Now they speak of how much trouble I have with the very idea of being consistent at all I do but I would never know anyway; the reality is still that these guys enjoy playing up the part where they wear suits and drive saloon cars and gang up on people, so that a lot of the times when you get into a mess for refusing to let them insert their products into your market on account they need the income more than you do, it is this ganging up on people bit that destroys everything; so I am not het consistent as it were on making sure they cease to get on that stupid media to spend my public life on themselves to make some extra cash they can add to cash they already have on account they visited the home of a millionaire and want one of those as it were – it is an example of what I hate the most about them by and large and I am not yet consistent at it as well. I have to behave in a way that recognises HM is Queen of Australia and Canada as well and all they ever do with every process of getting involved with me is set off to visit countries all over the place, where they gather up trouble makers and bring them to the UK and then set about ripping up my public life selling music CDs on it to solve the problem on my behalf as I am too much of a coward to solve it myself, so I am not yet consistent on it so far of which the little I have been is not hurting badly enough yet and those rich persons that buy the music CDs will recover the cost of spending money on it too as it were only when their sales operatives are as active for the purpose and I shall be even more consistent than that too.
They do claim that I mess with The Queens Royal engagements but I suppose that means mentioning it exists to ensure the Court works with UK frontiers and not rip up Canadian and Australian ones and end up in the US talking nonsense all the time like Popular culture does interfere with it all together as a result of their stupidities thereof I guess. And of course they speak of the trouble with Politicians I find myself in – never makes sense since what is happening is a process where they are losing ground fast on the prognosis of assuming rights to teach me lessons – kids and parents and grandparents alike all the time. They say I tell secretes about how people can be oppressed but that was only after their evil practices loved to target me and Politicians spent tax payer funds on it to bring it into everybody’s mainstream living, to talk nonsense about religion being the evil and so when they attack me like they do and it does make me poor politicians will call on crowds and rip up my finances to make up the idea that is what happened, when they express that witchcraft all over the place and it does not determine who wins elections and who does not, Politicians spend tax payer funds on creating the idea they won elections because of it and when they use it on people without any results in which people are rich, politicians spend tax payer funds on those people so I might never deny that it does work etc. So now I have found my own prerogatives of injustice that I can sell on as well and that is why we are listening to the complains and violent insults of intent with a big mouth; it just takes up my time and finances and they cannot simply leave people alone, especially those that are their mates in the first place as it were. Its where its heading that I am issuing the warnings for in any case because it is a place we will find them talk nonsense about asking those that are not protected how justice works in the Country – for now they do not feel like having their hurtful flesh man hating fun and games somewhere else.
They do say I have no wish to stop using the lives of the men to fix my problems but the part that gets to me about that story is 15 years of financial vandalism here so as to move into my right hand and provoke me into criticising them, so that it might seem I am using the lives of the men to fix my problems and hence they have a license to use mine too as viciously as possible considering they actually don’t like it etc; when you do their own they are off having sex with another man already but if you tolerate them it becomes a matter of how long they have had to wait throughout history to find you in the first place. I speak of it because I do feel as though I need to move on for my part, otherwise not enough have died yet as it were; assuming rights they don’t have especially when it comes to teaching me lessons. They do ask what my problem with them seems to be and there is nothing in it save the fact they are stupid people and their behaviour is clear sign that when people are sick and need a doctor it does not necessarily mean they know that they are etc, so it is what leadership is really about – I just have to pay my Bills for my part and the bit where the main tool for their fun is involvement with me that causes damage as everything they touch does get broken which is the clearest measure of how stupid they are and the fact they are always claiming they are more important than I am which will lead them to a bad end alongside it too, will not suffice. It’s what they do with their time apparently; wreck people finances and get them to teach others what they know and then everything they learn will become self improvement instead of knowledge etc and so as a leader you have to be able to handle that but even when I am providing them the leadership where necessary and creating them the problems where necessary they are still regularly claiming they are more important – hence the idea that it is all lost in translation. They do complain that I actually do not need to treat people like idiots all the time but that entirely depends since I am more concerned with intellectual property administration and the only mode of existence they know is how to wreck the lives of rich people in order to bring them down and copy how to get rich of which nobody knows how they copy the lives of poverty that they created in order to get rich but it does set the stage by which things may be invented and done about robbery and theft that have not happened in a tangible fashion – their reasons are always that nonsense about a simulation of luxury on the left or right to be proud of their stupid selves with or to feel good about things and therefore learn how to live like they were wealthy and it’s the same way the Politicians are happy to spend tax payer funds to bring peoples witchcraft into mainstream living so as to get on their stupid media and have ideas about what I am supposed to do all of the time; so it’s like when people say first contact we will have with aliens if there are any out there will not end well, they are something else and if they are first contact it will be the end for all of us. For now I do not like it when they want to get out of their communities which is where hell is and get all around and when they say they plan to get around with my public life and possessions it could only mean that they want a piece of me as well. It’s much like we hear them speak of my lack of support for Mr Obama and his Anti-gun campaign; we all know people are homosexuals because it’s the most convenient way out of a problem they created for everybody, and so is the idea of shooting an enemy etc and the idea of making stringent gun control laws etc; so that when you do look at the fact there are other bigger countries in the world who do not have a fifth amendment, the reality is that China is Russia’s neighbour and Russia is China’s and India’s neighbour, so they have had a long history of living together – while the US is allied to small Countries in Europe and Enemies in the Middle East, hence everybody knows that you do not disturb the fifth amendment too much unless the Federal government wants to sit 200 miles away from the person that died so that the enemy can get through and kill the rest of the US peacefully – he will not deal with the matters properly because convenience is what they do. So live example therefore is that whacking peoples Royal Prince over the head creates a problem that can be stopped if you stopped doing it and not if you got conveniences on the left or right hand side to feel good about life with but that is usually not what they do and I will get questioned about just speaking of people whacking me over the head like that but I am not mentioning it so people feel impressed to act on my behalf, I do because I have got it under control i.e. it’s always insults and eyes trained on examining the body by which I will beat up others and then a tooth and nail fight to prevent me from examining their own we well, so it becomes obvious they are obsessed with it and yet if I do their own as well they will be off having sex with another man etc to begin with – hence the important thing is to stick to the main business of gathering facts to write my equity and intellectual property administration Books – which facts I will gather and Books I will write and products I will sell and they will do nothing about it, save leaving other people alone when they need to; the reality is that give it half the chance and we will find them think it all such a commotion that it is amusing and elating to making you feel they are using you to flirt with torture for pleasure and making up reasons as they go along and in the US it becomes less amusing when people get shot and criminals copy – it is the business ones that need to stop setting out sales idiots, a certain amount of money for an asset and my public life as the market and violent media to attack me for having the same mindset as the tax man and need to stop it really soon enough as well. If their money is not going to run out then they might want to stay off the Politicians first otherwise I need to cease the pain and distress of seeing them where my Books are being sold behaving as though I cannot recover my Royal Equities all the time – when they do start like that its ever so important they get the Politicians first and make it comprehensive as not all of us have that sort of time as it were but the Music CDs they buy does show they can buy anything too for good measure. I mean Mr Obama inherited a country in deep economic crisis ad his biggest problem is the Fifth Amendment – convenience is what they do, never the real issues. The tale is an old one; they speak of my easy path whereas it’s a simple one not an easy one i.e. they just need to do this quickly and then they will be out of peoples hair before then of which was at least as in my case 9 whole years of nonsense from them every day to test and find out what they need to do and how I will react where applicable – they don’t need to do anything and I want them out of my hair immediately.
In this section it is suggested that I am attached to other people and I am not -they came here with problems to say that they wanted to be free from society abuses, I raised the point that it was probably something they were supposed to achieve by going into the work place to secure their savings for a sound mind, in order to face them but then they raised the point about their saving levels, I assisted them and saw the lifestyle that created the problem so they became treacherous and abusive, seeking to trash my earnings, stuff me with the problem, sell me out on a cause and become a paid version of the same problem and show up on my public places to stifle my bookshop and run their mouth at me to serve some stupid fans. So here still, on the matter of laying to rest the so called murky business with Communists which does not exist, what we know has happened is that the insult of ideas I am supposed to do anything that those born under birth dates that made them more dangerous than I am wanted because their stupidities needed security, had come to a pinnacle with the communists going to the market to pick up my work and weaponise it against them - now the stupidities were here to gather my income margins and property for their families over claims they needed to weaponise it against communists, so it had not yet been clear if I said they were not important people, their stupidities served no meaning or purpose, save distracting people so the academic pursuits and finances were not settled on time, so they were soon about to continue pushing the matter, up to the stage where they had to discover what it is that they and their silly American friends who believed they were acceptably stupid enough to invent anything they wanted and insert it into my career, German influence idiots dreaming of people who would be afraid if them, can do about me, always being abusive everyday, always being disrespectful, makes all this mess because it was addicted to handling me whilst claiming their stupidities made them more important public figures and never stopped running off gimmicks and insults that affected my clients so badly my career was in bad shape, over ideas that a lack of access to me was to difficult for their entitled stupidities to bear, if I were working with Communists. They do claim others were paying for my needs dearly but it was all a consequence of the involvement of Men, poofs and politicians around here - so much stupidity that the ego games with peoples lives were no longer expensive enough to guarantee security here unless I ensured that whilst they could keep their finances, they were unable to keep anything else, therefore it is all becoming increasingly provocative when it sets about the gimmick of clinging to my affairs, imitating me, doing me favours and pushing me around.