It has become a rather common occurrence for it to be mentioned that I would do very well in the Military at back stage media and I understand the reasons for that of course as it were but there is nothing new about the fact I know everything about them which does not necessarily mean that they will not be able to sense me if I lie low anywhere in the battle field – so that the point they are making is that they quite enjoy making statements about how well those they exasperate would do in the military: hence the fact the military is a highly specialised and academic environment tends to reveal facts about their provocation being a process of playing around with the reasons that there have been the total wars that we have seen in the history of mind kind, so that the only way to actually be a military person would have been if we had a total war and it didn’t matter if they sensed me lying somewhere or not, hence the need to make out people they love to exasperate would do well in the military: the problem being their inability to reconcile themselves to the fact not everybody is scared of their toy soldiers status which wouldn’t do badly in the military either. I mean the fact that I set out equities and work with people on that basis means that people can deploy my equities to do their own as well – they feel as though they need to practice every single thing I have prohibited around my work and it will not end well either along with those stupid greedy little girls they sleep with and those stupid women that cannot keep their insults to themselves, they have heard me warn them when it is time to talk it is a matter of the Christian that is not interested in the evils of their society and the fact they want to support it and be safe from it all at the same time but when it is time to fight then it moves into the fact that the communities that exist as a result of their businesses and their media and their celebrity culture idiots will soon become my enemies. It is not that when they deploy my work like they to make money it is a good thing either – we are talking about an outcome where I write a book in which I state a conjecture about the ethics of scientific communities and because of that somebody will cash into equities set aside specifically for communities in my company to make a film about a scientist who made a deal with the devil and then it goes on and on and on and on and everybody knows it never works unless they get to read my books without getting a copy of their own and people follow it because it is powerful. They have even chosen to seek my opinion on the anti-homeless studs that have become common place in the City and I dont know why they would anyway since they have always known I feel that I am not obliged to help them deal with the fact that when they are angry nobody has to pay any stupid price for causing them ill feeling necessarily which will show how important their money makes them but that they will get to accept other peoples existence in that way just like everybody else anyway. I mean the anti-homeless studs are eye sores because they are filth that are permanent and do not seem to vote well for a city that was known for being well cleaned, which is why homeless people find comfort on its streets; it is never that I am saying homeless people would be a good sight to see around my company, it’s a simple reality that if their presence there made me money I would not have wanted them to leave but if they dont I have to think that the business works with its priorities and seek out a way to move them on of which the law courts is the usual preference, a small risk price to pay to secure the comfort of those I am serving at the company and not an eye sore that I am uncomfortable with so that my behaviour might extend to others whose personal lives I want because I think it is not being blighted by anti-homeless studs, when nobody asked them to put those things up in the first place just because they are angry, angry with those stupid insults that they feel can never be punished which I rather feel I want to be famous for punishing as well. These so called homeless people can be assessed as well and the number of them that are actually people who made fortunes and took a bad turn and lost it all is as little as less than five percent – the vast majority are actually people these idiots love to bully and I am a typical example – being bullied to a point where they seem as though they live in my life and as a result of that I am now in a condition where everything I do annoys them and secures a reaction from them which causes me to live a life that is not mine, resulting in a process where they cannot fit in and I who can fit in am living like them to mock them because they cannot fit in which they find even more annoying with a big mouth and so it does create the question of whether it is a real provocation or not? These homeless people are good people with a lot of resilience and not the kinds of things we should discard in favours of studs on our streets – I am not ashamed of the UK, I am as proud of its high achievers as I am of its homeless people and idiots like these with feelings need to live with it. Hence I am sure they are aware what I have said will be seen and heard by the Politicians too and for some of them it can be rather personal, especially the ones that are on the plump and buxom side of physical appearance. It mean it would make a good theme for the Liberal democrats as well, when they say expensive homes need to pay more inheritance tax and so on and goons with anti-homeless studs cannot while the super rich can and somebody is telling them to shut it and run with their own crowd.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland