Now I am aware it is said I call peoples parents stupid and will get into trouble but it is never going to happen since it is clearly stupidity beyond reason to come up with practical joke tricks that prevent others from carrying out their career based daily concerns and have stupid children that sit about street corners assuming to teach their mates lessons, the lessons that their stupidities reserved for their mates who went away from the area after irritating them and returned to be taught with a big mouth; this was the precise form of bullying behaviour happening without reason or purpose that pushed me out of University and got me waiting for them and the follow on of their cosmetic freedom insolent feminist practical jokes female parents at the jobs market altogether - so now it is clearly all over my Books as well talking rubbish about the consequences for having its stupidities pointed out and I have not had enough of them. It is much the same as the case where it is said that the Queen is concerned about the extent to which I am involved with the business of the Trump Administration, which is quite natural since HM operates on the basis of scandals being controlled first before Public Office is considered since they always with very few and far between exceptions inevitably lead to violence, Mr Trump however does a lot of the scandals but although I am involved with the business of the White House Trump Administration, I do not do Mr Trump’s scandals

The bits about how somebody is provoking them and the person looks like me which will get me into trouble obviously makes me sick to the stomach because it is so unbearable; they do believe it appeals as a joke that is worth enjoying so often on media but if I have not made it clear before I should have at this juncture that I am not enjoying it myself too, considering it is a worthy activity to engage in on Media even though their whole lives now depends on it and naturally is the talk of underlying issues which is just as good since they are free to allow their children show up to screw with me and find out if I will not be getting them stuck somewhere until they are past it like their cosmetic freedom abusive money mad parents, getting up on Television to follow up claims my personality is a product of sleeping with peoples wives which when cleared up leaves me with a state of mind that absorbs other people’s problems like a sponge, blabbing about people bothering them and looking like me which I need take responsibility for. I can understand they say I frown on it but I am more like them, which is utter nonsense; this is all me playing around with ageism based financial discrimination because it will do nothing else save chase me around , hunt me down and trap me like an animal to play finance based practical jokes by - I get out of bed to hurt myself every day because of it and yet if I did the slightest thing about being provoked as though that was their share in this world, it will go right up to the top end of what bothers the Politicians and roll back down to allow young people pillage my public image and reputation such that it will continue to a point where I needed to say anything about it in public and then when I did, they would have changed a behaviour and I would have lost credibility - they are not doing it anymore these days, what they are doing is attacking me because they need my help talking rubbish about what I must do to look after them after years of showing up around this Estate and its Bookshop to purge themselves of anything in their lives that allows them have need of my Books; such as somebody provoking them and looking like me with a big mouth. They say I play this game of glorifying the white race and then trying to convince everybody I do not think it is superior but apart from the best way to understand these fools being to see them as icons of social and moral corruption who are really good at it, the reality is that all races attack people in this particular way i.e. the first insult is usually to find out if you studied an Art or a Science and then once settled especially with help from Politicians, it becomes more concerned with cutting you off from all career paths that the subjects you did well at provided you but it is the none-whites that take it so personal as to make it clear that one way or another those who resist them will be stuck somewhere glorifying the white race so when they get on media to make accusations about it, they will extract what they want from such persons anyway and I am rather keen to see them do it, have no wish to keep living by that stupidity that is never really applied, where those who made use of my life to be financially more comfortable than I am apparently spotted a better opportunity where they were in their own lives and that stupid promise that goes with it, that when they had made the money it will either put a natural distance between them and me or they will move on. So they like to say that I would do anything to be right and it costs others their very existence which is why I am always facing prospects of some form of revenge after another on Media and through Popular culture and it is utter nonsense quite naturally; what happens rather goes way back to teenage years when it will teach young people the Bible at Church and when in private we hear him say that God is what you make of it, so when it happens to be leading Church activities while it does not believe in God, we end up in the wider world and it has its modern Church where you cannot argue with the fact that people need to be upstanding members of society and then through it nothing will be preached of the Gospel of Christ if they would rather preach my life to teach their kids how to fit into wealthy societies thereby preventing a pipsqueak like me becoming superior to them. So we see the same things happen here again, the first time it got completely out of hand was when I fell ill and dropped out of University, now it back again on another round, pretending the whole time that it knows who I am and what I am capable of because I have never really responded to the fact it cannot keep its fingers off my Bum, its whole life is really stupid and only about 5% of it plans to transform the involvement with women and vice into a process of making money and being an upstanding person but then its need to cling to me and make a mess of my life now leaves me with incredible work to finish University, secure a job that will pay me enough to care  for my needs and bankroll my Books and yet it is still getting on its stupid media to spend my time wrecking everything here and looking like it deserves to wear those stupid suits when it says something I said or did led to an outcome where people were chasing its job or somebody else had taken an opportunity from him – so that the process where I am always getting disciplined by an idiot who appears to need leadership desperately because he is such a fool, needs to be justified on the basis of what the populous says is worthy of punishment such as an act that causes a job loss and with this it becomes so confident that I am afraid of its insanity and cannot stay off my case because culture means he stands there and his family over there and when I hurt him they can hurt me as well but if he is scared of me I get away with everything he owns including his life, therefore loves to assume his foolishness is more cultured than an Arch Prince. Much the same as the other ones with their three to five bedroom flat superiorities believing that attending Church tends to mean I am completely devoid of any sense of culture, therefore what I have expressly told them I do not appreciate especially in a Church environment will become a main preoccupation while they ensure they are always right on media, now that their whole lives depend on the stupid media all together, they appear not to want to have it in peace all together as well. I do not have an issue with the matter but daddy character who is actually a fool in suits loves to assume I am scared of him too much, leaving his stupid girls to complain about me one moment and then threaten me with civil rights money loving madness so they might make friends with Politicians if I reacted the next and I would fancy they stopped blowing off their big mouth at me the way we see them do all the time. The bit that takes the biscuit in this matter of course is that all avenues of selling my Books as normal has been self-appointed closed off by these fools, my options are not to get off an Arch Prince's Office and decide who is not to touch my career or my public image in order to feel special, admire celebrities and try to be like them so that I might sell Books written from a half priests office, while it wants people to know I will do anything to be right, its stupidities have won again and it will never do its modernism by itself and let me be.

The story usually develops along two lines only and one of those is Media blabbing about how I take steps to avoid those who are stronger than I am and wish to plan a life on my wallet such that it has become pathetic on one hand while the other who cannot let others be blab about tyrants around the world losing something on my account when it is more a case of people trying to be me, so they can murder others who are just like them. I am aware it annoys them to find out I describe their lives and spend the changes they make to improve it but it is in par with all that loose Cannon nonsense they express over my work and Book sales Margins on Public and Social Media every day, while it was as simple a matter all along as one of people buying Books I have Published with dictionary errors because they know who I am.

They do claim that the problem is largely to do with the fact I do not have anything of my own but then again so is my place noisier than a Public Library with free Books on offer while I am unable to sell Books to vested interests which we find I am by means of incredible insults and abuses, coupled with the new forms of abuses by which Celebrities want to make the Public feel good about themselves at other people’s expense in order to get rich quick, losing the Market in bits as it pleases them, while my vested Interests have spent huge sums to develop Equities we have brokered and some of the products are valuable enough to be put away at the vaults, for my part which I have been through a death dealing concerns to develop the Equities and to settle with consumers what they want in order to secure market workable structures that could offer investors and brokers the profits that they need; so I intend to find whatever it is I may be able to do to ensure that their Politics and Media and Stock Market is inflicted with a problem that feels a similar way, while I enjoy having fun with it and learn to return these insults to them as well. It’s pretty much like when the question is about me saying a few things about homelessness while none really knows what my position on the public issue is but I am rather the homeless man stereotype – targeted by stupid women all the time because I was seen stepping into Church, insults from popularity fools that get worse the more I tell them off, Politicians with a need to move into my personal life or comfort zone on account their tummy aches from years of abusing and insulting me endlessly and then my party piece where they are out to enforce the will of my Mother as all their plans in the whole world depends on it, endlessly and without stoppage at any stage whatsoever looking for the worst possible outcome and then time after time it will claim people like me want to see them dead, whereas what happens is that they for some reason know which ethnic minorities are working with racists against them, soon after that they had already decided what should become of the lives of those who have killed people and not long after we find they are deciding who is best suited to be a racist, all dished up and the tendency for them not to get killed will be if they could get me killed by it all together too as it were. We have already started to see them expect no consequences for the vandalism wrought here and more interested in clinging to my income margins while appealing to Political authorities on Media, of which we know their civil rights idiots will show up here to take over and lead for it too.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland