I am naturally always told that I have a reputation without an action on my part to match but it’s an old case of the reputation they cannot let be while they are complaining about me; we see them at it all the time, where it has to kill somebody and show up in Public places with it as a badge that lets it take fame and fortune from everybody else but when it is able to get away with that well enough to grab the fame and fortune, it must grab it by making sure that I am in trouble as well due to the sexual context of its stupid women, suggestive of the idea I will be next to get hurt and to add to which it then gets off to do me favours with its disposition as well, assuming the whole time that it has been able to calculate what I am capable of too and then become terribly surprised when warned about what its stupidities know is likely to happen when I have the relatives of those people it hurt and devise a way to ensure its problem had gone all hay wire as well – after which they tell me that a neighbourhood I have chosen to live in can decide if I lost a Royal Commission or not and if I wanted to find out what it meant, I will be left exploring the many facets of how they had taken it from me and even when they know this insanity has nothing to do with anything we are left stuck with it all day long while we have them complain and speak of rights. Soon enough they are talking about how equality feels like oppression to the privileged while the reality is rather that if I told black people that showing up to copy my whole life so as to ensure everybody shared it, meant the destruction of the very best of my achievements which is my Royal Office, it would not have mattered and would not have changed their course of action because they have no respect for the best of my achievements –  if I told them that playing those games where I am their brother damages the academic work especially when they chase my bottom and follow me around, produce the poor certification from school to prove it, they would continue with the behaviour 100% because they could and soon we find when the sexual conquest of their foolish women that have actually got a relationship type all together, gets completely out of hand around my concerns they had become rather convinced that they were famous. I mean I know what their insanity on my case was always all about i.e. there are people who look after my security and they were neither part of the Police or the Military, so what I have ended up with is their community goons and society trouble makers imitating these people to play practical jokes at me all the time, while they find they cannot keep their mouths shut, stop issuing their stupid threats at me as there is really nothing they can do about me, because it provides the means by which their bullying may be practiced without limits on me; so it’s nothing unusual, the same case about a group of very stupid people having an insatiable need to manipulate me into dealing with the most violent of their problems, which is very difficult to understand as an activity people would engage in from a professional point of view and yet they have continued to inform me that labelling them as stupid as well would get me into trouble.

I understand that they say the jobs of the Armed Forces are not spared either but that is a separate issue; I mean it has no respect for the jobs that Armed Forces people do and you may understand if they got off tidying up after themselves to create neighbourhoods that others would envy for instance, where the job of the Police was involved; but what we find instead is that it is the neighbourhoods that can tidy up after themselves who show respect for the jobs or Officers while those that live in Crime Cesspits are the ones trying to do it by themselves, meanwhile we see that they only do it by themselves when doing it has something to do with my bottom, my Public image or Books and following me around at school and these are the three items that they need to remove from their schedule as soon as possible before they get off blabbing about my reputation which I do not deserve when they could always keep their hands off a reputation in the first place all together.

I understand they feel as though there is nothing I can do about it but if I wished to deter, then I would say it’s about to become  matter of unleashing Celebrities on the lives of society people each time they disturb me at this Hermitage and unleashing the ex-extremists and criminals at the factories and warehouses at any fool that repeatedly shows up around my concerns to talk nonsense about being famous or important as it is really going to make them famous and important with responsibilities attached all together. I do get told there is a motivation behind this which needs to be understood but there is no such thing, it does rather seem that the only thing these guys know how to do and how to do well is the various acts that damage other people’s jobs and careers and as I have pointed out before a talk of reputation that is not matched by action, I do feel like jumping my queue but I had promised to issue the warnings till the end of November 2018. The Royals that get involved with them must have been aware time and again that they are delinquents who have not grown up at all but the joy of getting involved with them and taking them deep into the Monarchy where none is safe even the Monarch, must be that they show up and work their insanity on me all the time – so we find that people should buy and read Books I have written to get involved with me but it will never happen if delinquents whose stupidities gets them thinking they were famous, were getting around with Royal Family Members by getting to the Monarchy through me – I mean getting to the Monarchy and the Royal family through me and my writing career is something block headed goons should have been able to see works only when they had completely destroyed everything I have but the joy of doing it is that they can spend all I own and blow off a big mouth about a reputation that is not matched by some historical action, so this hen develops into a stage where their insanity tells them that on doing these, by encumbering my ability to execute my Office as though we were playmates, what has happened to them is a case where they had become famous. Then there are those who have media jobs at the centre of it all; they are unable to resist the temptation of offering Publicity to fools who do these things themselves and after years of getting to the top of their game, I am still unable to breathe the free air on account of their stupidities showing up on Public life every day.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland