I am aware of course that it is  normally suggested that I Rock the British Monarchy and unsettle it for the most part of my activities; the reasons it carries on is because those who do like to tell me I will never sell my books because they will keep me crowded out at all times so I might have to remind them they can only sell to those who give them the money and that I am simply on the verge of getting away with my in and out activities with their secret societies I do not even belong to which I suppose it not hurting badly enough yet too. The sticking point is that although every part of my body hurts as it stands because of their insults, now they know singing and vandalising my intellectual property on media will do them absolutely no good in the short and long term, they need to lay off the girls and tell them to keep their insults far from me, keep of the insults and abuses especially when they are driving cars with which they grab peoples work and identities and above all now understand when they work in the Civil service they are not Celebrities and I am not giving back that stupid left hand side either - so if this is rocking the British Monarchy, I suppose I have made a fabulous job out of it then. Never true that I do not take my leadership seriously when this is just a fraction of my record on the insults of abusive men, who claim to have plans and ambitions to get rich based on how this is their time and more so to bounce back etc. There is nothing like breaking with the standards of the British Monarchy here and hence no trust rift between myself and Americans (or indeed Russians or Chinese or anybody else for that matter) in general either, much less so as applicable to those that are or in whose interest it is to help me sell my books or sell it for me, specifically to Americans of which its rather easy a path to take, to assume a disposition of disapproval for activities people might do in ignorance of the fact it is something the enemy does and that is the advantage that being a writer Prince offers me. Whatever is left is media spin taking advantage of divisions and factions, looking for perversions of a trophy spiritual power to grab things and do violence that is not quantified legally with.

The talk of how I go up against people that are far wealthier than myself especially over matters of the Heart as may apply and does on most occasions where it is raised is very well understood but I have no idea what it means anyway. I mean these people lie all the time and can be convinced by their own lies too as is rather commonplace. They expect another to start it off while they latch onto it, make money, and create societies where the best is sacrificed for idiots to count pennies until they make millions around them that politicians think is rather respectful. Their trick to this is of course o run lots of their versions of media campaigns about your work or even person that I in this case have never given them permission to do – reality of that being that they are leaving the risks to the kid and going after the big stuff which makes no sense because the big boys are supposed to be more responsible, do more risks. I do hope they are not saying such things because they are referring to a process of starting a fight with me and then getting society involved because they think I am naked, otherwise it is never clear why people wind me up over what and who I am in love with and then turn out to underestimate me in such ways as well – I cannot understand why any sane human being would do it. I mean it is never clear how anybody can be richer than somebody who owns a Literary empire in which there is an Intellectual space where he looks after Industries from all over the world anyway and by the way cannot make out how people plan to be richer than a Royal prince whose name is put to an office and property only one kind of which there is in the world and which belongs to him as well. All I know is that people do envy the idea that some 32-year-old gets up every day to sit in an office no matter what it might look like to have a certain view of society and a certain view of politicians to handle his Royal personage which of course is something that they do not have. However, when they start talking about how I go up against people that are wealthier than I am the old matter of the fact they need to get off my books and the sales rings over and repeatedly, while I continue to wonder on the other hand if it is a real challenge- it is clearly not just a matter of a lack of respect for anything or indeed anybody on their part.

I am aware it is said I am an antiracism moderate which is unheard of as a social disposition but is something I do to look for trouble but it depends on your priorities; I mean stupid parents with stupid children turning up as a community to mark me out as the person whose entire life they want to gobble up by making into an idiot while they take up what they have built up of a fame he already has to make themselves look clever as a community of people – does not matter what it costs thereof, it’s entirely a matter of what I owe those who have the same skin colour as I do. While they do that of course the racists are busy looking for weak points to exploit and they have worked out that with benefit of hindsight it is not advisable to do it to a white person hence they have chosen a black one and have chosen me. I don’t think it is a problem it’s just that I have prevented them from turning out on corridors of International community to talk nonsense at me but another group of idiots have given them media establishments to play with while pretending that it is not provocative to do so, hence every stupidity they come up with has a liable meaning; share a bad sleeping habit with my stupid children so they can better sleep well enough to marry princes and princesses here, share a bad eating habit with my stupid children as violently as possible so there might be equality, the stupidities of my children must be exchanged with you because it is political progress to do so and the list goes on and on and on and never stops - of course what they want to discuss on the matter entirely depends on people’s priorities. I mean I am such a plaything that I can spend years building a relationship with consumers but just at the moment I am about to sell them a product somebody will swoop in and destroy everything on either side with the outcome that he sells his own product or threatens the consumer instead and in that way build popular culture and music industry empires and so on but the sticking point of course being that it happen on account that some of us in retrospect of what we do for a living would rather have been poets or writers or travellers etc but these idiots in retrospect would have been criminals and therefore cannot leave people alone, you know, be by themselves.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland