April 27, 2016
I hear of this brewing masculinity debate, I have to say I have found it amusing since it is rather difficult to locate how it would be a masculinity debate if it is to do with a problem associated with Women that are beyond the league of some Men – meaning that she will never ever hear what the Men in question are saying and it can even go on to a case of marriage where a partner hears you speak but it never ever gets through for years and years, until death do us part or the day it breaks up etc. The case of Men doing dangerous jobs that keep society going is a valid point I accept that but I for instance do not have a history of being angry and miserable and yet I get out of bed to express such feelings because Women have become obsessed with finding Men that are going to give them a gift of seeing me get beaten up. Then the result of all that nonsense becomes that they fancy themselves bullies and my feelings are always prone to it – so the help I can offer at this stage where they do not feel like complying with clearing my space on account they find their behaviour amusing is that my life is basically about waking up in the morning to the last passage of the Bible I read still ringing in my mind, or even the last song I listened to etc and in that way if I carry on my daily concerns and it springs up several times, I will know that my mind is clean before God – I do not want to think about their corrupt twisted and evil feminism that wants to corner and trap me for the fun of bullying all the time, just to get on Media and find themselves amusing – while they are at it of which I am sure they will remember that some people actually do suggest the way to ensure that they never ever dare is to get hold of them and beat them up seriously without reason on account they have started looking the part at a certain age and then there will be no chance of their stupid minds thinking about knowing where people anus and penis is all of the time; it is a fact worth paying attention to when in my case they fancy themselves such a bunch of really dumb steadfast bullies. By the way of which a large proportion of my personality is what it is because British Mums have made it that way and a large proportion of the stupidities of feminists is what it is because it is what it is, so the masculinity debate does not actually adequately address the issue as a whole, which is what I am saying here. They do make out the problem to be that I crash peoples party of course, which is utter nonsense – what happens is that their stupidities want to be rich and famous and when it has gotten to that position, I end up with Men that normally beat up scum like me who are horrible to women because they have never really had somebody fight it out with them over the matter of kinds of justice until all the matters are resolved as it were – so that now that they have been able to get rich and famous at my expense, the more I tell them to stop is the worse they will get and that Popular culture has become something I have deemed to be my personal problem all together, so that I might find out what it is exactly they are going to do as a whole people too. the real problem is that they need to listen to what other people are saying to them, not a masculinity debate; when I mention that I put up with at least five times the pressure which causes them to be the feminists idiots that they are at present and causes their stupid Men to attack other people and end up in prison, it should never get to mean that I am inferior to them because that just becomes insulting all together and when they do, should not complain about the result as well – since I do still find the time to get out there and keep certain elements of social evil out of mainstream living so that they can have an existence as well and their insults especially from the none whites is a very tiresome thing to experience.
This has never really been a serious matter all round – it’s like the story in Europe being that I am the black guy that likes to pretend I know a lot about their great civilisation and now my interference is starting to pay off whereby I pay for the damage and am being made to, while I pretend that EU Migration has been some form of benevolence on the part of the British; which has nothing to do with anything all together, European Politicians have always been the most insolent scumbags in the world, they have the entire populous of their Countries on this lockdown of delusion where they think that by taking part in elections they are determining their own destiny, whereas they are only helping fools like these to get financially comfortable and control their lives in that way – so they think they have sorted out that Industrial power play to a point where they can blab a big mouth at me and create pockets of places where my property can go to vanish and are now complaining because that is not successful; there is always the sense nobody really cares but I am watching them and they can take this statement as a warning as well if they like and it’s not like they are not in dire straits at present anyway, concerning this temperament mistresses stuff I do where Women are bound to take up my thing and do it if they feel somebody is encroaching on their House, added to the part where I am completely insane as well – so this is all bound to progress to the part where I build a public life on it because their big mouth wags too often as well. They are usually to me a typical example of why Monarchy should not interfere with Politics as it makes things worse, I do not interfere here in the UK, the Politicians are the ones that have creaked such a myth; it is ever so difficult to actually work out what level of greed propels people to plan a life of getting rich on being able to access people income first and then working out what service they need and how to provide it later which means that the primary prognosis of their plans to be financially comfortable is always based on claiming ownership of the state of affairs of entire communities which builds this atmosphere of pure evil where individuals have no chance whatsoever, so it’s all very well blowing off their big mouth at this point like nobody has had enough of them yet all together, when they start.
It is their responsibility to create equality with poor people by making sure that as poor people have to have work in hand in order to be paid, they have to show their work in hand in order to have the riches they want as well and the reason is that they are already rich – this is what makes it their responsibility otherwise there is no economy and no recovery and I will start to defend myself from those who pillage my property because they are affected by social issues rather than do the right thing for my part, the way they want it as well.
It is therefore purported that I have spent so much of my time going round in pointless circles, which has no basis on reality; in the last few days I simply needed to punish white boys that had gotten into a habit of making out the answer for all things is to find out which Royalty was helping me with my Finances and then steal the income through their parents who will handle the contracts. They have always boasted that there is nothing I can do about them and I do suppose that lies on the right until it is a state of affairs. Which by the time I had cleared out will give way to the effects of going overseas to find more black women and bring them to the UK to make trouble in order to start another set of lies about the problems my race create which I should be spending my energy on – playing the role of the civil rights idiot that cannot leave others alone and looks the part of being celebrity than their victims do will suffice, so as to get into a habit of telling me what to do violently as well. The black women were the ones that were denied all the rights in the world of course, so their whole duty on this planet is to find some person whose religion has forced him to promise not to do violent things while they do what they have to do and that means making me look like I have no support from friends and family and that beside a white boy who has his academics and parents cars and wits about him I will always be inferior – none of which I have a problem with for my part anyway provided people keep their insults where it is appreciated. So the point of the pointless going round in circles is that if they steal my income and do the celebrity routine that damages the ones they cannot steal, especially when the Celebrities costs me millions while my financial problems are becoming a crisis that affects others, they should expect trouble with absolute certainty. I did not say it was amusing like they would want to make it out to be all the time, seeking some form of social amnesia that will ensure when the fight kicks off they can be fearless on grounds of thinking the part where they started it has been completely forgotten. I do not want them to engage with me as it is always either about making my state security work for them as well and anything else about my person that means I am not vulnerable to what they are vulnerable to, which then allows them to absolutely carpet every aspect of my life with their leafy girls boyfriends problems, threaten me all the time and get off to deploying my public image to get rich or steal my income at the company and attack me for power at the end; it is a real asset that gets damaged by this behaviour, the one that means a customer has waited for ages and walked away without being served again and again and again, so they might steal the income and abuse other peoples normalcy.
They say I use terms like leafy girls to describe people and that it will affect me too and it is utter nonsense; what happens is that I see the world by what I see and what I hear and what I smell and it is so intense that I am a bit retarded when it comes to touching things and touching people but others will assume it makes perfect sense or constitutes a worthy actually to get after my head and my anus and penis to show they are daring people that really love making others breathless by having a laugh with processes of having people ambushed as a social existence all of the time, which always happens before we hear them complain as well. The reality is that I am socially gay and we do not see them get about making trouble for socially gay girls at their academic work or at their study of nature etc like most of them typically do as it were because it will lead to much bigger problems, what they do is assume that I am the soft touch. All I can say is that they can keep doing it if they wanted; making sure the entirety of other people’s lives are about their greed on account they have needs, grab anus and penis and cause people pain by whacking them all over their body by influencing them with cars and the possibility they might be hit or poked with something hard to groom their minds for it and one of these days it will not so happen that the Police will pick them up in pieces as well.
Then we hear them blab about how my problem is with security guards which does make me wonder why it is that after all these years they have only just worked that out in the first place. I mean I have a small security job to attend to, working for a shop and public transport operatives know which jobs I cannot do, while leafy girls boyfriends know which deals I am supposed to make with my personality considering others are more fitting celebrities than I am, which grooms me for depression while somebody climbs up a CCTV to finger my bum and punch my tummy all the daylong at a security job, then remind me I am doing security job that is meant for women, when I inform him about being half way through making sure all things that own shares at Public transport and are not allies of mine will be running for their lives soon enough as well, the part where I get to inform them they are clearly concerned with CCTV and with Celebrities and with Politicians and therefore are security guards for a Man’s world while I work for Women’s world and that fight they seek is coming to them soon enough, provided the bum fingering continues on their part in public places as it were – it becomes obvious hereof that they do not want their homes to be broken into while they think it is a worthy use of my time to raise questions about why I support the Police on the basis my Government security is based on surveillance, whereas everybody else can see that if my personality deters crime I need to realise that there are others who have that position for a job and that since the lowest earners take £23,000 pa it is a pretty important one as well – at this stage of which the whole thing is now developing into a situation where the criminals who liked to track me as per whether I am earning some real money or indeed I have a certain behaviour when it comes to getting to the Bank and so on, have turned over every process I have put in place to subvert their activities and make themselves their tracker and so these fools are making sure their buglers are able to track me all together instead; there is that assumption that I am not therefore going to cut to pieces the celebrity one for them as well all together, they are only just finding out the fight has always been with security guards. I mean the use of CCTV these days is that of when I walk outside for some fresh air, I have somebody give me a sense he is hovering weights above my head and dropping it on me so that the pressure then gets right through to my intestines and then he can fantasies what my tummy is doing and finger the bum violently to get what he wants and then it will be followed by neighbourhood scum keeping it up and every idiot with a car having a go as they drive by but when I walk down the road and decide I want to walk at the very edge of the pavements, so that drivers might become nervous, knowing that nervous drivers make accidents happen and that accidents kill people, he has problems with watching it going home with depression because I would win as well. Then we hear the bloody idiots tell me I deserve it and that I have chosen the better way to resolve the issue than stopping a process of abusing celebrities and politicians – the answer to their question of which is that no employer is indispensable and nobody gets to rip up my life over a decade and trap me with an employer who is offering me a security job at a shop so that he might abuse me every day and extricate personality he wants to hand over to celebrities and politicians to facilitate his high gone to his head security earnings without problems and now they know that whatever it is they will do to me will be done from where they are, so they can get cracked as well while I turn them over and fry up the other side of them as well enough as I should too. I can go to my work place and set out that I do not want seniority happening but they will always pretend it is fun to break my rules and so the seniority will happen against somebody quite advanced in age or middle aged and then get about stirring up the problem again and again and again; so what I want to do is find their living rooms and open up their best drinks, not because I drink but because it will have the same effect what I do not get to do is make time to find their living rooms, so the other best option is opening up culture and society and right hand side instead and that has now created this process where they have gone into Public transportation to have their revenge and I have gone into it as well to find anything that owns shares and is not an ally of mine and then destroy it – so I am now looking back at how well I ploughed that route too.
At this stage they say I feel I have had it all done but something is still festering but it is an old story about how walking down the streets gets reported to some fashion designer who does something with it and then I can make contact with a court system and administrate the handles, was the way it was supposed to have worked because my security is surveillance based but instead I now need time and money to make physical contact with celebrities and fashion models before I earn a living. So that what happens is that poor people have no choice but to work for something before they have money, so it is not up to them to show a conventional connection between their money and some produce or service they provided to somebody to help them in order to be paid it – it is up to those that are rich to do so, otherwise there will be no economic recovery when it is all happening through some stupid imaginary accounting system and the economy will never recover as well. It is their responsibility to do this as rich people and stop getting between me and my client instead as the answer for all their stupid problems, every time these clients want my help to deal with trouble makers infiltrating their establishments to get jobs and managerial positions. What they are actually scared of being the fact that 30% of their incomes on average does not actually involve being paid for doing something, it involves Media and Industry organised robbery where they take peoples incomes and share it between them and this is what they are trying to hide because it is the extra margin needed to keep up an image that does not actually belong to them. They do say these Clients of mine make money in the same way as well which has no basis on reality as the main issue is that each time I carry on my case with Politicians and Media and Industry goons, they want to steal my secretes to work for millionaires and celebrities and tell me the fight is with security guards about whom I can do nothing which is not a good statement to make so incessantly when the issues at heart is world peace and then these clients tend to ask them why they are not copying what I do verbatim instead of making up their own, ask them how I am doing it and why they are not copying it verbatim as it were; the annoying problem is that each time my work is needed, I cannot sell my Books because of these idiots, so they can get about making me very active at paid employment by fingering my bum, grabbing my penis, leaving me with depression all day long at a security guard job and yet it does also show that even the process of getting paid employment on my part is something that annoys them with that big mouth; I have been living for years with the fact the fight has always been with security guards and when it is about being abused at Public transport it is Politicians ruining a Royal Estate for me, when it is random on the streets it is celebrities doing it and both are going to hate my guts more than they already do at present too. it’s about setting it all out; what happens if I write Books about others is that it becomes a real books and I earn a living and then it becomes an issue in a Law Court if they are unhappy with it, not getting into my personality and personal life to find what I am writing, so as to go off to build an existence that will fit with it and a government office that will stop me from writing it because people hate religion. Now they have set up their celebrated idiots and pretended I will end up in a libel court case with those as if I am stupid; so what they want to do to live up to this boast is ensure all I do at my Company is reworked for Popular culture to improve the possibility that might be the case and the fight is with security guards I ought to know – the fucking idiots.
The question now becomes that of how I intend to get it all done as I have dislodged what Government security was about to do to support me on the matter but I have it covered i.e. I have such proximity to society trouble makers that I will keep those informed about their jobs and lives every single time; this will produce an outcome in which Government security beautiful is not disturbed, perhaps I might write Book about it someday – but their complain about what I do to ensure trouble makers chase their private parts when they are doing important celebrity and journalistic jobs but have no intentions to stop or change their behaviour will reach its peak and then when such tyrannies emerge as usually does I will probably go off and die at the very beginning and the bullies will fight it out; they need to get off my Book sales and clear my space. It’s always been the reality of it all i.e. if you give these liberal civil rights fools half the chance, this is what they will spend all of the rest of your life doing i.e. they should be the ones selling your books to those who want it because you are superior to them and those you are selling the Books to are powerful and they are most in need of power – so this tale of how the problem involves the way I run my affairs is not based on fact either. It’s never been an unusual issue, it’s just their way of saying that they have seen others work hard on something for years and then get better at it thereafter while they do not have plans to work for anything for their part all together and then the problem starts when they get rich too – we find that even when they have a company that perhaps has branches in dozens of Countries and that the entire world knows what belongs to them and what does not, they are still convinced they can steal or take over other people’s property and this makes me so angry and can only be resolved when we ensure the Millionaires return to being street vendors, so they can live in the real world like everybody else but for now the strategy of starting a campaign where the big problem with me is that nobody gets to see my achievements has paid off and I am not informing society and culture trouble makers about the nitty-gritty of their stupid jobs and I get the sneaky feeling that I am actually not the person that invented the process all together. They complain we ever start out an existence by criticising and condemning liberal people and their evil and wickedness, which has no basis on reality as what actually happens is that She will know what to do to look after herself but she never will until she is sexually assaulted and then she must become a popular culture idiots to help facilitate a process where people are split from their personality so others can live in it because they thought they were superior but were actually inferior all along. The reality is that it has never been a matter of respect as we find that these guys can easily become the 60 year olds that are still realising things about the facts of the world around them and because they are well aware of what the effects of their stupidities are become completely obsessed with getting involved with other people’s concerns and never ever change for the better but want change to occur around them all of the time. it’s never been about choosing to be an indoors or outdoors person either – we can see what makes me angry is being interrupted when I am doing something that matters, except that my reaction is needed so much, in order for people to get their fix of it this has become the only thing they want to do with Media; personal favourite one is of course taking over my schedule to make out they are really clever and then setting my reaction out to be something of what an unfair society does to them, everyday.
There is always mystery about what all of these matters are about, of which the simple truth is that first of all, people want to share my life and what I have but they also want to hide such a reality and come up with something that will ensure they are able to gather power and to gather a crowd if they need to and so I want to hide the fact it makes me feel good that people want what I have to such an extent and come up with something else that will cause them to go round and round in circles as painfully as what they inflict on me feels like too, then there is also the fact that being found to stay up at night working on your computer is guaranteed to earn you a level of misogyny from society and the neighbourhoods, which no human being previously thought possible but that could be half of it when it turns out others want to get famous with your public life and because of their opinion of themselves, they have no wish to stop it if they could demand that you behave instead – so I simply cannot deal with both sides. The answer to the question of why I am now alienating and getting rid of people of which is that interesting fact that it is the Pop stars that never ever hurt me no matter what, of which technically my Court should never do anyway and I say technically because there are matters on hand which are a work in progress at present – the incessant, pointless, continued and sustained violence and attacks always come from the Actors and the Journalists and TV Personalities, of which they will then tell me I have omitted the Fashion People when I mention it but the fashion People of which are in a position that can be explained i.e. they are 80% stubborn and 20% Brains and most of what they do is a reflection of how they think most people want to treat and handle them. The part where I am wrong about how Pop stars do not hurt me of which is entirely wrong too, as not all Pop stars are affiliated to me, even though a vast majority want to make songs about me, which is a condition I do not want but am relatively powerless to stop because the attacks from Actors and Journalists and TV Personalities and Fashion people usually encourages pornography on my Public life as well. It’s a simple matter of people putting an end to a process where their needs turn up around my comforts, whereby they want to get famous on my public life and because they are better human beings than I am, rather than stop it when there are problems, I need to behave or need to be made to. In their defence they claim my incessant complains about everything causes people to want to fight for me and it does not in any way whatsoever – what happens is that when people start to show up at the job centres to keep young adults out of work until there is some co-operation with their needs in kind, no media fools or famous idiot that has done better than me in life notices this is what fat cat shareholders look like unless I am the problem when I am being held down for them to wee on basically – then it progresses into a state where every bastard with a car want to keep women out of work and employ criminals in peoples families and neighbourhoods and then it will progress right up to the part where they need to shut down my business empire and steal the secretes to work for millionaires and to create the future and when I refuse to co-operate, set off to fund and abate militant socialism that will get rid of Monarchy, then create world war, then Americans will bail the world out, considering that is what will happen since it is what is set in historical precedent and then they will become friends of the world’s most wealthy and powerful capitalist, have what they want and have so much money they cannot measure their financial strengths and become masters of the Universe; so when I write my Books, these complaining goons who fight for me will screw with it until the problems get worse and worse and when their bottom hurts as well pretend that is my problem to fix as well and it is much the same with organised crime, where somebody creates a £200,000 product and another turns up to make his own version of it and when this tribute makes him money, turn out at Popular culture to make gang based trouble and seek equality with everybody while punishing anything that detaches him or her from organised crime all together, when I write my Books, they screw with it as in messed up your sales for today and it was amusing and it is never peace and quiet with the grown up scoundrels around and its all your fault because when we rip up your finances your business tends to become that of a poor idiot supporting the super rich so the poor can get poorer, so that even my Books can then be counterfeited as well all together, ruining all I have done and costing me all that expense in the process to make sense of what their freedoms were supposed to have been. So I can keep counting them if I wanted but they will always amount to publicly expressed incredible levels of very destructive and wasteful stupidity like we see them give to the frugal if they had any in the first place at all. They can of course do their own tale of how all should not end up in the hands of the few like they love to but it will only be understood by them if it finally gives way to a process where I handle their personal and family life in the same way, like I have done before, so they can tell me my Books should not be sold because it creates nostalgia for liberal scum. As for the ones that love their threats and merchandising stuff, they like to say it’s a religion and it is not, it is actually a form of evil; the Muslim ones are rather very popular because they are the ones that are known for being radicalised the most when you do their own as well; the rest are learning that when my bottom hurts because they want to be able to use as many people as possible to make money and be comfortable and I am their spare leader and spare resources in whose life and concerns they can come and go as they please, there will never be consequences if that was what they predicted with a big mouth. So it is Buddhist or it is Hindu and it really loves to bang its car door on my head and train its eyes on my baby body and bang its car doors on my tummy and finger my bum and link the whole stupidity with processes of getting rich and ensuring it is able to have a good day all round when it attends to its daily affairs and I am left in no doubt as a result that it does not want