There is therefore the idea that I am being taken up a ride and run down all the time, which gets intensified every day until people got a response from me which helped wreck my career even further, testament to the fact they thought I was incapable of a response. There is nothing of that sort going on, although they were playing out the usual gimmick of picking on the innocent while doing nothing to defend themselves from bad people, which makes them better than everybody else but not as bad as extremists, although they were bad people – it then shows up here to play with me abusively every day, setting out an Industrial stage where getting criminals involved with me caused me to struggle and fight for survival, whereby everything I did in the form of fighting was available to them as a tool for making money, the same which they apply to people in the armed forces who lose life and limb for public security, never really occurs to those who have not been involved in the environment where it happened naturally. The whole gimmick playing out as a reverse psychology that for some reason, people had created an industrial disposition where an illegal process of handling my work and property to wreck my career and finances, was beneficial to another person’s career, while their stupid American friends waded in with a sense of entitlement to handling me, telling lies all the time and picking up the personality top up insults that they develop from it as a means of sharing prerogative with people in power, so that they might continue; it sets the stage to say that they were evil people naturally and I am also aware every time I made my own statement to say I am not responsible for effects of their personal decisions, they go from this process of looking like they needed help from an exorcist to a corpse which then had something to do with me as well and had since developed into this process where it seems what they were now doing added up to question of how many of them I think I can kill to be free of their stupidities, so it does need to play with its mates if it is complaining. They speak of those bad things I had done about which I should not be allowed to continue with my career, while what had really happened was their foolish need to pick me up when I took my clothes off in my own privacy and build communities that got imagination up my bum, so I could not meet anybody for work, business or private purposes on account that I smelled and bumped into their immoral society abusive communities of lasciviousness that maintained their stupid show business careers they think that my current interest in them will not wreck completely at some stage – so I want to push this process of a professional disposition where I got to make scapegoats of the Celebrities for my own personal problems as well and ran my Bookshop up the arse of their fathers, suffices to say the next time I find myself at Industry backyards I will be seeking their jobs for the purpose of  reasons I ended up there. Since 2012 when the Celebrities began to make me scapegoat for their personal problems, not a single Book has been paid for, what we now have is an institutionalised process of insulting me to top up personality and security, running into abuses that wreck my Bookshop and play into the sex Industry because the abuses and insults are always sexual in context and their stupidities had picked up my Bookshop service processes to build a version of me that they were more comfortable with, wanting to see what a Hermit will likely do about it. The Politicians were supposed to be the clever people who built me setbacks to allow them get ahead, claiming they were increasing responsibilities for me, whilst we know such things were not happening where people were fooling around with popularity idiots that will be happy for the Country to degenerate into conflict, if it meant that they enjoyed the high life for a while, besides which we are aware that when the popularity gits play the music for them at Parliament which is supposed to be the place they attended to be bad people at, they do not wish to dance anymore.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland