To be clear about the Celebrity problem, as long as Celebrity had a history of plugging their gimmicks into my Public image, it has always been impossible for them to be more famous than I am save I did not find it offensive and there is nothing they can do about what I do to protect my finances and cut them off either. Normally, it would not be difficult to say I had built a thing for my career and people had used it for something else, hence Publicity to show what it was meant for but this is a battle because they will always be originally, a handful of incredibly stupid individuals. It is still open to them nevertheless, to build publicity for my concerns as disobediently as possible, so that I might not have to spend my own money on Publicity but the threats have no prospects of making anything useful either, I could allow it but never will.

The matter is not really a complicated one. I am not as emotionally attached to Celebrities, as those who claim the more I suggest I am not is the likelihood that I am; the reality of it for instance is the way that Police Officers will go on Holiday at the set destination, so the people providing that service will liaise with my work to provide it and each time they worked with me, I put it under the spiritual canopy that is linked to the Canopy where I brokered property  equity with businesses or it could be that Police Officers had Holiday homes and in the unusual way they work, we find they do not use it often and have a group of boys they get around with, so they ask those boys to occupy that space for them, sometimes the bills are available other times the occupants paid, of which the situation is still the same in terms of the putting criminals away business making you work when you should be relaxing. What Celebrities have done with this over the years, is to hang about my Public image, blowing kisses at criminals on it and racing each other to the millions that Industry twats who wanted to get back at me were willing to part with, if they would run me down all the time for it: beyond this we find they and their fans were more busy with the insults when they were not putting the pressure on their own twats. So, this is a measure of instance of how I am not thrilled about the existence of Celebrities.

Overall however I think all problems concerning celebrities would be solved if there was no Celebrity culture in this Hermitage and there was no part of my Hermitage running around with Celebrities – the problem of course is that the idiots have claimed that I am not only one of those smaller persons in the generation that comes up with a lifestyle or career they can take advantage of to boost their own, but I would want to prevent all involvement with me except that they were bigger, stronger and wealthier. Hence it is not usually difficult with respect to normal people, to say people have been picking up my Hermitage or service processes at my Bookshop to run around other things they think added up to the way I should be used and drawing a crowd based on public response to my Books on it, hence I have made a statement to set out what I did and how it should be used but for the Celebrities, I cannot because they were bigger stronger and wealthier, so I am not anymore, just engaged with a business of moving them out of my life and out of my concerns, about which I have a feeling that their need to make public statements and gestures about access to and handling of my Hermitage to decide how the Public used it, alongside handling my Books to bend me to their will on account they had something close to my heart to play blackmail games with is set to see a really bad ending for it all together. The rest were split into two groups – one being idiots that show up here to get imagination up my bum because I had a lot of the public image and personality thing going for me and their stupidities were sharing it like their Celebrities were, all the way to Government Office idiots who think I was disrespectful towards the Celebrities, so they picked up bits of my career to make them happy and break my heart with, showing up to blow off that big mouth thereafter all the time – the other being people who are naïve of the way Celebrities have showered me with insults over a 12 year period every day, to reach this stage where they can handle my career finances and bend me to their will, hence advisable to get involved when famous idiots were complaining about me as well.

They claim the problem with Celebrities still stand and yes it does; the fact that their friends at the armed services have been attacked and scattered for instance – I mean when I do all that I do and know what I need to know to pick up my career and put it down when necessary if they were preaching more freedom than I did, somebody must have picked up my acts and passed it off as another person’s career on Media because they had so much love for the beneficiary of such nonsense. I mean those who want to get involved with me want to get involved, in their case, they get involved to claim I sleep with peoples spouses, so that the spouses might take whatever is needed from my career before the truth was known, this started 16 years ago and at the time I wondered if I was a discriminating person, should I have decided I wanted to tolerate no more of their stupid personalities that are naturally annoying and suggestive of anal sex but apparently, now we are in a place where we have seen all possible evidences that I am not a discriminating person for having those thoughts.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland