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Browsing Archive: October, 2013

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Company Premises Hospitality | HH The Arch Prince's Royal Estate Hospitality ® | Company Holdings and Book Sales Customer based Hospitality The Popular culture, popularity and popular music, business and Political vandalism have come to a point where those who work them have found themselves a position where they can express what others make them feel when they protect their businesses and livelihoods; the outcome is that people do not see those things they do as a bad thing anymore and One is personally of the opinion that will not change unless he prevents a condition where his business is available to pay for it in one way or another from existing. It has even come to the point where they have enough lies, stories and publicity based on personal familiarity with them, all made up and claims that create the idea that the products of this company is not a product or something created for sale from a company created by a person who has friends and allies and is a person like everybody else. HH intends to retain full control of every thing; condition or situation that gives them incentives for these behaviours, those their cultures he intends to claim as personal and private property, not withstanding of which forcing them to peddle it for some years now is not hurting badly enough because of course they can only rebuild it, which will then show that they can for everybody as well and in this he will do so at a global scale and do the world a favour as well with that too. So the biggest idea is that the most out standing impediment to his work and career is the women he gets around with on media. Fascinating then One should suppose when the fact remains that all the older woman does is make you angry and there is therefore a lot that you can do with it. Its much the same with the old matter of how I don’t care if people want to be recruited to HH cause, of which there is not recruitment to be made unless One is being punished for things he did as a Christian, of which he really has no regrets and so the outcomes are clearly not hurting badly enough yet therefore. There are three issues to it, one of them is the cultural spirituality of HH The Arch Prince, which is entirely something the British establishment handles and the other is the older female journalists in The working Court of One's Royal Estate, whom they love to target all of the time and no body will understand if they are fighting them for his affections or fighting them because they will hurt him in the process or fighting them because they want to have homosexual sex with him. Then the final one is the younger female journalists’ ones that makes real sense of everything i.e. when One is in company of people his age and has nothing to be nervous about, things they do to make trouble out of nothing which shows signs of providing satisfaction for any narcissism or sadism based abuse and has no regard for those they call insolent names no matter who they are, as attacking the older female journalists does express their lack of respect for their bosses or indeed anybody else's boss. None of these three issues therefore tends to indicate or suggest that HH needs recruits. As for the part where he ignores friends in the US, it is best explained with the question of whether he is left or right wing i.e. He brokers intellectual property, sells packaged equities and is very sceptical about the value of the financial system and cannot possibly belong on the left; contrary to popular believes he does not like to get involved with people from a distance. If One therefore wanted recruits he would probably have set up a site to manage the logistics for that and if he actually has fans, he sell books for a living and there is no seeing any of those flying off the shelves recently on account of these who want to be recruited to a cause. It is suggested that most of my conjecture as a product of failings on my part and there were always consequences for those – these are not failing at all, these are a product of gimmicks where an idiot was assured by some German influence idiots of support that will help to secure free private security industry service at my expense, so they embarked on a business of running me down, making a mess of my social life, spying on me, now stifling my Bookshop to threaten me with homelessness, the entire time the idiocy involved complaining about the results of thwarting everything I did to ensure the idiots who abused my privacy spent their own privacy to do it all together and will spend it as I wished too, getting protection from the king and shooting off the big mouth everywhere – the big part of it came with Celebrity involvement, since there was always an ageist idiots at Parliament who needed to shove people into doxy society and hang about complaining of the effects and consequences, such an opinionated prick that it loved things that had grown, it apparently had its grown and therefore loves itself but whenever it was about nothing ever grew. It now seemed like the biggest mistake ever, all those times that money was given to celebrities because they tended to spend it to encourage public involvement in areas of the economy that will build future growth, now we can clearly see that they spent most of their time trashing careers and personal finances to make themselves important, like they had informed me that they had such an amount of money in their bank accounts which I can account for better than they can and want the equity handed back at this point, such an amount of money that if I spent the rest of my life making trouble for them over their need to stifle my career and finances, I would never be able to dent it, hence I did make it clear another corruption of my involvement at the work market for their gimmicks would be the last straw for me and they did it again, with the ageist idiots sensing an opportunity to show up here with a media presence that allowed their stupidities to goad me, like the part that was certainty set to end badly. So I can provide an assurance that it is not a failing on my part at all: like the idea if I know of it I am supposed to do something which I cannot without public power and the power is meant to be financial, I only work on the basis of people paying for my Books – the current problem with this being that I seem to have ended up with a career publicity in which I am said to have been trying to assist those who were funding my concerns with their own personal social matters, hence we ended up with the stupid dialogue and the various shades of it, about being brave enough to deserve my career, whilst the stupidities picked up my career publicity to run its own affairs, looking to sell me out over a cause and become a paid version of its own problems, like its famous idiots, who then get off boasting that having the matter sorted out like this does not make me likeable whereas we are talking about their stupidities being a product of the fact I shopped somewhere for my groceries and the shop next door began evil with respect to my overseas business interests feeding into my shopping activities, to assume I spend time thinking about how I might like and be liked by them; now needs to stop clinging to income margins with comments gestures, red carpet and media appearances or I will keep it away from my clients the way that does not consider their silly needs or there is for the future prospects to continue sending out private security corruption, to pinch dietary recipes here, in order to plug the superiority gap, just in case we met. The story does extend to the idea that I needed to get my financial matter resolved or I should be forgotten about – I could never make sense of these kinds of ideas anyway, since there is no real problem here, simply that since 2011, a problem had arisen in the sense that these gits had formed a two part gimmick band wagon at my expense, one of men with their narcissism platform and the other of celebrity insults, whilst this was the said time in which it was best for me to begin the process of working a system that had emerged because I had created my Book i.e. the publishers placed it in an environment where the patents that they had assigned to the Books would make sense and I was in the position to begin selling it so that I earned my income and paid the commission that was due – since 2012 however the banner that had resulted from a sense that people knew I had written a Book because there was publicity used to make sense of the patents, came under assault from Celebrities and everything has since gone down hill, we are picking up the pieces in a condition where prevalent abuses involved the idea that it was all my fault and if I showed some respect for people who ensured I had to be afraid of the famous, the situation might improve. The other society gits had joined the game naturally, seeing as the Celebrities had abused a structure I built to help the public build products that baby sit goons who spent money fighting them and decided it was favouritism to the advantage of the female population and they had to have their own, whilst the structure was actually not built for them to solve their inequality and wealth problems as such, it was expected that apart from the main effects, there were also other outcomes where these characters in question would want to buy products that baby sit them because they were frustrated and other times people will simply want to sell it to them because they had a potential to become a threat, these having been alongside the main aim trashed to the ground by the famous who decided what should become of my career, the role of the society gits that got involved had since gone beyond reading my birth signs to decide which person was born on a Brith sign that was able to dominate me, whilst complaining about the ways that passing insults at me had provoked me to a point where I solved that nonsense where they lived in a society that hated famous people but it was all a lie, due to the need to make a private security work an abusive experience for me after years of running me down over some need to antagonise women for social privileges which actually had nothing to do with me, leaving them to chase Celebrities for money, about which they now wanted revenge. The point here is that they have seen the Book cover and had decided over a 7 year period to make the Book provocative to them in a circumstances where people had set up livelihoods on such ideas and were completely reliant, if I am unable to run my Bookshop in my own circumstances where I can guarantee that those who read Books from it will not be subjected to random street violence, I will ruin them and then there will be a good reason for my Books to provoke them, an explanation of matters behind the trashing of my career and building communities to finger my bum because men want to be free of everything concerning women and children, then I will end up with a completely new writing career that dealt with it – for the time being it seems to have been lessons learned when they need to move me to their left over claims they were real men, beating them down and then the Celebrities too. I mean Book readers do not go to bookshops to find controversy, we have not even achieved a process where my shop was quiet enough for them to enjoy the Books that they will be paying for, stuck with poofs talking nonsense and will not take a hint. I personally now wish to return to my own work, now that their famous gits have been able to make sense of antagonism they might cause when they trash peoples affairs around the world and show up here to trash mine as well at a Royal trust, waging war on crime control publicity, that it is the wrong doers who get involved with security services because they felt they needed to make amends, that pose a threat to their friends at the service too all together, sometimes these people are not even wrong doers, just people from smaller countries that relied on tourism and you end up with a seven foot man telling you that you had loads, waging war on crime control publicity whilst what was seen was all they had and they needed some peace from your gimmicks. for my part, it would seem that the famous had acknowledged what they were doing is disgusting by complaining it hurts their tummy and bottom as well, that I had the messy history with the tax man at the Trust, what they were now telling me is that they were the people in a position to get worse – same group of people since 2011; they were supposed to pick up my work for gimmicks and end up somewhere running these kinds of errands for me, to arrive at a point where they committed suicides but they have been saved by the King and I simply want the financial structures that they extracted money from after I complained about their nasty interest in my person, talking nonsense about people I am to be afraid of, returned and restored, especially in terms of publicity. I am now being informed that everything I had worked for had been completely wrecked but it is supposed to be if it was other peoples civil rights for me to end up in a situation where there was such a sustained need to pass insults in my direction, that the clients who watched me tolerate their stupidities the previous time are not as important as those that have watched me tolerate it recently, therefore it seemed that I lived an existence that was moving and making progress. So apparently if I am being told because it got serious, it must mean that my responses were not the wrong things to do and I needed to return to the business of doing them even though considering that in a world of learn, do, stupid, we could see these were idiots mandated by immoral society all together, I need to get back to doing those things that ensured I was able to put up such a level of deterrence that it was said that I am in the wrong, need to return to it even though they were dying because I did it. I mean the details are that I am living in a 2 decade career mess because I am being tricked, everywhere I go, every direction I turned, I was being tricked, then there were the women as well, who had converted my public image into a tool for sharing the incomes of the wealthy and getting the poor to attack me in order to make them famous, tricked, following me around, reinventing my public image for its gimmicks tricks and so on, the men have ripped up my career over ideas that I had eventually resolved their need to show up here ripping and tearing when I picked up a job at the private security industry, thus now I know what security was about and how it is done, provoking me into a response will provide them idea that added up to some security they got from me free of charge, which famous idiots have since made the most of i.e. the idea my whole life had become a big fight and I was in huge trouble is utter nonsense, I need to return to my deterrence regardless of whether they were losing their lives because of it: I do not like music they liked for example and I don’t want to see it show up all over my Bookshop, needs to cease playing with me and abusing me if I am complaining about it.






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