There is
naturally the claim that I interfere with American internal policy – utter
nonsense naturally as it is usually a two part gimmick where one side never
stopped talking nonsense to look as if it wanted a priest to perform and
exorcism on them, the other was a sociopath poof who needed to put their
teenage sons on Cadbury and Cocacola Advertisement opportunities at my expense
or there will be men’s world trouble. It hates the Books I have written but
there is nothing yet indicating as far as it was concerned, that it needed to
stay away from the person that wrote the Book itself. It is the same as the
claim that had turned up recently, that the US government was starting to
prioritise British interests over that of its other allies, which never really
works the way they have claimed it does factually. What we know to be true being
that it does appear that this kinds of gimmick were a product of a need to make
money suggesting I was working with communists which of course never really
happens – what does happen being that of some work I had done on the matter, as
per if people who thought they could not live in their communist Countries
agitated or fled persecution to western countries and got killed for doing so
as they often were, would it have meant that those involved with my affairs had
set a stage which suggested Communist authorities considered my operations to
be criminal, never mind the fact that if they had not committed a crime, they
had lost their lives for something that should not have been tackled so heavily
to begin with, then was also the fact that if it so transpired that celebrity
gimmicks were one of the main causes of deaths when people migrated to the west
from Communist nations, it also served as a method of controlling Celebrity
corruption, all of which seems to have produced a better result than the
gimmick of burning defence assets to start a war that would never reach a
conclusion and all they have done with it is set about some sweaty fed dirty
sociopath poofs, progressing from security services incompetence to security
services corruption, in order to preserve a gimmick that involved financial
market fraud Celebrity culture, all of these playing out as a matter of the
fact we wanted access to big market, whilst we did not like communist big
markets, we were not giving the Americans anything in return, so the USA did
not know where to turn. In terms of individual powers and influences, I have
had to work fast, such that it seemed the business with China was mostly a case
of people imitating products at the Global markets, so what I did was set out
the social premise which ran off the equitable methods by which the products
had been built, leaving us with the social conditions in which they were being
imitated, hence we have ended up with two main types, one being imitation
because the Chinese were fans of the product and the other imitation for
political reasons, we know the former has always happened in the past, the
latter however is a product of gits who would do anything for money and has set
out insults and abuses for their greed which suggested I was not to be allowed
to smell nice when I stepped outside of my door more so, never mind that the
matter with Chinese investments in the UK did not require any extra work from
their greed orientated stupidities – all on my social media last we checked,
needs to read and cease getting bits of my career off me with a media
narcissism. The Russians on the other hand were tickled into the war in
Ukraine, I mean Ukraine crisis was on going and tended to repeat itself for the
exact reasons that Russia was pushing economy from its foreign and diplomatic
policy, instead of a communist country that relied on selling Industrial
natural resources and tourism for example, we ended up with a war in Ukraine
and yet the former economic state of affairs had not been realised, the whole
time that the assets had been trashed to start the war which the gits who did
were never in a position to see through to a conclusion were set for the
purpose of pushing back the characters and interests that made the Russian
foreign policy confrontational in the first instance and that work had to
continue once they were done with their abusive Ukraine war, progressing from
security services corruption to the stupid narcissism platform for the male and
female population to seek interests and run me down on social media reading my
birth sign incorrectly every day, to make a case for the way I am a Libra who
needed to give up my secrets or Scorpio will have the right to take my income
etc, whilst making the stupid point that it hated Russia and the Russian
President was a Libra, talking nonsense at me on its narcissism mainstream fake
news Media thereafter. Here it is suggested that there was a massive crisis and
it would be nice for the authorities to know how we ended up with it – same
story about these sorts o gimmicks leading me onto the stage where I decided
they needed to take up the leadership and read my birth sign from there,
considering we were all being driven into an ever deeper social and economic
crisis, which leadership they took up due to the risk that if they did not,
other people would do it for them, hence one of those things that I obviously
never did.
The claim
that I am inextricably vulnerable to them is utter nonsense, I mean try working
intellectual property administration where you get through some equities that
have been outsourced to you in order to earn a right to engage with product
development process on the internet, in a condition where the idiots were
running off gimmicks about what you were too old and too big to engage with and
therefore should be seen getting into a fight with people on the streets like a
certified low life, to provide them with security – having botched my
University academic pursuits by 2008 doing this to such an extent I was unable
to concentrate on anything I did, I have engaged with all sorts of work market
activities, culminating in an outcome where ai did private security industry
work which they now hated, not least because of all the things they did with it
all together, stupid beyond comprehension. The outcome is that each time I
defend myself from a bunch of idiots that take advantage of their insults
working towards deciding what I did with myself, to get imagination into my
pants, they worked corrupt private security on me to botch that too, about
which I had since decided that the abusive trouble makers should get a lot of
respect off my at the expense of their social activities, so that the abusive
corrupt private security and shop keeping would really make sense and their
celebrities have waded in since 2017 when I decided to do that, with claims I
am meant to get into a fight with people on the streets like a low life, to
enhance the sense they were more important than I am, has taken 6 years of work
to get through to them about the damage their famous stupidities did with
respect to matters I ought to have handled a long time earlier, to prevent some
criminal characters whom I am never really aware exactly when they plan to
break into my place, converting the fact they were the mother of all stress on
account they were famous into something insane and social. So technically I
have got an issue with them on a whole as per resolving all that has happened
between 2017 and 2023, but I could be seen spending my time on a Bookshop if it
was allowed to work for me on a schedule, so it was all in their hands, as much
as I have warned about the atmosphere built up around me to encourage crowd
mentality activities, as pursuing it will likely mean that their silly
favourite sons in the school environment will need to watch their own abuses
and shut it down as well or I should ensure they never did well at school on my
account too, not vulnerable to them in anyway. I am now at a stage where I
believed I have worked the Celebrity distraction, abuses and vandalism well
enough to say I can integrate it into a Bookshop keeping process and get back
to what I really did for a living, as it was obvious if I were more engaged
with all the activities I needed to spend my time with concerning product
development where brokers and clients were concerned, the ‘socialites’ would
not have trashed my finances as badly as they have to talk their narcissism at
me getting around with finance fraud sociopath poof or clinging to my earnings
to do me favours. Always a group of gits who need to make the point that weak
people were the cause of all social problems and then it is run off behind my back
whilst I tried to prevent people running off their gimmicks on my career when I
found myself hurtling down a rabbit hole to end up on the backyard of the
industries, at the same time appearing to have been keeping a record of
embarrassing things I did for the punishment I will deserve when it wants to
cling to my career, whilst its whole social profile was built on a stupidities
that we ought to live in a world of basic scarcity so that we had to stand in
long queues and get into a fight – merely done with it and the financial fraud
sociopath poofs led by American gits have been clinging to my Empire, trashing
my finances to help famous idiots feel more important than I am, not clear
exactly how many people they planned to employ with show business if I was no
longer able to protect public interest and their show business making vacuums
of what people could have done with a career that had already been deployed for
purpose, dreaming of a world where I was vulnerable to them simply because
there was a whole community built to channel insults in my direction.
they suggest the main problem here is that I claimed to have known celebrities
personally whilst it was only a dream, whereas the problem is that they
investigate and delve into my personal and social life to find out how it
works, then spend time and resources trashing it for a personal convenience
that made out a sense that their own worked that way, mine worked for them and
that only a select few in a personal circle knew they were referring to you
with each engagement with the public whilst the public was convinced a
completely different thing was happening which makes one so sick it was
impossible to pursue or concentrate on anything, at the same time were the fans
and corrupt private security they had bought attacking anybody who remotely
tried to change anything in the system they were wired into on the streets. I
want my structures returned, evidence that have accrued have shown they are not
as pointless as they seem – that if I set out structures for people who engage
with my Bookshop as a writer with a wealth equity public image by which I
promised them means to build products that helped them baby sit those who spent
money fighting them, it is not as beeline as it seemed, such that anybody can
take it up and more so without permission to feed its sociopath stupidities,
fighting for equality – that if I am Royalty and people tended to set out a
certain method of involvement that suggested they played a role which implied
they were my mistresses, it protected me from all the social gimmicks of
abusive men, the sex work politics and the celebrity vandalism and should not
be picked up by a bunch of socialites, looking for people they can attack to
make a lot of money with violent orthodoxy abuses that talks nonsense all the
time through a talk of the town abusive gimmicks that feeds the narcissism of
idiots who think they deserved to get by as such it was mostly reliant on
others, whether or not they did; these are some of the structures I want handed
back and I am not finding the talking convincing either as they were never paid
at any stage to run off gimmicks that made out I was a major public problem
whilst criminals were nice people, or later on to trash my career because they
were unable to continue their lives and careers over such claims. It is a two
part dynamic: one involved a bunch of society gits whose business with me is to
share my privacy with hoodlums and criminals as a method of drawing energy to
pursue their daily affairs, then make out I farted in public since it was
impossible to step outside of my door without having to confront an instance
where they felt like using it, and my physiology does not allow me to vomit
constantly either – this was only progression from the punishment associated
with blocking instances where handling me and my career helped them to get
popular, lucky and blessed, developing very quickly into an obsession for
experimentation to find out if they could commit crimes that had not been
stipulated by the law at a cost to my person, whilst it was all being done from
such a safe distance that none was being held responsible. The Celebrities were
the second part that waded in alongside German influence idiots who made me
into a coward after years of trashing my career eventually resulted in an
outcome where trying to work in an environment where I was too old for what I
am doing and was too big therefore needed to be seen getting into a fight with
people on the streets like a low life, to provide them with security, resulted
in an outcome where I actually did the security work for them and I challenged
the way that they secured the supplies for their businesses because was real
and therefore the most annoying conclusion that after an 8 year career mess, I
ended up doing security work for them that their stupidities hated but still
will not let go of me as well, looking for more, the part the Celebrities
played then was to progress from a history of converting business with my
publishers into a tool that covers their backsides and helps fans to make sense
of their personal life issues on the red carpet, make my wealth equity public
image into a tool for seeking civil rights equalities, leave me open to sex
workers, short insolent narcissism videos people think was the way to make
advertisement and make out I was the public problem whilst criminals were nice,
finished off with a media narcissism that was to get me into trouble with the
law as part of a statement that would show I had earned what I owned and would
put a distance between me and them whilst I had also lost my career to them.
Hence considering all of this, it is a point of wonder what would have happened
if I decided these abuses had created an atmosphere for such activities to be
the norm and that it showed their whole society and communities should not feel
safe keeping their clothes on and their privacy should be shared with everybody
– of which we can see they have worked this atmosphere so intensely I did not
have to do anything as bad as what they have started naturally, the way that it
usually starts with them and then it stops badly with me, whereby it is also
worth noting people had time for this whilst the Muslims among them had not
turned to terrorism because I did it better. Always this socioeconomic matters
– feels like securing funds and showing up to buy products from people it
envied and loved to pass insults at, makes excuses for its behaviour and sets
about proliferating those products criminally, the Muslims were off building
the best modern arrangements anywhere in the world on this basis all over the
middle east and we have already seen that whilst this gimmick was rife in
Europe, the little steam that was put to the dynamic between Israel and
Palestine had ended terribly. Same old public place matter where the abuses
suggested I am an infidel, such that I could not concentrate on anything I did
whilst we know infidels really were people who were committed to nothing in
their lives: such that they have even met the Celebrities who have never once
made a decision about their careers in terms of the work the prison service was
doing in the community, such that when they did crime, the celebrities could
take advantage of them and when they did not the same was the case but the
Celebrities were committed to something never the less, hence it was impossible
to say they were outright infidels, same social problem where none wants to
engage with a religion that encourages them to kill people whilst putting the
threat of death over their state of mind, in a community where Christians
practiced and preached the complete opposite, such that they ended up having
only the local criminals take an interest in their religion and blamed the
Christians for it but before then it never stopped meddling for dominance and
whilst being described as infidel, I was fixing it for them too. Some people
were worried it was tough for me because the other gits at the local
authorities did not wish to pay up on social security anymore whilst working
HMRC for Celebrities and trashing my Bookshop to do so, claiming it was the
cost that was due for me to pay towards controlling crime, as this ideas they
usually have about bribing criminals to discourage crime had a history of
catastrophic failure but each time somebody lost something important for their
stupidities to run it off – It is only tough for as long as I appeared to
engage with them in a way that suggested I was working towards allowing them
another share of history and habit at my expense, of which I am actually issuing
a series of warnings instead, considering it is building up to an outcome where
it was clear that a bunch of gits with a community that abused my privacy and
gets imagination into my pants, a bunch of society goons with a need to run me
down and cling to my social profile for energy and celebrities were the people
keeping a hold on my public image, public profile and career publicity, which I
needed to retrieve and do so painfully. As for the claim all I did was
substandard, it does not bother me in anyway as it is usually a statement that
made because they claimed that more qualified persons should be doing my
livelihood instead of me – but what this really meant is that I had with my
qualifications, achieved something that somebody with higher qualifications
would have achieved with less heavy lifting, building up questions as to the
reasons that it was left lying around to a point where I had to take it up, if
this meant that people were being pushed, then we brushed it under the carpet
and talked instead about what I did with my career having a tendency to arrive
at a point where I decided I did not wish to engage in so much heavy lifting
anymore but this would have been such a stage as I had raised enough funds to
return to University, therefore their business with my Bookshop isn’t looking
for trouble, such that if it was, they would walk anything I did about them and
their celebrities for it. The talk of the trouble that awaits me at the
Monarchy is utter nonsense too as they were in league with people whose
activities were fundamentally the engagements of localised criminality, such
that the source of all stress was the process of wading the prospects of the
day those who pursued those activities would have finally achieved an instance
where they broke into my property and they ran off this nonsense up to the
stage where it helped to ascertain how the King was coronated, what they are
now suggesting is that if they tackled me because the version of me they made
up had decided what was thought of me at the Monarchy, I would likely keep the
rest of their secrets. Where it is said that I would have in the circumstances,
taken control, we can easily see that this was a huge crisis built out of thin
air from their unusual interest in other people’s intimate personal life
matters, whereby if there were women that could love me as I am, they would
hunt those down a predatory society, make relationships with those and divorce
after having the children, push some into sex work and show up claiming that
somebody had taken the wife I should have married at the Monarchy, with no
plans to face the music if I had adopted a sense that such a claim was factual,
when my personal life was organised in such a manner that the finances could
not be worked outside of wedlock and they were complaining that their private
parts were sore – they had built a community that delves into my pants because
I had not given up the wife that others had taken from me at the Monarchy but
no such wife had been produced, not clear what we have been doing the past four
years whilst I had issued the warning on this activity the entire time.
The core
of the problem here is that I appear to have ended up with a publicly displayed
condition where I seemed to think about the interests of the USA over
everything I did, whether or not it was actually the case that I had thought of
those interests, hence the outcome has been that of an assumption the political
junkies whose thing I needed to do but no matter how much I had done their
thing, I had never done their main thing whilst they showed up on my affairs to
make demands after demands, were the worst but I have not met the proverbial
scumbags yet. Not really a crisis, just a reality where a bunch of idiots will
cease hijacking my career publicity and business with clients to make
statements I am supposed to fight communism for them or involve themselves with
my affairs because the last person to get a British friend fighting for them
became wealthy doing so etc, currently I am working on the basis it was all
part of Celebrity harassment which never gets mentioned because famous idiots
were victims of everything last time we checked, the stupid security guards
building communities that get imagination into my pants not looking like
characters I needed to blind fold and beat up so they could never tell the
Police, their low lives who had nothing to lose getting involved with my
personal space, never the evidence of extreme obscurity as I am likely to get
attacked for not showing enough respect towards famous idiots with the way
their stupidities wanted to use my career on the red carpet being insolently
entitled to everything they saw, but there was an issue when the low lives got
lots of respect because their incredibly important stupidities were not
deploying a career to cover their backsides and find enemies I will fight to
enhance a sense they were important – this was the half of it naturally, I need
to gather up the instances where I am meant to fight communists or getting into
a fight is supposed to make them wealthy and pass it on to law enforcement,
whenever they believed they were free to make giant billboard on the highway
over it, there will have been a set stage for another eventuality where the
famous will complain about me again, not least from the prospect that once done
with the business of people born under birth signs that were more dangerous
than mine building communities to get imagination into my pants as a method of
raising awareness for and selling products to their famous stupidities, having
failed to make the correct personal decisions all their lives, when I trash the
communities to keep their imagination out of Celebrity pants in order to make
money as well, it would have transpired that the famous were the people buying
products which were sold in such social conditions and needed to keep it going
until people retired.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland