That talk of Books I write which affect UK international relations I understand is some sentiment that all Politicians tend to share but all I really want is a holiday away from their stupidities to a quiet life, so when the Monarchy requires my service it will be a lot more obvious for me more so; the way to do that is work hard and sell my books and raise funds for it and their continued destruction of that work will be the continued undoing of them as well. I mean Politicians and Business and Media have no respect for authority, this is a given fact, but they are violent as well with respect to me and will get the piece of me they want so badly too. the fashion ones take for example have a policy for business that says they are supposed to work hard to destroy my earnings and move into my personal life through personality competitions that they win because they have the money to and then strop all over the cat walk to show off and get rich – the more they do it, the more provocative it becomes, the longer they do it the longer the provocation, the more they show off for doing it the more the provocation is shown off. I mean we are talking about people who may earn a million pounds in bonuses alone where they work, who cannot buy £40 books and we mean £40 including P&P, in order to broker equities from another person’s company, so that what happens is that they will twist everything into a condition where they usurp all the equities, the offer me a deal to work for them writing new ones that meet their needs specifically and then when I do that will mean all I own belongs to them officially and then they will broker equities from my company without buying the products and all will be made to happen using media and advertisement and others will have equity companies that makes Industries millions without selling any products themselves and of course it is not the only time I have had to show them I get the kinds of things they get due to how they are parents which gives them that sense they can bully anybody and therefore have absolutely everything they have as well – so it is clearly not hurting badly enough thus books that affect UK International relations. It goes without saying I am not doing a bad thing by handling their businesses as well because it is not just a case of that noise making where they claim austerity does not apply to them and then get off to locate politicians that will ensure that other people remain in austerity as well, it is the fact that having handled my income for it they have ever worked for any of it in their entire stupid lives as it were. Like I always say, it is their inability to get off the book sales of books that affect UK international relations that will be their undoing as it were. We all locate these things from the things their stupid girls and women do indicating the nature of their silly sexual needs but, they will do nothing unless they are using my own sexual needs to do them and so look for trouble all the time as though I need an education about the fact that they have no respect for authority. I do not think it to be a major crisis for my part either, speaking of each idiot with their spin doctors playing games at all times; the reality is that we are all surrounded by systems that were there due to the nature of our work or one that we put in place and offered ourselves up for scrutiny and accountability like I have, which ensure that we get what we deserve - so are we aware as well that those who do not want such reality to be applied to them can always expect our good friends at the Kremlin or the White House to set one out for them and enforce it. This idea of what I will get up to when people turn up to show a problem they have with my give with one hand and take away with the other hand Policy, such that they spend a lot of time forcing me to give things and give them up indicates they think that it is their worst nightmare and all I can say is that they need to stay off my patents, the profit margins of my products, stay off my Public work and Royal Estate and stay off this Company and then it will not have to be.

We hear them mention all the time of course that I am stuck somewhere and will not see the light of day and so will my give on one hand and take with the other hand policy never last, but it is the same old story of a hatred of women first, those women that beat them up all the time so they can pick on me. However it is a lot worse than that all together because they say such things without taking into account a) The Campaign I need to run in order to make my case about the need to ensure they are getting what they deserve and reaping what the sow so that the world might be stable in terms of Politics and Economy, b) The incentive I have for the World Powers I have been able to draw onto my case and my work c) The existing animosity and hatred between myself and media that vandalises my property and my earnings and makes a finances and health costly jokes out of it for a daily fun as well - so when the world hears the complains and the screaming we would be undoubtedly settled about how wrong they are.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland