The men are practically dead now and they say its all children contending with their fathers over beauties already and then that the children expect that some unjust decision will be taken in their favour which then causes the fathers to become highly Political as if it does the children any good. The truth is rather that when I am a Christian I must be cut off and being serially humiliated and my life completely destroyed in the first place, to ensure I end up in a place where I depend on somebody for the basics that I need especially and then forced to sin and commit wickedness, so that when I later on after I have been released become a Christian, I will know what I am talking about and what the value of my Christianity is. The same with employment, they feel that they have arguments that cannot be surmounted even when they do it to their own children. I can never get a job at 19 years of age and that is because I must be delayed and driven mad, then allowed to get a job by the permission of an incredibly stupid Politician who may decide otherwise, when I am about 26 and this is just the point where I am allowed to look for work at all and what I get depends on their desires too, so that when I do get the job, I will appreciate it. So I have always maintained that they can do these things of course but when they do, clearly nothing at all will happen to them for it because they are older than everything.

The media are just the people that do it as well because they see others doing it and it is a case where you are likely to plan out what you wish to do to them and then one day meet them and tell them to do it again one more time. Until then they will continue to tell lies that they themselves get together to believe, make me angry all the time in a way which gangs will notice because it is clearly on Public Television and seem to do that every day and every second that they appear on it as well, then take out bigger mortgages and make me a low priority for earning money over plans they have on my income and any property I have.

It is not that I am incredibly troubled about it, being troubled as such as a matter of service I must render. It seems that they always want to do trendy, trendy explaining what I am thinking about for latest trends; which is why I do explain it bearing in mind I will never give back that stupid left and they can come round to get it if they want, the result being that each time I explain it, I tend to explain their own better, holding in view the plan to one day dare them to do it again one more time.

At which point they usually say that I have been forced to fight the fight of life like a common man. Which has nothing to do with the fact that a Christian is writing books and they love to mess it up for him and get into trouble with him for doing so, which is really what is happening. I will never for my part however stop mentioning that this is clearly their own lives as it were. None of these such claims make any sense whatsoever because even if I do the exact things that they do with their lives, I do not live or exist within their social class and so it will never make sense which fight I have been forced to fight. What I am saying here is that I live in my own life and have the right to fall and stand and stand and fall and fall again and stand again if I want.

I mean, for me its like I go around society looking into all that Law and order issues: I come across a side of society where somebody stabs another human being 20 times and the person is dead but when I turn a corner there is another side where people don’t like unhappy people. So it makes you wonder how it is that there are people who don’t like unhappy people on a side and people who kill people on the other.

This of which they say I live in la la land but we all know that the prognosis of those who don’t like unhappy people is that when you are unhappy, you tend to meet Mr A who tells you to stay off doing the wrong thing, and then walk another yard and you will meet another Mr who tells you to stay of the wrong thing and then walk a foot and you will meet another Mr who tells you to stay off the wrong thing, until it begins to wind you up altogether.

It does not make any sense whatsoever exactly besides the abuse of my privacy and my work and their insolent female racists who do it, what makes people to say I have been forced to fight the fight like a common man.

HH I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.