CEO Leadership at The Empire Intellectual Property Space | Adventures in Local Creativity Equity & Intellectual Property Administration (Men at Industry - Socio-Political Feminism -Industrial Feminism) | Royal Office and the Global Local Neighbourhoods, Diplomacy and the Company Celebrated Communities






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  • The Industries Community
  • Royal Estate Literary Empire & Equity Property Trust Systems
  • The Literary Empire Intellectual Property Space & Property in Action


Browsing Archive: February, 2017


Posted by Ikpe Uno on Sunday, February 12, 2017,


Now they say I cannot detach myself from the internet while the internet was never that much of a factor when it comes to working with Firms and selling my Books – I could easily spend 90 minutes to complete tasks with Firms or do it on the go while I peddle my Books on the streets if I wanted but we can all see that what happens is that my profile gets hijacked and then nothing works after that and then its followed by lots of insults the Politicians play a band...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, February 8, 2017,


Now Trump Travel Ban in the US which was obviously Temporary, to allow vetting processes that will facilitate better security against terrorism has been struck down unconstitutional and it has something to do with me too – another example of how the needs of the Democrats outweigh the needs of those who actually own the property that they wish to satisfy their needs with and of course we all know the practical aspects of it to be that Daddy’s lit...

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Property in Action | Equity in Action | The Company Intellectual Property Equity Space | Literary Empire Trust Systems and Company Emporium | House keeper publicly applicable security Welcome to the Tunnel Light Books and Holdings Firm and Associate Corporations out of reach Property Inventory. For brokering firm Equities that are created from a process of property in action recovered from third parties that hurt themselves with deviance and plan to get rich from it as well as the same time. One is here not in any way suggesting that these property have become intangible but they always seem like they are impossible to recover or reinstate, in fact the entire function of normalcy depends on an ability to recover them and hence the service provided because it is possible for the Firm to do so. Reasons are that it is not surprising it appears to those who carry out the behaviour that creates such needs to be a lot of fun when there is not much anybody can do about the destruction and the familiarity that brings them about, it tends to apply that only freedom fools do not know that this will be the eventual outcome, with their own version which has a culture name known as ('Pimping' - which one properly vilifies) it is the reason Politicians like those very much as well. So doesn't HH have some thing nice to say to people? Like their insults normally go? Of course he does but these goons who hang about him to figure out how to do horrible things and get away with it cannot be caught dead hearing any of it either. Their girls claim One to have a problem with feminism when they are just a collection of badly behaved fools who think they can scare everybody with their men, not to mention thinking they can make themselves a part of HH Court - Working and Royal at will or that when there is rebellion in it due to a process of One falling out of fashion or trend which is then something they can cause and something they can use and that is if they are not very busy telling people they meet with media who are friends they are badly behaved about which HH has made it clear the problem they have with skin colour issues and age range issues with respect to him should indicate they need to move on, certainly not continue with their men and boys treating him like a priest who established a church but cannot control what happens in it, executed finally with getting off on public TV to expect successful perversions of wickedness and others to walk into their shows and be polite to them, while they do set out to do One's job to earn money because they do not like their own anymore, leaving him penniless and never putting and end to the boasts of the destruction their stupidities can bring because it comes from such a low point in the general operation of living itself, boasting all over the place but above all find it funny as well and have their insolent eyes fixed on HH public work all the time about which they will not rest until they had spent all of it and their women like to make so much noise about HH envy when their children have actually worked so hard on his property to make themselves rich and it is the reason he wants to shut down their TV show money with which they do access to his Empire trust with made up facts or destroy it when they cannot do so with the same made up facts, with which to handle Ones public work even further to get rich, ripping security matters to pieces and telling making bully claims of risks of his envy over the fame of their foolish children who are clearly so stupid they happen to have worked so hard for it and deserve their success thereof which is not another persons property rather. Contrary to Popular claims, One has never before been envious of any light weight shallow fool who is rich and famous because of their success - the problem is that they continue to find money to cash into his Royal Office Property and public work and continue to extract millions from my Equities held in trust by Companies that HH brokers them with all over the world and when they do, get around mocking and abusing him as well and cannot leave people alone especially when they are doing fame and fortune within the process of their vandalism. What One is meant to do with the Equities, is raise funds and buy shares with the Companies or indeed get into the Stock Market all together if I need a wider range, where the Company Books are the means to providing market services to do so, there had therefore been in no way a set out a means that suggests that He is not making use of them or that somebody else can cash in - never a suggestion that people can or signing a contract to that effect. It comes down in the end therefore to the issue of dealing with Middle Class and Lower Class goons; where the Middle Class always tend to have this life where they are so rich and privileged that they are detached from problems and hence need to be homosexuals and problem creators in order to have some problem to solve and therefore have some wholesomeness, the Lower Class on the other hand always feel that they own the land and the Country and so on and what The Arch Prince has done about them which they complain about all over world for now is only to deter them which does not seem to work; so it is fair to mention that if the attitude of cashing into One's property (and especially accompanied with civil rights idiots leading groups and talking nonsense about how he does peoples stuff for them and pretend it is a viable way of making a living and needs to know the problems as well in the most violent way imaginable and any truth and fact must be over come with the need for him to do violent things to protect people, especially when fans, which are usually Media fans throw up questions as to why they think it is okay to believe that every platform of publicity is designed to ensure they can attack him and abuse him and destroy his property as well, which then creates a real need for revenge because it never stops especially for the girls) and also followed by foolish men who tell people that they think making money is difficult but do not know how easy it is, which is then information they have got to share, does not come to an end, it will go horribly wrong. The Middle classes and being so privileged they are detached from problems and need to make up some of those to have a wholesomeness and the lower classes with their sense that they own the land and the country and what has happened between them and HH is an example of the fact that it needs to stop and very soon or it will blow up. They do mention these are things they do due to their sense of what is the collective and how it must be handled but it is not the first time that the attitude of some were made to get rich and others to fight for everybody else has become a main issue - the first occasion was over the Arch Prince's Christian faith all together. Reality that should be noted is that all companies that are involved with this firm at the Empire Trust and its Intellectual space or Royal Estate or any brokered Property Equity have paid for having the brokerages they have acquired - They had done so via property equity publicity that they have set out for this firm and the CEO in that course, although this is the last fact that media trouble makers would rather was obvious hence. This great idea that when Politicians lead strange charges in the UK it affects me is one that will never make sense too – I mean if I grade the issue its a simple case of priorities going to those who pay most for my products and then those who pay their share and then those who use the freebies and then the allies and then he associates and so on and when finished with that do we pay attention to the trouble makers and we know the most notorious to be the Politicians because they can ask can entire population to pillage your livelihood at any point depending on how they feel and whether or not they think it is a sacrifice they deserve to force you to make because they have a need to satisfy a power dare – so you do not make exceptions for politicians over anything whatsoever. I mean my actions may be blamed today but before then, it was largely about how I will lose my royal estate on one hand and then people will wait for me at the global markets to confiscate anything else I may do for a living and in order for that to be possible I must not be allowed to have a livelihood in the first place and it keeps taking a new turn, offering very insulting ultimatums all the time that I have also told them I find really hard to tolerate and we are not even talking about wealth distribution as at yet. We have since arrived at such a point where a comprehensive listing process was possible – whereby the society gits were going no further than a need to make statements about times they spent building their arrangements in secret to show up and order other peoples steps in public, in terms of the way that there was a community behind them and when they pointed fingers at me there would be an open secret as to a sense that I am the person they were talking about during their arrangements, makes a real mess of my tummy naturally whilst they hated the idea that it encouraged me to run a Bookshop in like manner, if they were trying to keep a day job and built a community to run off insults about my privacy until I could feel them in my panties constantly, get it all caught up with communists and get around with their fellow idiots at the American security services. The Celebrities have progressed from trashing my patents to make statements I am supposed to cover their backside for a living, rip up my wealth equity to seek social equality that allowed them to sell my public image to their fans and pass insults at me that allowed their verbose sex work idiots to get off on social media and cling to a business of getting money off the male population by channelling their narcissism stupidities in my direction. The rest were a bunch of birth sign reading twats who kept tackling me because they wished to set the stage through their own affairs, by which I got to experiment to find out whether insulting people to make money was what the general public desired like they have claimed it was and all seem to be in a business of pursuing my income margins, extracting money from equity I set out to fulfil public office affairs, none appears to have adopted a sense they ought to be nice about it, want to invest my assets to make a living which is set to German influence insults becoming profitable as will become a real problem going forward and the women were so entitled they stifled my personal relationships for endless needs that Americans had provided leadership for as usual whilst they got to keep their own, presumably that is. The matter had now since turned up at Parliament, that it had grown into such a big social case, that I criticised people because I am actually doing less for my position and it is utter nonsense as what they claim is criticism is actually not a problem that I had to deal with – in any case of which it has been two decades of a need to show up here making a proper mess of my career, career publicity, personal and social life, in order to show up somewhere making sense of the way that I am in a bad place so everybody else could secure a new better existence, I mean I am at a loss as to the idea it had come to mean that I did less for my position and so I was compelled to criticise other people, since it was a better solution for the problem if they had taken up the option to desist. I do not think it is a crisis, just when Politicians have raised the point that it is becoming a crisis, the truth of it is for example, the way that a fashion model might thing that if they assisted me on something, I might be able to assist them with entanglement at bad industry and perhaps public interest of a sexual kind, so when a Celebrity I thought ought to keep out of my affairs and had taken time to keep out of my affairs got back in via this route, to build a community that work a bum fingering up start gimmick, becoming a paid version of a problem they were complaining about, it is exactly the same problem but many times worse, entirely due to involvement or when companies had outsources equity to me to develop aesthetics that will facilitate products which allowed their clients that paid a lot of money for the products, to live with the social issues of the day and the same process was being applied to ensure that Celebrities were completely free of the social issues that came with their personal decisions. In the end it is the provocative nonsense that starts with women running me down because their boyfriends were bigger and perhaps stronger and had now developed into something of wrecking my finances with practical jokes, enlisting their friends at the local council to work me for homelessness and showing up at the work market to beat me down with radio wave lesbian insults, such that my relationship with employer was so badly corrupted that ex-convicts who also got jobs, showed up to run me down. I believe I have issued the warnings well enough about the idiocy complaining about me one moment and the next building a whole career on a gimmick that involved a sense they were the boss of me, if I convinced them it will stop badly, we will not have any fun. We all know their interest in my assets should not have built up to money they could take home, that happened because they got support from the King and were able to detach it from the economy upon which they conducted their gimmicks, shows up around everything I did with clients to fight communists on my behalf and when it was clear I can handle the matter, leaves with insults that allowed sex working pricks to get off handling my career publicity to push me around with verbose narcissism insults, then claims its middle class stupidity was grander, either way which I do not need to mix what I am doing with the Kings leadership if he considered it unimportant, they were the twats doing that to build their own security services that will target me because people were fighting my wars, to indicate their stupidities were more deserving of my career; it is a long standing issue that I did not have to tolerate their stupid society simply because they suggested that their civil rights had taken such a form, we know the purpose of that society at this stage being a gimmick where they got to take off half an hour of my sleep every day, to leave me wondering why I am crashing later on, in support of quasi criminals that found the expensive nature of involvement with my affairs to be a hindrance for their gimmicks, then hang about at Parliament bothering politicians about the consequences of exposing others to doxy society in which their famous idiots made out they were public figures. All popularity gits with an inability to keep their imagination out of peoples private parts always talk like this until it ended very badly, hence the consequence that they have been spying on me to steal my diet and had created their own type of security services to target me and make out I am supposed to cover their backside for a living, it does not even stop until such situations as somebody way lays them, blind folds and attacks them so they could not tell the police. On the matter of being a disrespectful person, I am not; The King does not find my work useful, so an idiot who had always planned a mans lifestyle leadership for decades during the reign of the previous Monarch and had eyes fixed on what is private possessions here, roped me into a corner over it, so the King provided them with support and the consequence of these two activities were used to make it incredibly difficult for me to pay my way, as though they were my own actions - leads up to random street insults by people who wanted to create a circumstances in which they could order my steps as well, these were warned about corrupting my work market activities and had done so again. They do claim it was men who were better off being women that had a problem with male society leadership which is utter nonsense as their male society leadership requires me to provide them with privileges of female society, I am obviously a candidate for this insult because private equity intellectual property administration being subjected to their insults everyday without consequences had created such a social vacuum and there are the mean cunts who think they were women, that had not yet created an outcome in which their families got to entertain a feed back on the nonsense I had to put up with every day, talking nonsense at me because they either have not decided where they wanted to stop, were famous or had big muscles. It is not a difficult matter at all as many would have thought that it was – just reality that the only thing these people were good at was a need to bother and bugger others to a point where their interest in careers and personal lives led to outcomes in which they showed up at the other end, unless that is, other did it better and then we had to live with all the consequences associated with instances where they clashed with Police in riot gear. What they expect is that others would allow them get away with it and suffer these matters everyday until they had secured their retirement and arrived at an age in which they needed to enjoy it, so the overall warnings I have issued here had been that it needed to stop making a mess of my Bookshop and finances, stay away with my clients and career publicity, as the result was that as time elapsed, I arrived at more resolutions and more decisions and one of those would be a result in which I ensured they did not have or enjoy the retirement in hell. It had since become a case where grooming me, meant I groomed them too: that they will rip up my career to make successful businesses even more successful on account they wanted to be paid more, is not set to end up in a scenario where they had been groomed into a position where they got to compensate applicable victims for it - my reasons are clearly that the tolerance I had exhibited is sex to become a massive crisis for me all together, their complaints that they were penniless is no longer viable, hence not clear what their problem was save what we know is a gimmick about what state provided security said with respect to the idea they wanted to ensure that others knew they were the random bosses of other people on the streets etc, with respect to my person. They do claim I am a threat to the Kings leadership or a character looking for big trouble and I am neither, same old tale of Leo ego, making terrible decisions and hang about bullying Libra for attention, they trash my finances and had to live with Scorpio picking up the way I stood up for myself to bully people and investigate law enforcement on behalf of criminals and immoral society, Virgo building up the means for ageist idiots to make a lot of money off bum fingering up start gimmicks, so poof Leo is now pursuing women allied to my diplomatic work to build a harem in order to cover backside and those women think poof Leo should be fighting National level enemies – it was a good start when they started, they were at war with me securing my basic needs; the basic family needs, basic level of education, basic social life and basic financial support, as would ensure that I am not a problem for anybody before I began to think about getting more for it, there is even the excuse that I had been the reasons the King did not get along with his Mother whilst we know he was King whilst she was Monarch. They do say that there was no confidence that I could handle this matter comfortably which is utter nonsense as they were not supposed to hang about at Government buildings making sense of the way people behaved because of their birth date, simply decide instead what public policy was meant to be, the assumption has always been that if they did, there was little probability that others could do it better, so history is that I have won again and they suggest that I did not since they could pick up my assets and do whatever they liked with it whilst the famous goad me over my public control matters to pick up my income margins and leave my doors open to sex workers, hence it is set to end rather very well. The birth date signs reading gimmicks never really go away - the origins where I am an example of the way that the Law allowed the weak to tackle the strong and get away with it was largely responsible for the way I dropped out of University, we are not doing that anymore, we are doing the ways I am the one in the wrong if famous idiots were busy fighting communists on my behalf, to show they were the people brave enough to own my career, needs to cease handling the career publicity if complaining. In the end they claim we Libras were toxic as per we always refused to fight so that their criminal gimmicks shows up to repeat the problems again and again, whereas I had set out equity to allow people build products for gits that spent incomes fighting them and these fools have been reinventing my public image everyday, to fight my wars, solve wealth and social inequality issues and a git in Washington had been Bankrolling their stupidities; on realising that if I separated this nonsense from my Bookshop, I will not suffer financial difficulties, their stupidities were famous enough to ensure I did not achieve such an aim, looking for more. Naturally I have had the matter completely settled and the problem has always been that these are not serious minded people but their unusual interest in my affairs had built up to a result in which over 60% of what people saw and felt with respect to my concerns, was their gimmick - eliminating this meant that I had to consider their feelings and decisions, unless I wanted to remove those feelings and decisions completely all together, it ends up in a world where public policy was an absolute and does not wish to live in a world where its Celebrity gimmicks did not matter but will not keep away from those who were comfortable with it, whilst I paid the financial cost. They do claim the business of people deserving my career my fighting communists was still outstanding but it is really not – simply a matter of managing the business of the fact that each time they had a problem, they felt they needed to handle the affairs of some security service staff, so they had decided I should be the means by which to do that on account it was possible to build a community for it, so I want them to keep fighting communists as my duty to armed services is greater than any duty they think I owed them. I mean the tail back is that problem where they were always likely to get involved with security service staff at the slightest social problem that affected them, mostly a matter of their personal decisions in the first instance, the consequences being that of people complaining that the well done security service work was put to popular culture, alongside the lives of those who did the job, in some silly entertainment industry revenge, after they must have gotten hurt or killed, making a mess of the job and the job had to be redone in circumstances where those who were to do it were likely to get hurt or killed: I suppose then that if the other git that likes to bank roll their stupidities from the USA wanted to stop doing so, we would all be informed, for my part, I want them if complaining, to return my bits to the way it worked i.e. I am unable to concentrate on my affairs and unable to guarantee younger people concentrating on academic pursuits, they risk security service involvement, which will build up to people making popular culture that churned their tummy so badly that they stopped following others around. There is now talk of widespread instability which is natural if it is the same problem every day; the unusual characters getting involved with the social activities of governmental operatives, the security service staff working on terrorism to protect the public and famous gits goading me over public control matters to get lucky with money since they were living on food banks, disobedience, abusively, persists and insists every day, all day long; outcome we can see naturally being that if a security service staff had a talent for a job, a quasi-criminal would learn about that talent and the workings because of them and then it would hang about on public media seeking more privileges by suggesting it was my responsibility and so it does need to make me; it is the same tale of making such a mess of civil affairs that a large number of people cannot step outside without extreme anxiety churning their tummy, then claiming I possessed a career that could tidy it up because their famous stupidities were important, what is what this was all about and the reasons I needed to ensure that if it had continued, my finances, career publicity wrecked to a point where my history had been affected, I needed to stop it badly. The suggestion I am not myself anymore id detached from reality, as it was clear if I am responding to an abusive and destructive gimmick that was developed on the basis of birthdates, the responses were never likely to be instant or to produce instant results; this means that the damage to my finances should never have happened and have entirely been a consequence of being goaded by famous idiots over the public control matters, bearing in mind it was never likely to be an instant result all along – a point people have raised as per the worst thing that others could do is pull the legs of people who were being bullied. The reality of it is that business of people being provoked to a point of National crisis due to the way their feelings were displayed on Media and the frequency of it, by something security service staff may have said about the way they made a mess of the job as they did have a history of picking up their own public security by themselves, it meant to be something people did to antagonise a Libra and take advantage of one abusively, so I am supposed to do the thing that gets people antagonising and taking advantage of Scorpios, Virgos and Leos abusively as well, not lose my finances and fight the entire world, instead each time I am finished with a task, my survival structures had been trashed by famous idiots who not only decided on a series of activities that would suggest it was all my fault that they did it but also those that will suggest they were entitled to, the Leo part being so unbearably annoying because it is a product of the fact I am single and appear to have a personal and social life that suggested I was most compatible with a Leo woman, although first instance had already led to such results as they had taken a wife from me at the Monarchy, are now attacking me because although they took a wife from me, they ended up with half a wife as well, like an Italian prick that I am set to do some serious harm to (the hint has been clear for a substantial period of time, gimmicks that helped people express the idea they were the boss of me, that they need to fool around somewhere else).






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