A process
of being able to step out of your door without somebody cashing into how you
met with and affected people’s lives for every second that you do on public
media, they claim It’s all to do with their jobs and I am guess more so
particularly the part involving strategically placed news reports that will
really do One harm and cause him suffering and pain and set him up for
community based bullying, just in case he decides to cut them off from their
daily source of controversy that is a secrete place to make news and Television
programmes with at the same time, which then get his attention by destroying
his work and being defiant over doing so when he is not paying any attention
and is used for bullying when anybody pays him any attention for the
preservation of media power and claims it is done to ensure he comes up with
information by which they get to the heart of the matter when they report news
- while at the same time running businesses that hate him and accuse him of
trying to create war because he has such low levels of tolerance for their
community wickedness and keeps them indoctrinated about what he thinks all the
time, especially when they do not wish to listen, whereas they could simply
rather buy the books instead to get all the information they wanted from an
author. With respect to the legitimate way, he hurts them, that has to do with
the fact that they know the identities of those who get into the City centre to
steal and grab money, they enjoy life with at tourism economies with such
people and they have been joining them in their parties too for the purpose.
They already hate the Arch Prince for, is that they have taken all these money
and placed it somewhere to enjoy life with, expecting lots of power over people
first before then, using the economic crisis they have created in the first
place. What he did in return was to set up this Firm that depended on these
kinds of liabilities and they like to attack his book sales for it. Bearing in
mind that his business was not connected with their stolen money or what they
did with it but because they knew it would undo any plans to keep the money in
a manner which assumes power and the Prince did because in his view they took
those monies on account they clearly wanted to create jobs and employment and
should be doing that straight away, as a government cannot get its own money too
because people have no jobs to pay taxes with, so they expect this power to be
about how we have to start from scratch, which brings up that question of who
the hell they think they are. Of course HH is aware he could get information
from the media but thinks it is better still if the media hates him instead;
"I mean we are already putting up with blackmails and vicious destruction
from tourist economies, considering their new found interests and the fact they
know we are a threat and nobody knows how long they will do everything they are
told to and expect the economic crisis to last for anyway, so it is a question
of how much people really think such information from the incredibly
disreputable media we have today will be worth is Sterling pounds." Bearing
in mind also that for every single securities and equities put out to deal with
this matter, there is a follow on Political vandalism from their Politicians,
who throw in with them because HH tries to earn a living and they want recent
vanities acquires satisfied, about which he is always happy to tease the media
all the time, while they talk about how scared of them he is; how he is the
girl with their cool stuff while they are the real men who need to be cooled
and the result was very violent and insolent distant fascism and of course One
had to confiscate that stupid left and ensure he makes them as hot as possible
and all the time too, so they can win only when he is tired and exhausted but
get off spreading so much ill news which will mean it will happen again more
painfully. It is never actually true that the British Monarchy overworks people
and thereby creates rebellion within its own ranks like it is suggested of
which I am set out as an example when I do not feel over worked by a process of
releasing money from my own property. It is a problem associated with the fact
I must keep records of all my movements just because I may have at some point
somewhere affected people’s wickedness in their multicultural society and so
although they know there are Christians around and should keep such things in
private or people will inevitably happen to damage them, they put it out in
public to secure such provocation. In the end it boils down to the question of
how on earth you deal with an idiot that loves to get on television to do
damage your livelihood because the way you fight is spectacular and pleasing to
his eyes; You know it is easy for him to and therefore do everything to ensure
he does not do it by taking responsibility for problems that are of your fault
as well but what if he loves to gather up facts about you and use those facts
to manipulate your feelings so that he can do it? I bet even now what HH
creates as a service and product will not be enough because they know what is
in his storehouse and will use media and advertisements to acquire that if they
do not wish to buy it.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland