Of course there is still huge personal security risks to consider with respect to the world at large with get rich and famous idiots recently making so much abusive noises about bad things that happen when people try to do things that they themselves feel inside them that they were born or responsible for doing; we see more of it in the Middle East where people are dying as a result of civil unrest and their stupidities on media knows no bounds but in the more developed countries see a lot of media based economic and business vandalism which is somewhat linked to developing economies where they make a lot of claim of some foothold they have got. 

I am not suggesting I am unaware of the talk of American power on the Internet, I have no idea why it turns up with respect to me all the time either, all I know is that behind every web service is a person and if it is American it will behave in a certain way, if not, it will not. The real problem they have here is the trust I have spent years to build with the web service providers so I can navigate my way in what happens to be a very crowed and confusing market place and the reason for it is to be able to handle me with; so it is much more personal and far more clearly laid out than their insults will lead people to believe.




The issue of wealth distribution and the matter of where I stand should by now have been an obvious one, having been I have spoken about securing the political history of bother capitalist and Communist economies but the fools who turn up on media to haggle me and steal what they can will neither buy the books or allow those who need to, to do so, nor are they interested in listening to what I say if they want power for their media. The fact remains, if I must reiterate, that there are four sector in the matter; one being the Government, the other being Big business and the third being the small businesses and the fourth being the employees and all these four groups want to make money to pay their way. Is it really the case like it is suggested up till now, that one group happens to have been more important than the other? There is no reason that a big business should have any unfair advantages over an employee unless it is a sign that the government is doing something wrong, since all of them want the same thing out of a single issue and a single thing. The matter of big businesses that evade taxes and my complicated arguments which look simplistic but is not really workable does not come into it, everybody must have realised by now as well that the only reason big businesses feel they can pocket taxes if they want is that they have become so big and so important that the countries of the world exist to be played up by them whenever they want to make more. I usually blame the Politicians for it, for example of which in the UK Labour will say there is need to help the poorest during this time of austerity but they created the biggest problem of all by asking the banks to play their game in order to get bail out money and then give the banks the money anyway because the delay had meant the economy had suffered to badly for them to keep holding out. Then the Conservatives come in and promise big society and like it is the question I ask therefore is why they need to raise the standard so high; so of course it is clear that when they raise the standard that high they are for harmful purposes, besides which it is not really a mystery when standards are raised during a period of austerity to find what reason are behind the purpose of doing so – but what causes the problem here is the irony of it because the economic conditions indicated that people were losing jobs and having less money and looking for means of survival and losing their homes etc, so it is not clear what they raised the standard in the hope of getting anyway; hence I made my record of it so I can bring them to heel whenever I want.  The politicians have never really considered the get rich quick trouble makers to be a problem yet and so that creates another question of how to make them since they are at the heart of law making and their salaries are guaranteed? Hence some things that are happening are happening around the prognosis it is still early days at the moment. 

All I want is an existence where it applies to their evil selves that my books is for me and me alone to control, so it will remain still that if their popular culture idiots alongside them and their insolent media and Politicians continue to control it with me there will be no problems but if they do their insults which I believe would serve their Politicians much better than it does me, their goading for arranged fights alongside being the world’s biggest bullies, ego, television appearances and carefully selected girl friends that are usually the yard stick for their insolence and how much they know about other people’s personal lives will not be enough to save them from me and this is a global issue and yes I do enjoy telling them before I put it on the websites anyway, I enjoy sending out the warnings and sticking them never the less since it is not their responsibility while they enjoy making their own truth about what I do to those who attack me and I know what is as a result as well. They already speak of how I complain but think peoples companies are things I can play with and that was just the consequence for manipulating my personality and mixing it to explore and make money because they are the most insolent fools in the entire world. 




(I mean has anybody ever seen any other group of people that want to feel as though they are Princes and Kings and are therefore pampered and handled like gems behave in such ways as to wreck a persons finances and drag social and cultural problems into their personal lives, run out of it at home and travel around the world to do it and more so on international media, refuse to stop when he realises the person he assaults will not let them affect him and settles for the idea of doing it until he is provoked, just so that they get to a point where the same problems affect them but the person has enough personal life to be the one that does something about it while they then share the benefits with the rest of the world and become the people that manage and manipulate it and will chose no other means of making money or like they express it, getting rich and therefore added to it chose new blame cultures everyday of ideas involving a process where somebody is chosen from each race of people to deal with problems that the entire race causes others? Of course the fact they are ugly and are always doing things which suggests they are cursed by society and culture and more so all over Europe and think they can handle my property to get rich and famous and explore my personality for their purposes and own the Auto Industry, so when I broke my equities with Companies, especially German ones that make Cars, they will own it along with my Finances and that Germany for example or France or Japan or American can and will dominate with a big mouth yap, yapping, was never going to be the point I started hitting them, even though it is the one that leads to a process  where they feel as though they want to exterminate something. Of course the biggest problem and why it is so unrelenting is the Royal idiots involved i.e. when you have a job or a business they will develop their own publicity around it as cultural activity to later realise their duty to protect the Monarchy from the fact extremist always want to steal cultural heritage because they know their criminal activities are unacceptable and all criminals are extremists that want to portray their criminal activities as an art form, for me its all the same Royal thieves getting around with Common thieves and the fame and fortune sociopaths - thus the only thing I would have missed out being when hey jump onto the secret services and never ever work as field operatives and talk rubbish all the time; provided therefore they stopped managing and or controlling my books alongside me since I do need a holiday away from them and their stupidities and is the only way to shut this down therefore as it were.). I am a book writer seller and that is all people are supposed to do with me not a story about something I am supposed to do which their inability to regard any aspect of my human decency has allowed them to get through perceptions and abuses of my personal life and we all know each and every one of these things I am supposed to do for people is derogatory and put forward in an insulting and derogatory manner so they might get self improvements and speak of the nature of power which then means I and all I own have suddenly fallen into a bubble where there are no rules, when we know all they really have is media and Politics to play with and there will be massive complains very soon enough as equally as they are immeasurably stubborn – this is the advice at play here.


I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland