There is
love for that story where I am scared of People too and the Politicians would
do anything to create it for them as such, all the way to spending sheds of
Treasury funds to help create a cash strapped Prince that is worried about Bill
issues which is still a form of fear that can be interpreted into the kind of
fear they would like him to have on that stupid Media - in the end the reality
is still always a matter of a worry concerning the fact if most of me ended up
in their hands there will be a war. There is talk naturally of the things I
need to stop doing which is nothing new; the old case of the fact it’s a big
world and people can carry on as though I do not exist, live their lives as
though I do not matter, they are not being paid to do this; we all know that
whilst they have not gotten my finances looking the way their found it 14 years
ago, before they started their endless gimmicks, I may have been working on
project one yesterday but since last I started project two and it looked as
though I was about to start earning some money, they gathered a crowd and gave
a stupid speech vindictive Politics and lies about what I need to stop doing
because they are full of themselves and believe in their right on every
occasion – so it usually followed by warnings about a totem that will be my
undoing as if they are not going to face any trouble from me as well, since
this is clearly their own lives as it were, we settle on the same existence in
their view. They always say it’s somebody at the Monarchy that wants me to stop
doing the things I do which is an old story whereby I walk down the streets and
every Bus driving scum wants to finger my Bum and it will provoke until I
respond and do their own as well, then it will get involved with somebody at
the Monarchy to do my stuff; so this somebody knows they are a problem but
takes them into his house because he has smelled a privilege of injustice and
now wants me to stop doing what I am doing like he has gotten my finances
looking the way he found it before their gimmicks started years ago and took a
turn for the worst like it has presently (It’s the disruption after wrecking my
finances, to tell me to stop doing what I am doing when I am trying to fix it,
crowd built and all - knowing there is no way I can do that when they are
neither paying the Bills nor have they restored anything here that has suffered
when their stupidities came to mean they were powerful; the idiots always like
to think they can abuse and insult as much of you as they want because if you
act they will get involved with those goons they know at the Monarchy that will
do your life for you etc and send out messages to you to stop doing what you
are doing). It does begin innocently enough alright i.e. the risk they face in
life is that others have got what they need but asking would make them
inferior, so they have to develop an existence where there are various other
ways of just taking it; the scum will complain all the time but have never
really explained why it is completely out of control and really does not allow
any 24 hours go by without me getting targeted by it. It’s like the size of my
market gets depleted everyday due to the number of public place idiots and
celebrities serving Clients with my work and then creating barriers that
prevent me from serving the same Clients too, had it all worked out, its risk
is that if it asks, it might have to deal with rejection. And they love that
crowd whipping gimmick where I am being exposed for not supporting
homosexuality which does not bother me at all, it’s obvious their whole
existence soon gets built upon the need to do things to me which exposes me to
being hurt and most of my activities turn to a process where seeing them around
my warehouse public place and my public image and my Client services means I
get to twit them and turn them around until they are exposed to getting hurt as
well and because it would be bad for my Arch Prince Public image if they become
homosexuals on my account, I then have to find a way to prevent that from
happening too. Of course they always say there are no easy ways of resolving
the matter where I am concerned and it’s an old story where the way I share my
life with friends and close people is different from the way I share with the
Public, so if the one I share with the public takes up my time and affects
finances and academics and I write Books for them for it which should ideally
be free but because of the value of involvement with me is not a bad thing for
people to pay for, the rest of my life has to be flushed down the loo when
others wish to own it, hence it becomes a bad thing. So again, another example
where they have had it all figured out and if you were to make a similar
decision the more important thing to you would be that you were not raised or
wired in that way, thus should it mean you get to do nothing about it as doing
nothing will tend to mean that it ends well for you generally. They do say I
have set myself out as problem guy which is utter rubbish - what they have done
is set me a public image that says I am Intellectual Property Administrator
that cannot protect his own intellectual property if his income depended on it
and I do not think they have enough Politicians in the world for that either;
they are a joke. I mean they have gangs and bad neighbourhoods and since I
cannot protect my income, when I kick their own and make it cheap handy
accessible, there is no way I will be selling it to violent people. I mean it’s
a case of here lies a product you created and here lies the Patent statement
made that says you are the only person with the right to feel comfortable by
its existence or to make a living by selling it and their insanity says that
they can prevent that from happening by making sure you never enjoy the level
of security that lets you work in an Office peacefully without dealing with
streets and criminality - so the question becomes how you make it expensive
enough to drive away the violent people from any action you have taken should
you handle or kick their own as well; so it’s usually really stupid and likes
to tell you not to call it stupid lest you get into trouble. They say I do not
really belong where I am seen all the time but we see that if I take leave of
my Royal Estate to go off and live like a peasant because there is something I
need to accomplish, it will become their main preoccupation telling others how
to exist all the time because I have created myself a personal weakness which I
have apparently created for them as far as they are concerned – hence stuck in
it for 6 years for absolutely no reason save the tales they want to tell
amusing. We see it all the time being done based on which power politicians
will lose and which facts will be discovered about how poor people live, to
develop a new oppression but what they find most amusing in this world is
making somebody else’s livelihood into a Toy they cannot keep their hands from
and when they play and play and play and create a sub culture had started
complaining as though that sub culture was another person’s problem. I mean
they have already played me out of University once and I am here because I
cannot afford somebody showing up on my concerns to try and build a gap between
rich and poor. Now we hear what is really happening is that I am being
prevented from doing things in British society which some people think I should
not be doing due to my race and I could never understand why somebody would
have the wife adjust their tie, kiss them off to work in order for them to
spend their time doing those things to me as though it is what they are paid to
do, I mean they have even manipulated their managers into a position where the
Managers cannot act while they are at it well because it has become so
important to do it and all the while the general sensibility is that everything
I say and do adds up to some explanation for their actions which I have
developed and contains an item of acceptable of blame on my part for whatever
excuses they have made to carry them out with. So it still goes back to the
case where we hear them complain about what I say creating hatred for the media
naturally but we can see this hatred never really subsides on account of their
need to make a mess of people’s lives because they realise when everybody is in
a mess and they are media that can put up a face successfully it will add up to
their own brand of dominance; so we are done with this bit about women keeping
secrets on sexual assault and me not speaking my mind whenever they put words
in my mouth but we are still in a difficult situation because they think they
can get out of bed and invent ways of messing with my finances to tickle me at
a point of my most basic instincts which reaction I create they will get fun
from, talking nonsense at me and will not get off my Books all together as it
were, looking for more trouble as it complains but continues still. It is
baffling to think that if I worked on the Media this sort of behaviour would
never have crossed my mind all together but to also think that whilst they have
all these ideas they have never had somebody inflict on them financial
complications which are due to practical jokes people want them to respond to
anyway – so in my case it has grown into something of a need to clip my
finances and build up a sense of people who hate my books so much they want to
kill me for it already and is talking nonsense about what I have refused to
respond to in terms of what people think I should not be able to do in British
society due to my race and it’s never clear why their stupidities have become
convinced they can play with me in such ways as well anyway. I hear this other
tale about everything I have written in my Books being false but they are not
false, they are contemporary fiction; something of the blow out effects of the
activities of Royal Courtiers especially at society, the way that it affects me
– it became important to create the Book because 24/7 what happens is that they
drive big double decker Buses and need to let everybody know they are dreaming
about me and letter out some gas sound from it and it developed while I was at
University into a point of public bullying that was intense enough to make me
sick and cause me to drop out of University of which at year date 2018 I
dropped out about 10 years earlier, thus well justified in thinking it’s about
time to move on for me and for them all together as well; so we see I have a
business empire to look after but am stuck with other people’s stupidities that
allows them extract an income from my markets and tell me my patents would have
been respected if people knew who the hell I was and I have now become
convinced it will never give me a breathing space until it realises what I say
will affect its profits and what I do may damage it permanently – needs to get
off the Books not get into a fun habit of talking rubbish at me, I mean the
Books I write is fun but not the fun they want, wanting me like that with a big
mouth, just the same way my Books help their children academically but what
they want is a process where I had lost an opportunity and it was the turn of
their children and I was prevented from having a second attempt, wanting me
like that all the time, of which it will end very well too..
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland