People do
fear I am getting wasted but I am not; it is the old case of living with black
people and ending up with problems associated with people wanting to be me
getting all the way to the Monarchy, so what I am doing now is supposed to have
been the white versions of the same problem. What we find is that they enjoy
ripping up my academic work and finances to build up an atmosphere they will
immerse themselves in to attain the kinds of successes that they want for the
future and each time I get through hell to keep them off it, what distracts me
from my Books and studies is the fact they had gotten back in there and will
not let go without a fight, gotten back in there to run off busy body
opportunism on media, dirty sales, Politics and stock market gimmicks hence
it never stops by itself or get out of my space, only improves as a situation
when I had decided the distraction has caused me to spend time thinking about
what I can do prevent them from achieving as well.
Politicians do say that this does not improve the conditions for everybody
either but it does for me, the rest of the time that the fact it does for me
does not affect everybody is when there are these sorts of abusive insults that
I have to clear up every day so what we find is that if it has a drink in its
hand, wear suits and has its ID card around its neck in a Consumer Electronic
exhibition, the fact it is in a nice place means that my Books will never get
sold for the day and then once I had cleared that out, I am stuck with stupid
women telling me they make money on my Public image and get in touch to
dominate me with it not just because I am supposed to be less of a threat than
my own public image but because they were successful women and I were a low
life and so it was all a matter of some new film or music that has been made
and since they had placed and gambled a lot of money on it, I must be made to
wait until the sales processes have been completed despite the amount of
warnings I have issued about their stupidities grinding celebrity culture away
at me. As for the business of being less successful than they are, it has now
given way to a process that means I am besieged by Public transport fools that
want me to make an exhibition of myself and thereby look like a Celebrity and
that has now gotten me into a mode that must sort something out to ensure I am
able to breathe the free air, which runs all the way to having my own Coven of
Fashion Models that have agreed to work with me on specific issues; the one
that will kill them apparently is an Arch Prince who believes money exists to
provide Central banking with a Job and make the Government as well as big
businesses and Multinationals comfortable, being pressured and bullied into
doing the greed routines and I have become increasingly intolerant of the
complains that follow the consequences of their insults as well.
We find
all the time that the main crux of their behaviour is based on the fact they do
not have money problems; so the fact they do not have money problems generally
means my bottom hurts because that is how they show they are terribly important
and then my livelihood is damaged either by the fact they are incredibly stupid
people or have become quite convinced they may invent any stupid thing of their
choice and insert it into my career, so that they might wield power over a
certain portion of my market and make me stupid deals about their position in
life all day long. My point here is that the Politicians say I need to work it
in a way that benefits everybody but we are here because it is impossible to
get them to abandon anything without their ego winning the day first of all, so
they have not abandoned this nonsense for at least the last 14 years meaning
these goons always have a derivative at their disposal to play with and then
complain that if abandoned their finances will bottom out which I do not see
exactly indeed why that should have been a bad thing in the first place. So we
find that when I speak in such ways they wish to ensure that my need to tackle
that stupid money because it is the basis of their insulting filthy bullying
and the lies they cannot stop telling in order to keep it up, then they start
to tell me what they are really thinking making out their money will never run
out reality of course is that the fat cats said the same thing but are not
anymore, what the fat cats are now saying is that they were on course to
damaging the Monarchy the way I damage their concerns but they were never going
to damage anything if I am incredibly good at the business of making sure their
version of money making does not make any trouble around here I mean the UK
is recovering from a recession and they want to start up a global story about
the benefits of making it into old civilisations like Ancient Rome or Ancient
Greece of Egypt that shows up at Hollywood and never stops giving, I write a
Book of equities and my incredible achievements are dwarfed by all sorts of
nonsense about my Books meaning that I have agreed to let people tear up a
Royal life and fashion the bits into products that can be used to make clients
comfortable so it has always been the kind of trading that means they want to
get me killed and put my body parts in a jar to get inspiration from and it is
a form of Tourism that I will not tolerate as well; so we are not getting into
any serious scuffles yet because they have not done any damage, they can always
start and see what I am capable of too; it will always be the old story of
ripping up my academic work to set up my personality and public image like some
atmosphere that has some suffering attached to it that they can deploy to
explain away the wicked activities that we find them engage in and then at the
end they will open a shop and name it after themselves and their families and
it will be successful way into the future the problem these fools have then
with buying the Book of equities that I wrote if they wanted such things from
me is that the scum have not got the time to read it as such, what they have
the time for is following me around to rip up my academic work and wait for me
at street corner for homosexual sex practicing their stupid ageism on anybody
that is not their mate.
We see the
Celebrities reciprocate this nonsense as disrespectfully as they possibly can
and the probability naturally is that I shall perform my own gimmicks on their
show business and culture and then the outcome will be that I will completely
destroy it too; so apart from letting everybody knows I am fine, the reality is
that these guys simply cannot let other people be the celebrities do what
they do because they can; their own is a life of making money and speaking to
crowds of people on how to make money as well while getting paid to do so, if
another sets out a venue like them to preach the Gospel they have to attack and
completely destroy it whereas there is really no difference between the two
i.e. how far I have come as well since last I thought it was apt to let myself
into their concerns too. It feeds into this case where I said to antagonise
Members of the Royal Family while all these things are happening, some Members
of the Royal family were building involvement with them and a wheel of distrust
alongside it and now these goons have been able to build enough enmity to
ensure they were marrying into the Royal family, a course for concern for me
naturally but it is not my problem if I should say. The rest claim that I am
disrespectful and they were here to enforce respect for Royal Family members
and it will never make sense if they made some money and got to know members of
the Royal Family in the process to burden me with such nonsense I am upper
Class because HM took me there, when people behave in such ways I am left
wondering who took them there anyway, besides which it gets worse because of
the instability that they create i.e. the families at the bottom of British
Society tend to solve their problems by violent means, I tend to ensure they
did nothing to push themselves to a point of dragging the Monarchy into
disrepute especially if they had done it for me more so and The Queen is never
going to allow other peoples position become more important than that of those
who work in the National services, so it is difficult to locate where they got
their ideas for the relevance that they think they have all together anyway
made some money and got to know members of the Royal Family, I congratulate
them for it but they must see that they need to give me a break.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland