I hear most of my complaints are results of the actions of Muslims of course, which is an old story – same old game of deciding whom to be superior to not really paying off as it is difficult to tell who is talking about being a real Man with people from a religion you have never experienced but have already been quasi attacked for walking down the streets thinking when you had opened up your heart to the world it makes you a man among men; so it seems that when it comes to the main stuff, we find people getting stuck with difficult circumstances and starting to think what I will not give them will be taken by force, which never really works. The rest are just pro-teenage idiots from all backgrounds who feel they have the right to finger my bum for instance and means those insults they read off a dictionary either suggests I do not stand a chance if I did anything about it or that there is no way I am likely thinking about doing anything about it but we all know the blabbing generally means that we get closer to a stage where getting what their millionaires do not have from my work and Estate in such abusive ways will lead to some serious problems for them too and that will only spell the beginning, never mind the fact I can always decide what they spend their time on if I wanted, never mind the fact that if it continues and they kept blabbing I know exactly what to do to make them into hated characters which they think they have made me into as well; as mentioned before, it’s okay for the gratuitous insults that mean my reaction tells people what to do with their business empires but all will be well if they are not working on mine too – the reality is still the same where they have come to realise how much work goes into building those big brands that cause them to rip up my academics and finances and run off to get top jobs that allow them to get on media to set me out as village idiot that people love to abuse: I for my part am doing intellectual property administration broker and what they think should happen to me is entirely the decision of the Government of various companies, theirs of which was to sell the products not pass insults at and abuse me and needs to start being that way too before it goes horribly wrong; normally it is fair to reiterate that people could always be successful in less insulting ways but it will still leave to the imagination the kinds of insults that become a habit and affect other people’s incomes. All together it is about people acting the part when they get involved with big business which is really a world of unparalleled honesty – since it is impossible to steal people’s property when million other people know it belongs to them unless some human rights were being taken away so that those who are doing it may risk one that belongs to them too; the part where I cannot do anything about them of which is entirely fantasy i.e. I can tackle feminism and lesbianism which is one of the stupidest things I have ever experienced apart from that need to ensure I am some sort of icon for the suffering of mankind along with the need to bask on my Books and Public image for convenience which is a copyright breach – there are the main aspects where their complain is concerning the manner in which some people are providing services and the way they are providing it to those affected to make money, the eventual outcome is usually to target moral and religious people and trap them somewhere to provide a service for women for the rest of their lives, which they do not wish to; so my prognosis is usually that it’s okay for Lesbian to finger my bum and complain about my interference with her relationship while she wants me to make me an icon of male suffering in order to have a character whose existence she can copy to fuck others of the same sex with, when she is doing it with her own property. The other two are mainly the ageist criminals who stack up series of small crimes that help them gain enough money to build popularity that lets them chase the big ones and stay out of prison for doing so; targeting me all the time because they are stealing a certain lifestyle off me – while the third is the gender discrimination goons we see all over fame and fortune stupidities and popular culture pretending that if I have not made clear that I want to spend the rest of my life with revellers and vices like these it is likely to be how I want to spend it and so I might claim I am not homosexual but actually my activities support good homosexual sex. In the end I do get told that I do not support homosexuality and then again I support it and it’s not clear where I stand but like we have to deal with a provocation of media fools claiming everything I do belongs to them alongside the laziness of private security industry scum fingering my bum for it all day long whose capabilities I wish to provoke and assess as well, homosexuality is something consenting adults do but there are some who use it as a weapon and its purpose is to rip up people’s lives and create some very filthy equality, which when added to what they already have makes them the superior ones; so it is a behaviour that is common place only in well organised comedy shows on TV but since it is being practiced on me means I have to make my own statement about the fact it may be suggested my life is a joke but they are not the ones laughing at it too. I do get told the Media is not my enemy and I do not think that it is anyway; just a process where I look at it expecting to find media workers and finding people with something on their minds and then I find that I have gone from a half priest people want to be able to bully and seem to be working towards being able to, into a character that is on the minds of media fools with plans that involves getting into the studio and the office to hurt me until there is an outrage for no apparent reason if the story of being a lucrative enemy is removed from the picture that is, so then it goes way down to the case of getting to mess around my Court which I have expressly informed them is female only as well and sit about threatening me to talk nonsense that involves choosing my friends and the friends of women in my Court for it too; so I pump it up and pump it to a point of explosion a majority ethnic group and now it walks about their superior Kings and Queens asking people to give some information it wants to deploy to keep a job that gets to its head – while I break the hearts of the ethnic minorities and catch my breath that way every time I see it. I understand they say I am making a mess of the Monarchy which is not actually the case; it’s a matter that boils over to produce an effect where people go from ripping my work to increase their incomes with media jobs to becoming Cocaine dealer errand boy around my Estate - so what people are left with is the question of what is really going on, which simply a matter between the no God and no morality people and the Church goer here; apparently when they jump up my public image to make fame and fortune they need to keep it because they are my personal Gods, they want to keep it so when I tell them off for anything they would have been famous enough to do a talk to the hand routine or just become threatening, so it has become a case of invading the personal and scared space of an Arch Prince and defiling it versus rounding up media and popular culture and celebrity like sheep to give them a particular place around Church business so their insanity can be monitored and controlled; hence there is a bit of illness and hysteria involved. Of course I am aware it might be deemed that I complain too much but when seen in context of a 2 hour talk show of gay fun that involves mocking me and abusing me and providing a certain kind of local leadership on that basis within the same time slot for weeks and then months and then the best part of 12 years, then I am sure people will understand why I punish people for messing up my Books, while I drag them back to fix any mess they make of my Public work and why they claim I started first by writing my Books and refuse to read the contents in the hope I will regret and abandon the project which cannot happen as the item is for sale all together as it were: so we see the same behaviour all round, it wants to go to the shop and do whatever it likes because it is old enough to be your grandfather and its son works on TV or the Military, in my case it saw me walk down the streets and started a violent gossip that spread like wild fire about the need for me to be dominated spiritually before I am allowed to finish my academic work, wherefore whether or not I get a job after will be a matter of my attitude - until the serious things happened of course and I dropped out and wanted a piece of their Hyde as a result of it too. I have mentioned feminism to be the stupidest thing I have ever experienced since it complains to a death dealing point about people providing servicing and using people’s lives to get comfortable in unacceptable ways but sets out to do nothing else with it spare time when there is no trouble to pay attention to, save trapping moral and religious people and making them solve a problem to make feminism comfortable for the rest of their lives, generally seeking to do the same things all together as a form of gender equality drive and I do get told it’s not what feminism is really about since the reality is that when men get more pay for the same job, what this kind of feminism wants is the men’s pay to remain the same while the women’s pay is made the same as the men’s pay. So am I aware of the case where somebody shows up to damage my property because some strange reason it has contributed to a process where his stupidities deploying people’s lives and public image to do jobs and careers and sex has been denied the due that he rightfully expects from his wife and there shall be battles unending over the personal finances of their bloody mates etc, bearing in mind the scum have an inability to leave culture and society where it should be in the first place and definitely cannot keep their hands off peoples private parts obviously.

The threats are always good but on this occasion will clearly not support the premise where the idiots get into music and TV studios to attack me until people feel sensations of out outrage while they talk nonsense of what has become of my tummy as well; it is not that I think that the oldest sermon about me has been undone especially when they complain about the problems people like me have created to deserve such treatment, it is not that I think people are peddling my faith and my personal life and my public image as such, it’s just that I suffer so much pain because these fools think it is their right to do so and I have no right to deny them such things, for which they are on course to get a closure for that stupid problem of theirs all together as well. So that it might be said that I am an example of the threats their freedom face as it is not quite clear how a person from go from nothing to such a stage but we all rather know that their housewife idiots always have work for me, while the society scum and community fools are the royal work that I am doing all day long. I mean here is somebody with a Public image due to the fact he is a public figure, so others have decided that they wish to ensure we cannot get off to address a crowd looking decent, having some so, covered their tracks so they can wear their stupid suits in peace by surrounding and trapping him using society goons and community relations idiots, which he now has to get rid of in order to get to them and make them behave, just so he can get on; left wondering how stupid people really can get, blabbing about somebody going from nothing to being a threat that hard working successful idiots face. Then we hear the women say it’s a problem I am not equipped to handle whereas everybody knows I will extract that stupid self confidence that loves to approach me and gets involved with rich people to pass insults around here all the time and beat it down so badly it will have to set up some popular culture canopy that I can burn as well; otherwise it is a case where the bit in which they allowed other people be was the easiest of all these tasks – and I do hear there is no solution in sight for what I am complaining about naturally and that was because the solution was in my hands I.e. I broker equities with people freely but some are just so narcissistic they set about peddling my public image and personal life and faith and then spend most of their time clinging to my personal finances as well, when I tell them to keep off it and refrain from touching the Books issue their stupid threats at me as well, following up their pinching which is used to punish me for existing, with a process of backup small army involving tall boy criminal on the left churning my tummy and knowing where my anus is all the time; so that it does seem it happens because they have got fucking drive and ambition and do not know what I am capable of as well.

Now we are here because they continued with these activities on account their money would never run out; apparently the money has run out and people are desperate and so my bottom hurts because I have a viable means for running a business and they need to roll out credit economies and make people work for them by taking out loans and paying them interests, so every part of my body hurts because I have this Empire and tend to it every day since I am the reason their money ran out, but oh I am actually the reason their money ran out as it were. We are not talking about the bestselling screw driver turns to the left and somebody invented a tool that caused it to turn to the right because the existing model does not serve left handed people – so they worked out that a Royal Estate operates under the canopy of their insane empires and are now chasing my bottom because people are chasing their own, to tell me it’s the much debated Royal Estate which I do not mind anyway, better debated than a world of mystery an adventure ceasing to simply be appreciated here it is rather than becoming some steak on the table of casino film making with foolish Politicians and stupid Hollywood goons; I mean a classic toy may not mean anything to them but people are still making it never the less anyway – such that they will strike what I care about for the way I have treated them because they are looking for a compromise on one hand, while they will get after the Royal Estate on the other: in terms of the former of which the way it obviously works is that they were successful people and I am a threat to people freedom with an ability to go from nothing to being a threat to people with six figure salaries since we were mates to begin with and it is worthy to get out of a half monastery environment to get stuck with peoples house wives inventing work for me that does not pay in the most deviant and abusive ways imaginable, so I might not have the energy to work on making myself a part of a community that will support me so the process of making a living might not attract or court bad crowds, while their community idiots and society trouble makers are the actual jobs I am doing at the Royal Estate to facilitate their stupid success all together as it were, therefore I should care if they want compromises and it’s pretty much the same with the latter which is a case where the stationary in the Office will cut them up and it will get serious from there.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland