distinctive item of freedom in my books are that of the fact that having been
given a Royal Estate of my own, having been removed from becoming neither
trader who owns millions to buy huge lands and property with or indeed a worker
who serves a trader to earn a lot of money for the same purpose or indeed a
Politician that is chosen by his or her people to govern a State, it was then possible to become one of few
families that own a piece or aspects of the world and the way it operates; which
exists as that which is a general and
direct pass only to family, ownership of property and Title that is an aspect
of the Planet we live in. It is from this I still own over 90% of the Entire
Planets Economic intellect and Intellectual Property, from which I create my
books to give equity to those who show me equitable behaviour by buying them to
help me release cash from my Empire Trust and thus helping us run the planet in
a way which is seen as fitting and moral (disputation of this this thereby being
only a factor of what people feel they must say; as considered from their point
of view of who people are depending of what they want or decide, I would not
own over 90% of the planets economic intellect if leaders of different Nations
in the world had not decided on the convenience of sacrificing me to get rich
because it was offered them by underground workers from the west, especially
those that show up on the media and give them prerogatives, which is on the
basis of that which I am not currently coming forth with to accord to them,
hence providing a disposition where all can only get better if there is rivalry
between me and such persons, while they do nothing about the State of their
economies. I would not continue to as well if they have not decided that my
life and work will be the template for the future at no financial benefits to
me as well. Therefore, such disputes are only set to have validity if they are
not against the Law and in cases involving the use of the apparatus of State,
the Laws of the International Community).
Those that
cause the most trouble really have done nothing to make their economies
fruitful in the last ten years or so. Hence even if I did not want to, I have
been forced to own over 90% of this planets economic intellect, while they have
pretended to become more dangerous the more they have their backs to the wall
on account that I make it so, as a preamble plan to what they decide as the
fact that they want to collect tax payers money into their pockets as capital
or ruin everybody at the stock markets to gather money to themselves and more
so as capital, in order to grab it, as a show off of their modernisation and
sense of rebellion as well as deservedness of all that is worthy to be
deserved. Contrary to the idea that they are peoples Princes which they love to
bandy a lot, really are Traders, Politicians and Workers and make up their lies
to assume already thereof the air of Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses
around them; for which in their view there can only be one in the entire planet
too because of the fact they Govern entire Nations. The fact on the ground is
that they have refused to do anything about their economies and gone about
grabbing money to dominate people with, thinking I am a state of affairs of something
they have recently located as worthy of acquisition because their insults know
no bounds especially Americans and I
will not let them learn from or choose self-improvements from or find out what
they can do for themselves on my securities and equities without due permission
or buying the books here in order to spend only what they have bought thereof.
As I too do have the right to exist and do not wish to be peddled in such ways;
so, there is the question and will continue to be maintained this question of;
what it is exactly that suggests I do not own over 90% of this planet’s
economic intellect then? Besides the fact the world understands that having had
their backs to the wall to choose a future based on how my earnings inspire
them, that they plan to use their freedoms of expression to own, these really
are derivatives which belong to me and my Company, so I still own those
derivatives and the responsibility to deal with problems involving and
associated with them always fall on my shoulders as well. Typical example is
when some Americans have trouble understanding why people would get along with
people like me; which they say baffles them on account that I can just get up
and tell people how to spend their money and people would go along with it - the
fact of the matter being that even when somebody is famous enough to have a
public life, they still believe in a process where it is possible to steal
their fame and so confident that they actually set out to do it, such that
succeed or not they will leave such a person with dehumanisation, therefore
always a matter of the question of whether they intend to brainwash people in
order to steal the fame of those who are already famous, hence giving off an
understanding of what some Americans mean when they say each time they take a
look at a person they get intensely angry because the world was not enough for
them. For me it seems that when I say the white communities in the UK look a
certain way and the none-white communities look a certain way, the white American
communities and the non-white American communities are well placed to make as
much money as can be made from other people’s lives because of it, so it seems
I am going to hurt them seriously before it ends or goes away. For now, I have
however worked out a way of dealing with it by administration, so most of my
work Media wise is complete and most of my work Internet wise is complete -
next will be the public life as well and then the whole process of ill health teasing,
I have in store for them which are a product of a life itself not worth living
will be made publicly visible on the global stage.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland