So, I am now said to be a delusional character who thinks that by hurting himself he had accomplished public control. It is utter nonsense naturally as I am not actually vulnerable to a business of society gits wrecking my career to pick up what I do for recovery processes, as something that can be passed on to another person’s career, about which such a person would award them money to provide them advertisement contracts they can display on Public transport networks – the problem is still that Celebrities damage my Bookshop over a plan and a hope that I will be made to get into partnership with them such that they were senior partners. When I clear out one case, another is rebuilt in less than five minutes every day and we have done the telling off for 6 years while the whole abusive processes itself have been carrying on for the best part of 15 years so far. The fault lines are still that need they had to claim that people ought to follow them on account they knew where my Books are and how to take advantage of it in a way that allowed everybody to enjoy their lifestyle and likewise my Office, needs to stop doing this or I will burn their world, needs to keep away from the Books and make comments about their own careers.

They do however claim the problem to be that I suggest that they work for me in some way; what really happens however is that entertainment Companies broker equity with me, considering I am involved with a cultural system that makes decisions to the top end of Government, the Celebrities had since developed their need to abuse my career and set me out as a character they can bully if they were losing social struggles to all the other groups, had since developed into a process where what they would not like to get involved with such as these, is gotten involved with, for the purpose of tackling me. What then happens is that I will set a stage bearing in mind these matters are really about younger people; some issues would be ideologies that should not be explored, some will be good some will be bad, some will look good but are actually bad etc and because people are providing entertainment on this, the popular idea would be that not bothering me prevents the hell from breaking lose, what Celebrities claim it meant is that I had suggested that they worked for me in some way, hence they should not have gotten involved at all and I want to get rid of them.

I need to make a stage for this as time and again that I work had to create a sensation of it, we fail to achieve purpose; where the Celebrities and their Empires were no longer seen mixing up with my Hermitage, so it might be possible to say that my public standing is important enough for me to run a successful Bookshop, alternatively, I will burn their world and act in a way that affects their finances, so what we currently see is the beginning process of preparing for a life that will be lived to do harm to famous people. At least this is how I think it ought to stop in the current circumstances and if they are complaining, need make their own decisions about how they want to stop it as well. The problem with the Celebrities always being that they think they are Public figures, while a Public figure like a Minister of Parliament does not need people covering their backs while they engaged with the public because such a person is likely to have attended close to 5 such meetings as entire communities will be rallied to meet with a Public leader on a school playground and some meetings might run for days, before we got to the part where somebody’s vote was counted. I don’t because I am protected by the State, Celebrities do because their careers involved bullying people to get paid for being popular by industry gits that are unhappy about those who resisted their need to acquire property and career that does not belong to them, Celebrities are not public figures and there is no past of a clash with me that they had hopes of winning – better to ensure that they got rid of a fan base where people were informed that I had suggested that their stupidities worked for me in some way: the stupid fan base that had a need to hang about somewhere pushing people into criminal activities by abusing people into mental illness, at the same time don’t want untidy people in their neighbourhoods due to a risk of those persons showing up at the background when they take pictures of Celebrities to sell to Magazine companies, claiming they do these things because I never had a chance, so it appears as though when I do eventually get a chance, I will get it all in a day.

So, the part where I had enough authority to engage with the Public without requiring others to watch my back, being the point of those directives upon which entertainment companies broker equities with me. while the Celebrities had since entered a phase where they got to decide how this stops and a repeated process of making statements about handling my Office and Hermitage, my Books and Public image is starting to indicate they were stupid and needed to learn something that prevented them from being so stupid at my expense, if it is to stop. They do claim that I stifle their fame and I do – the way it works is that every time I moved even in  my bed, I had been groomed into a position where people got imagination up my bum when they provided a sign for it, implication is that each time I get up and about somebody shoves me back down to the floor, so I considered that stifling their fame and Celebrity culture improved prospects of them joining in on Public security and Military activities but we can see it is not enough due to the sheer narcissism.

So I am told these activities play into the right issues but the rights issues have always been a matter of people who want to make money by avoiding the employment processes all together – the racial ones have never seen business to be unprofitable provided they can make a mess of ethnic minority concerns, then the government will give them a receipt for the taxes and the bank of England leadership will sign the currency in their pocket and we were not building up problems for the future, same as the ethnic minority who groom people who be vulnerable to them as punishment for those who did not understand the money needs of greedy but lazy people or did not share a market opportunity. Then there are the social consequences for the way they made a complete mess of the fact the Government understand the effects of making decisions that prejudiced a set group of people, how it makes a mess for everybody and the Police are overwhelmed on the streets, the tricks, destruction and abuses they needed to engage in to reach that stage where they could get people trapped in the stupid ideas they invented on how the rights matters should be resolved. Money making of which was a set process in itself, most of us getting jobs, although we usually try our hands on the engine of growth from time to time, only those that can do it for a living remain in it permanently: so the source of the hysteria being that people were using an excuse of getting involved with the engine of growth which big companies do not engage in much because they were too big to notice or make full use of the innovation opportunities, to dredge the families and neighbourhoods of finances – it’s no longer a case of building a new washing machine for a family and saying that it had a three year warranty because the time saved and the satisfaction provided, allowed the family to chase higher things in their financial wellbeing, such that it could be estimated that at the end of three years, the family would have raised enough money for a new one while the parts of the ones they were currently paying for will have become redundant by then, it is a case of taking away old washing machines without replacing them through get rich quick tricks and pyramid schemes.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland