The claim that I am in desperate need of other people heling to affirm that what I said about myself is true being completely false too; what is true is that I have never really cared what these people thought because it was such a distraction and I would be losing thousands of pounds if I were living on minimum wage, should I spend my time paying attention to it. It is impossible to progress from here to a stage where I required affirmation from them in order to exist but such claims are testament to the way their families were unaware of the nonsense I had to tolerate from famous idiots, they were unaffected because their gimmicks did not involve their own lives and the general understanding that was being obtained from their famous stupidities was that the pain the caused was okay for somebody in my social and public position. It is a matter that is now about to end on my terms and not their own like I have given them a decade and a half to decide on, with me trying to get my fingers on the abusive well off neighbourhoods and Celebrity wealth whilst the main problem had always remained that it needed to cease sharing my privacy with hoodlums and criminals in order to make sense of the fact it would like to attack me violently and keep its stupid poof comments restricted to its own career, as I am trying to keep a Bookshop that does not belong to them or display anything that their famous and civil rights stupidities wrote, in this place. It was clear that Book readers are not usually this noisy and saying that their interest in me should be restricted to a purchase of their own copy would be gratuitous, it is a gimmick that is now set to end on their terms as the warnings are not being taken seriously. It will then get off at this point to set out that I had hit their stupidities very badly over the years, which I am certain is not as bad as a University drop out Prince living on social security, assuming some of them had lost their lives for it – a stupidity that does not take a turn for the better and we have found at least 90% of people who have committed the so called racist murders in the last two decades fit into this category of people complaining that the idiots fool around with all of other people’s lives until the victims lose the career and source of substance then complain about who was killing people, the ethnic minorities who take part in the amusement that involved ideas about what I should be doing for them and what they could take from me every time they saw me, creep, creeping on me over the years until it is now in my bedroom as well, to arrive at a point where they were all fingering my bum and tapping my penis were performing these activities to build a crowd that helped to achieve a process of abusing the way public policy applied to me as a specific individual until I was open to everything, which their famous idiots were joyful for everyday on the red carpets, enlisting some rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers to make the most of it, were carrying these activities whilst complaining about racism. I need not repeat it too often since the last time I issued the warning, that it is now about to stop on my terms instead.

On the point that most people think I lived in a residual state of mind that suggested what has happened simply happened whereas I was groomed into the position, is not quite accurate; I am simply not interested in what they groomed me into, it has rather become clear that they were always handling me over something that my Book would have done for them if they paid for their copy and to ensure that I avoided feeling sick all the time and my finances a mess for it, I need to ensure that the Celebrities especially kept the fooling around to their career, got to the Bookshop and paid for their copy of the Book. This is where it seemed to have come back around as we can see, what originally began as a sense they needed to solicit the Politicians on the basis that action I took to ensure I did not have to deal with them when I sat back to work on my accounts Books, was construed as the idea that I had written a Book which I believed had provided me the right to try and control other people, to which effect this matter is what we are now doing 15 years on whilst I had ended up on social security. The ethnic minorities were the idiots who always worked their own in terms of fighting my enemies and showing up with a crowd that provided them an entitlement to touch anything they wanted, when not claiming that I was working with racists and police brutality was my doing, of which seemed to have been the only times that matters had normalised around here. They do make their own point that it was about the UK becoming a republic; whereas republic of the UK or not had nothing to do with hanging about a Media narcissism insolence or a football peoples civil disobedience with respect to my person and property, telling me where I am supposed to end up with a big mouth and constantly adopting a disposition that suggested others knew nothing of what their own antisemitism gimmicks looked like. It does make the stupid statement that with this level of energy I should be fighting the communists for everybody and I at this point feel as if they had only three opportunities to peddle this insults and all the others of the likes at me, when they had exhausted it, hell will break lose for another instance that it had been peddled at me to mock me over abuses that helped them find out about my public work and their famous idiots to make the most of it, it will break lose over those tummy churning, dignified immoral society insults, will definitely take things further from a need to get my fingers on those well off neighbourhoods and the Celebrity wealth.

It does not have to be all touchy feely as such, I am as person too complex to be consumed and I had written Book, in which context they were not the people, a stupid poofs responsible for me feeling sore and sick all over every day, living on food banks in this Country. Either way that they shut down this gimmick, cease picking up my career publicity to talk nonsense about somebody doing me favours that I cannot repay which had provided them a right, since it got serious once and they claimed I was working with racists and fostered police brutality, whether or not the King had set a stage for it and left us all in a situation where poof Leo astrology needed to find out more about my affairs on account they did not have it figured out, the claim they were fighting communists on my behalf because I am such a coward I could not do it by myself, it would be the same as the steps that I would have taken to ensure they ceased showing up anywhere near my career publicity, especially when famous, and certainly do not hang about somewhere making stupid comments and gestures about it that bottoms out my finances. On the point they make, that all I am complaining about had been done to them by security service staff protecting me and this has always been the issue: that they were entitled to work narcissism on me whilst complaining about state provided security and the big, big problem with this is a need to make a mess for everybody and completely trash my finances, seeking out their immoral society gimmicks at my expense where there were instances in which I got into a glorious fight on their behalf and they could be rest assured if anything tickled them, I would take care of it, with a big mouth, wrecking the public control work completely and trawling away from blackmail to blackmail, trying their hands on handling me as if I was less than human, looking for more of what their famous stupidities were complaining about and it has since progressed from trashing law enforcement work, picking up my career publicity and Books to make statements that criminals could be paid to stay away from crime and I was not only working with communists but was the real threat, to hang about looking like its stupidities were the real people putting corrupt security service staff in the UK and US system under accountability, then finishes off with a gimmick where the famous stupidities no matter what it owned wanted to make even more money breaching my patents, picking up my career publicity to pass themselves off as the people doing this work, on the basis corrupt security service staff who were allied to them, and they could handle to do me even more favours, had done me a favour which I could not repay, thereby providing them the entitlement to.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland