They do claim they were working on it and I will eventually get into trouble for my activities but the only trouble that I can see occur around here is that in the bid to protect my finances, I could not get them to cease extracting my personal and social life to handle in order to feel good, rather than engage with the Books at the shop, which they were now also selling my encouraging the public to do the same, the trouble being that we either got into a fight with Politicians and Celebrities over it and I got t find out how much trouble they could dish out for me or I ensured that the fighting never happened so that it would be my turn to ruin lives running up the cost of practical jokes in other people’s affairs. They do claim I am uncooperative with the needs of Politicians but I am not, it is all a gimmick in which their operational rule Books say one thing and they devised another as a method of getting involved with my affairs, looking as if going along with the rule Book was my responsibility – we have so far ended up with a history that suggested I am a really bad person because since I left school they had ensured I shoved and pushed and run down to such an extent I paid most of my time and attention to home wreckers, gold diggers and criminal feminists, whilst as a society we fundamentally think about our history and ideologies we avoid exploring, got me to drop out of University because smoking marijuana at to prevent children from attending school for amusement, was allowed to get into nice clothes, follow me around at University and finger my bum, considering they enjoyed such gimmicks so much, now we were barely finished with the Politicians complaining that I educated these idiots on the way their jobs worked, so they could be followed around like that as well, and we were stuck with the fact I wrote a Book and the famous fools decided that tackling me to spend my Book on themselves was a greater priority compared to controlling crime and anti-social behaviour and it came on the back of the same stupid famous names building themselves a public profile in which they encouraged crowds to help make me do what they want, so I was never allowed to smell nice every time I stepped outside of my door. Speaking of the trouble which I intend to ensure my next response with respect to the Politicians will be grave enough for their parents to get feedback for it and for the famous I want to find out by what authority they were making a mess of my public control work to get my stuck with criminals whilst spending my Book on themselves really was. In the end whether or not the local authorities were behind the way the criminality had found its way into my bedroom, to tap my penis and finger my bum all day, the problem is still that they were always an odds with my Office public control work much the same as they were at war with public policy, and the main problem was that I am single, single because they were borrowing my career for prestige and feel good gimmicks, of which devising an end for the gimmicks that support it in their terms had failed and these are mine.

The sort of trouble I will get into therefore will involve spending their career publicity to tidy up the mess they have made here and getting into a fight with famous people doing it, much as the point is raised that I should be responding to this nonsense instead of complaining and it had become quite clear that I needed to as a matter of response, take into account the German influence insolent media narcissism as the main platform without encouraging the Russians to get involved and start world war three, at the same time that I dropped everything I am doing and spent all my energy paying attention to which insults people had the audacity to peddle in my direction; currently the worst of them was the gimmick that they were fighting communists on my behalf whilst clinging to my career publicity and income margins, which I think they now have about three more opportunities left to run and if exhausted hell will break lose at their expense but the insults were numerous to say the least. The focus having switched from recently completed processes of tethering the stupid Celebrity publicity that deals in picking up my career publicity and public work, of the politicians that deal with spending my career whilst getting me stuck with criminal feminists, home wreckers and gold diggers but these gits were still here and my focus has now shifted to the question of how big exactly their stupidities really were – I will not make an example of them like I did with the society gits naturally, simply needs to keep showing up stalling a Bookshop and talking patent breaching, insulting, dignified, verbose, tummy churning narcissistic nonsense at me each time, whilst I was left on social security for it.

It must continue to do its public security for the National security mess that their stupidities had made in this place however, nobody has ever transformed the public security structures into a gimmick by which they got to finger my bum and tap my penis, right down to access granted by rogue landlords I rented a space from and abusive shop keepers whenever I go out shopping, unless the famous idiots whose hoodlum and civil rights crime society cannot speak to anybody save with questions, insults and greed were playing with my career, up to the point where I am offended and they had decided to solicit any businesses I had arrangements with to make me do their bidding and fight people on their behalf – the Media and social media insults do confirm they were a bunch of famous fools who were convinced that I was one of their big fans in my opinion and reality is about to show something else entirely just the same as I have warned them about it for years. There is talk of failure on my part to point out the real evil context and nature by which these activities were being pursued but I am wondering which people cannot see without stifling my Bookshop, that these were a bunch of idiots running rings about instances where people lost everything they had in Asia, Africa and South America only to travel to the USA to become wealthy and powerful, seems the need to handle me and my possession was intoxicating due to an abusive media and some famous idiots tinkering with a process of acting towards me in a particular way whilst it was impossible for others to do anything about a publicity that suggested they were acting towards me in another way and finally pulled it off a civil rights criminals, detaching them from the Books and running off gimmicks about the most important thing to access being my Royal personal life and public image. I know the Government Office gits who always came up with the idea that each time they provoked me I was in the wrong, did what they did because they were being corrupt on the current date, now I need to know by what authority famous idiots and their completely innocent well off neighbourhoods’ low life fans did it too.

When these idiots especially those that were famous, were not suggesting that what they have done to my Bookshop and career publicity war fair, which their stupidities could hardly sell to anybody, they were suggesting that it really does come down to the idea that I am a coward, whilst we have never seen their stupidities do much with that teacher treating badly performing student badly personality, to stand up for themselves, so it might be easy for them to take advantage of wrong doers and those who stood up for themselves, extracting money from my public image with the help of corrupt security service staff, to build mansions from which they replaced public involvement with my Bookshop with crowd equality seeking involvement with my personal space, to set about making money from the idea their famous stupidities were providing the public with equality. I mean it is such a problem for them because I responded to other people’s insults with a sense that a message should be issued to those who encouraged them to do it, which we have ever seen their stupidities do in their entire lives but then again as ever it still all comes down to the fact that it is handling me instead of engaging with my Books since it took an interest in the Bookshop because that was supposed to be more respectful and convenient for their stupidities, clinging to my career publicity to steal everything else at industry, like fools who only understood extreme violence. On the point that it was fair, we know the problem to be that it had breached my patents after years of insults and abuses on public media by 2012, to set about a publicity that allowed other people to make money from my career publicity and I would at this stage by 2024, like the famous stupidity if complaining, to cease pursuing the despicable personality gimmicks at my expense and buy the Book. On the ground for fairness, we know that they have since forged an alliance with the abusive society and this alliance was such that one might think they had access to ones property, which they can put somewhere and continue to dig my public image with insults an greed in order to spend the equity therein but it is not, that was never successful, what has really happened is the same famous idiots who complained about the society abuses, forging an alliance with them to beat down other people, which if we assessed the pornography between 1970s and  2000s has happened before. They do claim the Books were expensive, but we have not as much as witnessed a real effort to develop the discipline to three pages from it, what we have seen instead is a deployment of money extracted from my public image with the help of corrupt public security services gits, to run a campaign against public policy because it was easier to handle the author instead. On the point that Politicians have consistently refused to discuss the reasons they hated me with such passion, this will be the part where I felt that since I left school, I needed to ignore them, for my next response, I believe the stress they were currently having revenge for will be the means for their demise, as this is not just a matter of what happens when other let them be, but also the fact that it is a matter of what they had to do to spend my career on themselves, which was a product of how high I had built up the security for it, with a big mouth; so I say more of the famous insults, if they think that they can survive 3 more years of me operating the Bookshop in this manner, I personally am likely to go as far it took and the need to build up crowds that got around the civil rights publicity as per what people thought the way their stupidities treated me as, was not the real thing, whilst they were handling my career publicity to get richer than they already were, was better than showing up here to rip up my wealth politics equity for their own earnings whilst I am the person doing the work.

On the point I struggled with them because I had lost control, I have not lost control; as pointed out, it uses the civil rights movements to catalogue entire communities, then sets about destroying the ones that are not letting it get whatever it wants, and puts its results on Media to make money without being accountable to source, crash economy and create a two tier world, perhaps – I would never have cared if they had done this, to the effect that people thought they treated me a certain way whilst they then needed access to my privacy to treat me in another and the security I built for my property was viewed with a sense that it was a matter of what it took for them to access it, since history suggests that not enough of their stupidities could lose their lives in any event, but the other German influence idiots had to get involved and they were the people building civil disobedience media and a physical contact with it. I am not half the problem they made me out to be, it largely becomes more a question of where and when it was to stop, whereby they knew that the way we stopped it was enough respect on their part, to purchase the Book for their involvement with services attached to it, alternatively continue the Celebrity insults, keep their civil disobedience here, complain and find out if it will not get serious again a second time. I have not even said anything about the massive battle to convince the public that the academic system and the work market was the way, place and environment to get it done, which they seemed to attack to fault.

It is not as complicated as they have made it out to be – a simple matter of Celebrities clinging to my person and public life for good feelings, feelings they shared with society wrong doers and because they knew I would not consent, invented abusive ways to get what they wanted anyway – this then does damage to my finances and because I want to put a stop to it all together, they had come up with a counter plan to keep getting what they wanted, that involved an alliance with neighbourhood criminality gits and German influence idiots I am supposed to be afraid of, by which they could express the fact they hated that I had access to and authority to work public governmental influence, which is really difficult to make sense of, as per how indeed they on knowing what public life was the last time we checked, could decide if I was permitted to get involved on the basis of an alliance with neighbourhood criminality communities. At this point they had since decided to ensure every public appearance and profile needed to send the message to the crowd that I am to be made to do their bidding, so the mess this makes of my affairs and the disobedience by which they kept getting involved with my career and public life, was the main reason I had assessed that it had not stopped on their terms and therefore had to stop on mine. Basically it is a matter of making the most of the rogue landlords who helped them share my privacy with hoodlums and criminals in order to develop habits and fantasies of fingering my bum and touching my penis all day, whilst the abusive shop keepers and corrupt private security operatives helped them to be overjoyed about it on the red carpet, which the German influence idiots built investments for since it was happiness that relied on somebody else and did not require them to take leave of a position in which others had to fear them in order to make money, at which stage it was the other government office idiots who ensured I paid all my attention to them whilst they had a problem funding the social security, that had become the biggest geniuses in all the stupidities. Ultimately, a case of some need to continue these activities at any cost, as long as the cost was not their own, which was supported by stories about ways I had failed to fight communists and an issue that existed concerning American power; of which I had since decided for them that if it was not clear their stupidities was not the thing I am doing with a Bookshop and it therefore continued to stifle my finances, it was obvious the gimmicks with the communists was the part where their government office idiots wanted their Offices to become a cesspool, and their gimmicks with American power was the part that expressed the full extent of their professional incompetence and inability to do the jobs for which they had already been paid – since doing so has not been effective, the stage must be set to the effect that the society gits showed up to mock me on the basis that I once manipulated them on behalf of the famous but continued to interfere with my affairs for good feeling insults, about which I am still unable to concentrate on what I am doing due to their interest in me and losing money to the fact reading Books was poison to them, whilst the famous were the people who needed to cease clinging to my career and its publicity for good feelings if they do not wish to end up in the same position as the society gits, the insult that I do not get to stop my duties because they were being bad people serving an example of the reasons this nonsense had to stop badly. It is best explained as per the alternatives with respect to the idea I had stopped doing the work at the Office, which I had not – only a simple matter of the fact that these fools were always bullying people because they planned to get rich and famous and were not, so bullying people helped them to fulfil the dream of being rich and famous, which when I pushed into a difficult corner, gets them gimmicks out there in the public earlier than they had anticipated and gets law enforcement very responsive to their gimmicks, the passion that they express as a consequence being left to popularity people to fool around with too: this had now been stopped and I am no longer using popularity people or the media to complete this task, I am now using my public image which the famous idiots were borrowing on grounds that they will resist it until I did what they wanted, like a bunch of idiots who only understood extreme violence, if I am currently living on social security for it. The rationale behind my decision being that they sold me out to the society gits and now that I have removed them from my affairs, are getting revenge by selling me out to the society gits, the one reason behind the need to get involved with my concerns and sell me out being the same corrupt society trading gimmicks, certain I did not mention anything about people so stupid they only understood extreme violence, who needed to cease picking up my Bookshop and career publicity for immoral society good feelings, lip flapping insults that mocked me over the mess they made for public work concerning which an involvement on their part, left them out of their depth, talking nonsense about American power and the Communists, which insults are becoming a main motivation to launch a personal and private war on the famous. They do speak of matters at the Monarchy bringing about this outcome and yes it is, since the King continues to foster and promote this business of the bad things women did existing in a world where the methods to counter them were indeterminate whilst that which the male population carried out could be countered by paying for public security; his wife was pursued by paparazzi to her death over this matter, he fought his mother all his life in order to keep it, married his Mistress and has now left me single into my 40s, so nobody knows where it is intended that the idea and its gimmick out end.

This I suppose is what has become of a brief history of letting them be, it got serious once and they claimed I was working with racists and responsible for police brutality, I am living with this civil disobedience abuses because they believed that the revenge they have had for the stress caused by my responses will be enough to ensure that in the course of the next response, the stress did not cause deaths. State of affairs now being that the career is not as damaged as they celebrated that it is, as the ageist gits were now caught up with an abusive media that supports them –  the Celebrities and Media will soon make a mistake to worsen current access to their abusive fame git career publicity as well and their relentless involvement with my affairs will provide me access to their careers and finances, same as I do not invite them but they showed up here all the time and I was always at the receiving end of quasi sexual assault to please wealthy, powerful and stupid people, being replayed with heart break due to a lack of access considering what the public thinks of them and the handling of my person and property that was not enough – the ageist gits caught up with ideas their stupidities were fighting hoodlums on my behalf because I am a coward, on account their American counterparts had the gimmick involving the communists ongoing – the civil rights idiots with the interest in my diet and personality abuses narcissism are now off making the most of the stupid statement that I got along with ageists at the expense of everybody else, getting along with ageists and being properly stuck with it – it is the big boys with the need to build an abusive community that fingers the bum and taps the penis to suck up to Celebrities as well, that are the people complaining at Parliament everyday but boasting it was still on, as their insults showed they were famous idiots who had a theory that I am a big fan – I am doing doxy society apparently, the best of their stupidities putting themselves in charge of matters they knew nothing of, to torture those who did, as my financial situation shows that they had established physical contact and it has to be done. Needs to keep the comments to its individual careers and buy the Book.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland