They do
claim I am a very irritating character who does everything on a Shoe string but
we know it was never meant to work that way as this is a Business of Equities
and incentives – the way it works being that I set out a cause and fight for
it, people apply the benefits and read Books to get more but what I have ended
up with year after year is the insults of modern idiots, media and celebrities
to an effect where it is now seen that throwing money at a business of
incentives and equity makes it balloon out of proportion, while working it
until people came round to what it was meant for meant these fools crashed the
finances – so somewhere in the Middle we see how the Con men who got to test
what it is exactly their stupidities can do when faced in a present danger
become the characters they become and we have ever seen them do a thing about a
single con Man, while in my case, I am about to assess the social effects of
the insulting reputation they build me and set about building one for them as
well; a reputation that will ensure their businesses and careers had no meaning
to anybody, so I might crash their finances and spend time insulting them as
well, if I wanted. I don’t think it is a crisis because the business is still
functioning very well, I simply need get the media making the comments about
their families and American supported idiots not reinterpreting my business
looking for trouble they will sooner not want to spend time with, as stupidly
as possible but it is difficult to see how I can make that happen without
causing them harm. We see that they will show up to mop up my Public life for their own financial well
being and boast about the powers of some idiots who support them on
violent matters, knowing it will crash my Bookshop and spending time through a
Media job or on social media blowing off the big mouth as well. The claim that
women take advantage of me sit at the heart of this, since the women were
shining examples of what I am really worth – where they claim the Kardashians
who had no talents whatsoever were millionaires and I had a contributory role,
while what happens is that the women took up a task of protecting an Arch
Prince from their bullying, kept a good attitude and put up Clothing lines and
Cosmetics, so I am certain that they did not know how the women became
financially comfortable people but then again, if I am to compare what I should
do and say to laden them with a reputation that ensured their careers meant
nothing to anybody like they have done me, with what we see to be the content
of their characters manifested in self-exhibition, we will find that they were
a handful of geniuses.
Time and
again we will find the gits set about guessing what my feelings about the
British Royal family was and yet it was clear even if I didn’t feel that they
were friendly, there was still the fact that compared to the insults and
gimmicks produced by goons who want to invent their own country at our expense,
so they might decide what became of those who were inferior to them, from a
disposition that allowed them to move on without taking responsibility for the
outcomes, the Royal Family is doing a far better job and more so as applicable
to interest of ethnic minorities who are identified as people you can make a
lot of money from through popularity because they always needed to spend money
on personal maintenance due to the abuses. The cowardice issues can in this
context we understood as 15 years ago in my 20s, I belonged on the right and
established a Court of older financially better off female journalists, whom I
must have forced into doing something they did not want to do at some stage I
suppose. The stupidities claiming that they were Ministers of Parliament
because people like me were tough but could not apply the strength to
achievements, we know however that this was not something they wanted to
discuss, since it tended to reveal other facts about the way that they planned
to be MPs since their SATS exams and none interfered, while I have been
persecuted for writing Books they found incredibly useful to promote their
career and itemise me, since it tends to encourage people to attack Politicians
and Celebrities on the Streets. 13 years ago, they were so popular they ended
up getting caught in a war on normalcy, which meant that either way they
curtsied to the Royal family or not, they were irritating characters, while I
dropped out of University and ended up in debt, paying the price for their
stupidities over a perverted interest they had in me – it was self -
explanatory and should have been the end of this matter.
It leads
to this process where I am told that I always tend to trawl through facts of
the way Government works each time these idiots offended me but that is because
they think that the fact most of the work done at the Monarchy is cultural, the
government does not work the way it does. I am facing financial difficulty
solely because of a perverted interest in me, the wild girls they pick up from
overseas and American fools who cannot stop putting up money leverage to let
people trade as if I had lost something important. We have one history so far
and it involved complaining about the way that Cadets usually think others were
big enough to fight their battles but didn’t because they were big puffs,
especially when cornered and all the training given to them as to what to say
and how to respond to such situations had failed – reality of the features of
state operation apparently, will not stop bugging Government operatives and
show up here with a stupid lifestyle to get imagination up my bum and dream about
dominating me, hence we are about to secure another history that fits really
well with their stupidities. The insults only need continue a little further,
making sure my career does not mean anything to anybody and there is no way
that we will end up in a scenario that was set for just them and me and it had
to be settled.
I have
also been told that I had dug myself into a hole but have not dug myself into
anything; I devised my writing career to show that Celebrities, Media and
Politicians were not entitled to access other peoples
careers and on this basis was it meant to be successful – they are always good
at starting the trouble but find it impossible to drive them matter down to a
dialogue when it needed to be, now I am helping them out with a business of
getting them to make comments about their own families, stay away from my
Public image and my Books which is currently not enough for them. It is now
suggested that I deep down wish I were like they are, hence, my problem but I
do not at all – its all the sheer degree of pressure
to mould me or something of that sort and then I must get out of it knowing
that if I did not, I will be something I am not for a very long time, the
abdominal discomfort which is unbearable. If I said they were little things on
the streets doing favours, always sexual, always expensive, always abusive,
always a sense that what you keep from them held the keys to their freedoms, I
would have created the risk of opening the sewers and jumping into it
literally, so I think it is better they were informed about keeping away from
my Books and ceasing all comments about my concerns as such. They have
suggested it’s all me wanting to control people which it isn’t, just a realty
where they assume too much and the most important of these assumptions were the
huge big stupid and useless responsibility of being disciplined by them,
especially if they believe it will make their siblings, children or themselves
feel more superior – in the US it’s the mass shootings which become the
problem, in the UK it’s the street stabbings.
It had
since developed into a three part story which produced a two part result: the
three part being a case of people who didn’t have proper jobs but did not spend
their time bothering me, people who had proper jobs and did not spend their
time bothering me and these goons who do not want proper jobs because they
preferred to bother me in order to make money – the result being businesses
that pick up my assets, property and equity to invest and make money without
permission or Book sales, then I had to display what I was doing with it on
social media, so the statement became a question of whether they were at war,
considering they had given me nothing in return and what people did with me was
to be approved by the Queen. On the other hand, the case of the Media,
Celebrity and popularity gits picking up absolutely everything I did to put
through a process of goading me, telling me what to do and feeling as if their
stupidities were in a nice place ADHD attitude, which now had to stop. They do
claim I have had time to prepare and attack Celebrities which is utter nonsense
– we know there are people that can make their world look like child’s play and
we know that most of us do not respond to their gimmicks because the boundaries
are respected – in my case it seems I have ended up in a legal and social no
man’s land because they were conducting an experiment. It goes all the way back
to teenage years when the morally upstanding activities in an immoral world,
built up pressure that affected parents and they got off getting paid for being
popular while developing those abusive political gimmick on relationships
others had with their parents, if they are not suffering the same things, like
in my case, they make a systematic process out of their gimmicks involving the
flushing of my whole life, starting with my personal life, through my academic
pursuits and career and eventually my social life, which keeps me single and
ensured they owned me like an item with a big mouth, from safe distance – after
years of being paid for these abuses by industry fools who expect me to lose at
some stage when I must have allowed them appear to have made profit by adding
my income to theirs, they were supposed to go away with their money and do
whatever they wanted with it, which is not what has happened. Hence, we are in
this position where I am at the mercy of the feed of Celebrities, which I am
not, as it is rather clear, no matter how greedy, a person can only tolerate so
much of a git having a need to pick up their property and service processes for
some alternative purpose.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland