Now they say I have an inability to be satisfied with hurting people which I do not; what happens is that these guys cannot name a single person that they think is deserving of that distant violence they practice so fervently, so they think I am sitting down somewhere making up stories for myself which suggests that they deserve to do it i.e. that I cannot be satisfied with hurting people does not apply in my view, there is no me thinking about either hurting people or not doing it as such. It’s a matter of the fact that when people spend most of their time doing the wrong things only the Politicians can give them a second chance talking about trust systems of government and community projects, the problem is the way that the Politicians have decided to work on giving them a second chance these days, such that it lets them target and attack those who have not co-operated with it by means of private property – obviously of which it is the Politicians complaining the most about the bottom hurting abuses too. They do say it’s something about my person and behaviour as well which it isn’t – this behaviour bit concerns a case where the Politicians and their Media think that if they took a position on my Public image I would give it up to them because I am afraid of them and this is never going to happen, being afraid does not decide whether or not it does, they will never get it. it is obviously a corruption that does not want anything from me particularly, just to see how I will react when I am constantly provoked and vilified, thus makes it up as it goes along the whole time and continues to get its hands on more and more valuable property to play with after it wrecked finances and academics and is now after my Books. They do say I am a very disrespectful person which is utter nonsense; they have rather all of them systematically eliminated the part where I was so talented HM picked me off to help support government and administrative systems when I was only 22 years old, since then of which Blair and then Brown after him took time out to completely destroy the academics all together and this is all the Politicians have achieved in my case; on the whole however it has become a matter of a writer having to think about the patents which are the difference between just putting together some pieces of paper and hoping people will help you make a living and going into an Office to work with some sense of dignity but I am always having to look into it because a collection of goons with Media jobs they claim is so valuable they would kill for have consistently thought it worth their while to play around with everything that is happening between the warehouse and the Office, the warehouse and the shop and play thus in the most destructive and abusive manner imaginable – so the blabbing always comes through to me as just talk while that is going on, the answer to all their problems being a simple matter of them keeping off my Books. They do claim I would never do any of what I am doing in Africa which is utter nonsense; as I have mentioned before, what they do with such talk is make out the barely criminal goons who make use of peoples personal space and make people ill then issue threats over tummy upsets that irritate their noses and have had a way to profit from the weak Law enforcement systems in Africa is what all black people look like. So it does come down to the issue of Police funding all together and for me it’s the old tale where the relationship I had with the Police was so good it helped to control the Housing Market, until the Politicians wrecked it of course, since which I had made an inventory just in case they wanted to behave differently; it was a simple case of government obligation to protect me working out as processes that reduce and control crime where I have taken up personal residence and so when Estate Agents think about increasing House Prices, they realise they had to ask the Police first; since the Politicians damaged it and lost these benefits, the Housing Market has Boomed and Burst and so I do not think they have any more Cards left to play anyway; I mean when I say ruining it, I am talking about the Ex-London Mayor Ken Livingstone making statements about the Congestion charge being so important because it will help upgrade Public transportation and pay for an Organisation which does not go on strike, such as the Police Force.

So they say I do not support the Trump Administration in the US wholly which Politics I do not have to support anyway, my role is to work with any that the population have decided on and more so when I am actually required or asked to do so only but with respect to the Trump Administration however – it seems the problem is that the US has a social case where ethnic minorities are being repressed all the time while the White Population is privileged. What Obama did was decide that ethnic minority is to stand its ground, what Trump has done is decided on administrative ways of controlling a problem that is getting out of hand, so I think that the Trump Administration has the correct balance while the Obama one did not; we are talking about a group of idiots who never like to get along with their mates because it is the only way to make profitable the fact they have no regard for anybody else’s authority except the one they made for themselves – in my case their evil nature runs here along the lines of me doing something about racism on a personal basis as it usually gets more response and more results when done on a personal basis, even though the government Office methods are usually the best in setting a template that will affect a wide range of population; what this goons then do is set about destroying it and becoming obsessed on media and celebrity culture with an outcome where I was a human shield while they did whatever they liked until deathly violence ensued, reminding me I need to be punished for ripping up any evil cultures and societies that show up on my concerns to cause me to fight for my life in the neighbourhoods while their bone headed celebrities steal my fame but generally how it affects everybody is that of all the parts of your body they fancy, the anus is the one they are more interested in like the low lives they are and we all know it does it because you hardly pay attention to that part of your body while others could according to its stupidities use it to determine what happens to your whole life and they never stop sending this message to others as they walk around the streets showing off their insultingly evil imagination alongside that stupid greed, tell them to get out of it and you start to get told what the size and capability of their equally stupid children was; so we find the White population develop this sense of telling them never to think about it as their white children are something else altogether but when it comes to the balance if they are always being repressed and white people are always privileged, then the Obama Administration never got it in anyway whatsoever while the Trump Administration has got the right balance. I do get told that racism is not always violent and that it is sometimes sexual but it’s all very rich coming from idiots who have held me down with tax payer funds for community croons to play stupid sexual games with over the last 15 years alone, blabbing about which racism can be sexual. Eventually we hear that I never really talk about who is responsible for the Political crisis there is today because I am worried that either my relatives or people I know will be implicated which is utter rubbish; what happens is that Labour Party criminal endorsement with tax payer funds does what it does and the conservatives find somebody who has something they do not as the yardstick for them to go along with it and develop blame culture thereof at a later date – so when it adds up to parties and party leadership that cannot control its own people and likes to tell the picking on an individual of their choice so that such a person might be blamed over a lack of respect for Politicians, it becomes a case where one must take into account it will never let up as long as they do get used to it. I do get told what is happening here is people making me a deal and that I will be cracked up and will smell if I do not fall flat on my face and do their bidding instead of talking nonsense about people I cannot beat up; the reality of course is how we all respond to these sorts of things of which in my case is usually a matter of cultures that give people an impetus to decide what happens with another human beings life, handled by idiots who claim I sleep with their wives too; so we can see that as long as the scum are able to either get on media or the shop floor of parliament to pretend they were dogs and I am their meat, I will never get a break from it as well, financially more so – it is scary stuff that should not be messed with, this culture that gives people impetus to decide what should become of another person’s life that is and apart from talking nonsense of hating my guts when they use it to do me stupid favours that they go on to publicise as well knowing I am a Christian and will destroy it if they put it in my face, the main way to make them behave a lot of the time comes down to the business of either having them seriously beaten up or hatching a plan to take the job away that gets to those stupid heads, otherwise we always find them get increasingly insulting and abusive when they have security guards to keep people out, knowing each time they target me so and I end up dealing with a certain kind of hate being channelled at a certain kind of young person, I should be back at that stupid parliament to sort it out with them as well. The Industry ones say I will never have money as far as they are concerned, of which from a position where they have no future since the recession, it is really difficult to locate how they intend to make it work, like we all know it’s usually impossible to tell how stupid Politicians and journalist are until we meet them in person and they pass insults at us when we are down which will change our lives completely and shame us in public places without reason especially when female – so the Industry fools are pretty much the same as well, has no future since the recession, relies on the money of the wealthy while it conducts insulting tribalism raids on people’s property, ends up being taught a lesson about why it should respect property that is not legally its own over my patents and then enlists the help of its equally just as stupid celebrities who are always trying to convince me they were famous; same case where it needs to keep off my Books if it apparently did not write it as it were – when it gets serious.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland