The story about how I will make no progress with my concerns until I am seen to get into a physical fight with others is nothing unusual – we all know the first result of stupid men showing perverse interests in me was that the business of hatred for their wives was taken to a whole new stage, especially since I dropped out of University over it and wanted to ensure it was quite clear that nonsense about relying on me to facilitate a means by which the women can be handled, was never being tolerated to begin with. The next time I shall pick up their stupidities, it will be a process of following up the way I smell of what I ate all the time which wrecks the career, because they were filling in problems into every aspect of my life where I should get some peace and quiet or just write some Books and I will be using them to tidy up the mess they make of my personal life in a way that will make sense of all the civil and criminal disobedience public place bullying I have to tolerate while they engage their stupidities with me all day thereof. The Politicians do say they worry it’s another case of me hitting first and then it will kick off later and the result will be one of more problems but then again the same way we see the Politicians view my Books as something which matters in the sense that since they are incredibly important and should not have to deal with their own personal problems, they and their Children should create their problems into my concerns and when I solve it they will become very entitled with a crowd to back them up, after the pain they had caused that is – it does not seem that way but all these abusive nonsense are being used to facilitate market and make money and no force on earth yet is able to change the fact they dreamed I would get into Church, end up with a personality that can be used to make customers comfortable while they sold products to dream of living on easy street whether I liked it or not, it appears it’s about something else but it’s really about facilitating market and making money but they leave it out of the story of their lives while it makes me feel sore all day and they run it off at the behest of their stupid Politicians all day long on Media. I don’t think it’s an issue either; the matter of hitting first to deal with reprisals later is one that had worked a treat with football people so far, where I had decided they played football and once done making a mess of people’s lives, especially in terms of blabbing what will happen when people handled their women, to claims I have taken up careers they should have had, to the way that I get into trouble when they clashed with their women, same as when their women clashed with me and same as when they just felt like it, so I could never turn in any direction, for a start they don’t like to talk because it’s not nice for football people to churn their tummy while playing football but it’s always okay to make a total mess of people’s lives and boast about it endlessly for years, so I tended to talk on their behalf which happened years ago and the issues are still being resolved to this day. These gits are another one, blabbing the looking me straight in the eyes to decide I should be getting into a fight or they will never lay off my finances or stop stealing my income margins which I am aware they never will even though I got into a fight with others like that all day long and when I do want to handle that stupid culture and society to make sense of the fact they should only show up here to read something I had written, in a bid to ensure that I used their concerns to tidy up the mess made of my personal life, it will end up with those kinds of outcomes whereby the effects will be resolved for years.

I don’t think the matter is a crisis as such, it’s simply an old story about these abusive ways people want to make money facilitated by their stupid Politicians over an assumption if there is reason for one to exist, that I am either vulnerable to their society or their city centre idiots – so we find that it’s always that case of stealing my income margins and leaving me in a lot of pain, smelling of what I ate the entire time with well-manicured appearances that I will have to work so hard to catch up with, that I must now put a stop to as well by making it clear the way my Books get to my head too. They do claim that my Books are disrespectful and it’s only the result of years of dealing with an abuse of a writing career producing results where I write Books of Equity that they find disrespectful regardless of how much they want to get rich with it – the first instance would be the part where moving into my right hand was a terrible idea that created results where they were off chasing Celebrities and I were the small man looking into society issues, now it’s just fear that others will read the Books that they were supposed to read all together. I have prepared the exists and same for their women who are still entitled to a civil rights that sees me get into a fight with people to protect them, dreaming constantly of me getting bruised or ending up in prison for not co-operating with their needs, in a condition where they were assured all of society will support them and work against me – especially for the idiot Politicians, whose Children are also important enough to get imagination up my bum, they need show up here to read Books I have written if I had not yet begun to interfere with their salaries as well, or we are heading towards an outcome where it will be stopped the way they would like to end it or I will stop it the way that I want. I mean I have been told many times, I needed to stop allowing the way the pillage my finances and spend tax payer funds to build up confidence for their street fools decide how I responded to the world around me but it’s not so easy especially if I know it is an indication of career crime, performed by fools who want a victim of the fact they are meant cunts all the time.

People have said that it’s not quite clear if I am aware of how I ended up with this and its utter nonsense too – the reality is that women never wreck peoples careers, they know more so that they have good looks that you can plug market into and so most of the time never indulge the hassle of taking initiative on such things. These idiots are fools working with a group of idiots who are always going to perform these activities when they see aspects of peoples personalities that are aesthetically, claiming it to be hollow for people to put a penis into like people would handle women – so the serious issues now are whether the personality I cultivated in a Hermitage is the same or that person that had an 8 hour shift but has so far worked 7 and is plodding on the last hour being tired and carry on, is the same, or their stupidities are starting to grow into a Public crisis? I have done it endlessly too – it’s okay for women to wreck my career, as long as their stupidities were paying for it properly and we know this has developed into something of Americans facilitating organised criminals to buy girls venues and equipment to become more important than I am on my Public image, due to the way that their operations had been affected and it’s an example of how difficult it is to tell what is really bothering Americans for instance while at the same time not hanging around somewhere acting as if they are not a threat when they are. We have done the routine of these fools breezing into school environment to help their Children get ahead, same with college environment and the last straw was the University one which had since become their biggest achievement, I will not tolerate this being performed over my Bookshop and I am sure they understand because they do not pass up the salary for those who are homeless either, in fact it gets to their heads and inspires them to make more trouble, trouble that plays into a daily state of affairs of abuses that is placed on others like a weight, associated with life changing insults through which people make money and allow their community croons and stupid children without reason or purpose, run off those stupid girls dormitory abuses that are meant to target dunces all day.

They claim I am developing a world that is unfair for women but we know I am not married to them and therefore it makes sense each time I said they needed to keep off my Books not steal my income margin and show up on media to display manicured appearances with which they tell me I had a long way to go catching up with them to recover it – we see the same gimmicks justifying their purely evil nature that propels them to hurt people for personal interests all the time, talking nonsense about not messing with them as it causes war; it never shows up here to get a copy of my Books, it is interested in my Books, to hang around somewhere blabbing what I should be doing to make its stupidities feel safe because money and security talks and it brings about fear while making their stupidities comfortable in it and next stop will be their decision to buy the products being offered to them in order to run their lives, then hang around somewhere blowing off a big mouth at me once they gathered money and believed their stupid selves to be in a position where they can make me deals. The rest think I have an inability to compete after years of showing up here to be market authority for my Books by telling me I had written a Book of problems and will be complaining about the consequences soon, which has now produced these sorts of stupid outcomes garnished by other fools who claimed I had written a Book which causes nostalgia and should not have been written and my finances are bottomed out to compete while the bloody idiots have not yet been seen buying a Book from this place themselves yet. We also know the gits who have spare cash to throw at this nonsense have not lost the money spent because they can chase my Hermitage to recover it. The attitude generally for the gits that continue to run off the problems that tear down my earnings is one of the trick and gimmick that involved the idea when they made problems people solved their wealth and social inequality issues, and they do plan to spread it around and the point of provocation is that each time, I do not see them in possession of a copy of my Books for it as well – while the ethnic minorities with the massive ethnic minority families where they call the shots and I am a part of their world, will soon enough ensure that Culture permeates Politics and decided how decisions are made and a decade from now, those cultures would decide their attitude doomed their entire race, while their issues will be that they were so stupid they could not get the culture that gets to their heads pillaging my finances and academic work for money making and other insulting gratification, they could not get the culture into Government buildings and the results were racial disparities of wealth, which outcome was that their populist stupidities got to fight for my civil right or as it will be during such a time in future, the civil rights of my Children, with a big mouth. We know there is never a measure of freedom from their problems for obvious reasons but it’s the way they get about creating them which is a matter for concern – like when they claim I have been made to experience what people endure to push them into riots and yet each time an ageist idiot builds up people’s concerns with a crowd in order to tell the victims their career had been done by somebody else, these idiots with nothing to show for their time spent on this earth are the only ones willing to attack people violently, in order to protect the Celebrities that spend money on it and build up a Media presence to ensure it goes on all day until the victim was destroyed – so if I had endured what people endured, it’s impossible to make sense of the reasons I would have wanted to help, so it comes down to the destruction of my Empire, especially using those insulting short videos they claim added up to advertisement, followed up by stupid comments that are aimed at keeping me down the entire time, about which they are to decide how they want to stop it and ensure each occasion of their involvement with my concerns, came with a copy of my Book in hand or I will put a stop to it the way I feel most comfortable with.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland