One is very well aware of the vandalism and blackmail for wealth and good life without work that Celebrity culture idiots, develop around access to One's privacy, which they do have because he has been stuck renting flats with their community idiots for the best part of the last decade. In the same way it is a grand plan and programme to punish them for those things and One will do nothing to protect himself from an abuse of privacy that occurs and knowledge between himself and them from it too, which in any case they so express on media for taunting him and to determine what people think, which they by the way do without determining what people are or become with the same means as well, to be safe from the most violent elements of society, on account that they think they will arrange him death as sacrifice for it as well and cannot stop insolently following him everywhere or making up affinities concerning shared skin colour with arguments that hide their hatred of his faith, in order to have some decadence that One continuously takes away from them at the left hand side and left wing but without achieving a change in their attitude anyway, by so doing never the less.
It is fair to imply it goes without saying, with regards more so to what happens on the left hand side, that being one of the Queen's Sons, One does get around dashing everywhere playing sexual games with women and there are obvious implications to doing so. On a personal note, we all understand it has been swirling around a case of how One is an enemy of women and how people never listen to those who can see through me and make that case always. The reality of course is that it does appear that the fact is funny even so that One does not have to offend women in any way to be targeted and abused and dislodged from own traditions, all that needs to have occurred is to walk down the streets and have the misfortune of a condition where they have seen and then that is what triggers it. The other side of the story is that this whole case of young women and girls that get killed by a serial killer every time they are loyal to HH and some look after the fact that One is single which has nothing to do with them needs to change and do so soon enough as well – they need to inform their husbands and men different about the world around them and need to teach their block head children differently as well because if these women at The Royal Estate are targeted any one more time they will set it off here as well – unless of course if they do have a means and an ability to have Him beaten up so they can collect fraternity of Nation to be rooted in the land with, for now however we all know they complain that he is the one that took up and completely destroyed the fraternity that women had in order to court their hatred of in the first place which is not an emotive issue as both are not mates, they will learn to keep their insults where it is appreciated and of course when One does require their own and or more so want it the way they are offering it, He will ask for it and everybody will see and everybody will know that I did, until then this is how it stays. Some do raise this so called reality about what propels them to behave in that way but the facts around it has always been as simple as plain evil, theft above the law and simple wickedness and they, not least their fame freaks and celebrities too need to leave One alone as we are not mates and stay off my books. Its a matter of what is required and what it costs to create a volatile condition that is always on hand to ensure they can sacrifice people to it whenever it becomes life threatening for them and of course what is so important about some men that tend to give them the best results when they are sacrificed which then tends to mean that is the point where their argument moves from personal protection to corruption and power and money? They do claim I want to live in a period when celebrities were afraid of me but I do not know that they were afraid of me, I am aware I was not particularly thrilled about their existence, in which condition whilst there were existing undercurrent of abuses, every now and then situation will never have developed into a result where I dropped out like it did but somebody had to ensure I was thrilled about their existence, thereafter I spent some time looking like I owed some narcissistic parents a debt of affection, after which when I set out to recover my finance my age was a factor – it was a factor when I attended university, it was a factor when they claimed it was a factor again 6 years to 2024 and it is still a factor in 2024, so I would really like to be told where they stood on my age or they needed to fool around somewhere separate from my Bookshop. Two main matters emerge from this eventually and one was the idea that I spent a lot of time wishing other peoples parents were my parents, of which it was never clear why or how anybody would wish other peoples parents were his or her parent into their 40s but then again the insults usually know no limits, especially when they had like in my case, accessed the way I organised myself for public work, so now they were healthier than ever and their nepotism is at its peak, in simple words, it needs to keep its mouth shut as it is getting on my nerves, starting to look for trouble where its stupidity was likely to find it readily. I personally besides the business of the fact that I am the one shutting the doors their stupidities prize open on the meddling with older adults business whereby it turned out ageism was easily a crisis due to the fact some people did not raise their children in such a way as meant that they would be happy people later in life, I had no idea why we were talking about the parents, since it is not the parents social life, personal life or career that was the main point of call here, they had finished their own, even if I were referring to their parents, all parents had finished their own at out current age, I want to see what they had to offer. Here it said the issue of the way some people raised their children was more complicated than I had put it but it is as they say these goons always had the option not to be such an ass when it came to other people’s wellbeing, although it did not make sense since not being an ass where peoples wellbeing was concerned, would develop into a result where they had not created the kinds of social problems that will enhance the importance of the nepotism that they would have developed for their situation later on, especially when famous but I am saying that they always had such an option – where the adults that were the reason to consider risks were concerned, we know according to history, they will likely pick up some young women who get involved with my Office to run off get rich quick popularity culture on my public image, about which any little response from me will easily build up to an immoral society revenge for historic good deed.