September 22, 2015
The story people love to tell these days has now reverted to the case of how I am in trouble with the Media and American power but the realities continue to remain the same i.e. due to some of the things I do because I have a day and must get organised for it, on average seeing strange people turn up in my work place to make problems for me starts at about 11am but it simply has to rule my day; the trouble being that owners of media outlets and media bosses never really have a say, some even have the guts to sit in a government select committee to tell the world the problem is that when you tell a gathering of journalists not to do a thing, it is precisely what they will do and nobody will be able to do anything about it. So my relationship with the media at this stage was entirely predictable considering it has been 12 years of this nonsense so far, nobody would think me nice if I got off to ensure I spent time everyday to make out a condition where everything a journalist does is copied by me in a place where it will reward me financially than it does him, so I might get the feeling of being a better human being than he is but to protect this and continue to do it to me is the reason for their threats which largely I always think is them bluffing as usual of course but the intention is obvious anyway although there is nothing in the world that they can do as such. Then there is the other side, the societies and communities and cultures and so on – for those when they come into trouble with others that have no wish to tolerate their insults and abuses, we see them show off all over the place until they meet somebody that will teach them a lesson and make fame for himself from it, then get away with the whole process of so doing but then again they never ever look before they leap and we all know that the dream we have is that there is a possibility that they can leave people alone and deal with their issues by themselves. They do tell me I don’t have any plans but all I am saying is that writing and selling books is a process and all will be well if I don’t have an idiots civil rights on one hand and the fact somebody was about to buy my books before they came along the powers of the US on the other – they need to get off my Books and clear my space story. I don’t need a plan, I already have the part where the reasons journalists get on media to deploy news the way they so is to make whole societies and communities chase me around for conveniences which when they get violent means they are taking it from the heart, where I was hiding it with no plans to release – while for the society ones it’s a matter of attacking me and hitting my chest all the time on account I am a Christian with a belief system that says anger is actually one of the 7 deadly sins which you must avoid at any cost, the result being any effort I put into my concerns can be painted in a homosexual light so they can become really fond of trying to find out if somebody will build a successful hate campaign against me, to claim the problem had to do with women and expect me to wait for them to achieve financial dominance first; they never look before they leap and given the right tools and methods they actually can leave people alone too. I don’t believe it is a problem; we will not be talking about their social issues every time we have their rights on one hand and the fact somebody was about to buy my books before they changed things for me on the other; their leaders can willow in filth when I do the job, finish the party, write the Books and they stifle its sales with government Office to achieve trophy victory that means they are world powers and I am nothing; it will never make sense and it is time the planet is no longer seen as a place that rewards such stupidity. I do not think the case of the problem of American leadership is an issue in any case; we have continued to live in a filthy planet that rewards the stupidities of men and that needs to change; how does any human being construe a process where another writes a book after doing the job and finishing the party with friends, to stifle the sales and help a group of people feel important because the sales of it is being stifled – this filthy planet earth will not do anymore as such; they have had the money and I have had the history and it’s a big joke to them for now, ripping up my Books the last five years and showing their stupidities all over my concerns around the world – they need to clear my space (they will speak of the behaviour Europeans have towards black people but the useless goons will mob peoples markets and will do nothing with it or leave it for the owners, unless they are given credence for being powerful through the White House and I have made myself clear I will no longer tolerate their rights on one hand and the fact somebody was about to buy my Books on the other, with me as arbiter). How many times do I have to warn them they are boasting about those who thought it was bad to handle them and make fame and fortune from the results – am not like that, so have I warned them about their civil rights being seen on my livelihood and my Business and my Finances and career, when the fame and fortune results from it, there is no doubt that at that stage they will know where I live, so if they have the guts we can find out what they are made of as well. They complain that I create them misfortunes and then get about managing it such that the more people laugh at them is the more fame and fortune I will make but they are still doing it and as for the Media, I will be running a government orientated Office in a way that means I am superior to an oppress them and their celebrities before their own condition improves as well; all is well as such, only this story of getting into trouble yapping all over the place – I mean they do want to know why I think so differently alright and it is that old story by the way of the fact at least 90% of female population spend most of their time giving birth, raising people and preventing people from making wars and killing, while 50% of the male population do the exact opposite, so that when I tell them to get off my Books and clear my space they say it will never happen because those Books have their societies and communities in it, whereas I was the boss all along and not them in the first place – apparently they go to work in order to play with me and don’t like it if their wives think they are having an affair, they love to tell me I am gay for inflicting it on them but apparently that makes it better as such, so it always ends with a story of I will get beaten up which indicates the clowns simply cannot shut their trap; it’s tough its difficult, it’s impossible, so people build lives and careers and conveniences and have respect for nothing – they give women no kind of rebate whatsoever, none for those that are younger than they are either and they took eternity to find the jobs they have now but it is the nightmare of the next young person that has gotten in their face as a matter of their own design – so I have legitimate reasons to see them away from my concerns as per if I never followed it up with consequences I would never have been human. Of course they do claim nobody really knows what motivates me and what I am angry about and so on but of course we all know they can understand me if I said I wanted to justify how amusing the destruction of my Book sales with a newly invented media stupidities designed specifically for me is meant to have been, from the perspective of their complain about a difficult existence that causes them to live a life of conveniences all the time, by appointing myself the person that will solve the problems of feminists, so we can find out if I will not spend a fortune of it, only for the problems to be solved and for the problems to return again in about 2 hours because they manufactured it even when they are not women and could not possibly have done so in a natural way without harming themselves. I have had enough but the foolish men do not seem to get it yet. So the story I am a dodgy fellow and nobody really knows what annoys me, has no basis in reality; reality of which is that leaders have no respect, while it is a difficult existence and women get no deals, younger persons must live a nightmare because of a job that took them eternity to find and since last it provided them savings, no young person can never catch on and they had become untouchable – in my case specifically they say women are the problem when people try to aid me but we all know my heart will be restrung, so that I will have a life being surrounded by women replaced with one where I am by men and then there will be no such trouble as people being punished for doing the right thing for instance etc.
They do say I have equality and diversity questions to answer for my position but there is of course no such thing; all is well if people do not turn up to grind away my own life at me, really mess it up and swipe my public and social life to make fashion and popular culture and media without which they cannot be like they can give to the frugal. I am aware I have created whole communities of people having anal sex that they never actually get to have, so I am aware I am one of the greatest threats to their alternative lifestyles and freedoms and diversities, I am not half as stupid as they like to make out I am – I have got news for them which has to do with the fact all these poor people they see and like to see endlessly are actually good people as it were. No point complaining about me but attacking me to secure some privilege of injustice from Politicians which never actually operates unless my financial well being is suspended – no point complaining about me but attacking me still all the time never the less. it is not the only challenge that I face at this Office, there are others such as the fact the whole process and procedure of having a writer career here has been taken up by them and altered, altered and made crooked like they are, looking for trouble, where the result is that I am trying to reach people who typically are in a Family of Dad a teacher and Mum works in super market and they want to sit under a tree to read something on a regular basis and every time I reach them, somebody has a civil rights that involves slapping them on the wrist for it. So they say it’s obviously nice to see Royalty care about poor people but its great wonder which one people were going to use as pretext for killing me and collecting my body parts in a jar before they begin their business on account they want to be rich - they do love to claim it’s about having a new Country like we hear all the time. Now most people think I am increasingly becoming a massive disappointment even though I shouldn’t be blamed for it, which I am not; it’s all just incredible degrees of exhibitionism and disobedience at my expense, concerning every single little thing I say and every single little thing I do, garnished with fame idiots doing me favours over jobs I do not have the physical endowments to perform, in order to make their own money and bring about their narcissistic wealth equality. It is the part where they issue threats that lead to a process of reinstating reality since they seem to be unable to understand that my people will not let it go as well if I did come to harm; like I mentioned before about media carrying out their much loved bullying until I run an office in a way which oppresses them, while society people never look before they leap, such that they always make so much case about those who do not wish to tolerate their insults to a point where they are involved with persons that will teach them lessons and make fame from it, such as myself who is definitely going to get away with it thereof. The reality apart from their disobedient exhibitionism is that we are here because on the media part, years ago they started telling me to bring my possessions and public life and put it at their convenience so people can be where they want to be but for society ones, it’s about their Politicians and Media wrecking peoples finances so that such persons might end up in their company and have his problems used to exasperate him to a state where his very personality is throwing it about – which is the point where we hear them start to brew their useless hate campaigns and have a thing for those who teach them a lesson and remain in their company whilst there is nothing they can do about it such as myself, every time they do. We hear them blab all the time about an individual that is me, who expects people to control their own feelings so that he might exist – control feelings of how his physical appearance affects people and how the way I behave makes people feel so as to feel a breeze but we all know this is not where it starts; where it started was the part where they were having too much perverted fun that the media put them up to because I refused to co-operate with people’s needs – so that I will come to harm by their is not that concerning which they have calculated the cost very well; it is a dream world that they live in. There is that story of the celebrity bits that helps me which they talk about all the time and it does not – the celebrity bits is part of the whole game, something they do to ensure they are judge jury and prosecutor so to speak and it all comes down to challenging me over my Intellectual Property Administration Empire by going off to familiarise with Companies that broker equities here; it’s the industrial aspect of the reasons they behave the way they do that is being looked at in terms of the Fashion and celebrity abuses – the personal one is as simple as every single little thing I say and do being collected by them to exhibit themselves with on media but when done they do exactly the same things that resulted a process where they got so angry they were made to behave in that way towards me with that big mouth. The Politicians and their Media friends do say there is a straight way of talking about these matters but of course there is; The Queen has not set herself up in such ways as means business is about whether or not I am more important than journalists and society people and am being insulted by them which needs to be settled, so the result of us follow her designs; having said so, Politicians are convinced obviously that everybody will likely buy into the story that they did not know these guys they have dressed up with money and civil rights movements and helped onto celebrity culture so they might never be wrong are gangs – gangs that are in the Middle, neither big nor small but in the middle and have a thing for peoples private parts and for money and making people feel filthy all the time and will never stop because they have needs, until people get killed and when people don’t get killed they gain dominance when they are feared – that they did not know these were gangs as Media career idiots and members of parliament, not hurting badly enough yet as it were.; not a crisis per se but it’s the idea that Politicians and Politicians the republicanism didn’t know these were gangs. They do say I am unable to cope with intrigues of government Office whereas I have done everything to ensure Politicians are able to protect their people and their interests but we obviously have evidence that this process of seeing their things are done for them according to the mess they make for those who are obviously their slaves was not made up i.e. I have given them everything but the idea that Parliament is separate from Monarchy which it is not is still that point where they feel they want to play games the most – the one where they are part of the Monarchy and are there to tell people which one is peoples own and which one is not on account they are looking after their own but this process of doing their stuff for them according to the mess they make for those who do it because they are obviously the slaves is not fantasy; we are talking about giving them everything, right up to the global stage where we are mopping up this Mid level gangs nonsense because it is the biggest impediment to cross National Industrial co-operation and mobility which is essential during recovery from an economic crisis but according to evidence we have what Mr Cameron is doing with it is basically finding out how many Companies of the future will be owned by his best friends and this is a matter about which there will be complains really soon as well: at the moment the foolish men continue to suggest I need to be gotten rid of as I find it impossible to cope with government Office intrigue which intrigue is exactly what they are complaining about.
Now they say I speak of mid level gangs but cannot see that ISIL is one of the biggest failures of this generation but I am sure they are prepared for that conversation too, since I was rather certain my fighting ability was unique and identical to a Royal order that is pruned and tended for the service personnel that need and make use of it and not whether or not Tony Blair wants to do business with Arab goons speaking of a certain shame that none white people are unable to strategise and then there is Mr Cameron as well and the rest of every silly busy body at that Parliament playing the borrowing my sword to swish at the problems of life routine which insult is on and then there is Mr Cameron as well and the rest of every silly busy body at that Parliament playing the borrowing my sword to swish at the problems of life routine which insult is only rivalled by a need to fuck their mistresses with my personal life. They love to other side of it where I have given up my freedom for a terrorist group but we all know they are not prepared for the freedom conversation either – not even the part where it is about being a responsible human being. The only other part that is worthy of a response being the one where women learn from me and get about provoking people – whereas we all know people like to grab the life of women and their own future, figure out both and pull off financial success, usually by creating staffing based problems for everybody else and oppressing those who need employment because they are in a position to give it – the outcome will be that they are super men provided the Police does not catch them driving under the influence so that the rest of us might really get the joke – in the Middle East there is lots of influence and very little Police, so it blows up easily. Hence they say they want to know what else I know as such generally but it’s the old story of normal people chasing their daily business and those who have dropped out making trouble for me especially; so that it starts from where he has a business but comes to the shop where I work as a security guard, to play with me and that is because he is three times my size and is not very happy at home and somebody must pay; so I will wait for him to get close enough and then when he stumbles on the fact he wife now thinks he is having an affair, he will start to think he is not leaving the shop and we all know that is never the result which is rather that they leave the way remake them and then the wife will come in later in the day and look happier than usual – win some lose some job done but when the media is involved it escalates from this, so the one where he is on benefits and is at the shop to steal the writing career of the security guard and they are not learning their lesson on their media yet until it ends really badly Hence they say they want to know what else I know as such generally but it’s the old story of normal people chasing their daily business and those who have dropped out making trouble for me especially; so that it starts from where he has a business but comes to the shop where I work as a security guard, to play with me and that is because he is three times my size and is not very happy at home and somebody must pay; so I will wait for him to get close enough and then when he stumbles on the fact he wife now thinks he is having an affair, he will start to think he is not leaving the shop and we all know that is never the result which is rather that they leave the way remake them and then the wife will come in later in the day and look happier than usual – win some lose some job done but when the media is involved it escalates from this, so the one where he is on benefits and is at the shop to steal the writing career of the security guard and they are not learning their lesson on their media yet until it ends really badly; the other stuff that happens being the one where Black girls have a problem with me and that is largely due to my history i.e. the old inability to tolerate badly raised women and so it becomes a case of give her one warning and then another, none of which are warnings that can be physically substantiated and then the cashiers will be deploying some high level beauty to serve customers and she is going home looking like that – where they do get to ask me why it happens as though I am not partly responsible for provoking them and it will end when I cut up that stupid celebrity culture to keep them off my finances all together as well.
Eventually it comes down to the story of how I never of things on time with respect to my Royal Estate Business and Company and have not shown any sense of understanding the financial losses that result but of course it is actually not true; reality is that there are three parts to my business and one of them is that of providing security and the other is the high level publicity for my Books and the third is the tools laid out for companies in brokerage as per to be able to manage how fast they can grow or indeed how slow depending on forecast facts – at the moment I am raising funds for the second part as the other two are not difficult and it’s that old matter of working as a security guard in Aldi and somebody turning up at the shop with a body language and when I make him understand he needs to be clear it is not his shop, he or she then appears to report facts about how on account the shop exists, that goon that likes to bother has been asking him or her to turn up and rob the shop and its usually where they find me in a place where they really cannot measure how far I will be willing to go – whereby calling the Police does not necessarily mean that I will be unwilling to make fame and fortune from the fact they have stolen simply because they have met people who think it is all going a bit too far; however which when they do refuse to steal I provide them support as well; I do get told its pretty dangerous to as well which I understand but it is not as if those who think I can be taken advantage of are unaware that I know when I am either – the way they say it is that I am the ‘really big ting’ and they have no idea where I get big until it blows up; several have come to the shop only to empty their trolleys without buying a product or bought a really cheap one to pass off a gratuitous insult that means they will be doing it anyway because they are in a gang and I am watching that too. They do claim I insist I am more important when I play catch up and tell what happened all the time but the only ways people are more important than I am around here is first being so stupid that involvement with my concerns is destructive, then making some money with my property in the process by sharing conveniences and turning up on media to oppress me with that money, while what I do is write my Books, of which the facts sometimes get so intense that I have to talk it out with myself before I write it which is how their involvement gets to mean they end up in the books to fight and complain. They do however insist that if they are able to invent something stupid to insert into my concerns and make money, it has to mean they are more important but they are not – all they do is provoke me and then each time I try to deal with it, get somewhere a distance to sit about collecting trophy victories from it, of which I have no idea what is to happen to them before it stops as well, so I have to guess it will end really badly. At the moment they are complaining about the fact they are compulsively angry as well and the reason is that I want to change their quality of life no matter what they have and that the end product has to be being able to measure out relative senses of convenience that will show I am more important and we all know they don’t teach such things at Church and where I got the idea in my 30 s is quite obvious; just like they claim they don’t know how and why they provoke people like me but when we hear them speak about people’s faith and religion it gets scary all the time, just a conversation they are having – hence it has to be that they are being insincere about not knowing how they provoke them religious people or that they have to be the world’s biggest collection of gits. In their defence they say they are no gits and that the real problem should actually be measured by the fact I am an angry famous person, whereas in actual fact Media does not prevent anybody from determining that the name of the person that plays the game where his civil rights is on one hand and the fact somebody wanted to buy your Books is on the other is this or that etc – they just live in a fantasy land where they claim I am the provocateur while reality says the days when they perverted the whole process of Book writing for me was obviously the greatest fun they have ever had; the one where they read it before it is published or while it is being written because I must have exposed myself in some way while they get to work to set societies on me for comfortable conveniences that must be extracted from my faith and personal life sake and then set about using it to stimulate market to give to some girl or some celebrity or some idiot that will join them whenever they are off to such activities – now however of which it has all changed and they now report what I want them to because if they don’t somebody else will considering their Industry is competitive as well; obviously these things happen because they seek a response and people have feelings. They speak of two issues at the end of this particular matter and that one of them concerns the female journalists I mess about and make a mess with, while other concerns the fact I pay attention to my Books while people are taking away my security job but then again, I need an appraisal for a job and a streamlining for a company and I will be back at work tomorrow to see how they fared and then we will find where their Godlessly stupid and violent jobs are too depending on what I find – as for the female journalists issue, we still have the part where the scoundrels have no plans to pay for their own stuff as ever, so they are back there again FYI we all want to be where we find it easy to get employment and they are back at my own again.
Posted by Ikpe Uno.