October 13, 2015
The old story of men and their girls making a statement about how my case with Politicians is not exactly clear but we have always known that men are always angry and men are always frustrated and men are always in search of a flesh they can squeeze when agitated and men have always been afraid of everything but above all, men have always sought out somebody they can take their problems out on - so the assumption made around my public image that I need more information on the effects of my actions is another part of their insults that need to stop or we will have to decide by what method it does. We have always lived in a society where this is a main feature of male behaviour, it’s just that we have reached a stage where they are on a roll and when I walk down the streets take my small business out of me on a daily basis as well. They wish to tell a lot of that old story of how I am not genuine over my position concerning migration especially from the EU, whilst all they want to talk about concerning theirs is to do with people’s property their eyes have seen and therefore hearts must be satisfied with as a result otherwise there is an evil happening in their society that they will become part of when people refuse to co-operate. So that while migration has always been a tool in the hands of the fundamentally disobedient, nobody knows what they expect the rest of us to do when the Politicians are the fundamentally disobedient anyway; this is usually where they tell me that it is my fault first of all and then also that nobody really knows what fundamental disobedience really is whereas everybody is actually aware that in terms of the former it cannot be my fault that they want to do fundamental disobedience and get into government office to sacrifice my Empire as the means by which economic recovery will be founded with a big mouth that speaks about a certain perverted position they wish to top up and will because they have the power to winding me up all the time as we all know it will end when I cut it up and make the process really cheap so those bad company can follow them around while I write blogs about it too – in terms of the latter however it is quite simple to see that the communities and the businesses and the things we wake up to expect should occur for an economy to exist happens in a condition where we government operatives are not aware that it is; so I find it impossible to locate how Politicians will achieve economic recovery by fundamental disobedience and I am quite prepared for the squander that comes with their stupid women, the access they have to my personal life through building a version of me that they control on media and a world economy they will build over my Empire with a big mouth only.
Of course it isn’t true my alliance with women is doomed to failure; there is no alliance with women, only people telling me like only they know how, that I exaggerate the level of security that I can provide for others whereas the truth is that they are the ones doing that for me when my Court is free for all – now I have this task of making things a lot safer than they are around here presently and do not intend to be nice about it for my part too. The men do say things are escalating around me and it is utter rubbish as well; there is no escalation only the extreme lack of respect that leads to a process where people go off to a shop to mess with the security guard that is smaller than them in order to attain a sense of feeling convenience has only stopped being amusing – when there is an escalation I will tell them about it; for instance when the need their Celebrities, media idiots and revolution fools and Politicians and society goons have to rob and steal from my Royal Estate on a daily basis leads to a process where their neighbourhoods is in total control of mine and they can do nothing about me too for good measure; I have warned them before about the fact that doing it will always mean there is nothing preventing them from going into the homes of young couples and pensioner and single parents and so on and that they like to complain about the Police alright but I know why the Police do it as it were. So they do need to get off my temper; I like to say they are not my Cat and I have inquired enough, nobody wants them either – I have not got time for their freedom nonsense and even if I did they have taken that all up, need to stop screwing with my Job and my products and try to save the insults so it does not blow up in their faces; when I do the thing where I think about a process where my Dad worked long hours and somebody insulted him for example, I am doing my stuff not their stuff – for their part especially public transport operators, the need to see me get stabbed by a prepubescent teenager who wants to see what a knife does to flesh man will end in a massive conflagration before they put their money where their mouth is and stay the fuck away from me – they are not my Cat. So it will be said I missed the point of questions about my selfishness considering I and Prince Harry and Prince George share a certain social fan base and I appear to be the only selfish one, which is utter nonsense since the websites were created properly and with very good reasons as it were, just like the story of how I don’t want to get along with Men of which there is no should I should when I already share fraternity with the Heir to the Throne of England – they have nothing to offer me and for those who get involved because they need to anyway, nobody knows why they do when they do not have their copy of my Books. It’s like their female counterparts becoming the centre point at which it is said that I try to cash into while being gratuitous towards the Late Mrs Thatcher’s legacy but of course there is only Businesses and Industries brokering and developing my Equities with me and it is more concerned with a Royal Estate I got from the Queen than it is with the fact Thatcher was once a Prime Minister of the UK which does have an effect on my Empire too I should say all together but then again women appear to love their insults so much when channelled at me and I really enjoy showing them that if I were a man they can mess with which is why they love to target me so much, then there is every chance I will want to change that.
So they have become really keen on telling stories about how I have trouble coping with women that are survivors but I would never know anyway, since I have lived with feminists all my life and am perfectly aware it starts out with a need to go off and get some from society men and you always end up asking if it is the one where they gave their bodies and got money in return and soon we will see them return with the scars to pick on moral and religious people and the reasons it happens is because they are pure evil and moral people are being persecuted by them and this is the part that never gets mentioned – so this kinds of stories are not things I have time for anymore, they really enjoy the insults which if I knew how they made would invest in some of mine too but above all, it is behaviours like that which is set out on a regular basis to rip up my business empire and finances and make out it is amusing which is the biggest source of grief for them too. This has never been an unusual matter in a larger sense; we all know what happens is that they turn up to provoke you and then some turn up to get the problems fixed because of their wickedness and the fact you beat them like they have never been before and established normalcy with it and since then Politicians have gotten involved and they have found a means to secure conveniences and get rewarded for every process of abusing you – after which they start to pretend that if push comes to shove, you are not aware people get confused about the fact the ones that fight your battles usually do so they can chase your anus and penis and make fun of you, while the ones that fight you usually want to be celebrities or local neighbourhood criminals that use you to build their alternative careers, so if you hurt people from both sides, they organised a targeted betrayal and you fall in the end anyway – so I have no idea which part of keep the insults where people appreciate them and stay the fuck feminism away from me these foolish women and their media and fashion fail to understand anyway. We see those insults all the time and not long after they want social compromises because they cannot look after their anus and I am at a point now where I am fed up and them celebrities will keep off my finances the way they wish to do it or the way that I wish to do it but they will keep off it one way or the other – I am ready with the other side where I make compromises when I want, so the Politicians can turn up and stand here and do it encouraging crowds and communities to rip up my finances and business because they know where it is and doing so would constitute a convenient option. I have made myself very clear here; these stupid women will end up in a place where I shut down all that nonsense on the left and on the right and empower their enemies to become more than they have ever been, then wait for them to turn up and do that stupid fame thing in my face one more time, so we can find out how it will end too but I would prefer it if I need see them around my Empire and its Book sales and finances again – the reality is their loutish society has always existed with the foolish men that work it too and there is no time I just listen to the radio while I am at work or during the day whereby I don’t end up seeing that all they do with it is rip up my public reputation and my Book sales – so I am well justified about my actions here and would like it if they comply and put their money where their mouth is too. It’s never true I fail to do what I should at the right time; it’s the great old story of the fact women are fundamentally vulnerable when it comes to violence and grabbing stuff but when people see those who have a problem with the idea women should be able to settle their financial well being in good time we claim it’s their civil rights, so I might end up in this position dealing with their violent celebrities as well, while they end up with conveniences and civil rights. It’s the same old story where I am trying to work and people are getting into a habit of turning up at a security job to seek an altercation in order to steal how I may react to it and if they break the body in the process, they will take up the job and do it and I will supervise for my part as well; like one of those things people tell me I cannot do but turn out to be wrong and it is obviously not the one where the company was willing to employ them we are talking about either, so it is how the gang fights usually start as it were. Not that it is the sort of stuff that matters; it does not matter to me because the issue is largely for me a matter of a certain aspect of my markets meaning that I have to settle this problem of celebrity squander and the access with which they can do it and that means shutting down that nonsense on the left and right and making their enemies along with those that like to hurt them more powerful than ever before – it’s an old story about how women don’t want people moving into their right hand to do popular culture but until she has a black eye so somebody can get close to killing a person it will never improve, somebody will want to use her stuff to do things all the time right up to that point; so it is something that is happening everywhere. In their defence that say it is my fault that I fraternised with them without the permission to do so but give it half the chance and we will hear them talk about religious people and their position and point will come through all scary; absolutely no respect whatsoever to be imagined as it were; like the reasons they have come to hate me so much because of course every time I am at work, there are always people that come round to my place of work to play with me while I am at work – general prognosis if somebody told me they had a security problem would be to settle the issue in the neighbourhood because that is where all the security problem would come from and there are only two groups of people that steal things and get away with it and one group is celebrities while the other is neighbourhood thieves; absolutely no respect whatsoever when a 16 year old turns up to make me feel if I had a living room and he knew about it he would be feeling comfortable in it whenever he wanted and then there are the parents as well doing it and raising their children to feel like teenagers that want to stab flesh man that is by the way the security guard they go to the shop to mess with because he is smaller than they are and you can never work out where they get that stuff all together anyway – so I had to leave them with an understanding of what my temper is like and the many things that may go wrong if people feel comfortable in my living room and my chest is about to explode – they are not neighbourhood thieves and they are not celebrities and nobody will know as such therefore from whence they devise such stuff if the story of having a dutiful wife on one hand and a well kempt mistress on the other and screwing with people’s lives and property to find the money for it were to have been eliminated from the picture – so when I am done with work and walk outside to stand at a Bus stop with an Angry racist, they cannot seem to drive their cars by without showing they wish to find out what would happen, assuming it is a big problem when it has always been the perfect expression of how they have always wanted it to be while blaming the problem on others. Their Politicians do say my position when it comes to the protection of vulnerable people and especially women is in doubt but it really isn’t; I have mentioned before the fact the most important aspects of the economy we want so much operates in an area of living that we government operatives know nothing about and they still cannot understand what I mean is that people need neighbourhoods and without it they cannot grow and will never give up the ones they have for anything in the world – so if what you do carries the highest level of risk every single time, those neighbourhoods will get torn up and the people inside of it alongside; it is what is happening in the middle east which we all have the eyes to see thereof.
They say the big problem that I face is that I stole a Royal Estate from The Queen as well which has no basis on truth or reality as none of what they do has anything to do with the Monarchy; only the fact they are despicable people working really hard on the one single thing they are always known to work for i.e. making sure heads clash and that they get attention – so it has nothing to do with the Royals either and can run and run and run and run on that media from the looks of it for eternity obviously. All I can say is that the Court has seen enough despicable people and if I let that nonsense about a certain me that is running around on media doing things and fundamentally gets out of bed to find friends he can make in the neighbourhood do what he it wants to do – neither my security guard job or my company will survive despicable people i.e. people that are larger than me and can always get conveniences from me whenever they want who always seem to have something that I must be doing to make them better off every time they see me doing anything and even when I am employed by somebody else as a security Industry agent it is still happening as per the part where they are security industry agents too and it is way too many variables to be concerned with – I have not got the time.; if they cannot do their celebrity stuff without threatening me and stealing my income and showing it up on glossy magazines, only to make friends with the shops and try to keep me out of employment, then create pictures of themselves showing they are acting on behalf of members of the Royal family that want to be celebrities to claim I stole a Royal Estate from The Queen, I will destroy it for them. So they do say that Celebrities want to be in my Court and I can understand but it is I that gets to chose which one does; it’s not something people just do – obviously the Celebrities that are there already and the journalists have seen enough despicable people thus described and nobody just turns up there – I am the one that gets to decide who turns up there to gain from the Royal Estate safe environment when I do my rounds to ensure everybody is comfortable and they will understand that in return they will have to pay a certain price that is concerned with understanding I have a government Office and that The Queen will expect a certain result from it but never the less I get to chose who does, not others.
It is therefore said that I need lots of help and support, which I don’t in actual fact – the reality is people creating problems for me and making out I need their help and support. An example is what public transport operators do i.e. they say if I push them, by the time I am back to apologise on realising I have done a bad thing, they will have been completely fucked all over but their need to finger my bum and drag it all over town and their need to push and abuse me has become a sub culture in its own right at this point – they do say the reason is what they want from me i.e. the guy that can deal with foolish and evil women that are like fire through straws on people’s lives and finances but for the little that has to do with these foolish women setting out to show me the world is an evil place that does not like religious and moral people like me for the last 15 years, where I act but do not act to serve or benefit them even though they gain from it, I am then put through incredible suffering that has now changed the way society thinks, due to their need to bully me and support their local neighbourhood prostitutes – so these are the kinds of help and support that people like to think that I need all the time wherefore I really need none. It’s that story that brings to light against my wishes the part where people want to see me be the Arch Prince I was Born to be, developed around the part where they think they are more important than I am all the time when if I prevent every white idiot from taking advantage of my public life being it for education or a job etc on account they always want to be famous idiots and then prevented every black idiot from taking advantage of the fact I am a religious and moral person, all would be easily cleared up; I however do not feel like proving anything and if I did prove a thing have only the wish to prove it to myself – they need not be see around my person and my Book sales and need not be seen around my space especially the Africans and blacks whose communities are full of insolent women seeing conveniences from the lives of men their idiots can beat up and then there will be no trouble. They do say there is a problem I have with their gay community that I have no plans to give up which then constitutes the rest of my problems but I would not know anyway - there has always been an issue with the gay community because if I am Christian it means I am even more gay than gay people and so what gay people seek when they look for trouble, it is important that they find as well - since it is rather ever so difficult to locate how being a Christian that is persecuted by foolish women who are insane over money could possibly mean he is even more gay than most gay people all together: so this is how I had ended up answering questions about stealing a Royal Estate from The Queen earlier; what we see is the part where gay master enjoys ripping up my finances with a white women on a daily basis and when he thinks I am fed up but still have more, then he switches to a black one because I am black, on account he realises I will be extremely flustered and then the case of how it results in advertisement being made for them and displayed all over public transport for my pleasure as well - everything I do to them for my part however is meant to control the situation i.e. it needs to stop being amusing for them first of all and then of course the part where their Politicians want to hold public office on one hand and give public speeches encouraging people to steal over claims of being champions of wealth inequality on the other - so although I would do well to launch a campaign that will kill off their fame and fortune games, I am better off letting them have some conveniences whenever they want, so that this will be the point at which Politicians can turn up and stand around to do such things full of regular invitation that will make them want to all the time; so I am certain they still remember they cannot leave people alone, they still remember where it started in 2001 when women had the need to teach a Christian how much the world does not wish to see moral people like him and how much they have enjoyed themselves with stupidities at government Office which means when they want peoples possessions and cannot have it, they find an evil that is going on in their communities to get involved with on that account: - all I do about the gay community is completely necessary, there is no way that I will ever give it up. As for the story of being scared of gay people while I talk, there is nothing new to that; we all know they cannot leave people alone but an example of the frustration is that of being employed by somebody as a security Industry Agent but each time I do something special at the job the abuses are so intense that the part where Door supervisors Eyes is taken over by their pushing and their problems when the career is not their own and the fact people need to know what a Door supervisor is looking at gets affected to a point where an idiot can then stand around making calls to a Boss he has found difficult to get hold of for Hours etc creating a sub culture in the neighbourhood as a result - so it has been 15 years and I am not gay and the only thing I am scared of is another collection idiots bringing a whole parliament to bear and a whole Political party alongside, only to wreck my finances in the end while they get on media o try and feel special by that; when I had secured some savings and gotten out of this place, they will do well for themselves to blow off their big mouth where it really matters; my point mostly is that I am still hard pressed to locate what is amusing about it. They would say I am strong at the talking but the reality is still that when they make a mess I get to clean it up - its what we hear all the time, the one that will have its day being the one where they cannot get conveniences from me and I have built up that sense of loss to a state where it has become part of their persons as a Community, which has resulted in a process where I am the person to complain to when I tell them it is an ugly thing to do detaching others from the conveniences of their own living rooms, since I am still the person they can tell what was done to them to make them do it, bearing in mind I am the same from whom they cannot get any. I do not think it is a complicated matter - if asked to do security I am aware the only two groups of people that steal and get away with it is Celebrities and neighbourhood thieves, these goons are just despicable people stuck in the middle and I have already built up that part where they are unable to peddle the faith and personal life of a Christian to make fame and fortune, to a state where their need to do it is so great considering the global effect of doing so, that they have made a fake effect for themselves on Media which they hope will make them enough money to tackle me and get the real thing later and that is the one we are talking about when I tell them it is an ugly thing to do, detaching people from the conveniences of their living rooms and telling me God is ending up in peoples homes on my account and that I am gay and will get into trouble if I don't remove it and stay out of their homes; they do say I talk like that but say nothing about wealth inequality issues when we all know my Books are designed for wealthy people and I cannot keep losing contract after contract after contract because it is realised that when my Books sell, the effect of a free market and free society will result in a counter result where their need to steal things gets worse than ever with even more access attached to it for them - so they will have to tone it down and fail to be seen around my concerns my way or their own; nobody has to put up with it, people buy and sell things all the time.
They say I am concerned about those whose chase pennies whereas a single human being in current global situations where their problems are solved when it is used as a weapon against those who have things they don’t can own a Billion pounds which in some poor countries translates into about 300 billion net worth and that amount of money being the possession of a single human being is something that the imagination cannot comprehend even though the way to get some of it is to steal from those who have things they do not have in order to secure incentives from the same individuals which will make them even richer and offer opportunities for idiots like these to become minions of violence which of course since I don’t have time for it people like to control the lives of those that are a threat. So they have stopped being so stupid as to chose me as the man whose possessions and finances they will destroy in order to create somebody that will talk about their problems from an effective position – the rest say what I say gets me into trouble, which it doesn’t I have only recently set myself up as an SIA holder and would like it if their problems stopped turning up around my Job – so in terms of how it still gets me into trouble anyway, the reality is that we are in a place now where men are fighting for their lives because a society where men are not running after their own breath simply does not work – when you count the number of people who take one look at you and punch your tummy because they are playing a game of candy from a baby and realise over 90% of them wear suits but are full of rubbish for that purpose, the damage is damage and competition is competition story resurfaces and you realise it is happening for 100% of the time and they must be feeling that they need more information to stop behaving in such ways because you are a punching bag. So when I handle them again I will make it cheap enough for those bad company they complain about to follow them around a lot more than it is at present too and then they will turn up to mess up a Royal Estate and forget their millions and ability to buy expensive things does not make them other peoples Royal Princes and that will set up problems concerning violence while I will not be taking part because I am Royalty – it is a needless and pointless fight which is attached to their extremely wicked and evil nature that they never win. They say my actions are fundamentally insulting and that has still not been resolved with respect to its encumber of the existence of civilisation and Government administration but everybody knows what happens is that I get punished by them every time because my existence affects them on account they get involved with it and the reality therefore is that this the leads to an outcome where there is another version of me running around in public making trouble, which they have created and has nothing to do with me at all and the reason for it being that whenever they want other people’s property and cannot have it, what happens is that they get involved with an evil that is happening around them on account of such a person, so that if there were 2000 decisions to make, they would always have made the one that was evil because it is powerful – it is not my decision or choice for my part either but the one I make is mine to make and not their own. Where it becomes a real problem being that they raise their prepubescent idiots to feel they want to stab my flesh and so we end up with a serious problem because no matter how hard I try to ensure their foolish children do that bandy that about, they will do everything to change what I do with myself and my own life to reverse any such process; so let it not be said I was the one talking about insults – however which we have now reached a point where these things mean that I am always out there creating problems and because I am Royalty doing nothing that involves violence about them, so they can keep messing up the Royal Estate as much as they liked and that is why we are here talking about it. In their defence they say my claim to Royal position is what annoys them but we all know anything I say about myself is an assumption of what I have not achieved – in terms of Royal position the problem is largely what I say and where I give away valuables by saying them, the question they have no wish to answer is whether or not HM is actually aware of it.
I am not in any kind of trouble as claimed over the Company itself – it is as I have mentioned before, that they do love to make out they are more important than I am and the problem is how I make time for that, so what I know is now being made manifest i.e. that if I keep black people off peddling my faith and white people off doing so with my public life and popular culture off how I was raised, there will be nothing left for them to turn up here to be more important than I am on all the time but then again if I did that I lose the incentive of spoiling them regularly so politicians can turn up here to encourage people to steal my possessions, and then they can turn up here to do it more so all the time. It is nonsense I have to deal with all day and they claim my actions and behaviour amount to somebody that wants a war but I don’t – what is going to happen is that the Celebrated idiots of theirs will use their own lives to make fame and fortune in this life or the next in order for this matter to be settled and settled it will be – even those who claim to be racist appeal to our sense of decency because of this matter by preventing people from using their lives to make quick and easy money – thus they do also say when I tell them they especially those they call celebrities which are actually their celebrated idiots will clear my space and will do so soon enough too while they use their lives to make fame and fortune and lay off mine, that I will not be the one to decide whether there is a war on not, so I just have. The Country has not degenerated into any war nor have I failed at my duties; as I mentioned if the number of people in suits that punch my tummy and the number of celebrated idiots threatening me because they have no plans to use their own lives to make fame and fortune instead of causing me to bump into them over everything that matters at this Office were to be calculated, everybody will be able to see that this is a bahaviour which results they complain about all the time but is happening for 100% of the time never the less (we hear these stories from the society ones all the time but everybody else knows it is better to seek out a Politician if they are looking for those for whom talk is cheap, not find a writer and tell him he is being bullied because he is being made to spend the money for which he is Royalty or claims to be - every time they complain and speak of me being in trouble, it is usually an indication they have learned their place one more time).
Posted by Ikpe Uno.