On the matter of neighbourhoods and Politicians and Media and Popular culture and Celebrities around the Company Products and Equities and Literary Empire and business Emporium, the case matters are rather eclectic in nature. 1.) Settling up with Royal Allies and definitiveness of operations as a matter of specificity, 2.) The U.S. mainland, South American and Communist Neighbourhoods and Company Books, 3.) Rounding up Popular culture celebrities access through abuses of property and exhibitionism that makes it possible for them to track sales progress and insert their own products – necessary to facilitate company earnings and control of access to Company CEO and his person and temperaments for and more so for deviance: for the control of damage to already achieved Global Culture integration that aids World peace, religious practice and tolerance, Political Governance, Diplomacy and National Security in Service of Company Patron HM Queen Elizabeth R of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Cultural Integration items to be secured of: Royal Allies and alliances – Diplomats at work – security at the need for perverts at Popular culture to find things to confiscate from other peoples Public work and applicable British Government diplomatic Interests - Security for HH The Arch Prince’s Academic work – security for the Practice of faiths all over the world – access to and perversion of HH The Arch Prince’s Presence by Popular culture idiots for money. In terms of disciplining Industry idiots the prognosis is rather simple: - Of course it is consistently mentioned that what I do is stupid – but it is nothing new of the fact that when people feel they need to spend their own as well, then it becomes stupid; they have been making money from doing these things I do to them and their lives and possessions to me and people have been buying those products and have shown they can buy anything, so now it is time for people to buy mine they say it is stupid. I mean is it really normal for people to think that I owe them a debt of what they do not gain as a result of finding it difficult to accept me and how do you go into an office everyday to deal with that sort of nonsense? It is the same old case about the chances of what is happening in Iraq happening in the UK we hear them talk about which makes no sense whatsoever, since all there is to it is idiots who turn up in public places to pretend that I think they are important all of the time. The part about how to make my property equity secure has never been a problem, it is the reason I broker in public of course because they decided if they took advantage of me it would be perfectly fine being that society has paid a good price and allowed them one person to do as they please with – so for the blacks the question was whether they now feel better about their stupid selves on having somebody to sacrifice and for the whites they clearly thereafter had a civil rights that they can chase but soon after it became an obsession to handle my person and my possessions all the time – so I brokered in public so that people might buy products and find it impossible not to pillage the equities when they know who it is that is responsible for the aesthetical properties of the products – now as I expected we are stuck in the fight and cannot seem to escape their big mouth talking even more nonsense about how I wouldn’t stand a chance doing it in secret when between 2001 and 2003 there was no way that people like me would take responsibility for what we do the random stabbings and random shootings and random building and work place burning that ran wild all over the country – since then it’s been 11 years of pillaging my life every day since I last took responsibility as it were and the process of turning up here to tell me what they do cannot be stupid if they are making money from it continues to get support from a very provocative collection of scum at the highest possible levels in parliament, so it makes no sense why mine should be stupid at this stage either. It is never true I am an anal person – it’s simply a matter of making them understand what it feels like i.e. for example chose one matter and it may be one about how if you want to get mobbed by a crowd you have to first get famous not have it designed for the purpose of torturing your soul to pillage your talents by media, reason being they had drinks with their friends, it got to their heads and they made a boast and are now living up to it; but which then becomes something they do day after day, week after week, year after year knowing perfectly that deviance has only one outcome – so no matter how famous they are, people will be able to get in touch with them in any circumstances whatsoever. If you put in context their violence and the fact they cannot let you breathe or feel good at any point whatsoever into context, what you have in the mix is a process where they are whipping idiots that are not co-operating with them and then it tends to make sense that deviance has only one outcome – their complains have never once troubled me; if they keep off my books it will simply have become something done by somebody who serves the Monarch and the Church and I need that to happen in an instant literarily because I need the money. There is this obsession with a story of how I get to mess with MPs and get away with it to be told and MPs love them stories so much but I have never before thought that having fun with MPs was ever a good idea and I am certainly not playing with them now either; before every complain of a process of messing with MPs and setting up a state of affairs that are a result of getting away with it are the activities of a collection of idiots that come up dressed in suits but feel that making you unemployed for a decade and a half by having something derogatory to say about your business and an insult that allows community idiots to chase your anus and penis is basically the only thing that makes every condition where they sit down for a drink or party with their friends worthwhile and my question here is what description they are supposed to have given to that sort of unemployment anyway? They say that it is a sign of their power but clearly of which the fact they would make such claims at some point while complaining about a state of affairs if I mess with them and get away with it was never foreseen as it were. Their media fools on the other hand always say when I mess with it they will go after my empire which is utter nonsense too – the empire is what it is and the Royal Estate with it as well – the part that will get them into real trouble is the book sales as it were and it is the reason we are here at all in the first place, all of them that is, no exceptions.
I have never thought it an issue we can all see that when a Country is governed by a collection of twisted and evil goons like this, for of course I have heard of this process of setting out a state of affairs by messing with people before and it normally comes from their really twisted Satanic cultural and social goons – those are the ones that have things about them which nobody really can understand which forges a state of affairs that means all I do and say if the media wants it so becomes something I stole from their culture and society and it interferes with everything until I rip it up and then it becomes a result that can lead to a violent outcome which I was never able to foresee as far as their thick minds are concerned as it were – in the case of their Politicians it’s all held together by stories of religion being an evil thing and the problem of the world while everything that constitutes being a good and upstanding person in society is frown upon and tax payer funds are spent to create wealth equality the resulting deficit blamed on outside forces at the end and so this is their real problem with me as it were – how they will explain to the world the nature of evil that religion actually constitutes as it were. So it is normally said that when I mention these things they are all blown away but of course I have mentioned it because I have had enough of a story of those I mess with in terms of the authorities and need to clear all of the present state of affairs so we can all observe what happens with behaviour of Politicians, observe it start again from scratch as it were.
I understand they say I have failed to notice religion has turned me from a normal person into an idiot which has no basis on reality as it has only turned me from a normal person into the guy whose personal space idiots want to live in to feel good about life and it is nothing new about spending all your teens partying and drinking and smoking all kinds of nonsense then when you see me, need to live in my personal space to feel good about life but we cannot live with it anymore when there is an organised decision to bully others with it and it has gone beyond how when they fail to have my personal life and need to help them with that of a female journalist for instance and the results especially for the politicians are clearly not hurting badly enough yet as it were – its Britishness with a big mouth, even when I am older than they are their deviant parents that are till deviant as grandparents and want other peoples place in the world as a result claim the bloody idiots are more rooted in the land than I am.
So they say I am actually here because I am in a lot of trouble with rich people; will never make sense of course since this so called rich people always start first as it were – knowing they are only traders who hardly made the billions they own in a clean way but feel like getting involved with a Royal Prince all the time making out they are so wealthy he will not mind as it were; so they make billions in a filthy manner because everybody wants money but they want the lives of Royalty on the other hand who make their billions in a clean way in the same world where people are evil and immoral and want money as well and nobody knows why they like to make out they are so wealthy these Royals will not mind anyway. It’s much the same as when I am told I pick up these issues and then the result becomes that people think I am partly responsible for it which is not really the case as I only pick up issues because of other things people do besides their wickedness i.e. Politicians will claim I mess with them and get away with it and it is an issue that needs to be settled on one hand but on the other they claim religion is an evil thing and Policy is decided on how wrong and unacceptable to the authorities being an upstanding and normal person who picks yourself up again when you go to pieces can be, garnished with a need to ruin the lives of younger or older people because of you and so it is the process of ruining the lives of younger and older people that means I take steps to set out the prognosis of the issues so people can get facts on what is happening, it does not make I take responsibility for the deficit for instance when they start spending tax payer funds on this. It’s always been a matter about the industries and they might want to lay off the anus and penis insults because that will be their undoing as well; I mean they have their problems and this is not where their possessions or that of their parents or grandparents or any other stupid family they have at the Industries is located anyway, it’s really difficult to locate exactly why they turn up around it all the time. Traders are supposed to trade and keep their fucking insults where people appreciate it no matter how rich they are; they do say I didn’t say that years ago of course which of course I didn’t because other issues are brought to be forefront by them i.e. issues such as how I am supposed to create a country where they can get rich in and it was my responsibility because of a need to justify the taxes they were paying, so that when it gets to that point where the worth of the amenities they were deploying to get rich and how much taxes they were paying in return had to be put into light they opened Swiss bank accounts and came up with even more abusive insults like they were talking about their own rights as it were and it keeps getting worse and worse with the bloody idiots. Naturally, no truth can be attributed to the idea that I had completely lost control of my affairs – it is a simple matter of my work market history for instance whereby the private security services aspect brought into the public sphere, the matter of abuses every now and then which ensured I could never smell nice or feel good, implying that when it came to administrative work, some people really had a way to show up bothering me in a manner that caused their lives and history to provide me with limitless resources, there was another kind who got involved with security services specifically to target me, complain that I push them into a fight with National enemies that were a thorn in everybody’s side, fight my enemies over insults that suggest I am a little brother to them, so that they may be predisposed to organise and conduct sexual context insults on me, about which I was a fan of their insults as their opinion and they were popular, so there was never a way that it was likely to end amicably. Then there was the celebrities who were at war with crime control publicity, in which some people were forced to commit crimes, some committed it out of the necessity of survival and some characters needed to be taken off the streets and people worked these matters to live in safer streets, whereby my work facilitated a substantial amount of it, they were at war with it because my concerns had been opened up to them by an idiot who enjoyed pushing other people around and exposing people to doxy society that uses other people’s concerns to build a private army that will help enforce a sense they were incredibly important, thereafter get involved with the same government buildings that helped his stupidities accomplish it, to complain everyday about the results. So I am in control of all these matters, those who enjoyed goading me over it needed to fool around somewhere else, especially so if famous, the famous specifically who are now risking an outcome where I needed to say that I had done the job of gaining an upper hand over their wrong doing so well, that the monster I had built to consume them, was never going to consume me later on, bearing in mind that it is the criminal community that will most fall in love with anything I did to achieve it, as bearing in mind that people are currently not allowed to feed themselves, sleep, work or smell nice by the famous. We are where we are because some gits never stopped suggesting I am the person doing wrong, to read my astrological sign and cling to my income structures with the help of those who were born under dates that made them more dangerous than I am – first it was abusive Scorpio, thereafter it was vagabond Virgo and now poof Leo had joined in over my private security services employment history; we were in a place where the question was one of whether I am sad that the Police Officers made the difficult decisions that they had to make, which quickly veered off into a corner where it was widespread idea that I am a pollock who hangs about supporting Police violence and needed to be made to see both sides of the story, seeing both sides made them abominations that got involved with security services and now needed access to narcissism media for money making purposes that handled my public life, because people had died, to an idiot who liked to bank roll their gimmicks in the USA decided on a campaign of revenge that is still on going, wrecked my finances therefore and left me with no choice but to channel most of my efforts and energy towards my wellbeing. I am not in denial of what is happening around my Office as it is claimed either – only a problem with some characters that got involved with the Monarchy to fight national enemies on my behalf – history is that they ascertained I was a pollock who spent my time supporting police violence, so I needed to be made to see the two sides of the story, on making me see the two sides of the story apparently, we ended up in a situation where they got involved with security service jobs and I had to deal with narcissism media because people had died, they therefore picked up narcissism media after people had died, in order to make money. The problem we faced was the total corruption of my crime control publicity over ideas that these goons were fighting communists on my behalf because I am too much of a coward to get it done myself and it was claimed by the King who also protected them thereof, could be construed as Royal Politics as Royal Politics is always messy and those Royalty had to make a decision not to be messy about ones affairs, but they first rounded me up like sheep, roped me into a corner and when they made this statement it produced the effect of public policy, hence clearly something they believed they ought to do, something they believed in. Overall, it is not my problem at all, I simply need to ensure my position was understood as per a sense that this kind of leadership is not that which the Monarchy would be prepared to go along with in the future; it seems to have been the thing that Queen Elizabeth II passed away before she got to do i.e. stop the King that had reigned throughout her reign, I mean as per the public effects, we know One did lay down the ground work for the whole abdication gig to be abandoned, so they could no longer make a mess, pick up their mistresses and abdicate. The other matter that looked like a problem was the Politicians running off their own vanities – that they had a need to handle my financial structures and income margins over ideas that they were elected to run the Country by the public, the motivation being that since they were not living on food banks literally and had made such a mess of my finances that I was living on unemployment support which their stupidities had gotten fed up providing for as well, they had a need to put up a sales army on my equity and income margins in order to get even luckier, sending out those immoral society low lives that had nothing to lose, to show up expressing an unusual interest in my personal space every day; fools around like this all the time and yet if I decided that my interest in their bum fingering up start insults were that if I see the society and culture support structures for it one more time, they would see it for the last time as well, they will end up with an action I took on my part to eliminate the systems that allowed their stupidities to get elected, so the motivation is clearly that their political idiocy was paying the bills so far. The rest were the low lives, seems that the parts that were complaining about poverty usually get murdered on the streets when I had eliminated all the means by which they got to handle my affairs, at the same time it believed that it was entitled to express an interest in my social media which created it political problems I had to resolve and created me financial problems that made worse the Political problems, nothing wrong with trolling an Arch Prince then, save the part where he had fun at their expense too. Those who considered themselves wealthy would be the main reasons the point was raised that each time I responded to these matters, I talked about what others did and not the contributions I made to the situation, in the sense that should I respond to the contributions I made to the problem, it would have led back down to the same problem of an upstart ageist idiot building communities to finger bums because political idiots who got elected recently were a fan of its gimmicks, so when the Political idiots get involved with my affairs, initial assumption is that they were fans of the way I organised my career to be free of their stupidities but were really here to blackmail me and put up ageist society support pricks that worked for them as sales armies to pillage my career publicity and make them wealthier than they already were; I mean the one that takes an obsessive interest in my affairs for all the wrong reasons, ignores industrial offices that were paying it a lot of money to get a job done, arrives at a stage where it would not tidy up the mess as part of a sense its industrial stupidities was entitled to anything it saw or got its hands on, will not compensate me financially for the mess it had made here and wants me to give back the time that was spent on me when it should rather have been spent on the industrial office that paid the salary which got to its head, which is never going to happen. All together these were the twats that will get me into a position where I had to give them a reason to perform the abusive activities that currently performed in my direction without reason, by making an unforgettable contribution to the wealth and social inequality problem that seemed to have become a yardstick. Here it is said that what I had said was much and I had done much but the problem festers and yes it does because it is not a problem, I am not trailing on public control matters.
The problem is the Celebrities as none can actually tell the part they were playing in the matter but it had since become clear that the need to trash my crime control publicity, get all over my career publicity for the wrong reasons, cling to my clients and cling to my Bookshop, to pillage my patent margins and hang about red carpets suggesting my career ought to cover their backsides, is about to create a result where fans of what I did with their stupidities were likely to be criminals and I ought to do the job so well that the monster I built to consume them would not consume me as well. Here the stupidities will continue to claim that if I did, I would still live at their mercy and if I did not, I would still live at their mercy, reality is that when it complains, we are aware that the jobs which paid them the monies that got to their heads, never paid them to hang about a public places, claiming an Arch Prince’s career or suggesting that their career was what the culture of the land did, to arrive at this stage where I got out of bed everyday to face nauseating financial complications and lifestyle illnesses because their stupidities had come to hate an existence that was so perverted and useless, that they did nothing about the bad people that tackled them as well with no respect for the money that got to their heads but never stopped attacking up standing people, it claims there was nothing I could do about their stupidities naturally because it really wants to give me such a job. So far the best that they could muster was the meddling German influence idiots who cannot keep the insolence where people appreciated it, who showed up here to help them out with narcissism media that was developed to help them secure a way to free themselves from a physically and spiritually filthy existence at my expense, then sell my personal and social life to get luckier with money, so it is a matter of what matters to me the most being jeopardised, so I needed to jeopardise what matters to them the most, to a bully personalities that were picked up since school and have not been shed, trawl around like a disease, pick up my matrimonial narcissism and pair it up with the ways I thought the stupid red carpet appearances and Media presence should be wasted to tidy up the mess that they have made here. I am informed it is incredibly difficult for people to get past what I just did but it is not, its just demanding activity, mostly on the mental side, it is a product of other peoples personal decisions and had nothing to do with me in person, so there was no reason to take it seriously or take it personally – it is a crowd mentality gimmick that allows people to share the wealth of rich people at the expense of other people whom they decided they wanted to channel hate it because it is supposed to be a pleasant experience in their stupid view, so it had been developed up on the point where they also then got to pick up my resources to get luckier with money making gimmicks. The main stage by which this happens is that it was easy to say that I am a nobody and that they had gotten their finances so well sorted out that their opinions ought to take sway over my affairs on account they possessed means and were willing to buy what others were selling at the market. The challenge naturally is that these activities are not what they were being paid to do but if I did not provide a viable response, what is originally a wickedness and an addiction to my personality in terms of the sense that they were more important than I am will develop into a result where people did not have a say as to whether a business was paying them to abuse me because they were working for it in a way that did, so clearly, there was never an instance where some low lives that had nothing to lose converted their social disposition into an abusive gimmick in which they got imagination into my panties, save the times where it was being shown that I am living under the bootheel of their famous idiots – obviously really good at looking for trouble and the addiction to my personality was in itself an entitlement, since last my relationship with employers had been badly corrupted by their radio wave gimmicks again, they had begun to look where their stupidities were certainly going to find some. They do claim I hated the famous because I was the same as they were which is not the case; my relationship with employers have been corrupted again in a bid to secure private security industry services from me whilst it pays rogue landlords to steal my dietary activities for their famous stupidities, then enlist local council gits to work me for homelessness if I am living on unemployment support and finished off with its own corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers that run me down whilst I spend my own money at the market, which also goes on to corrupt my overseas business interests too, as a statement that they were evil people mandated by immoral society, continues because they had used the media to create a sense their behaviour towards me was due to the fact they loved me whilst these activities therefore took up a state at my career publicity where it can be practiced to any extent, only to show up on Media every day, run it off and mock me about a sense that there was nothing I could do about it – I finished with the social aspect of this nonsense which was the problem I faced with my academic pursuits and career, so it all ended and it was clear to the society gits that took part, that it would not take much to deter them with a sense that if they decided to stifle my concerns by getting imagination into my panties and no response on my part was effective because they were backed by a community, I will pursue my affairs with respect to the existence of their community as though they were not entitled to keep their clothes on, considering it suited them better, but since 2017 when this happened, everything with my finances had gone down hill whilst the public control processes were in perfect condition on account a bunch of self-seeking idiots with a need to see me serve them and statements being made that the best use of my career was to cover their backsides and get paid for it, were fucking famous pricks and I am writing this in 2024; so it is an us versus them mentality by which being Royalty that is cash strapped is no longer something I did for a career publicity state of affairs but there is now actual financial damage that I needed to pay attention to, in a need to share the income of the wealthy with it, it had arrived at a stage where it picks up my career publicity and resources, attacks me and tries to befriend wealthy and famous people over social issues such as ageism and sexism etc, arriving at a stage where it had to tell me that the fact it was a fan of some famous idiot was the threat that I faced which is simply one of those instances where it was easier for their families to get a feedback for the nonsense I had tolerate here, than it was with respect to the famous idiots who could always get slippery because they possessed a media presence to play with. It is all on the premise that what they said and did with my affairs was to take premise over what I felt because they had done better financially than I had done but had done for themselves naturally - so annoying each time it would turn out that they did by picking up my property without permission and making stupid excuses about the way I am Royalty, which added up to a business of making a name for themselves by soliciting public involvement with my affairs for equality and not because I had set out a Bookshop and earned a living as a writer. I am told people talked the way I did but when they met the famous they buckled – I am unlikely to I suppose, if the facts are that they had once again corrupted my business with employers to continue goading me over public control since 2017 when they began it, in order to cling to my public image and income margins, then build a crowd that bullied me to help them get even luckier at the markets because they were already financially comfortable, a crowd which was to work on the basis that handling my affairs abusively helped to share the incomes of the wealthy, whilst they trashed my finances to make it possible. So, it all works on the basis of living under their bootheel whilst at the same time they had created a perception that got the public thinking their interest in me was affectionate, so there was no end to it, especially when they got people to set out a living and become completely dependent on it. I need to take up the matter of rogue landlords, corrupt private security, abusive shop keepers and any gits working me for homelessness on their behalf at the local council, perhaps finish off with a bit on people who worked the tax system for them too, then meet them over it with prevalent issues being that each time I set out work for a Bookshop, I am certain to arrive at the end of the month, to find that clients were unable to engage and wanted me to defend from Celebrities in order for them to, whilst I was being held over a barrel in the sense they had picked up my career publicity to foster a gimmick in which my interest in getting the Bookshop financially successful, more so with their help, was more important than either religion, the Monarchy or both, whilst the business of a reputation as broke Royalty which was meant to run as a face for the work I had done was turned into s self-fulfilling prophesy, my schedule interfered with and stifled, finished off with practical jokes built up for every single stage of progress that I made with work on the bookshop, on starting and ending a new month in such a condition, the Bookshop had become a ridiculous affair i.e. my point being that in the face of these facts, I am unlikely to buckle if we met because of it, on account that they believed a completely different set of facts they made up and were likely to work hard at convincing me that I was unhappy about nothing, at least nothing that was actually a fault of theirs. It is a behaviour that encourages me to convert this process of arriving at a point after point of frustration where I had to make a resolution and a decision, into a plan to pursue them up to their retirement, considering they have been keeping their jobs and incomes the whole time and it had taught them nothing about the importance of these issues; such that they will want to have that retirement even when I had decided it was one they never will and then they will have it in hell (They do claim I annoyed them because I am soppy which is natural as their barely criminal friends no longer tackle me because I am cold fish and they always needed to build communities that finger peoples bums an upstart and these were the women showing they were tough and I was Fleshman, likely to get worse where the men were concerned, they seem to have learned their place and were spending their savings to be part of the abusive gimmick that suggests I am a low life, if I pushed it further, I will wreck a Political system, considering the big mouth that runs at me every day. They were more interested and engaged in a gimmick where they had developed an alliance with German influence gits, to show up here running me down endlessly, making a mess of instances where my work was associated with instances of security service staff merging into general population for a job, the condition where I am a coward that did not deserve my career and was unlikely to treat my clients like Royalty would cost me everything, to selling products to every prick with some spending power, that wanted to be treated like Royalty and expanding deep into my affairs with civil disobedience, as such a treatment was never likely to come from me, making a mess of everything around here with on the ground results where localised and overseas terrorists had discovered new funding methods for their gimmicks because idiots like these were famous, whilst still trying to convince everybody that they did what they have been doing because I am a coward. Hence I get soppy properly as it were and it can easily become the least of their worries too; it should not be this difficult for security to be provided for the public naturally, the case is an old story here in which messing around with service staff makes work for leadership who curated most of their involvement with the public, so there was always the prospect of these famous idiots getting some of that younger people risk their lives and the older people linger situation whilst trying to be famous, before suggesting it was all my fault over ideas that I am the cheap shot, culminating in a result where I shop somewhere and the shops next door took up a role in this nonsense to express the fact they were evil people, make a mess of my overseas business interests whilst their famous stupidities enlisted some idiots that joined the armed services to fight my wars and it is now about to developed into a reason for an experiment to find out if they were really as evil as they said they were.).