, never mind that the bum fingering upstart stupidities generally meant that I was unable to get a job from other people, the overall sensibility being that the idiots had turned ageism into an industry, whilst clinging to my Royal personality and public image as a tool that helped them manage it, like something that suggests since that families were blissfully unaware because of my tolerance, I had to brush the part where I was the cause of reasons they came to serious or mortal harm under the carpet and encourage their stupidities to avoid handling me by selecting the next best option. I am told the reasons they tackled me ran deeper than just public administration matters and ways that Celebrities will be allowed to enjoy their privacy as well, when the entitlement to handle and get involved with me, to the effect that they loved to goad me over my public control matters had ended – it runs deeper naturally like it always does, claiming that what I did was not the way that freedoms were achieved; its stupid history was one in which gangs took over the neighbourhoods, its current performance involved a deeply personal problem with crime control publicity over a need to be the centre of attention. Then we had to explore facts on these freedoms their stupidities were fighting for anyway, besides showing up here to lay down huge problems whereby I can no longer say I had developed equity to allow people build products that helped to baby sit those who spent money fighting them, I had to say that if I had built such a system and was working with the engine of economic growth when my connoisseurs took advantage of market that companies at the trust were to big to fill, in order to create new small businesses, that Celebrities trash to get rich fast, then the system I had built had to be built and protected too, from gimmicks that involved their abusive well off neighbourhoods my personal finances and what they were doing with the city centre concerning their interest in it – the details in question being that politicians get involved with large businesses to show governmental credentials, what had been achieved in terms of public stability, structures, conditions, markets and requirement for investment, if my work and property was jeopardised for that purpose, the excuse was that jobs were created, if at the point where the companies were renumerating politicians on a personal basis it was jeopardised, at what stage would it be said that they were using my work to amass personal wealth, the matter always being handled if their interference were properly checked, in such a way that politicians at risk of this would be taking a risk with their government careers when they crossed a certain line in the sand, since their insults and abusive social corruption was based on making money by taking advantage of people who did, those who accepted the honour of government office operatives getting involved with their personal affairs, I am at a loss as to whose freedoms their stupidities were fighting for in this place, feeding into a need to show that the only problem here was a sense that they were such a bunch of entitled pricks that they were also entitled to handle me, an example of the reasons I needed to ensure their gimmicks took a turn and ended very badly. Essentially, Book readers do not show up converting a writers career publicity into a tool by which the public gets involved with the writer for equality, to hang about with a narcissism media, building a civil rights system of making money over it, such that people set up a livelihood and were completely reliant, to show up lip flapping at me what appears to be a process of underestimating how easily I will dismantle it, especially if I had to do so for survival reasons, needs to keep its famous peoples insults restricted to its own career at this stage. On the matter they were out of my league bearing down on this as we can all feel it does, this was the heart of the problem – that effectively, thousands of people had been cordoned off by some incredibly foolish industrials that were now bringing up a point about my qualifications over my income margins and my career, detached from public policy and the work market and having this been done over a period of a decade by means of insults that were performed sustainably as though they were uneducated people, because they were educated enough to know what those insults were and get mechanical about it, people have now been affected in a certain way that makes those who knew their story at the tax system sick to the stomach, there is a mental effect where whole populations were unable to carry on with civil affairs and they have decided that tidying up the mess ought to be worked by means of the determining factor that was in their view, the amount of money in the personal bank accounts of those they believed should be exempt, concerning which only they possessed the access codes – this way to deciding how they were out of my league was due to the idea that I used my Royal position to abuse them lest they became more important than I am whereas they pillaged my wealth equity politics public image to get rich fast and were using their income as an unnecessary leverage to work gimmicks on me concerning their need to be the centre of attention, therefore it is considered semantics. It boasts about getting the better of me endlessly whereas all it had done it complain endlessly about the way it had built an abusive society over a gimmick where I am working society wrong doers and they were hanging behind me to run off such nonsense as the idea what I knew should end up down my throat and in my tummy to make a bad smell, where it has affected them being the part in which they had become important people with a need to show up on public media for narcissism naturally, having built up such an abusive society in the first place, where it got serious were the instances in which it was all factored into the work environment, such that for businesses that had become reliant on Celebrity money, these insults were the main thing. For my part, they claim that it was too much for me to handle and this is naturally where they were wrong as I needed to get out of bed everyday and open a Bookshop to the public of which it seemed that doing so is set to spell the demise of male society abusive platforms for narcissism that helped to solve their problems, opening up the Office is appears is set to kill the Celebrities literally and the other things I did by the way side to raise extra needed funds is set to become the stage by which I got to find out if reading peoples birth signs and insulting people to make money was what we all wanted hence I could not get them out of my personal space from any direction I tried – I did issue the warnings on this matter anyway, about the business of running it off at me again, converting my work environment activities into a bum fingering up start interest, quasi criminal gimmicks and ex-convicts taking advantage of me, which if I were to tidy up and clear out all these matters, supposing I was also able to get around to the changes made to the way I engaged with international business interests because of it and talk to everybody as to achieve a reset of my work environment practices, I would still end up with the same job and the same premise that the jobs at the work market were perfectly sound a daily engagement and a tool by which to solve personal finance problem, whilst there would be no way to compensate me for the health problems I had picked up, make sense of mentioning it did appear to be a reason to brush the part where I hurt them mortally under the carpet in order to select the next best option, their stupidities were all beating up a Libra for the money in my career and an engagement with the city of which they will not keep what they had gained so far in peace, with a big mouth, now I have picked up the project and I need to get it concluded. More so, now that I am back in control of the finances associated with my wealth equity and wealth politics public image, I had to set out the history of my Bookshop, which currently primarily was an issue with male population narcissism platform that allowed them chase my personal finances to solve problems, read my birth sign and work ageism on me, alongside crime and celebrity money, the crime which was a scenario in which people were only bad when they had done wrong, whilst the Celebrity money was an animal, ripping and tearing everywhere it got involved with anything, so to say that gaining an administrative advantage over the Celebrity money was the way to manage my affairs, I had to bear in mind that it was the criminals that would become fans of such a thing but in light of the risk I was taking to the effect of crossing a social line to build a monster that may later consume me, to which effect I needed to handle the Celebrity money issue effectively, if they were to stay away from crime and tackle Celebrities to fix financial matters instead, then this is what I had to do (cannot pair up professional engagements with Celebrity culture but so have they also progressed their assault on my career onto a claim that my websites were a rant that others should ignore save they discovered the trade secrets behind it, some stupidity that expressed the full extent of their provocative lack of respect for my person, which they described as cancel culture).







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