December 4, 2011
Of course I am selfish, I am selfish and very proud of it; they are the ones that demand things from people just because those people are their children and would never have existed without them and they can never be satisfied, as they can see the books I write are funny as well when they love to get on media to fantasise in public about controlling me and like to brag I am one of their children which then puts me in a place where they can get to hurt me if they want. I have beaten them before and will again, I can only advise anybody who has their satanic powers keep it to themselves. The black ones make out they will force me to fight racism and so I will never talk about it in real terms because it seems when I do talk about it with respect to facts and issues I keep them around for telling them fighting racism is something useless people do is not yet enough, so it seems I will hurt them seriously as well before it gets better. I say such things and then say the bad things I say about racism because I am a genius and they are a set of idiots. Of course if most of the things I say and do is seen from the correct lens what really has happened is that MPs told me fighting racism is something useless people do and I took it to another level. This is not exactly true, what Mps did was support my parents when they tell me to fight racism for a couple of years so intensely they left downing street and parliament to chase me around the streets of the UK until they succeed, then tell me racism is something useless people do, so Mps do it because they think they are tough enough for if they did when I was a child I would stay at home less and rather occupy myself with some small job which would mean I have experience and would be able to move away from home at 17 and nobody would be able to bully me with experiences I had with my parents for the rest of my life to the point where my efforts to seek employment is funny, so they did it to me at 21 because if they did it to somebody they could beat then the person would be beaten in a couple of years and then from then the person can have their lives ahead of them and MPs can have trophy victory and evil power egos, so they did it to somebody they could not beat because of how much power they wanted and how long they wanted it to last. It is not hurting them badly enough yet obviously so they are still sitting on my income with a big mouth.
It’s like their media idiots make so much noise about economic problems we should be solving supported by black idiots that know lots of things that others should be using their position to do for their fathers and mothers. Whereas what we have continually had around here is a condition where Russia for example supplies gas to Europe at a certain price and in no time a set of idiots are in Russia to make it democratic as a result of which there are new economic challenges new costs and because they are stupid as well and never cover their tracks back here the result is prices they cannot control while they turn out to have desires to use somebody else to fix the problems if the answers are not forth coming. They have never planned anything properly in their silly lives and it never ceases to continue to get worse and worse as well.
I speak of threats from developing economies which I do because my products reach those countries and every idiot there wants to have sex with expensive scallywags and take the cost for it out of my bank balance, they turn up aid those fools and get off to get rich on media claiming people like me should be deported back to Africa where we can be used in ways others see fit to ensure that the world is balanced with respect to wealth distribution which must also mean all none white people getting off their back when they are the thieves on the other hand. They pick it up especially the black ones and get all over the place on media with it claiming something needs to be done about developing economies but it is the same old problem. Inflation in China is 200% in 1950, by 1975 it is brought down to 15%, they have printed new money and restructured their economy, so an idiot that wants to make china democratic or bring about wealth distribution with the earnings of those that have the power to fix these problems cannot have enough of reporting rubbish about china with a process of insulting me on Public places every time he or she travels to china and so the problems come along and the costs come along and the economic issues come along but let’s face it economies in countries that have loyalties to these fools because of their wickedness have never really been doing badly because they could have done any better; they were stupid as young people, then they got immoral and then they got wicked once they had jobs and as soon as they had families became selfish as well and the concept of other people does not exist in their view and so will their connection with America and how it affects my bank balance need to be reviewed as well continually until we have a system of things which is definite and if economies are not doing well because of this, like everything else turf.
I personally do not mind if Politicians get on a vendetta to take away my right to privacy. I do not even mind if the reason happens to be that somebody told them my Christianity means their wickedness becomes less powerful. I do not even mind if the reason is idiots who have located somebody from whose life they can be better off in a process where the person whose property they want to be is worse off. However we all have our rights to security and it is not clear what they mean by a process where I must give mine up rather than just get lost and make things easier for them and everybody else.
Update 10/12/2014 – The Royal Estate and its Equity Trust Empire
I have no idea I must confess, why it is that people love to make out I am the guy they can beat up in order to end a history where they are losers; I am not the guy they can beat up, I am the guy who has led them to where they are today because of such threats, the guy who has given them a life time of issues to resolve because they told me I was the guy they needed to kill in order to create a sense of being strong and powerful, I am the guy who has left them with utter carnage because it even led to a condition where I ignored it and they started sending out those subliminal messages all over their stupid city centres concerning how I must be made to chase a cause and die for it so that they might have a history left behind by me to do things with that they cannot do with the Church and with the Gospel of Christ itself. So they talk in that way because they think I don’t believe it matters that they are expecting me to get off and get concerned about where their involvement with me and their stupidities alongside it which does nothing but damage and destruction and vandalism to career and business has left me, in terms of things I can do to recover, which will be measured by their access to media and everything I do therefore being claimed by them to belong to others with media, which we all know that if I did and they were never punished for the original destruction they caused, I will simply have become a number and it would mean they can always do it at will, while the sense that I am doing what I am doing to ensure it does not happen to others would have been lost and I for my part got to the highest levels of Government in the UK by being a steadfast Christian, there is nothing they can offer me – nothing. Apparently their clowning suggests the important thing to be that it matter if my book sales and fame are stifled so that somebody else can play hero and be famous somewhere in my stead, they say it is meant to enforce their sense of superiority and I want them to buy themselves a copy of the books or keep themselves the hell away from it and clown around somewhere else. I understand the part of this story that involves how much they do for the world and how unappreciative I and others like me are but of course this idea is one of the most important signs behind the reasons they are apparently rather hard of hearing so to speak because every other normal person understands that these power games freaks have their own idea of what economic recovery should look like and so does everybody knows I do not want to be a part of it as well and that each time I see them around my books I will never ever stop punishing every single thing that is a result of it too. It is not the reason they hate my guts, the reasons is the same as the reasons the British ones have found new power games they want to play with the Germans over my earnings, something they can attack and hurt me all the time with as much as they like of course – it is the bit where they will never rest until they are screwing around with my Royal order in the Military and so when Terrorists screw with it and kill their relatives as well they hate my guts – it’s just that it was important to point out the reasons they are so deaf which causes me wonderment seems to have been embedded in the notion the fucking idiots have done so much for the world and I have been quite unappreciative of it. We do hear those claims I did encourage them to join the military of course which is never true; truth being that I encouraged the lower class soldiers with their work because it does appear they are divorced due to how far their history in the Military goes which always tend to predispose them to being first victims of Post Combat Stress. These are all things we expect when they get into government office considering they are a bunch of inconsiderate halfwits who perpetually see themselves as other peoples leaders and need to do these abusive things to get self improvement that will allow them look the part which is why I cannot understand what they fail to understand about the anger of the poor which then means certain things will never happen and governments need to sweet talk their stupid money if they have got any. When it does come to the issue and Politicians having problems that will spend everything about my life and personal life it does not trouble me really half as much as they suppose that it does anyway – the reality as ever being the same that they are convinced that the general public are terribly in love with them and this is so the bigger of them culminating eventually in the most frequent of them to behave in that way being the US President himself but it is an old game that Politicians play and I am certain when I play as well somebody will die and then it will all be my fault and of course when I say that I really cannot back it up until I make both sides of the Politicians and the public that love each other so much grab each other tighter and tighter in the warmest ever embrace imaginable, considering which any reasonable person can tell they have no footing to stop me, I have means resources and capability that means I can achieve this is a very short period of time and it is nothing new, only that they can easily think it will go on if they target you with this kind of behaviour forever because we usually instinctively respond to the panic of our people than we do to the problem at hand but because they spend too much time here of which I have tried to dissuade them as well to no avail, it does appear that handling them in a person way gets to deal with the panic all together – like the old case about industry where they cannot make advertisement unless it is about dominating me, where they cannot think about economic recovery unless it is about what the weak have finished and then gotten detached from the money and earnings bit so they can take it up from there because they are dealing with people that are weaker than them and so on and of course when Politicians want to get into our houses of government to talk for them they do not get the report on how they bottom out my book sales daily in order to sit down and take pictures of themselves in suits, legs crossed finding out how I will wriggle out of it and become the abused escape artist which pictures we see all over social media that they are convinced will provoke nobody as well for their part. The other matter of black people in America having a thing for me is only taken a turn outside what I had prepared for because some Americans had decided they want to engage themselves instead in a talk about such persons as President Roosevelt, who spoke of Unionism and minimum wage and how it had to be a wage that was going to make morality possible by being a wage that can provide health care for a family and education in need and which they then set out to make rules which enforce it as well – so I think stepping up the history I have with popular culture celebrities will be a duality and completely unnecessary considering their big mouth being a function of the history they have with me and the one I have with them as well therefore being the provocation; I mean some do say it’s a complicated matter which it really isn’t, since the reality about the kinds of intrusive insults that are about your penis and anus and your excrements and hour head and heart and so on which is able to push you out of your academic work and wreck it with mental illness, if they follow you around into the education system to share is a function of the fact there are croons who want to sit in a kitchen and build mansions cooking for celebrities that they claim you steal from them as well and all these things are things they do because your inconsiderate behaviour towards them can only result in a process where they tell you what they do and lose the job thereof, whereas we all know they are pure evil and only understand the colour of money and nothing else and turn up here way too often and have not learned any lessons yet about not being seen anywhere near my concerns too. I mean because of this thing about being the millionaire of the underbelly of popular culture celebrity, they must be able to abuse me to get rich and what they do on a day can easily involve whacking a Royal Prince over the head with their powers, which makes them clever and powerful little things that can be rewarded by even more money if their celebrity goons use that to ensure nobody obstructs their plans to secure servitude for big businesses from anybody and by any means depending on whether they have what businesses want and so on – so this is an example of the thing they think I cannot be offended by because I have no means to be offended on account they are in full control and it goes on like that endlessly as well while we hear them speak of how they are supposed to avoid me when I am everywhere, when we all know that it takes meeting people to shit one book to one person and if they don’t mess with those numbers and make a public show of books written to help me release funds from a Royal Estate in order to create trivia for organised criminals, there will be no problems – what they chose to do instead is do it every day while those who want to talk for them have no wish to comment on those activities as well bearing in mind you do all you can to ensure they cannot do and undo with you to no avail because people have their Politics and media and like to pretend I have to know them while they live in a world where they don’t know who I am if they have this need to make use of my Royal Estate to get rich as well, when done they get killed by Police officers and turn out to pretend I buy my media equipment so they can talk through to me like those useless shopping channels. I am not saying it is a complicated issue, it’s a matter of how their money can help them make use of my Royal Estate and therefore share things for them and how my Royal Estate can release me much needed cash while I get to make use of their money as well for me, so we have history with each other and their big mouth will not let the matter be resolved in its own merit as well – it is around the book sales that these matter will blow up in their black faces too as it were no matter how amusing they might assume it is when I am made to react like these.
I do get asked why I put up these facts about me in public when I know its realities crush others but the realities of what I talk about crushes people because they fall easily, too easily on account their backup plan involves picking on a weaker person, rather than standing their ground, to the games these idiots play and hence fall too easily to the fact they are relied on to make up alternative explanations for what people do to them to hurt them and so these goons tend to feel supreme when they find people like that and they tend to find quite a lot as it were. It’s never a matter of trusting leadership, it’s a case of wanting a Royal Estate as well and claiming what has become of mine through my books is my fault the history I have with them as well that they are complaining about considering whole Towns are burning for this and they are getting killed by Police officers to make more trouble. It’s about killing off all their involvement with me because each and every one of it is so stupid every single thing they touch no matter how small gets damaged and of course other Royals think I am a problem and then I get detached from my own world while I cannot find friends in their own as well and then the targeting can mean they do what they like with somebody they think has all the answers either if he gives or property gets stolen from him, to all their poverty and deprivation problems because they have publicity to do that with; so this assumption that the owner of a Royal Estate that they like to get off on media to make out exists so they can get one of their own as well is not going to be offended shows exactly how much of it is my fault but then again bully is not somebody’s name, it is a tag attached to people who bully other people and I am simply saying normal people live the way I do and these things are simply a life outside of Church not something that should crush anybody but for them it seems those who think they have no right to express themselves have a point and that is not the only one, there are other still who think every conversation with them is a relationship that will not last and that brings us to the part where they think that those who know they hate everybody around them and are entirely self centred will be of sound temperament if their possessions are handled, especially when more so with media, the history I have with them as well, hence the part that is my fault; of course they are perfectly aware of what they are doing. The story of how I am never satisfied with anything I have is very well understood but very ironic since I am not a Royal Prince but rather spoiled by the Monarchy never the less – so I need to release much needed cash from areas of the estate that I can do that with and it has nothing to do with them unless they are here to release some of their own as well and its all getting violent; they can watch their filthy mouths and keep off my book sales or brag and tell tales about which one is my fault over their poverty and deprivation, which they think means they don’t know what they are doing. My Achilles Heel is that I need to release funds from certain areas of Royal Estate that I can and so when people handle it and tell tales about poverty and deprivation their credibility goes through the roof – their own is that so many people are fundamentally convinced they need to be led all the time because they are so destructive. Some do say I get nervous at government office and it encourages them but we all know first that their insults and need to tell me what to do knows no limits which does tend to apply that I perhaps do not know what I am doing as well – the history I have with bloody clowns as it were.
I don’t believe it is a problem but they always say what they say because they are making statements about me being the small fry that spends lots of time making trouble and thinking he is King until the big fish in Industry and Media is unleashed and then he will know his place but I have not got a problem with that, it’s just reality it should not actually come down to personal insults if you give a speech to some 50 business men while I get about brokering my equities and stuff but it has come down to that on account that it is not as if that is the way people react when they see others talk equity, but as a matter of the way they react because it is not up to them to prevent themselves to following the reaction that the media has put in them and so they will stay off my books my way or their own but then again I had made myself quite clear earlier – not everybody wants to live like women or religious people when they are not doing well financially when others are personally responsible for it as well. So I understand it is said I am really loud and that people are offended by that but I am not, it’s just reality that this is their lives. The reality is that I am an important person – I mean it’s not my major preoccupation because my Bible serves me better than talk of being important but I am and their lack of respect is not a problem for me alone, so I have none of them as well and if they are hard felt about it can turn up and get some – I actually don’t like to discuss it for my part since I am better off with the what happens and what does not happen side of the story, however they have never won a fight around here but we do hear them talk nonsense about big fish in Media and Industry, so they need to stay off my books as it were and stop turning u here to profit trophy hunt in a business they found out while it was still in my head and have not been able to take away from me since – I know I am doing a professional job with the books and will never change the rhetoric either – they don’t like staying off peoples possessions the Natural way, they always say they can do and undo with this one and don’t need market system to decide and yes we hear of their ability to kill people of course and it is alien to a Christian here bearing in mind what will happen to them when they locate another religious weak link as it were. For now they do say they have put me through the same things people suffer everyday of course which is utter rubbish as they have put me through nothing and I am not giving back those cultures and societies and of course there is no state of affairs they can build up anywhere on this planet to force their will on me in anyway. I understand they say I should be selling books but sit about growing up on people – reality of course is that they all want to be celebrities are society level and they all want to be celebrities at public life level and they have a Prince who is releasing money from power to pick on against whom violent stories about poverty and hardship will earn a lot of credibility, so we all know it is one thing after another after another and one man’s food is another man’s poison with the way you react while they do whatever they like and I am perfectly okay with it as they are not going anywhere and I am not giving back those societies and cultures they simply need to forget all about for my part as well. The growing up on people part simply being the bit where I set out everything and its all out there and they can do it if they want but if they don’t then when I don’t it will come back to hunt anything else I have chosen as an alternative career path and no thanks to them for it as well; but the same principle applies – they have no respect for me and I none for them and every defilation will be punished until the gospel is set where it should be and that their money is what is being defiled but they are not going anywhere, they are staying here and will never be free of me. They think it is fun you see, hatred for those who spend time in the city being religious instead of lewd is being punished by a need to put something in their anus because you are stronger and more powerful, which we see displayed like trophy when we turn up pornography websites and so on and so I need to handle the things they consider valuable in that way well and the money bit bakes my bacon. It is said I act like I get no respect from others whatsoever but this isn’t true, it is the respect I get from others itself that sets this obvious line clear on how far they will go over their evils and abuses with it – so since they had shown it is a personal decision, this is their lives as it were and the louder I get is the angrier they get too, so they can make their noise from that angle – it’s a matter of a community of 20 people, we all know each other with gargoyles in front of our homes which determine what people think is happening inside, compared to people who know where a Prince’s books are, so they can share the Royal Estate as well to put an end to poverty and deprivation supervised by their Politicians and media who told me to hand it over a long time ago or it will lead to problems – all prepared to burn other peoples towns and cities to have a Royal Estate as well as if the owner can never get offended and prepared to die leaning on me in the process too; I mean we have something called racism in the UK and I have no wish to get about looking are tired and flustered for nothing and they want to get away from my book sales my way or their own and as I mentioned before, they did not want to the natural way and I am not changing my rhetoric.
I understand there is talk of a big problem I face with American democratic party people of course but there is no such big problem requiring massive attention from here either – it is the same reality that whatever I do at my Firm will be determined by what the Market thinks of it – there is nothing salvageable about their character, I don’t care who thinks it is their duty to salvage any and if at all there is any, it does not exist to benefit me – they need to keep away from my books and addressing me is simply setting the stage for something that will be avenged, I am full of it basically. So when we put it in context, the reality is that they are extremely destructive people who know nothing but financial destruction and seem to have these habits that make it possible, prognosis being that certain habits are good for s sense of wholesomeness but bad for earning money which if you don’t have costs you the sense of wholesomeness itself, so they must find a way to maintain the habits and its excesses at my expense without damaging it in any form of work to earn their money and there is nothing about them except this; the problem of course is that it is a matter of being in the zone, a matter of whether or not you see them have dinner and go off to sit with them to have your own dinner as well, which will create history as they put it but it is never up to you because the Politicians will decide what happens instead and so I am here and they can give me their best shot. We do hear the part where all I own and do is free for all more often than we need to of course; the reality behind that being that each time I ask them about it, like the old case of a need they have to wreck my finances knowing I have these people who no longer make much profit from organised crime as a result of my activities on my case, followed by another group whose sense of my existence is to be spent on petty crime just to feed but they will turn up to wreck my finances to make me support important people such as media idiots and celebrities in order that they might find spouses and we are only a decade into the problem measured from when they made their own contributions to cost me my academic work, so it is a mystery to me when they speak of the reasons as something that happens because I share other peoples wives when they know exactly why I do it thereof but have no plans to change their ways as well. I mean it does not end there, we can easily get off and have to deal with something said about the general sense of intimacy that is located on social media these days because of the things I do with the ladies; of which in terms of my business implies that I am likely to become temperamental which should not actually happen when either asking for help from the ladies is too big an ask, or indeed when they are in dire need as well, mostly because they are in control of my temperaments and can direct it as they like with the benefits system and the civil service and lots of media and vandalism of my books with talk like that on National Media – the reality being that so far I am not the one complaining, they can be complaining about people handling other peoples wives on one hand and yet with the other hand they are speaking of general sense of intimacy that is located in social media these days because I have a profile and I don’t mind since the last time we checked when we look in the city all we see is bunny boy them getting about all over the place – wholesome on the left and wholesome on the right and wholesome at the top and wholesome at the bottom, terribly self centred, care about nobody, very destructive of other people’s property, looking for a wife and what they really mean by looking for a wife is pushing women into things that belong to others so they can simply pick them women up and marry into it and they have always had a real problem listening to what people are saying to them: and for the ladies it’s a matter of the people they meet when they travel all over the world and the things they do to look after it which is where they need my help as well – so it is always clear these idiots have their own careers but nobody knows why they never talk about it instead of a sense of intimacy that is found of social media these days because another person’s company is on it – never the less of which it is not surprising because when I ask them about it in a general way their response will be that it is about handling women such as myself with a sense of back breaking work after work after work without rest or break or respite and it has gone on until I have been doing their own politics and media and Industry as well and now they are promising something more and yes they do say there are simpler ways of putting out facts about the reasons I consider them to be a problem and yes there are – i.e. they are the Politicians and Industry people and Media people that blow my mind as it were but at the end of the day are nothing but the most insolent scum on the planet and everything else besides this is collateral damage.
I am aware of the talk concerning the Princess of York of course but the story is that she is crazy about me in some way, I for my part used to think that what journalists and celebrities got up to will be the biggest social challenges in terms of something to look forward to that I had to face but since she got involved it all took a Royal dimension as well. I understand it is said I don’t care if she might be in love with me but that is not true, the truth is that if she is, she still has these misgivings about how much money I have got and whether or not my race will be a hindrance and so on – all of it not being a problem of course, only that a collection of violent scum have taken note and they want some of mine for their part as well starting with the fact she is my girl friend not that of some Dave from the US because they never ever listen to what anybody is saying to them. It’s all together an old story about the problem younger women in the UK seem to have with commitment and is at the heart of the destruction of my company markets that I need to stitch up every single day; my books are something they need like some kind of fix but they cannot buy a copy of their own because it is such a difficult read they say, so it turns out they cannot sit their bums down and read a book, cannot leave me alone and the reasons they do it is that they are thoroughly modern and so the desire to do it is clearly only matched by the desire Politicians have to support them at it i.e. I can sit down for hours in a room and write a book but at the end when they see it they wait for their MPs to visit the school and turn out to blow it all away taking pictures with their MP and it is the same attitude their boys have towards female MPs as well unless it’s the treacherous ones they know very well because they are related. The older ones were clearly never like that either which is why I tend to fancy them, so it is rather difficult to locate where they get it from, not that I care so much for my part anyway. As for the part where people hunt me because I keep all I know and do to myself, the reality behind that is the simple old case of the fact I have no business with men save trading – competition over who is aesthetically the best man for example is one of the most worthy preoccupation people can engage themselves with and an example of just some of the many things they do with the aim of keeping things about me they don’t have alongside their money in order to have both and these of course all became things they could do because there were things about my person that needed to be kept away from organised crime and extremist groups – so some things are just unforgivable especially considering things in my life that will be there until the end of my days which they can never have or buy with money.
The story of race comes up time and time and time and time again because I have never really confronted it in real terms – the real terms of which are simply that it is historically unprecedented that somebody should be trapped in a livelihood at a Government office level where he is a National treasure and his academic work wrecked in order to make it disputable, trapped in a livelihood where he will work for decades and get followed around by those who need the market and the money until he ends up with an empire where the money is somewhere else and is famous and mobbed by the loving crowd in a condition where he has not had a meal and therefore ends up in hospital, that the best part of other people’s lives should become a curse for them to that extent. It is historically unprecedented and I will pay back this black people stupidities-incredible in a historically unprecedented way as well. There is nothing salvageable about their character, it’s all pimps and prostitutes in the best sense of the word and lots and lots greed and evil and whatever is salvageable about their character is not in existence to benefit me in anyway and so it is never clear why they are always seen around my concerns having a need to get after my anus and penis which is the power that scum like them wield of course. They do say I am terrified of them but it is utter nonsense, it’s like the old story of the things they do being because they are fighting poverty and deprivation that by the way they create for themselves and for others for the purpose of evil, an evil that sometimes Politicians must be made to chose which I have proving how scared of them I am, never mind the fact they will never see that culture again and can turn up here and get it if they wanted – the last time we checked of which those that can kill a person for money and other fleeting worldly things were never the problems Christians had to overcome to make a living in the temporary existence, so if they turn up here I will tug tail and run as far as they are concerned – I have made myself clear about their intensely violent deviance and its pure evil around my person along with its need to be involved with my temperament to talk nonsense about poverty and deprivation and they have expressed a civil and criminal disobedience which means they have a problem listening to what people say to them about a possession the owners don’t want them to handle and we understand where we stand – I have made it clear I will make the civil rights ear look like a picnic and they have continued to pretend I am bluffing as well. Racism is the story of the second world war, that is where it all came together and as we know the way it worked was a simple case of a forest in the backyard where your sister goes to play, ride a bike in and take her clothes off with her friends but three months later it was Tanks from Germany driving through it and destroying everything in its path to get by and blow up people – it was the total breakdown of civility from the first moment it began to the very moment it ended, it was a tragic, tragic, madness in which people paid with their lives in the Millions because of course all those who orchestrated it said was behind their motives was that their race was superior and we all know they do not expect things to change when they continue in this same course of action as well. So I gather the bloody idiots do get themselves killed by Police officers which is then somebody else’s problem; I mean Mr Obama is figuring out what they are all about except he thinks it is somebody else’s problem anyway – so those who speak to me about the world wars as some kind of historical precedent will have to prove their point, no point complaining and I am not prepared to tolerate it as well – there was a village in this continent and I am determined that I will see it. I hear the Politicians say there is nothing I can do if they speak of the world wars as a means of fighting oppression with me but I don’t mind, all I am saying is that it has never been a matter of poverty and deprivation but a matter of my human rights being worse than that of my parents despite the fact I had the benefit of hindsight – they want a piece of me and there is no point complaining; I mean they can stalk people and trap them in a livelihood until those people build an empire in which the market and customer service and trade has been detached for their use, they are fucking geniuses and need to get off the media. The part about being scared of them has always rather been the part where I am persecuted for being a man because they are a women thing – so their false confidence is built around how they become more violent and scarier while I become more willing to walk away from a fight and weaker policed by their women in the neighbourhoods, so I have no idea what people are talking about when they assume talking for them is how race issue operate.
It’s a matter of which zones I want to be in, of course I am in this zone of theirs because it is a cocoon I had given ability to which is to stay around me until I am ready to trade my books and I had shipped the first few copies and have a real life real world relationship with fans, its other added benefit is that Politicians chose and unless they buy books have no business with me. The question is about that of people who already have fully developed careers and need no cocoons for anything, now they all are choosing and especially so for the media and civil rights idiots who think that my actions are random and not a function of a process of hitting them getting harder and harder with the stupid evil secret society black men with a need to get after my anus and penis and tummy and make a n open show of it talking nonsense about being God and never seen putting their secret society nonsense anywhere else except my temperaments which is what their exasperation and abuses are meant to achieve in the first place, especially the building up of atmospheres to force their will on me with talking nonsense about poverty and deprivation. It’s not just the media and the Politicians and their civil rights idiots that are choosing, I do make my own Court chose as well when I am in a bad mood and it always has to do with whether they want to stop ripping up my book sales or want to stay with these goons, so none of it is an emotive issue in anyway. They however will rather speak of Industries becoming more powerful which is utter nonsense – same old story about what they have lost in the Muslim world and why people continue to go off to join ISIL who basically like to kidnap and murder anything that is seen resurrecting the whole thing–they say it is senseless and want everybody to become cowards who are afraid of the truth and do nothing to pay for what they can pay for and avoid trying to pay for what they cannot pay for but I suppose that again becomes the question: is it? We do understand the excuses to be a matter of those who go up against them and cannot even sit back and take a good fucking when it comes to it but I will never stop punishing every single defilation either for my part as they cannot be caught dead keeping off my market – their violent heresy where it belongs and the gospel in its place and there will be no problems. The industry powers they speak of has always been a matter of what exactly people have said to them which has offended them so much; that it does not pay to behave the way they do so people can turn up here to blow up train stations and Twin Towers in the US – they made up their minds and so have I mine and all they really can do is send out their media idiots to seek out those things that people without money have that they never will and they will stay off my Empire and Royal Estate as well for my part. We talk about it such broad ways because their media idiots want to hear the bits and the facts. It’s all a cocoon I have created to ensure I am where I should be when I ship my first books and they can pick it up by then when I have some money to throw around as well and deal with all these in such a condition. Otherwise it is always safer to talk nonsense about things I cannot back up as if this is the worst I can do until somebody gets hold of those industries and breaks them up to hand the equities to the poor and wait to see what they think they will be allowed to invest their stupid money on next and then it will get a little better but until then they need to be made to understand the Royal Estate is for them out of bounds – what I do is sell books I write and if they are not buying any we have no business: The secret they keep is that I am so angry with them I have no wish to allow them make profit at my expense anywhere on this Planet – so they can always ask the media to make it all up as fantasy for them of course as usual but those want a piece of me as well and will get it too for good measure, we understand they speak of me being scared of them as in food supplements and body building which does not make any sense whatsoever. They do say it is competition one moment and another that they are so powerful anything that comes into my life they can squeeze out of me in a matter of minutes; in terms of competition of which the part where they handle my books and squeeze the products and check them out and decide who buys or not is what they have no right to do and is illegal in the form of building up publicity I have not asked or paid for which they can later torpedo in order to plug their own products and in terms of being bled dry however that is a matter of the fact the media is into a state of affairs they build up by the activities of their journalists and by the activities of their employees and so are their civil rights idiots with the ones they build up at town halls and Churches with which to dominate me and force their will on me and there will be peace between us the day they keep their violent blasphemy to themselves and leave the gospel in its place. I mean there are these habits I entertain that involves cringing from them they speak of as indication I am afraid of them and so on but it actually started off with keeping certain things about my person away from their side of society and later picked up through sex based abuses and insults by their women to develop into that but having been we now have a state of affairs which means they see my work and can handle it but considering their Politicians can make use of my books and make me financially worse off and I have no plans to tolerate their businesses and media and insolent civil rights and do not want to see any of it too for my part we are good to go, however I intend to keep the state of affairs current as something that looks after me until I ship my books. In terms of women; women need to be protected from other men and from kids and they always think I am a plaything with disastrous outcomes attached. I understand nothing I say has anything to do with the reasons people bother me but that is again precisely the point being made here by the guy who does not know anything about what he is doing and their insults happen like they do because they are actually solving a problem; besides which the Church messes with peoples history is always a lie and a cover up when the reality is that Politicians want to mess with the history of Christians especially because they want to see disconcertedness and hopelessness when they are having debates and I am not giving them back those stupid cultures and societies either for my part because I feel like having debates too and by the way they are not my people bothering me, they are a collection of fools who want to get me stuck in their lawless, immoral, decadent world because it will hurt me when I am an Arch Prince and so they need those penis and anus and tummy abuses they do all the time along with those boasts they have the power to cause clashes and so on and these are things people do when they want you to despise them which is what I must do as well – all together we now have a condition where they will handle my work and do it the way I want it and then they can have their freedom – the media especially should know better than to keep going down this route; I mean writer spends all his writing time on other people’s problems, then he has to follow on his Church activities, after that he can detach himself from other people’s problems it is assumed to do both his academic work and talking to his fans about the books; so they know this route has caused problems before, along the lines of somebody dragging them down to do it while he makes sure they do it the way he wants. They say they will never stop making trouble because the part where people see them as the best thing to happen to the world has been taken away from them by me and I have done it too for my part to find out how they will take up my career and then do it and it is part of this cocoon that keeps me until I am ready to face the fans, this is not their own lives and it does not actually matter how evil they are. I mean we hear the case of how they have their reasons when we all know it’s about money and greed and that there is nothing salvageable about their character which if it does exist does not exist to benefit me in anyway – they are bad news, bad news for me, bad news for the celebrities that work with me and bad news for earnings and there is no middle ground and they know it, they are raised and raised their families primed to think that the way forward for all things is to steal what others already own because it is how to know what can exist and then get to own it as well and it is the same way they raise themselves to work on people and not things and money when they need to be comfortable, so that when they add the drugs and the gangs and the power to it we hear tales of admission from me that I really cannot take them on very often for of course I normally cut off 14 years of my time and give it away – the Politicians that want to talk for them have no wish to take that into account and I am basically on my own, so I listen to people and they need to listen to me as well. They say I speak like I do but make use of peoples publicity to get it done even now but of course that is when we are talking about the true nature and extent of their wickedness and evil i.e. they can decide they will not attack a Christian and wreck his personal happiness and as means of promoting their careers when he is a teenager, like the Politicians would and think it is funny so you might think it is not good for your health when people start to think that it should be funny all round – so what they all do is wait for when you have a family or are at an age where you should and then they can start until you get hold of them and run them into a tight corner and set yourself up to ensure everything they do with all that evil in public places builds up publicity for your work as well and so you don’t have to pay anybody for publicity thereof – that said we can see that while they complain they have no wish to keep off my book sales and my market as well. So it is still the same old case of a need to exasperate me and see me get active when they do which has never done them any favours for as far back as the memory goes. Of course we understand it is a small taste of what the life of a woman is like but we will never know what that means either – although we can tell it has come down to anatomy and how both sexes adapt to the world of money of course and so it never ever ends. I hear they say Celebrities always savage all I work for, which isn’t true – I mean there is that constant hitting from idiots that want millions a penny of which they have never worked a day for but it is usually when their need to complain about everything and profit from it leads to a process where I feel the good company I have should have been something else so I might at least have a life, that I snap out of something and we tend to clash so we can see what their big boys will do about spoiling them some more around me – the rest are largely celebrities I work with and they basically think they have an obligation to look after me which works well with what I am doing anyway, so we understand each other and my books will be determined by what the market thinks of it not what celebrities do which actually causes no damage, however which it is not surprising considering celebrities will consult card readers and fortune tellers at least once a month which adds up to the misery they complain about which they also do because they expect those who are dazzled to come to their aid and be lost etc. I understand it is said that my responses to anything are always vague and ambiguous but of course it isn’t true, they are as precise as they come for it is not clear to what extent people want to go to ensure that when they tell me my career has already been done by another it has meaning and they do like to explain the reasons to others of course but it will always be the same issue i.e. the need to have some persons of certain temperament out there mentally disturbed and getting about like vagabonds so they can move into a right hand and live there for privileges of life and the same question applies i.e. to what extent will they and must they go in order to extricate it from a certain one person that is me? I hear the part where it is said I pick on women because I think they are weaker than I am but we all know there is no shred of truth attached to it as well – what is actually true being that the losers in the world of women are the ones that really enjoy bullying men and it will never make sense when you do think about the reasonable outcomes and why they always feel like getting a response from me over sexual abuse and all worth not. So that when we end up in this place where it seems the government is wrecking my finances to make me exist on benefits so they can create a society and an education system in which I will be excluded because I am not flustered and weak enough to be physically beaten down by them currently over their plans to get rich with my literary empire it makes for a lot of anger: I mean I do sometimes think the only think I need to worry about is the fact their stupid girls cannot make and advertisement or appear on one without making references to me which creates such a problem for my books that are written from a half monastery office but when this part comes into play as well there is a real need to shut them up in a real way as well; I don’t believe it is a serious matter, it’s just idiots getting out of their beds to spend mine gone hay wire and if their girls were not so busy getting about Industry to attack me with their distant violence on claims I have brokered equities and therefore stolen things they should do to earn pocket money from their rich friends damaging everything here but it clearly has gone beyond this and they will create society and education system in which my children are excluded and nobody knows how the fucking playboys in parliament will make that happen anyway but what is certain is they will complain about me yet again really soon and yes of course there is the tale of how I support lower classes which is utter rubbish as I never do – these things they do is the same they have always done but they are not doing their stupid civil rights around me and I don’t care if that applies to them when they live in the US as well. The main issue is still how books written by a half priest gets sold if fashion and popular culture idiots do nothing unless they are doing it by making reference to him – this just adds a dimension and we hear them complain about actions I have taken to barricade public life in the UK yet for good measure before this big mouth about children exclusion came on, they have found somebody here whose finances they wreck without being punished because they are so privileged, whose personal life they handle in the same way and are now after his books business as well none of which is a crime except the part where he is meant to have been flustered so that they can deploy government to enact some discriminative measure and have things they have never had so it is becoming attrition and I will kick them again because I am determined not to be – besides, I think they are bluffing on the exclusion of my kids story – they have not got it: I mean their stupid children are more keen on the office space battles they engage themselves in at Government, so when they damage mine and I kick them their children can kick me as well and this Politics one will not be the first time either, that is if they are not creating other problems like getting off to blow my work on themselves. It is never a difficult matter to resolve – I am a legal practitioner and good at handling the law and this is what happens when one such a person spends most of his time trying to carve out a factory work career because Politicians want to use the civil service to make that happen – so I will still to find out what they will orchestrate with that benefit system of theirs and so it is the reason we are here, never mind the fact when I get any of the factory jobs they never let it be in the first place as well. They need to stay off my books and this exclusion of kids issue should draw a firm line under that Politicians spending King Locals property they love to rally crowds to vandalise everyday in order to feel they have some power at their disposal. I have a bit of something going on for everybody for my part: the Politicians are the ones who are getting public life barricaded, the feminists are the idiots who speak of inequality while they have men that will help them persecute others for being men in order that they might get careers they never worked for to be rich and famous and so the list goes on and on and same with the culture ones that will never get back the culture and need to be out there making their own living of which we all know they only want to do the one that will attack me as well so good luck them too – excluding my kids story is below the belt and I cannot make out what they are complaining about too. I mean for the journalists and celebrities, they love to seek help from fortune tellers but the end product is always a vandalism of my finances and destruction of my book sales to talk nonsense on media about their support for politics and they will chose to stay with them and leave my book alone or stay with me like we see them turn up here all the time for, so their case does not bother in anyway whatsoever, just like the civil rights idiots who have all those fools that need to be in areas of my life where God is and therefore the thing I think about all the time because that will make them God so they can do my anus and penis if they want to control me and make me work for them – after which their minions will show up on the streets to do civil rights that either takes care of my rights as well or exists to ensure I am forced to take part with a big mouth; I mean I have been whittled to the point where I must be nice to people before I am allowed to earn a living and they have a need to own my possessions due to something important they want to do and this is because they believe they have earned the right, legal or not to touch me and to touch my person and it is becoming paedophiliac in nature as well for good measure with that big mouth; so before they exclude peoples kids they need to stay off my books first, their freedom is not one of my concerns or priority. They do these things all the time – gangs and crime and witchdoctors and fortune tellers are their best mates once it’s time for pay back they want to price open my person life and get in and now are talking nonsense about excluding my kids which I bet they cannot and getting away from my book sales cannot have been that difficult in the first place. They do talk of course and it’s the same old case; I don’t care what they think what they wish what they want – if people are not picking up their own copies of my books they should naturally have nothing to do with me and need to get out of it. They do say my alimentary canal has been completely messed up but of course there is no such thing – it’s the same case of managing organised criminals interested in my personality in my personal life, only for Politicians to build a publicity for them on it and try to move into my right hand to live there, this is just the part where they groom me for the cultural evils, the part where I am propelled by hysteria according to them and nothing more to talk nonsense as they go along about some kids they will exclude. It should not be a complicated matter either, if I need money I will raise that from my books, for my University fees or my maintenance etc, if they are not happy with it, they need to observe how difficult it is to carve out an alternative career in manual labour having come this far in my time on this earth and pay the fucking benefits, pay it and shut up – the easy quick far reaching insults are because I talk about these things and nothing else. They say on one hand that I have trouble seeing myself as a subject of the Queen but of course the reality is that I am only a Christian from whose activities HM derives service and has given me protection to an end as well – the rest is these violent competition over other peoples possessions while they save theirs for jobs and money City idiots and they say what they say of course but imagine I gave up all I have to them this very moment, observe what will happen in three weeks considering this is me and I will be me anyway – see what will happen over their claim I have not actually given it up and then we will be back where we started some 8 years ago with me being groomed to become the riffraff that turns up around their famous and important idiots concerns. The Political version happens to be the part where I am not good enough to get involved with government affairs, when they are the ones complaining about how much they are paid which is unusual in a profession where people want to engage is something as stimulating as being in a place where things are happening in the Country and having the power to change them, in return for a comfortable pay and a comfortable retirement with friends and family – clearly of which they have companies and banks they can go off and work for as it were instead of bothering me.
Posted by Ikpe Uno. Posted In : Politics, Diplomacy and Security