to be Christian at all, so we all end up at the other end with questions about what it is exactly that is wrong with my glorious personality that even has its own range and territory all together. Otherwise they are so busy putting all their eggs in the right baskets, supporting the right Politicians and ripping up my business empire to create a spare leader that constitutes a backup plan and it comes with bum finger and tummy hitting, which is actually very painful contrary to what their stupid minds think and all and nobody knows what their problem with the Books are anyway, why they cannot get a copy of their own. So they say Journalists hate my guts and people need to listen to the problems brewing as a result - I would never know anyway, journalists mostly do not hate me because something has gone wrong, they do because they feel they are fundamentally superior, want to make money with my public life and should not be stopped or asked to stop but I rather should be told to behave so they might do what they need to do and so I feel that an end to my problem with journalists will be the day they stop turning out to earn some extra tens and fives of thousands on my work stifling my income and leaving me with a crisis all the time, which is not attached to their salaries but is related to a process where they have shown their foolish faces on Public Media, which makes them ever so scared of being asked to show the link between their total earnings and the work they have done in order to be paid, so as to allow the poor to exist and survive as well. The problem they have a s whole is that I do not want them to engage with me, while they have come up with lies about how I engage with them first thereby bringing it on myself, so as to keep the suspense going and ensure I can never stop them from taking anything they want, hence their hate is of course I suppose something that will get them out of the problems associated with this behaviour all together anyway. I for my part do not engage with them when I know that pecking them never works the way it works for young people and youth over my finances because their disobedience is one that is almost academic in nature, one that is easily seen as a solution to a problem, for instance when they express the fact that it would be a useless venture to get about pushing 50 year olds for their extra income because their face appeared on Television but it makes sense to do 18 year olds because those are only just leaving home and will fight harder than a wounded Bear over their income meaning that whether or not you take it from them is largely a matter of how much pointless attrition they are prepared to put before you; what happens with when I engage with Media is for instance a Journalist who reports the News for Asia and makes this statement about lots of people wanting to offload at me and every other relationship I have with them is pretty much the same too. As for the tale of how I have insulted everybody around and all over the place; Women and Politicians and anything that moves, first of all there is really nothing that they can do about me but the main case around my so called insults is that the answer for all things in their stupid lives is to tell me they do not like it and want mine and these things are about making them absolutely certain, regardless of what Politicians and Media do to ensure their confidence of a possibility of succeeding is lifted, that they can never ever have my life, never ever have it in hell: I mean I was there when their laziness took a dimension that amounted to evolution all together and their stubbornness alongside it too, so this shall not be one of their many privileges. In terms of how my Books make the Monarchy unsettled, its the Part where I mentioned something about The Prince of Wales not having respect for me or that I want an apology both of which are not things that actually exist in the real world but I did to ensure People can get involved with him and distract him from ruling the Country like he is their fucking mate and of course turn up and hand pick my property for their conveniences after if they wanted - I did to ensure I make money from the process of their ambitions being the meaning of other peoples lives as well whenever and through each occasion in which I sell the Books. We hear this talk all the time of how the fight is with black people and not what happens with the Monarchy but we know black people understand my position on their feelings about what is to happen to the kind of respect I give to my parents considering that they have needs, the Politicians however need to solve their own problems when spending money on female lunatics that want to have sex with me, only to realise it is not possible and become obsessed with seeing me get beaten up, to spend tax payer funds aiding them and some more of it keeping me cash strapped, while they handle my Public life has eventually paid off; I have had enough for my part of the lies on the left and then the right and then the left again and am starting to come up with plans to close that down all together, the reason is that nobody moves into my right hand, so we can find out what it is exactly they can do - I need to breathe. Its nothing new about the insults and threats surrounding the case of me insulting everything that moves, ranging from Women to Government operatives, they do understand that its an old story where Hero kills villain and we pick up the pieces to find it is all an exploration of certain kinds of justice and that it would be nice if they kept their popular culture off me and insults where it really belongs. They do claim the reasons these things happen is that I am poor but I suppose it had never been in doubt since my resources have all been spent on Politicians getting this insane and them ripping up my income to play their foolishness out on the global scene and I know I have to get out of bed everyday and deal with somebody claiming I have made it appear that people can just travel into the UK and get rich, while all the stupidities we see them make excuses for in order to attack those that have not hurt them over Money is because somebody did it to them once - once and it ruined their lives to the very end, so we all know is what is done to me is done to them they would be homeless or dead already, so there is no point bringing it up, its not the kind of poor they are thinking about.
Posted by Ikpe Uno.