They now
say I am a quasi-supporter of abortion which is utter nonsense; I do not
support abortion – what I have said about abortion in the past was as simple as
the fact that it is unfair to ask somebody to take a leap into the unknown
having a child without the other partner for some reason, if you do not have a
facility to support both mother and child and still even if you do the reality
is that you do not have an abortion Police to stop women committing abortion,
so it’s unfair to be un-empathetic about their difficult decisions for whatever
reason. There are those who claim my position shows I am not a real
conservative but we all know that they are noble, I am nobility and they never
take responsibility for anything in their lives; so somebody cannot do abortion
and that is the end of the story, no assessment of risks that the person might
be mentally unstable and may have the child and kill themselves after, leaving
a child without parents and probably a criminal background that runs in the
lineage, one day blowing up train stations, leaving more people with criminal
back grounds who have no parents, that may blow up more train stations in the
future. What they are really good at however is blabbing things like how I am
not nobility but we all know they hardly write it down and sign their names at
the bottom – the point is that somebody will have a child at the back of the
car, drive past me while the child imagines their finger up my bum because
society idiots are brewing some violent gossips around me, check myself in the
mirror and I do not look the part for his response to me at all; the parent
will feel that I have an obligation to feel sorry for them when they have to
co-operate with the Police over some criminal matter, while they will expect no
consequences for their insults and the fact that its only purpose is to ensure
when they wreck their lives with vice they can lean on somebody hard and
violently in order to secure sensations of convenience, talking about their
insanity with blame culture the whole time. It does not add up; all those times
people attend church to go out into the world and deal with sexual advances
that are violent all day long; then we have people like these who are also
conservative and do not allow abortion which of course I do not as well for my
part, to show up and create weaknesses into my work and public image and
personal life that others can exploit, then sit about telling me I do not have
a Royal Estate as insultingly as possible – the black complain about their civil
rights the whole time they are at it, the assumption being that racists will
not be taking advantage of those weaknesses they show up here to open up all
the time because they are all really good at telling lies. So, it does not
suffice to just say I am not nobility – those who do can write it down and sign
their names if they wanted, it does not suffice to say people cannot do
abortion, those who say so need to take some responsibility as well. I mean I
find it ever so difficult to locate what people are complaining about with
respect to my activities when I have done nothing to them at all – we see that
they cannot exist unless they are passing violent abuses at me and tackling me
at my faith and finances, to ensure the most important think about me is sexual
and that it was a topic for conversation on Media as well but nobody has seen
me get around clipping their finances which their stupid liberal insults cannot
tell the simple truth without as well. The same applies to the Celebrities who
create unforeseen barriers for me all the time by handling my person and
property in a condition where they have been trying to show others that since
they are famous, they always tend to get whatever they wanted; ways of dealing
with it would include handling some community croons and some civil rights
idiots and some society goons and then making a statement on their personal
finances as well, which will hit the celebrities hard in ways they did not
exist, much like I deal with unforeseen barriers due to their involvement and
insults and ego along with both but I am never seen doing it anyway. All I
really need to do is detach them from my Estate and any services around it that
I earn a living from and keep the market place secure – that way I can count my
losses and run a business by providing a service properly; if they are going to
continue interrupting the process like we see them do at the moment, we will
continue to edge closer to a point where they will look after the income margin
of my Royal Estate like we are seeing them become obsessed with doing, while I
will look after their business empire income margins for them as well and it
will all end very, very, very well indeed. They speak of the abusive ways in
which the British Military chases its recruitment processes and how it is what
this is all about but I have no idea if it is a question being put to me either
– all I know is that they could have prevented the whole hurting bottoms
gimmicks from becoming a sub culture that the British security services can use
as well by laying off the abusive lasciviousness they keep as an open secret to
gather up and steal people’s property by means of free market with, never mind
the other bit that has added to it which is the fact that when their bottom
hurts on account somebody has been chasing it, the reason is likely that the
way they run their business and their media generally means that somebody is
fighting for their lives and if you know that the way you run your concerns
means somebody is fighting for their lives you may stop running it that way
should you have been a normal person but these guys are not normal, so what we
see them do is seek out their own victims and tell their own stories about why
such persons bottoms are hurting on account somebody else is dying since they
are not currently millionaires. So, it sorts of adds up at this point where the
hurting bottoms and hatred of the British security services is rife on one
hand, while on the other it’s all garnished by victims of their insults helping
to prevent the corruption of the British Armed forces as whether they got
enlisted to do the wars and fighting became more and more of their own choices
to make. I do get told I speak of it and it’s a risk taken but in like manner
we see they expect us all to be apologetic for it, so somebody had to set out a
stage where they got an apology and the issue was a conversation in its own
right all together – all pinned up and ready to go (Civil rights people are
intolerant of those who attend Church and do not take part in violent and or
criminal activities for it was their own to decide as it were, therefore the
persecution becomes a public state of affairs in its own right on account it
happens every day and so violently and persistently for so long). Our only risk
comes in two parts; firstly, whether our systems can withstand the pressures
and then what becomes of the rest of the world looking to it as a standard. I
am aware that causing people suffering is their idea of fun but in the same way
they need to recognise others do think of being an adult, earning a living as a
very stimulating experience that others should not get to play games with or
wreck like we see them want to do all the time: some people want to keep their
records with the civil service meticulously, they want to go out and contribute
to something to secure those pieces of papers that are signed by Bank of
England leadership, which they carry as certificate to go to the shops to
secure the values they run their lives with and these are all stimulating stuff
that does not appeal to people as children and does not apply when they are
still dependants and they need to respect other people’s rights to enjoy what
they have too - keep their insults where it is appreciated and stay away from
my Books - it’s no enough to just say somebody cannot perform a Foetal
The way I
have never been seen talking about is one of the insults of millionaires but if
a statement about keeping an eye on my Estate income margins on account they
did not exist to get stuck due to facts which according to them supports the
theory that arrogance works on a business empire and so does insults make it
profitable and can therefore be relied upon, was not a warning, I do wonder
what will serve as one. They speak of the joy of seeing me Labour but as I
said, it began with claiming I support abortion and that they were proper
conservatives, all I have said is that they need to take responsibility and it’s
not enough to just tell people it is prohibited - personally it seems their
stupidities does not hate me when it wrecks my business and speaks of my
attitude and how the people of his people will keep it down if I do not
co-operate since it had become quite obvious the punishment for it will never
come, it’s just a means to an end with that big mouth. I have never actually
punished them for wrecking my finances to place me in a position where I am
starting out but without the energy and have lots of rules others who have
needs have created for me to fulfil before I am allowed to go anywhere and that
is the only reason we see them brag all the time about making me Labour - I
suppose it’s another example of an activity they have engaged in because they
are propelled to by the forces of social and cultural change as far as they are
concerned, except especially with respect to the nature of my literary work, my
body type can tolerate the bottom hurting and needs to do so for everybody like
the bloody idiots showing me how the Murders and Manslaughter are made. It’s
like we hear even their Bus drivers blab about people like me pick up things I
cannot do, whereas their main concern is to take over anything I would have
done to go down in history as a hero and do it for me and to protect me in ways
that constitute a threat to me and makes me sick all the time and we all know
that if they were paying attention to what they should have been doing or had a
foggiest clue what they were doing, we would not be in the mess we have found
ourselves today. I do not think it’s a complicated matter either, up to the
stage where they are always making me feel ashamed and their foolish kids love
to build confidence claiming they have the same rights and racists because they
were here before me; they hate the way that most of my activities depend on
them right up to their stupid millionaires and celebrities seeking a future
with derivatives of my property I cannot let them have on that stupid media all
day long too – they have hated the way it has depended on them as they say. The
biggest problem we have here is one of their need to make use of the peace and
quiet I have built for this State and writers Office all together keeping an
eye on me by enlisting in security Industry CCTV jobs as well as working those
abusive and violent gossips, it determines what becomes of all the other
problems that they complain about all the time but in terms of the question of
me depending on people when the claim their controversy is making me money and
publicity and they expect such a service from me as well in future does not seem
to be working as well as it should while I wait for things to happen to me with
their big mouth; I do not depend on people - what happens is the degree of
detachment of the daily publicity around my Books from the actual processes of
publicity I am supposed to follow in order to sell my Books and what I do to
fix, fix, fix it by shafting them all the way through - so in terms of the
Police and what do escalating their jobs, the reality is that I am always aware
somebody attended Police academy in order to do that job, so even if a Murderer
lives next door, one is to stay where he is until the Police processes shows up
to tell him to come out of his home and get arrested, no heroics but still if I
find myself being attacked and abused by peoples communities they can be rest
assured they will find me beating it down all the time a cracked up out of my
league. They do say the Police makes a lot of trouble for people of course
which is utter nonsense - what happens is that they want to be served by the
Police and it’s an old story where an Englishman's Home is his Castle but if
you are the type that has to knock on people’s doors to tell them to come out
and get arrested you would be a certain kind of Englishman. My point is that I
do not depend on people, it is quite detached the way these idiots want to see
me earn a living and the structures I had already set up when they were not
making my decisions for me in order to do so and they really enjoy pulling me
in all directions and sending out stupid children to pass around insults for
the bad smell too, in fact their big mouth says it is how I will lose a Public
image and the Millionaire ones regularly show up to watch my essence give them
what they wanted while I get intimated to the fact I am so scared because they
had told a racist about my case - so what I will do with their own is sell
Books on it to see what it is exactly they can do with that big mouth of theirs
should I show up in Public places to sign the Books away for the Fans.
Now I hear
I am quite unable to be satisfied with what I have which has in turn created
problems; this is not true – what happens is that people turn up to provoke me
with the idea I will get physically hurt before I stopped blocking all they
have done to peddle my faith and personality to make themselves rich and famous
and I have always know that Celebrity culture is all boys gangs and girls
gangs, they needed to know I am an Arch Prince as well with a rich renaissance
behind me and this is the lesson they have learned clearly. The media ones who
say they want me to do something right now to prove it are just as well; I mean
in their case it’s a matter of public engagements giving way to a media idiot
having new civil rights which involves sharing my Public life especially at diplomatic
circles, with support from goons at poor countries he goes to the US government
to get aid for and then it will all look as though it was all his civil and
human right and I will never sell Books if I do not stop it as well. In the
end, I need at least 5 books sold every day to break even, I am struggling with
selling 2 because of them and they regularly turn up with a useless existence
that is based on making money by finding out my secretes and getting on Media
to make trouble in order to do me the favour of keeping me alive etc with a big
mouth and so I still end up sharing at least 70% of this Office with fame
idiots which is what is coming between me and success. So, I am a Christian and
I might not want people to peddle my personal and public life, only for it to
give way to mothers gathering with their sons at the feet of Politicians
alright but if that is fame and celebrity, then there will be none and they
already know I can guarantee this too. It has never been a problem, apart from
their right to teach people lessons which we see them assume in public places
all the time, the main case has always been that they expect me to forget about
the destruction and damage whenever they meet me, so they can top it up and
when they cannot, white Boy is unable to become racist and black boy is unable
to do popular culture and gets off on Media with more threats and insults and
stupid women – I can actually prevent them from having any fame whatsoever and
I am sure they are aware of this too. Otherwise it’s all disobedience by which
somebody else is worthier to be me in exchange for making me a vagabond on
Media in a failed bid to make me a celebrity and they are stubborn beyond human
imagination as well, such that if I got tired of all this, I will have lost
everything. It is a slippery slope; I would have taken steps to stifle wealth
at National and international level to ensure people do not peddle my public
life and rip up my finances to simulate a sense of having my money and
therefore being more important than I am – Politicians might find their way of
making money which does not involve being educated and informed respectful but
in the end I have to take responsibility for my actions and not create a
condition that is counterproductive for the prosperity of the Country as a
whole which is not the same thing as some assumed right I have to sit back and
suffer insults from them every day; there is no such fame and there will be
none ever. I do not think it is unusual; one moment you happen to inform them
you have no interest in the money they have been allowed to hold onto my
Politicians, so as to turn up to spend your acumen to make real one with
influence and problems and then next you find that they want to ensure that a
bit of their money is involved with every money that there is on the planet
because they are hunting you and it is incredibly stupid, takes up all your
time and you may end up damaging National interest by stifling wealth at National
and International level so that stupid dream of being more important than you
are with these madness does not become a reality and this is the blackmail they
love to play up all of the time.
We hear
all that talk about communism of course but it is much the same thing all
together; in my case I do not have to be the Christian that get off my case to
find and have sex with the latest girl in town because people will simulate my
public life and allow such stupid girls to have a pleasure with it and turn up
to earn my income for me, which will make sense of gossips that would have
existed about me damaging my good business everybody is talking about by doing
so, except that it all happens without the going out to get into stupid evil
relationships and sex bit. Obviously it is a sign of a people who think themselves
to be incredibly manipulative; so that we talk in Royal circles about People
presenting themselves properly in Public because it is good for the image of
the Country and also the reality where the Police do not fancy useless and lazy
people – some people like to describe all these nonsense as World War Two, The
Left and their dirty tricks, I like to say they need to look at themselves
first when they tell me what to do, as going round in circles over the facts
are not indication of the trophies they like to collect on Media of a victory
over me all of the time – take a good look at themselves, keep off my Books and
clear my space or I will pervert their lives into uncomfortable positions again
until it begins to get physically painful like the effects their disobedience
and need to show with it that I have financial problems because I am not out
there for all to see endlessly does. I accept that as a Civilisation we must
have a public image and people must present themselves properly but they cannot
suggest that on one hand while on the other I have a thriving business which is
not doing well financially on account their perverted stupidity wants to own
that part – it just does not happen to Human beings and it just does not happen
in the real world.
I mean we
see these individuals make social Media into the monster it has become today,
only to turn out in Public places to assume their own lofty position by which
they tell us what to do about it and assume some leadership that will gratify
them in the process. I wouldn’t know anyway; Google for instance is a search
engine, the reason you use it and play by their rules is that it is free and
the process of playing by their rules creates them an income by which the whole
thing is being maintained which is why it is free; they gradually have an
excuse by which to charge people for using it and would not have been doing so,
if these fools did not help to kill the competition etc – hence I have to take
my own matters into my hands and work with the fact I am insane enough to
calculate this cost for my part as well. So what usually happens is that you
get involved with it and play by their rules, what they want to do is play
snakes and ladders with your valuables and so they move in early and then you
find yourself on the back foot while they make you deals all of the time; now
it has reached a stage for me, where they are blocking access to audience until
I pay them and when I am done paying them for that, pay for the customers as
well which is rather very tricky, so they do not like the way I handle their
own as well for it. These goons however created the whole problem because they
are the ones who sign up to peoples social networking platforms and put pictures
of themselves having sex for example on it – naturally if I had one I will want
to ban people who do so, except I cannot if they are trending and are making
money, hence eventually I know too much and they complain and there is nothing
anybody can do about it; as it stands each time I pay for access to audience,
what happens is that I end up with the social and Political problems of other people’s
jobs and offices and this is why they hate me so much because it does make me
angry; no idea how intellectual property Administration solutions with a
Twitter account is set out to be in the same category as a free-lance public
function entertainer and I still am unable to account for how my male followers
account for over 70% of my follow population while female account for just over
20% when it is left in no doubt whatsoever that I am British Nobility but then
again it is an example of the reasons they then show up at backstage Media to
pretend that their complain about what is happening around them will determine
what reality becomes. It is not a crisis as such; it just does wonders for
client bidding; Mr A will sit down in his home and hear about your ability to
do his Intellectual Property Administration for him, goes off to broker some
equities with your public place property and develops some aspects of your public
life but on the day you want to make the bidding itself work, what happens is
that the social and Political problems associated with other people’s jobs ends
up in it as well, so he may just find me amusing. Of course, naturally when I
move off, I am after other people’s culture and society too and they will tell
me what to do with it when they get famous with my stuff as well, tell me what
to do with it when they get connected – as the Royal Alliances were built for
them as it were. It is what they do with social media these days; block access
to audience and use your business to deal with social and cultural issues
associated with their lofty positions and we have ended up with such an
epidemic of idiots that want to get famous now and find out what it takes to be
famous later, claiming I fostered it whereas I only facilitated just a hand
full of persons who were girls back then but are women now, whose social Media
profiles I use to keep contact, using popularity to help their Counterparts
with Sexist and Political problems. They live in their girls’ gangs and boys’
gangs dream world with Media where they think they can just handle other people’s
property and income if they do have needs. It is never true I attack people and
expect favours from them at the same time; I am a Man and am always concerned
about Men doing their bit, but Feminism has always been a filthy behaviour, I
really have no word to describe it when it has become in my case a pretext for
They say I
do not understand Brexit matters very well but it’s an old story of the days
long gone when mainland Europe was not actually opened-up to the world, so we
can see its abusive insults and prejudices. So there are really no Brexit issues
save idiots from Africa showing up due to the way the Labour Party has
mismanaged the immigration system and when they get here their only plan is to
deal a blow to the world’s most notorious empire, hence if it’s not Scottish
independence, its Irish Unity we have to deal with and if not both of these
then its Irish Independence we have to deal with, all the time going round and
round in circles with the forces of civil and criminal disobedience getting
completely out of hand. It gets a lot of support from Germans of course who
appear to have the only acceptable Political model in all of Europe save the
fact that the way the British play with mediocrity beats the imagination and I
end up with the body type that can handle bottom hurting while Europeans are
telling me what my size and level really is considering they have their eyes on
my Books while the whole idea arrogance runs business empires have completely
failed them. What we are left with is a self-preservation that will ensure the
most insolent Politicians in the world who live in Europe can hide their true
nature, especially the bit that provokes people and when people fight back goes
home to check and appears at the office to resolve if that was the size and
level of their own victims all the time. I mean if you live in London you know
the Prime Minister and his whole cabinet lives there too, you know the Queen
and Royal Family live there too – so it’s all magical until the day you see
them do morning exercise in shorts past you and then you can actually say you
have met the Prime Minister or the Queen without actually looking like it – who
cares what they might find in London anyway, why is it some people cannot let
mediocrity just get by and be decent human beings? We hear those talk Europeans
support all the time about the end of Britain but as I said, it’s got its eyes on my Books because arrogance does not run those
business empires that get to their heads and the end of Britain will likely
happen because the damage had not been punished. It’s like when they say I
break up relationships whereas we are dealing with couples which existence is
to ensure my life comes to a stop every day and then there are stupid women too
pretending to be my mothers, while the girls will never stop addressing me but
now that they are starting to describe me as a bum and a tramp who deserves
such behaviour so others can feel like real girls, it has become impossible to
deny that those who react to their stupidities violently are not insane - not
long after which I will likely lose a contract or job role because lesbians
were seeking female lovers and then my actions will be unreasonable all over
again. So, they say I will not be satisfied with anything, but it is an example
of people who are better human beings making use of me when they find out what
it takes – what it takes to make me and maintain it, what it takes for me to be
me. So on this particular matter, they always say taking on the men means I
become a toy for women and play into their feminism but it works for me, the
way my Estate and its personal finances operate is fundamentally tied to Women
running my public image and allowing people access to me where I would not
necessarily have given the access but is safe because we have an arrangement
and this is the bit that applies to celebrities and dignitaries – the State Provided
security was based on surveillance and now people are done playing their games
with private security industries I want it back and will never stop burning
their own until I have it back – what I do with it includes getting myself
entangled with crime leads which security processes is deployed to look after
Celebrity peers tied to me or left in my Court by other people at the Monarchy
who may have picked them up as a result of mobility matters; so it’s not as
simple as spy on people and become what you want to be, we can see the
incredible levels of damage done around this matter alone, about which I am the
one complaining of hurting bottoms and criminal mobility the last time we
checked. In retrospect It has always been very simple and it would be nice when
goons who appoint themselves and talk nonsense about those whose influences
would have scared me into behaving differently so somebody that is more worthy
might be rich and important if I were living in Africa are past it now with
their insults talking nonsense about which ones I will not be selling as it is
now over for them telling people what to do with a whole existence somewhere
else where their mates will appreciate it better and stop making their stupid
skin colour into a curse for me, get off to it. We do not know of a point at
which these behaviour have not courted consequences - so it has always been
clear they are not propelled to do it by the forces of social and cultural
change as claimed but knowing I am likely to be vulnerable to stupid girls and
Celebrities who want to address me and call to their security guards when I
react to them, set out to ensure I am vulnerable and bullied, blabbing all
sorts of foolish threats when I mention cults and gang and criminal issues as
I. Uno I
United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland