May 3, 2015
Of course it isn’t true that the current Political situation in the Country is of my doing; I mean an example is the Liberal democrats where the leadership says messing up other peoples academic work can mean there is little your leaders can do to prevent tuition fees being raised which makes them enemy number one; these guys are always looking for trouble as a people and it is when their leaders lead them in the right direction that a crime that cannot be forgiven Politically has been committed. The problem is largely always that they love to think they are more modern than I am but that is not actually what the Books I write suggests either; so the business ones perpetually feel like handling my products to ask questions as to whether I want to sell my products or sell other peoples own whereby they make the decision for me that I want to sell other peoples own everyday to get rich and the money is then spent on loutish clubbing and partying that ensure they cannot be reasoned with, the media ones rather like to provide leadership for the bit where people tell me that I churn their tummy by the things I do and say and that I am very perverse of which the reality is actually perhaps that I am a leader and they are not and like to make out they hand handle me whereas they really cannot and nobody knows what their problem therefore is with the respect bit i.e. they always like to think they are more modern than I am whereas the Royals know I am the Modern One and is the reason I need my Religious and Moral anchor to such an extent. The story of how I am the black sheep of my family is an old one but as I remember I had the highest score in the family at our first school leaving Tests, so everything else is just parents engineering family and they know as well as I do that the things my Mother does to me and the things their wicked money loving society follows it up with is not that which any one person should do to another but chose to make it into a political asset and turn up to complain while they are such tools at the same time like it was their own family when I kick their own too. It has actually never really been a problem for me as such; I view handling these guys as the thing I do to ensure I am a normal person who does not live his life in a way that makes trouble for others; so the need for the Politicians to please the Medical insanities of their various Communities and Media is counted among that and being seen making comments about or handling the Books is always something I view as them cutting me off from my exist route to find out what I can do. The ones that sneak into people’s companies and turn up in the City centre to wear suits and stuff are obviously the ones that cause women to say ‘its really, really, really stupid then isn’t it?’ and then you end up realising that is really how to put it. I mean the world of things they have come up with because they wrecked my academic work playing their games, which by the way jeopardised the body of knowledge that others will be paying thousands to acquire and others depend on for their livelihoods still in the work for, on account I took steps to ensure it is safe for me the next time I try as it were on that stupid media every day.
We hear them speak of how I live on benefits and how I need to be made to say something about it all the time that it is mentioned; of which the reality has always been that the benefits are designed to help me find a job, working for somebody or being self employed and they do need to stop spending mine as it were, get off my books and stop making noise about how many mortgages they have and need to pay it off on seeing that when they talk to me it’s like talking to a very respectful kid of which if so needs to co-operates with their needs so they can have anything they want with a big mouth. It’s nothing unusual; the Middle Class is full of idiots who have no plans to seek out how to work with their mates overseas to make money and do business if they can have my Royal one for instance and so I gave them the opportunity and they ripped up my finances but have since not gone away and one of the two of us will end up with my life and we all know which one that will be as well. The threats will not improve anything either; I am quite fed up with the story of these fools and their stupid girl friends and a case of spending my possessions while being out of my league, I am really fed up with it, since it is clear there is no privilege of sex with the wrong crowd happening here as such; I have never thought it an issue, it’s that noise making all the time about how they would give anything to stop me making out I am Royalty when I am not coupled with a need to Middle Classes tell me where I am supposed to be and if they get in my face for it, I promise they will give it for real as it were. If I have to have one meal a day to save money and plough it into my business to patch up some lose ends as such, it is what the benefits are given to me for and I don’t want anybody to spend my energy on their stupidities and violence and frivolities in that condition, this is not their lives but I need to say it since they are hard of hearing already anyway – so these guys might want to face facts as it were and leave me alone i.e. if you CV turns up on the Table of some 1200 out of 2000 employers, then you have to accept the outcome has to be that you created your own job, I cannot continue saying the same to the same group of stupid middle class scum for 15 years without consequences. This has always been what it is about; complains they have problems – the history of their lives does not help either and every local community goon wants to do their job because they work on media but when done they will never buy music CDs unless those are made abusing me from their fellow vandals and when they complain they issue threats with a big mouth alongside as well, their bottom hurts and many times as much when the elections are on but they still cannot put their money where their mouth is.
They speak of their undying need to call people up on media and progress the process of probing people’s minds on it, the probing peoples mind itself of which has become a state of affairs for their media jobs as it were and of how I showed them how to do it. Whereas what really happened was that they and their friends wanted bug business but took the whole game of a lack of respect for the unwritten rules to another level i.e. if they are the ones complaining about human rights, surely they should be able to see that if million people buy a product and they know which company it belongs to and who owns that company, it will be an impossible task to simply get up on media and take it away from them, maybe you can bend market conditions and end up rallying a board to buy it from them so they end up with money and don’t have the company anymore since you cannot leave people alone but you cannot take it from them at that stage – what they decided they wanted to do was to get on media with an alliance of very violent idiots with socialist small businesses that specifically exist to help them bully people, to bend the mind of the population of the world into a perverse state, then claim I am the one that showed them how to do it because they want to build prognosis by which they do every single time from religious things I get up to and time again they believe that people think the way they have claimed it happened is how it did and that is why they issue those stupid threats at me regularly and of course we all know they can never ever buy books, that is something they vomit on or something, then we hear them claim my Books hurt as well and twice as badly when the elections are on but cannot be caught dead keeping their stupid selves outside of it for goodness sake.
We always find that time is wasted over that around the premise of what I know and how I keep it to myself because it means everything to me to hoard it all and allow people come to harm, while they pillage my personal life to investigate and do my career to feel like me on media but it’s much the same story about feminists and a boy who have figured it out again and hence his complain about vandalism was unfounded and he will know what is what if he does not let her have what she wants via seeking equality with him when she already knows she is superior and as for the men, they are freedom goons and it is defined according to somebody else’s personal life and possessions but the big bit is that they are bloody idiots but cannot be caught dead asking others nicely. You do have to imagine yourself in their shoes and then realise you would have been a person that really enjoys the violent aspects of seeing people Naked all the time and that is how they get to finger peoples bum violently to ensure others do not interfere with their needs – now they work so hard to convince people they are trying to make me look human whereas the reality is that they downloaded my renaissance off the University computer which I put there while I was studying for my own purposes and are now sitting down to enjoy something of the preaching I was supposed to preach to give men their spirituality and sense of ascension and so on and I am going to hurt them seriously over that the same way I did over the need to get Politicians to ensure I can dominated first before I even complete an academic work. It’s the old story about meeting people one with their own flavour of how they will use the personality of the Royal Prince that they are able to see on their streets and these are just of the kind that like to say the way their own works is that kids like me go to them to give them a sense of village and fraternity of Nation and it’s an old story about the Politicians having the freedom to pass their insults and comments about my work at will if they can reason with them and make them stop at will too, otherwise stop complaining about the consequences – the media ones I will not dignify their complains with a response unless I need to describe them to others; I mean there are many ways I can reason with the media for instance one of them being telling somebody that messing around with my work every day to ruin the sales because they want to feel like they have got a Royal Estate as well means I will be sleeping rough in about five days time or maybe I met a professional on the streets today and he said something about messing with aesthetics of careers I know nothing of thereby creating problems for them etc but I never will because they are criminally disobedient talking nonsense about how doing my career and making me history is something they will achieve one way or another and that is why we must start with the sense they have got a Royal Estate of their own all be it a feeling.
They do say it is the same sort of stubbornness when they don’t want people to come to their country and people just keep coming – the reality however being that they want you to leave their country when they handle your career and you don’t want to give it up for there is actually no other way to leave their Country while they are doing that too. So the story having been that argument fails all the time usually very quickly turns to the tale of how there are others who have defied the will of their social class to give a useless me whatever it is I wanted but of course whether or not they can go after my friends is up to them, I however am clear the fact they are democratic people and can get involved with anybody if it is a need, to play a game of a right to be anything they want and to live in a free Country that allows them to that effect will not end well especially when it involves their nature which is to stifle my book sales for decades until they prepare themselves on media to be the side of society that practices intolerance on me of which if they really want to wind me up can lay down popular culture pipelines of my renaissance and right hand again as it were. They think they will not pay for it considering they want to stop at their own time and not when I tell them to and that is why they tell their tales and make fun out of it, whereby their perspective will be enforced on me the day they are able to back that up too; so they do not teach it at Church of course, the whole game of clamping down on others and handling their livelihood to make it operable, guess wherefore where I have learned it, but then again they will never quit while they are winning. It’s like those stories of how I make Royal enemies which of course is utter nonsense too; I mean they plan their plans and get involved with the Queens family to build their wealth to dizzying heights – the wealth that was their own as it were in the first place and it always has something to do with hurting me, a pointless violence in my direction – just like their media idiots spend all their time making out each and everything I do is a function of what I don’t want to do but they have forced me to, so that it gets to a stage where people ask them to prove it and I have to deal with a pointless violence I could really have done without endlessly; so is it the same when they have a shop selling designer clothes or make shoes for Royalty for instance – its violence, violence, violence they cannot explain because they have seen my private equity Intellectual property Administration Company and want to impress the kind of girls that they get to roll with and you wonder why people would break into Jewellery community safes to steal diamonds when they know the market price for such goods are so high that they will get caught eventually – perhaps it has become important to some people to break their stupid hearts as it were. Of course there are power issues involved in this matter; starting from the part about doing so well concerning the process of putting away violence and destruction of general society that I earn the attention of these idiots who then get on public places to build me another concerning them and are always after my finances to ensure it makes sense, right up to the Industry ones that hope I will do nothing each time they handle my possessions so it does not lead to a process where violence against me in required of them and yet they destroy it to get rich every time hoping they will make the money to stop me from doing anything about them – it’s a matter of how your very existence makes people feel when they are determined not to stay out of your space.
It is not in any way true I have been beaten by Americans; the truth is rather that they are Americans and nobody knows what they cling to the very existence of a British man for – I mean if I mix them up they will likely see an armed Police officer and get around challenging those, when they get shot it’s my fault. Luck does not come into the matter, the luck only applies with respect to the fact that there are some positives that have been deployed which we did not foresee in the first place and worked to ensure their activities are not are far reaching or damaging as they were meant to have been. They do ask on one hand whether I do not think my actions are racist and that if they are not racist what then do I suppose is racism seems to be the question I must answer and on the other hand still they speak of things they can do to harm me of which the response has always been that if you have a pressing issue and need to be successful with it, and all the black people you meet are an impediment while some of the white people you meet are not, allowing you to make friends from a tiny group of the white people that are not, does it then mean that you are racist and then again does a process where black people cling to you to express their stupidities in high places any less racist? On the other hand is the latter issue of the fact what it is exactly they can do is what is being put to the test here – they are not British, they are American and need to stop being so stupid and put their threats where people might appreciate their school yard bullying nonsense – this is not a school yard where they can collect peoples lunch money at will, I don’t know them and don’t need to. None of these things are unusual, these are a collection of scum that engage in gender alteration when they are unable to adopt that disposition that allows them a state of mind that is easily guided into killing people for money and their need to take advantage of a Christian in a sexual way just to enjoy a bit of freedom and issue threats will soon be the next stage of reckoning; as for the Media bosses that give media jobs to bullies, the story has always been that every time there is a market opportunity an American is likely to be the first perpetrator there, to take advantage of it and set up a structure he claims is a business to get around hurting people with, so the test is usually to spend money on it and wait over a certain period and if nothing happens then whatever happens later happens because people sometime change or people have problems, when that threshold of time is not actualised before the problems kick off then you know you are facing people who set up contraptions to lure you in, take your money and play house always wins game and so you must be armed with your own score to settle and watch them get on media all the time but then again media bosses will keep employing them since in the UK there is a way we get together and collect that stupid business for somebody else as it were but not in the US most of the time, they say if they stopped doing so, knowing that a combination of their bullying and access to media means they are the ones spending all their time on collecting other peoples livelihoods for somebody else these days but have no plans to stop it because one of the most insolent goons in the land aka me will be one of the biggest beneficiaries; I don’t have a problem with it, only the question of whether they would have become media managers today if the media was run like that by those that went before them, bedsides which I have had enough of their staff and if they don’t manage it I will manage it for them and it goes without saying I have my own means of sorting out a good quality of life away from such nonsense and do not need their help in anyway. I understand the story of how it is really complicated to locate what my problem with people really is but it has always been as simple as a matter with the insults – it is as though the more important I get the more they follow me around which allows them to get more money with their promotion at the work place while making sure my finances disappear when I get any at mine, so as to maintain a perceived sense of their importance, the bullying taken to a whole new level due to the fact I exist in a bubble where there are no rules and am important as well so nothing could have been more inviting; so it really comes to crunch around that old issue of the need to set out where I won my battles and get on media to roll it back, then ensure they preserve their own from me to have a sense of security while I am dominated by their bullying – it never really works and they are getting into ever increasing trouble for it as well for good measure, since it is obviously the kind of competition they should express at their mates and not me and as for the part where they claim they are so far deep into my personal space they can handle my penis and finger my bum every single time I as much as twitch, it is the old story of whether you want to take off that mask you wear of being afraid of whether or not they would like to kill you as it were, so we all know it’s that big mouth wagging and when you say anything a criminal will pick it up, just like popular culture idiots do on the Book sales.
They seem to be far more concerned with making noise on media about how little attention I pay to the racism that is thrown at me on a daily basis but of course there is no such racism; what is happening is people doing what they do best i.e. they are bullies and cannot function unless they are ordering around a boy – shut up, quiet, do as you are told and an endless expression of violence in my direction and need to threaten me and get involved in my personal space which is how they use my products without paying for them; so I am happy to take my hat off for those who appear on my TV but it does not mean I am oblivious to what they really are; and it is either the media establishments will manage their staff on this matter or I am going to do it for them – I don’t want their publicity on my Books and if I am interested in any of it I will pay for one. I know of talk of stealing peoples connections at Industry but the need to explore those who broker equities with Companies when they buy products means they never appreciate how good those products are and stops only when they are beaten down which is what has become the most important issue here so I can get on with what really matters whether or not there is wealth inequality nonsense they want to talk about of which we all know involves nothing else but the need to create me enemies and then stick themselves in the middle talking nonsense about a certain coward that does not want to protect the weak and innocent and then my personal life will be lost to violence on one hand while my finances will be lost to them on the other – entirely normal but where do they get to handle my products as well and who on earth gets targeted by it every single moment on a stupid media – the part about their stupid cultures being the story of how people like me are to be familiarised with and then ruined and taken out, I am not the one with that weakness, they are. It will stop when I clamp down and handle their possessions to ensure the process of doing so is effective and then I will have my life back; for now it’s a simple case of a story of Books that I did not write on media as it were. I mean all through our lives its always been a matter of wearing nice clothes when going outside for instance hence the residual sense that you must put the best of you out there, these idiots put the worst, make neighbourhoods hell for everybody and after pillaging the personal lives of moral people to peddle their temperaments and get rich we have to do this because somebody thinks they are not as important as others when they are actually richer but nobody really knows it as it fundamentally was wealth gained by generally mocking with others and never ever communicating with anybody in an honest way – which is why the intrusion and corruptions of involvement has brewed a reaction from others which is therefore racist bearing in mind they cannot leave people alone as it were.
We do hear that talk that people are not aware their actions can be racist and need to be able to get information from others if they are so they might change them but I am sure people understand that a need to get on media and build up enemies for others, then get between them and the enemies to make money abusing and taking advantage of everything that happens with them thereafter is pure evil but I never did need that aspect of their personality to work out what they are really like for my part, it’s a simple story of listening to what people say, when there is a hint of what are you doing with my village or country you know then that you have come across a person a human being that is actually a bad thing. I for my part have been clear about Media bosses giving them jobs so they can go from a need to put up contraptions that trap others in the form of business to play house always wins thing but on realising that people will get together and collect their stupid business for somebody else, need the media to steal other peoples public lives and careers and keep making money thereof which is what really matters to them; the problem being that the media bosses have started blaming me for their activities, so if they don’t manage the bullies they have employed on TV to get around talking through to me, I will manage their bullies for them for my part all together. Its stuff I have had enough of as it were; so that when I have begun to set out my own advertisement and my own trends which means that it is their public lives that I want to peddle and then get tempted to take the privacy as well, they will understand what I mean – I don’t mind the story of my Books not being real books, after all its always sweet to do these things until somebody sets them up as a trend as well; no idea which part of my Books they regard as unreal Books anyway. They do speak of how it happens because I pretend to be Royalty when I am not which is clearly a case of corrupting the armed forces, the old question of how normal low ranking officers become villains – except that is by playing around with the essence of their lives to do popular culture, handle other peoples possessions to get rich and generally use them as a mean of threatening others, I for my part being used by these fools ranging from their Politicians that need to make a black person homeless in winter which is the fear that laid the foundation for every other fear and hence an inability to sit with an employer and answer questions correctly because the men and the societies have put fear into me and the media and managing that instead of their jobs on a daily basis, doing their own version of what fear they want to put into me to their own ends all together as well – the connections with rich peoples and Industry has been cut off and they might assume I am bluffing when I say I will have to manage their bully personnel for them if they fail to do it soon enough as it were. So I have staved off going into villainy of course but it does not mean I am on anybody side either; they need to be told where they are going wrong, where their actions are racist with a big mouth and that their stupid perspective imposed on others will operate the day they are able to back it up too; always seen playing strategic violence with other people’s lives especially the fame freaks and fashion idiots – it is the one that has led me down this path of hitting the ambushers really hard so I can wait for the rest to piss me off as it were. It’s not an emotive issue; on one hand is the extreme methods of dealing with the matter that involves the fact they like it when people hold them down and harm them seriously or kill them, lawfully or not and on the other is the one that women do i.e. bad sex is a habit isn’t it of a story - quality of life always being best maintained by making sure they do not get to spend my personality no matter how flimsy or cheap the media gesture and activity, making sure they are always Politically worse off as it can never really be explained by those who do not believe in good and evil, why it is that those who speak much about civil rights practice so much unnecessary glorification of tyranny and for the Company, making sure they do not get into backyards of Industries to spend my Royal Estate and Intellectual Property Space Empire: it is not in any way true that they are still a problem I cannot be rid of - its the same story of people employing them on media which if others before did there would be any media left for such idiots to manage as it were - so its the people we see host carnivals and never give it a rest about their rising civilisation and how those who destroyed it hundreds of years ago will face a reckoning really soon and like to target me all the time because these same media fools have found they are employing a problem and need somebody to blame for the effects - for my part they do need to put their money where their mouth is all together as well and we are not talking social corruption and sexual corruptibility and being seen to seek out the easiest possible way out of all problems created for themselves and others which opens the way to alternative lifestyles too, a process where they become advertisement trends for the Company could be the least of their worries; we are left as such to the two questions, one of them being why there is much anemosity between me and them of which there isn't any - the insults are all very well because I am scared of them but when my lifestyle has been handed to their boys on Florida beach or Brighton Peer and their Politicians support it with promises to do more for Industry by continued pillaging of my Company we have a problem that needs settling and so in the end those things exist to ensure they are partying so hard if I have a problem with their behaviour in my direction they never have to listen and the other story is that I am messing with other peoples company and that is where abuses towards me are perfectly justifiable which is utter nonsense, the truth of which is that when they are beaten down to a point where they are no longer paying attention to a Royal Estate or a Company that brokers Equities with other Companies, they will want the products because they like it not get involved with what does not concern them to have leverage on the producers over the products in order to target me and when they are beaten down thus it will be good for my Books and for the Companies I work with and for the Products they create and my equities will not become something every tom dick and harry with a tacky media arrangements to make democratic con artists advertisement with to mess about with as well and make noise about my history being found everywhere for others to handle which is precisely as it should be aka when they want something they always get it, it is a problem they it seems need the owners of the personal lives and possessions they screw it to settle and settle emphatically over their disobedience and then they will be customers of other peoples great and fabulous products in peace, which of course yet again will be one step closer to making them sell it properly too (I mean they now know without a doubt what the cost is, how it is done and how the connections are made as it were - great to have mentioned it).
Posted by Ikpe Uno.