Now they speak of how I seem to be able to get along with the women while there is a crisis of relations between the sexes and I am partly to blame for it too – reality of which is that I do not get along with the women when fact of how they behave mostly is that if they are not confident about their looks and get complemented, it will make them even more uncomfortable but if they want a complement, it means that they have made an effort and those who need to give one really do not have a choice. The part where I am meant to be blamed for it partly is utter nonsense – same as the fact when I have not yet made time to ensure media bullying of me financially is no longer amusing, they seem to have an inability to stop showing up in public places to discover they cannot keep their comments where their money is located and stay off my Books and public image doing so; the women one is a particular kind of practical joke that involves being beaten up by neighbourhood civil rights money loving boys which then gives them the right to do anything with any aspect of me that I am trying to keep away from the world because I want it all for myself; so every time they see me get near a Church and this processes of making sure that no religious morality affects them in anyway progresses from a wickedness that wants to see me fight for my life in the neighbourhoods to try and force me into having sex using the power of money, I will ensure they are selling themselves to people who are more evil than they are and complaining about it so that we might have  dialogue. In the end there is no crisis between the sexes, just the reality that if you are beating off the women, you know you will beat off the women in order to keep a family, if you are beating off the men you know you will be doing it in order to keep a family – the rest are a collection of goons who set the stage for all kinds of nonsense that Politicians are prepared to fund because it amounts to practical jokes by which they can screw with people’s lives and the most important outcome with respect to me for instance is when they say I like to pretend I am introverted because it is cool to be an introvert while what they lose every time is the personality contests on account that although they are seen addressing a crowd on such a regular basis, they are so ugly they cannot count themselves among the celebrities, then become really fond of bullying me and bearing down on me sexually, to tell me I behave the way I do because I think I am incredibly good looking. By far the practical jokes that women exhibit which causes me the most distress is the need to prepare my for abuse by having a desire to see me step out of my door so they can feel as though I am acting like a man so that they might be real women, which then gives way to a process where the Politicians help them build publicity for me on what they will be telling me to do and facilitate a process where they become obsessed with provoking people and getting me into a fight with the provoked in order to show I have no respect for them while they have to control very violent men in order to allow me exist and we all know it is the sort of thing that leads to outcomes where men beat up women to show that they have never actually controlled any violent Men for anybody, I rather like to say that since I am not the one complaining, what this Country needs is more practical jokes, since I have dropped out of University for it already and such an eventuality does not appear to be serious so far; I mean it has been said that the Queen has expressed the fact that it is not okay for me to get into an educational process as it is a risk that the Monarchy is taking all together but it is the circumstances in which I dropped out that means that areas of my life which are none of their business becomes so counterproductive on account of their involvement based corruption – at the end of which they show up with a history that could never support fame to screw with me all the time. I do get told women mess with me all the time and it is a matter of the ones I get along with but we all know it’s usually a case of a woman and some children who have been keeping track of my activities and using it to facilitate their lives – she does not get involved with me, the children are prevented from getting involved with me and I do not get involved with them and the arrangement works for all; besides which the whole case of the era of unprecedented feminism such as the one we live in today they say is something to which I am one of the main contributors but what really happens is that I support friends and allies and it’s usually one of those occasions where somebody will say they would have sorted out the gender inequality issues at work if they had a Man strength to do it for instance and all I have to do is a bit of my time to be a woman who has a man’s strength in order to support them , nothing to suggest it should take over my whole life save the bit where a group of fools who deserve everything they get are screwing around with me for it a busy body as well; thus there is nothing to prove that I have an inbuilt bitterness either; most of these activities work well with comedy shows where Mr A steps into the scene and mentions the fact he has so much problems that he sees himself getting closer to the prison service and when Mr B walks into the scene to write a Book, Mr A reads a preview, gets some help from that and builds himself a social media profile designed to tear up the whole life and career of Mr B in order to feel good about himself and force Mr B to honour the promise of his product – the Audience will the laugh and we will move on to the nest scene. The others from overseas leave me wondering if they have gone from being evil people to being stupid people all together, as they want to be me mostly these days, want to be the very thing that they hate so much - either way of which they will never be free of me until their abusive rudeness finds somewhere more acceptable to get its convenient self-improvements from.

So they say Mr Trump is trashing all I am doing and I am happy for it and it is utter nonsense, just like the US Democrats will never give it a rest until all I do is located in a juxtaposition between Republicans and their stupid selves and it seems that this has turned out to be the answer for most of the problems that their stupidities have inflicted on them all together. Mr Trump has never set out a Policy will says that what I do has to come to a stop so he can do what he is doing – what we know however is that Obama could not win elections unless I had dropped out of University, he could not be President unless my Books were not getting sold, he now wants to serve the US as a Supreme Court Judge and it means I must have a cash flow crisis and perhaps he wants to kill somebody and get away with it first before I am allowed to run this Estate in peace. So it has always been more important to the democrats to do something about the health and wellbeing of moral people than it has been to fight wealth inequality where they live, with respect to which they have built another defaming public image for me that says I support Mr Trumps’ Policy of tax based repression – whereas some people have always taken the view in the US, that Philanthropy serves the US in protecting the property of the wealthy and lifting the poor out of destitution, than government based support and after years of money being spent by democrats to facilitate what hoodlums want to do with people’s property in order to express themselves and seek self-improvements, they believe it is surprising to the rest of the world who are followers while they are leaders, that a Republican President would not take steps to curtail the corruption of philanthropy in America while looking unfavourably at the US Tax system – reality about wealth inequality of which is that he is doing something while those who preach the problem have had their chance and continued a campaign of self-seeking while attacking poor people who do not share what they have at the same time, now I am being asked by them to choose and nothing left to the imagination on beating wife at my expense while their stupid women set out a money loving violence that I am supposed to get myself stuck with as well with a big mouth.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland