On the matter of whether I was delusional about the state of my welfare and finances, I am not in anyway delusional. These gits only tended to speak to others from the point of famous idiots being overjoyed on the red carpets that they were bullying people with rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keeping gimmicks, the outcome being that they only communicated with people who mostly want nothing to do with them from the basis of greed and insolence, it is the business of then going on to build publicity for a lack of response on my part, shooting off the big mouth about ways I am too cowardly to keep my own career, and picking up every aspect of my work to pass off as their own with a narcissism media which has now prompted a response. They do speak of the claim that I am working with communists and in my mind they have about three more opportunities to keep peddling such nonsense as making money by getting Americans to think I am working with communists or making me a character people bullies to befriend the wealthy or famous, if they do exhaust it, this stupid story will change for something else naturally. On the matter of working with communists in its own merit however, it was largely a case of my Books being picked up by some people from Communist Countries who were letting me in on the way their Countries worked where there was huge pressure on people to chose if they wanted to be bad people or not etc, about which these idiots trashed my assets to create an existence for me that was in keeping with ideas on people that others should love to hate for personal and financial progress, claimed I was working with communists to share the defence budget of the USA that fell into the hands of corrupt security service staff, and got some riff raff involved with my Royal Order to do Military work, so they would show up here feeling entitled to my property over a favour that they claim had been done me. At this point which I suppose we had arrived at the stage where they were the people talking to me without permission via insults and greed and were the same asking the stupid questions – I mean if I were in as much trouble as they claimed I was in, I am wondering if their stupidities would be the people to administer the trouble that I was in, about which I ought to clarify that from my point of view, I think they were bluffing and need to refrain from making stupid statements that added up to a threat on their part, if they were complaining that their stupid outlook that was developed around a cowardly Celebrity culture, that always aimed to solve its financial problems and create a sense that they were ready for death as a form of courage which we all know will become the thing that National enemies escalated and none really knows what their stupidities were doing with security services business, getting into a habit of consuming security service staff, showing up here to express their fear of death by trashing my finances, since last they decided I was an Arch Prince who was just another number that was going to get torn up so they may feel as if they were in a disposition to get whatever they wanted in life and state provided security decided they should be doing their own public security at such a stage, I mean something that had grown from daily insults to the idea I am the person in the wrong from trying to keep the criminality out of my personal life and career, once they had soiled themselves with it, employed the rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers who ran off so much of the abuses about which they were complaining of my responses, to such an extent that immigrants, distant lovers and foreign Policy was affected, deciding that since their stupidities were incredibly important famous pricks, who had such busy lives they rarely ate food at home, they would require my personal life to maintain the dignity needed to ensure they were confident enough to eat when they needed to, as stupidly as possible. I will repeat the statement a couple of times, about the importance of showing up here to pay for the Book instead of handling and putting me to fools errand, about which I think that at some point I will do that enough times to the outcome of the so called high wave I was riding to have become their career publicity due to the sheer number of times they showed up here to work and express their gimmicks at my expense.

On the idea that I am drowning in this however, I am not, the gits had found a narcissism happiness that they deployed to make sense of their civil disobedience in the sense that my career publicity ought to tidy up anything that prevents the Celebrities from existing and my personal life anything that prevents the local criminality gay gits from existing and were working advertisement with it, which meant they had found the right kind of happiness, such as made them money but will not cease picking up my career publicity for gimmicks and showing up here to be so abusive that a third unconnected party was unable to pay for a copy of a Book that they wanted at the shop. Their abuse society which keeps most of the opinionated ageist idiots does not apply its mind to think about the effects and mannerism of these nonsenses, they were just a bunch of people who enjoyed humiliating others and were always checking me up to ensure I did not humiliate them as well, whilst building a stupid community that got imagination into my panties to ensure I could do nothing with my life and was never allowed to smell nice – we have since ended up with an example of the insolent decisions they usually make with consequences attached such as in this case, I am younger than they were and they were now getting off the idea they will handle me abusively until they retired from the work environment to live with the fact that they had to orchestrate revenge for the stress and in that time have wrecked my career and finances to end up with a situation where my children will be younger than their children too, will I suppose like to find out what I might do to change the stupid story about fooling around with cowardly Libras, by showing me their stupidities planned to pose a threat to my family then I suppose. For the time being I believe they will like the idea of me getting my fingers on the celebrity wealth and picking up a stick for the well-off neighbourhoods, to ensure they kept their abusive hands to themselves. It is so annoying for me that I had written a Book and in the course of keeping a writing career ending up finding these idiots who have since teenage years repeatedly time and again dispensation after another, groomed themselves religiously for a lifetime of narcissism against others, as what they claimed was a method of getting by – there was all that nonsense that has now been grafted into my career publicity which I am certain their media establishment employers did not pay them for, whilst complaining about my responses, where the fighting that indicated livelihoods, businesses and jobs were being kept, was the normal, to the tune that it seemed to have been an impossible task as much as they found it easier to complain about my responses on National Media, to keep their comments and gestures restricted to their own careers which they actually did possess knowledge of, the last time we looked. The racism targeting me at the Monarchy bits being the part where they had done the business of travelling overseas to bring black people that will handle my career to create the image of a black person that their stupidities were more comfortable with, to such an extent that I needed to let it run its course this time; apparently, the residual threat that were being eliminated being that they were going to fight communists on my behalf, that I was working with racists and responsible for Police brutality.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland