We hear I have now developed for myself a reputation which is a threat to Politicians and activists, I could never make out where this nonsense stems from anyway, but we all know it is a group of goons showing up on Media to threaten me because they wear nice clothes, are loved by a crowd, are completely cut off from reality, love to insults me and like to try and stifle my income when they are irritated by my Books. However when it has developed from damage to my academic work to rely on me not to do anything as they become financially successful and get used to issuing threats about beating me up to stories about me being a threat to Politicians and activists, it has become something that I must respond to, something of a need to brake off these shackles created by their community croons to beat down every part of me that may defend myself in a violent situation and any part of me that hates the abusive nonsense by which they get rich quick destroying people’s lives to claim their civil rights looks like that but above all, to ensure they showed up around my concerns to by my Books not insult me.

They love to say I underestimate how much the American ones hate everything British but we know the Americans like to play around with things we British think is completely unacceptable like building crowd mentality on Women, then finding out they could not tell they were being abusive towards somebody that had laid down a career to look after children and wants to pick it up again because attacking women tends to have something to do with money even when they would not sell everything they had in a single day. Then we hear them claim that women develop crowd mentality as well which is utter nonsense; women have wild girls that like to pick on good looking Men and what happens is that you tolerate it all day but cannot sit in an Office to write Books because you should have handled the women to make these fools feel important and comfortable.

So it is an example of the matters that have played into this issue and they are back again on the same reasons we have ended up where we have, back again on it being their civil rights to threaten and attack me because they want to be financially comfortable, then we hear them claim that it is due to the fact they think they can control me which does not make any sense whatsoever as there is no incentive for their criminal activity here save the tax payer funds their Liberal goons in government buildings have spent on them to whisper nonsense into their ears that ensures they cannot leave people alone, does not make sense to me as the very reasons we find ourselves in this position where they hate my guts is one brought about by the fact that tolerance is a good thing to have and one of the very good ways of looking after it is to ensure scum like them cannot damage anything they wish to handle and destroy concerning me in anyway, which just leaves me to tackle the problem of being made to spend over 80% of my time, not on my career and academic work but to decide if hating them would make me stronger, its back again just like the older ones want the Politicians to stop my Books but before then were getting around the streets like tramps drawing a crowd to some plan they had to ensure I am dominated spiritually before I could get a job, back again doing the same things that got them complaining about me, the same reasons we have on both sides ended up where we are. So it’s usually wild girls making me smell like my loo but it never really makes me smell as I am aware of what it is, same as the criminals doing what they do, so the problem begins when the Politicians have a career plan that involves upstaging me when I write my Books and the Media goons have one that involves threatening to beat me up because it would make them feel good, so we find the Politicians spend money on the criminals and build them a Public statement then run off a case about my tummy when they get frustrated. So, the wild girls put pressure on me, and they make me smell then issue threats, which I do not believe anybody would have failed to think they are bluffing as well the way they blab one moment and meet me to find there is nothing they can do about me the next as it stands, the big ego just kicking off on me being a threat to Politicians and activists just like that.

They then say that they hate my Books because it is funny and not in a good way; reality of course is that the Books are a complex process that involves what criminals get up to, how the UK as an entity handles its criminals which then blows off at how the Americans look after their backyard, it had nothing to do with them until I got Published and then they built me a history of insults over it for the purpose of showing up like these to claim the incentive exists for it, just like the Politicians know there is none for the criminals to target me by, so they liberalism built the criminals a public statement and gave them some money – they do claim there is no reason for me to work the way I do but we can all see what will happen when bad people thought it was best to get involved with the National security services on account that the real villains were not able to play games with my feelings and there were no fallout from it. nobody knows why 17 years of being beaten down in my own bed every morning by their Community croons who claim I am a threat to them and 17 years of everything that I may do to defend myself if threatened being taken away, is not enough for them at this stage – what we know is that their stupidities have already added up to the business of kissing the family good bye to show up in an Office where they tackle my finances and wellbeing because it is amusing, while my bits have not yet become a routine I get out of bed to pay attention to so we might see exactly what they can do about me thereof, what we see is that big mouth blabbing about being so important it wants to beat up its mate like a child, rather than show up here with some sense of self respect to buy Books as it is what I do for a living and I am about to put an end to it for my part too. This business of being told I want to be a threat to Politicians and activists spells critical in the context of the incentive for me to be targeted by criminals having been removed but large proportions of people are still being made to smell like their loo because of money spent on criminals by Liberal and socialist Politicians to complete these idiocy on Media keeping up the pressure – it now completely relies on me to do nothing about career and financial damage because that causes delay that allows it to claim it is important enough to handle me.

It still goes back to the way it usually works being the way it usually works because the process sells popular culture products and celebrity madness i.e. my whole life is now run by stupid Men telling me what to do on media concerning which I do not remember inviting them into my business as such, what they are doing here being to deploy the way good decisions I have made for myself protects me on themselves while dispatching me to deal with their insecurities, then blab about an underestimation of how much Americans hate everything British, when they know that every group of people who have a crowd mentality built up at their expense are always worse off; they rely on their silly crowd mentality and wish to deploy it on absolutely anybody they fancy they can rely on to do nothing about it. This is how they complained that I shut down their popular culture which of course I did, as they are a remarkable collection of goons as it were – what they do to me everyday somebody had done to them once in a blue moon and if they are not spending time on such nonsense they rather spend time on claiming I have been showing people how easy it is to come to the UK and make a success of yourself and nobody has ever found it easy to tidy up such nonsense even though they think I have got enough means to let them do it every day. What is going to happen from here is that possibility I will rip up a Celebrity career or a Media job and find out if the victim will threaten to beat me up thereafter with that big mouth they have got, before they show up here with a sense of respect for my own career and livelihood if they wanted a bit of change all together as well; they would never say it’s always a matter of the girls having Men that will beat me up so they might make themselves financially comfortable at my expense and that the whole thing is usually controlled when it is somebody’s secretary without claiming it should have been a super star at my expense or it is a Journalist without having a mindset which suggests it is something else as well, what it thinks the fact I have not yet become a real threat to them means is that they may do the same things over and over and over and over again because there is a sense that they can handle me.

Some people do say they want to be able to think like me but it’s nothing unusual; when people act in such ways it is their own time being spent, when finances have been affected like mine has been, then it’s my time they are making use of and this is where the problem really lies; it’s more of that old scenario where Dad does not want to give you pocket money but they are not my Dad, the disrespect has gone too far and even I too would fancy an ego where peoples careers irritate me because I like something else and then I set about damaging the finances of those who own it; like making me an announcement that I have built me a reputation which suggests I want to be a threat to activists and Politicians out of the blue literally. They like to claim I suck up to criminals while the case remains as I have mentioned like a benchmark on this matter, it remains as it stands that criminals have no incentive to tackle me save the money their Politicians have spent on criminal activity and the things the Politicians have whispered into the ears of the criminals to complement the public place statements that have been made. I mean they do say I am a sick man but I am not really sick like they claim; its 18 years of being beaten down in my Bed by their money madness civil rights community croons while the threats always intensify each time they think that have detached me from any means by which I may defend myself, blowing off that big mouth about the acceptable cost of murdering me even if it meant a death sentence too – here we are again, it’s back doing exactly the same things that got us where we are today. The process of criminals being informed that a sense culture and society exists to ensure I complained about them all the time will not suffice does not have a Public control effect on their educated, clever, and famous stupidities as we can all see. I do get told I have tricked people into a disposition then decided to show my true colours and I have not tricked anybody or anything, they have continually claimed they are able to behave in such ways towards me because I am incapable of acting on it, so this theory does not hold water at all; 80% of my time or more is spent coping with being abused by fools that have got a job but would want to be something else and hence my Bills not getting paid because it has become a question of whether I am better off getting through life expressing publicly that I hate them, you have to be a certain type to scum to show up on people’s concerns preaching inequality and social justice before you do this, rip up the lives and cause a stink.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland