Now They claim I spend a lot of time antagonising Politicians which is getting me into incredibly more trouble and its utter nonsense as I am not getting into any stupid trouble as such. What really happens however is not that of me antagonising politicians, its Politicians being really good at time wasting at my expense; the part where they visit academic systems and check on the students years later to see what was happening, being deployed in my case to ensure if I were meant to be in 4th grade, I will find myself in second grade and it will be amusing, indicating I really didn’t need a genius to tell me what it was all about. Hence I needed to manage what they wanted to work with me on in pretty much the same fashion whereby they will turn up with matters about which I must bear a little pain so that public trouble makers might be controlled and I got to ensure that their idiots getting imagination up my bum which is the real cause of all my problems, provided for motivation that led to such results as the job was done, they lost the extras they were hoping to get at market and industry, kept their salaries and wrecked my finances, so that the Celebrities and media busy body idiots got to show up here all the time as if somebody was making their own personal decisions for them, clinging to my income insultingly, allowing the public trouble makers to get completely out of hand all the time all day long.

The idiots who look like somebody had been making their personal decisions for them naturally love those stupid threats, while big brother and his professionally furnished apartment getting imagination up my bum was the one to stop me hurting them while ever since his stupidities had access to public effects of my state provided security, my personal life and had career had stagnated because people were going against the law and his penis felt opinionated, blowing off that big mouth at me all the time, that I am afraid of him. The rest are a handful of big, mouthed idiots blabbing all the time while they complained of my attitude towards their culture and society, suggesting they were quite unaware that if they crossed me, I would break them, otherwise if they preferred, they might spend their time on a real job instead of me. apparently, they have done the international complaining about my activities while they trashed my career and finances bit, so they were good to go but I believe I have made my point on the matter as well; if they cross me, I will break them. The story that I had no chance for what I wanted to do about the matter is nothing unusual; they want to stay away from my Books and stop blowing off their big mouth at my expense or they want to carry on and get their criminals hearing them blab, after which they showed up here to find out what I thought of their stupid tyranny where a history of doing nothing about it meant it had not stopped after 15 years because their stupidities had obtained a license to do it thereof. My whole life has stalled because it built up a stupid crowd to get imagination up my bum as an idea on how its stupidities got to solve its financial problems among other dreams to get rich but when they are unhappy about being saddled with personal life problems their stupidities went through hell to deal with, it matters, and this is the theory that the idiots want me to put to the test again. I have been told that the way I delayed these matters have brought about more complications but it has not – what we have seen a show case of how good security operatives are at their jobs and the way each clash with Politicians usually mean a street affair results instead of interference with administrative processes; they however have suggested that this has changed because they were facing complications associated with continued insistence on these characters being nice people who have only the one problem of poverty that makes them do unusual things, in terms of the price that rape victims pay, particularly with respect to the need that Politicians had to antagonise the Church. I mean the way it fed through to us in the Public before they claimed I am out of control, pushing for facts on the vanities that have brought us to where we are, taking full advantage of the ways we want to approach issues without divorcing ourselves from public problems all the time – whereby one person earns X amount and the person below X amount and so on, feeding through to civil service staff who work in Uniform; now they are in the world of Celebrities, claiming public trouble makers were nice people who only needed money like the price rape victims pay and in my case as well privately, it’s an expedition black people engage in all the time to find out what they could make of the idea that I am cursed, in terms of Politicians employing them to control me and how handling me might make them rich.

They do say that I had bitten off more than I can chew and it is utter nonsense – it’s the question of the reasons it had not stopped because they built a stupid crowd that gets imagination up my bum all day and the fact that I have faced another instance of poor book sales because of their involvement with my concerns means the next 24 hours after will be spent on an activity that they will get off on the pedestal to complain to politicians for as well. The disobedience is all good, but we also know that if state provided security started getting imagination up people’s bums frenziedly and I got off building a profile for it, then it would be obvious on a global stage, that an Arch Prince was superior to a Celebrity. It needs to stay away from my Books and stop making comments on the way my personality could be used; we know we have been through hell on it starting from the desperate need to construe my public work as a process of criticising rich people whose friends they wanted to be become and they will never find another way to plan their finances until it ended very badly, and they had stopped handling me the way that made me comfortable instead. Every time that it is under control at this Office, it is due to a process where their need to use the Bookshop as a tool for handling the Arch Princes Offices had not interfered to make contact with me and tell me what to do – it goes without saying it needs to get involved with the Arch Prince’s Office to work it’s insulting equality separately from my Bookshop, if it wants to stop complaining about me as well but then again we all know the likely conclusion will be the deterrence for those comments and a need to handle my books, since it’s a matter if intellectual property administration and when it comes to the way they want to handle other people’s ideas for their own betterment, people are known to have lost lives – goes without saying that the reasons I cannot write a Book which is placed on a shop while I spent time with my academic studies was that they were not being found on a hospital bed yet. It does often complain the last time that we checked.

They do claim that I despised Celebrities, of which there is no link to reality whatsoever – the truth of it is that all jobs had a pattern and those who had jobs that made them rich had a pattern like every other job, while those who got rich through nefarious means end up with some sort of relationship with law enforcement if law enforcement didn’t have enough resources to catch or stop them – it’s the sort of thing we see come from the Middle East all the time; they never tell us that they inaccurately assessed somebody’s mortgage to spend the change on a Ferrari while the victim faced repossession, they claim it’s a tyranny in the middle east all round and they were fleeing persecution for alternative lifestyle. The Celebrities had work that involved public ideas on what their popularity meant, of which people were only willing to buy products they had endorsed if they were keeping up the act – these fame idiots on the other hand had a plan involving a process where they clung to my income backed up by men that will beat me up and they do appear especially with respect to their need to make public appearance and take advantage of a crowd that is built up to get imagination up my bum, talking with managers about what they are entitled to and how they know where my Books are located for it, about which I don’t see people getting imagination up my bum unless this nonsense was happening anyway, same as I don’t believe they would allow me inflict 6 years of nauseating financial complications on them because I enjoyed showering them with a history of insults that allowed me access their income margins without consequences. It is usually suggested that power, control and wealth motivates me but it isn’t; it’s time  that motivates me – I mean a person has to start working on the means by which he pays his way in the world within a time frame and what does a person do with fame idiots that will never stop inflicting him with this nonsense if he had a schedule – there is therefore no indication that their complaining about me is likely to subside any time soon, I am not accustomed to an experience that suggests human beings are usually generally this stupid. I am made to assume that I can now understand the reasons people pick up my service processes to build me publicity that suggested I should be getting into a fight with others to protect them is due to the fact they were covering their tracks but this clearly seems to be the preferably behaviour to a process where popularity idiots did not enforce their own rules alongside their stupid celebrities in this place – it’s a matter of when I start if I wanted to pay the bills properly in this place while they take over my concerns for this nonsense, not the power that motivates me.

I mean the number of times that it builds that crowd to get imagination up my bum which purpose it cannot explain but we know there is enough violent lasciviousness in it to stop me attending a job interview for instance, blabbing about how I cannot get from where I am to where I want to be because I will be stepping over others, after years of insults that want to get rich on my public and or claims my Literary empire only exists in my head while it sets about pillaging it versus the number of times that law enforcement actually shows up around my concerns to enforce the law of the land. So, I do get told I dither when it comes to clobbering the Celebrities and fame idiots which I do not, I simply need to plan it well enough to ensure that I looked incredibly good at the other when I do it i.e. They do boast about the seat of their gimmicks being NEW York City in the USA but I don’t think that a Hermit who travels there chasing Church and State interests would either tolerate or seek involvement on their part either – I mean I am dealing with financial complications because I built up some equity that some woman caught in a life with men who wouldn’t stop criminal activity deployed to make a song that suggested the last time they got checked by the law they were very passionate, so they took over and will sell nothing else but the suggestion I had agreed to allow people share my earnings. Currently they were complaining about decisions being made at the Monarchy to get them fighting my battles by the way and they were so full of themselves they thought governments would fall over it with a big mouth – how many people think about getting imagination up my bum while this is happening as compared to when it is not for instance and who are the people threatening violence to such an extent that something had to be done about the smell issues as well all together? Always the most abusive of the three between State, Church and Show Business and I feel as though there were some features of the 1980s and 1990s that I really fancied repeating too. They do claim I make these decisions as though I am done for which I am not and the age difference should have informed them of this too – I mean an idiot puts up money leverage to allow them buy things as though I had lost something important until I really did but then it meant they were able to control my finances, while all I had to do was build a deterrence and beat them down until I got results for what I wanted as well, I have no idea why we are doing it anyway, save the fact the practical jokes had now produced such a result as I spent three years building a bookshop while they ran it off and then when the Bookshop was finished the financial structures moved elsewhere, followed by media idiots building presence for it and talking rubbish at me all day. Same as the society gits being said to have been doing the same things I am doing while their case was simply an interest in my personality, where in a period of 13 years they wreck University studies and career prospects until I ended up with a character that would fare well for them when they put a street bum sticker on me and then the real problems begin at the precise point where I could really do without and theirs was a case of behaving stupidly at my expense until they got a response that would have stopped them pillaging my writers public image and social life the way that got me making a real point of it as it were – usually boasting that I had no means when we know it was a matter of paying attention to the industrial complex backyards to make sense of the fact you have never once seen an improved behaviour from their stupidities until such times as their finances were affected and then we would have to assess how much time it took to execute some wide ranging carnage thereafter as such i.e. they have not been tackling me the same way I tackle the younger gits as such, I simply have not been doing anything about them although the complains about me suggested otherwise. I do get asked what I would do; it’s a story of what we are doing currently being a matter of popularity idiots enforcing their popularity laws in this place to such an extent that I responded to ensure every industry git that spends money on them will spend it to get them off our hands, keep them off crime and ensure government didn’t spend money tackling their criminal activity but if they do want to take it to extreme and like they boast all the time that I have been done for, they can and then will they find out what I will do to recover an Arch Prince’s life by breaking them to work administration that provided politicians with more security that will get government operatives on my side, then find out which one will get in my way when I travel around, on account its stupidities were famous.

I do get told that I run my Office as if I am completely fed up with it but am not – it is about processes where I built up a public presence for most of these nonsenses, so I did not have to deal with it again and then hopefully my exit plan will be enough to ensure that the abusive processes developed by those who suffered from it did not catch me out. We have problems like the fact we have not yet seen a media fool that wants to carry on their jobs without building public presence for the idiots that want to complicate this way of working and that the same gits are the ones deciding who loses career because they were not protecting people from the smell issues, using a stupid crowd that they had built up to get popular by, in the course of which their insolence knows no limits and the last time we looked, the insults do look good on them. They always suggest it is their culture and society as such naturally while what happens is that the idiots had built up a huge mural of them posing in a search for public recognition associated with getting imagination up my bum, which they claimed was not civil and criminal disobedience and would love it if I lived in ignorance of what their society and neighbourhood powers really look like. So I am told this is just me putting a lot of stress on myself which I blamed on others but it isn’t, nothing I did makes me stressed, just these idiots getting imagination up my bum making me feel like my chest is about to explode – so we see it can only play out to such an extent that I decided I wanted control back and I will think of cultural activity as something people did in terms of questions they raised on how far you went with what you were doing, while society bits was the one about the reasons you love to dish it for others and came up with tricks to avoid consequences when people want to dish for you too, which sets them gimmicks out as money making madness associated with theories about knowing me and how I can be handled, whereby if it became a main preoccupation because I wanted to recover control, they will build up enough of a community to stop me as well. We have seen their stupidities play out to such an extent that the same people who spend all day getting imagination up my bum, were the same building up gimmicks to a violent situation over smell issues, putting up pressure that suggested the problems causing it had to be solved. So I am told the smell issues are not really meant to be a problem at the Monarchy and they are not – it’s a matter of being thrust into a complicated situation involving culture and society trouble makers, with respect to providing support and leadership for people in Uniform but we can see how their gimmicks progress from the other people who inflict the smell issues on me which would develop into serious matter if I didn’t curb it, so the people who get imagination up my bum building up violent situations that will solve causes of smell issues with a big mouth – so mostly it is unbearably stupid; the residual state of affairs where people tended to act as if heroism and villainy were not two separate things, contrary to reality.

I have been told this is a matter of the rivalry that I contend with at the Monarchy and yes it is but it’s not actually a legitimate rivalry, it’s the same group of gits with ideas about their own version of me being installed by the Queen, such that I was chosen during the Queens Golden Jubilee and they must have something similar during the Queens Diamond Jubilee, about which they have spent most of their time ripping up my career and finances to ensure their version was the superior and popular one at the same time. So, I suppose that especially in terms of talk about my so-called cowardice, they were heading towards that outcome where they got to see reasons, I am good enough to keep an Office at a distance from the Monarchy, the part where I was well informed about the dangers of allowing alternate and alternative versions of my personality to emerge which created problems for my bloodline in the near of far future. Otherwise mostly is the same stupidities that gets them complaining that the Monarchy hated good looking people and it was a fact but had a problem with details such as the way they go off to seek out problems that the Public can make sense of as a group, work it very well with the media and set about making their stupid selves victims of the problem, then they will do what they can about it and set about making sure that decisions were made to cause public security operatives to do something about those problems – so Public security operatives and their superiors cannot stand the sight of them, their need to climb social ladder or get involved with the Monarchy and then there are the characters that cannot keep a distance from grooming kits. I am not the only person that thinks they are utterly and thoroughly stupid but I appear to be one that they spent a lot of time on when they wanted to ensure somebody else suffered the consequences of their immorality that is supposed to end them up on hospital beds or get them running from something to trash other people’s lives in order to live theirs, then show up on media blowing off the big mouth all the time.

I do not think that the matter is a crisis, I simply think we are nearing the point where I am going to hit them and am going to hit them awfully hard indeed as it were; the point where I cannot understand why this nonsense had not stopped considering the number of years, they have performed it without a response from me as such. A case of the way it does not make sense for people to pick up profiles I have built for my Bookshop as the means to their own sensations of convenience, while for some reason I ended up being the person that gets imagination up their bum because they have always had an eye for my property and a process of spending it on themselves because that was being done to those who behaved in such ways, to control the applicable behaviour. Currently they find their abuses very amusing and none knows why the Americans do it anyway, how the need to ensure I was some Royalty that was serving people because I had a Bookshop, customer was King, and America got to supervise how it proceeded story; it does set out how important it would be to ensure that Americans could achieve nothing without getting into a fight first. The reasons it all looks like a proper crisis is the complicated aspects of getting round to their looking after number 1 behaviour that means they set people out as punching bags when they want to suck up to the rich, the victims of this cannot then chase the daily concerns such as jobs, while rich people spent money on them – not really sustainable but if they made a lot of money, they became an example that others could follow regardless of whether people knew the truth of the damage it does to general public wealth. They target me with it all the time and my motivation at this stage is that not a single one of them lived on foodbanks, about which I would be asked if living on foodbanks justified it but it didn’t, however if a mistress got up to draw public attention to my work as part of an activity that protects me from popularity bullying which she can manage very well and builds a market place for, the pain would be pretty much the same, but unlike the actions of a mistress, their own is not pain associated with performing a public service, it is pain associated with clandestine robbery setting an example that other people can follow, which progresses processes where my person and property ended up in a legal no man’s land.

So, they do say it is not clear why we Royals always do the mistress thing, but it is not that we seek it, it is just women who can protect people from popularity bullying seeking the best people to spend their talents on and so they pick us Royals which one tended to work best for them, and do we feel protected from popularity bullying? Of course we do because they are usually good at it if they were strong enough to work their way up to national affairs such as these without prior orientation for instance, the public service effects being that the goons that we work on cannot resist spending money on products that they put up, thereafter which they tried to convince everybody it was an indication of women being bad things while it would be very difficult to succeed if they have been buying it the entire time – besides which if I wanted to stop a mistress for instance, apart from the fact they are supposed to give it their best and I am mainly supposed to spend my energy on the ability to end these relationships when I needed to, of which I am good at, what I would do would have added up to a process to stopping somebody putting up products on a process of protecting me from popularity bullying because another was buying the products until accountability to public service from my Office was impossible on account the mistresses had become incredibly rich, then hang about to find out what they will do from then on. They do say that it is meant to be believed that relationship with mistresses are never sexual but they are not meant to be – the tendency is that these goons will be unable to contain the reasons they pop questions about why it’s always me, which is that when they are done setting others out as punching bags to suck up to rich people, after which they made money from an unsustainable process and become an example for all to follow, it’s always me at the other end getting them stuck in a corner that causes them to do what the government wants – the business of being completely detached from their popular culture which should feel pretty much the same as dropping out of University, especially in terms of when they wonder when they were supposed to start paying their bills properly as well, it is me most of the time as it were. so relationships with mistresses are not meant to be sexual unless the person was immoral the entire time – the sex bits come when somebody had picked up some work that they had then refused to do and it’s not meant to be nice sex either: whereby it picked up areas of my Public work and sets about building herself public profile, followed on with a crowd that will ensure she was able to make me do the work that she had teased out of my Duchy, while she developed what she claimed was her new found fame, thus each time I hear it hang about like that claiming her stupidities were famous, I really want to get it buried as it were. it is mostly under control when we end up with those occasions in which their daughters want to be mistresses of mine, putting up products they will buy until I got into trouble, which feels the same as when Government loses revenue because they set people out as punching bags to suck up to the rich, meaning people cannot chase jobs, they are not doing any work and rich people were giving them money to facilitate marketing and celebrity culture. It needs to stay away from my Books and stop making stupid comments around my concerns along with insulting idiots from Africa with German influence stupidities making contact to tell me what to do, looking for an activist prince as insultingly as possible until they ended up in a hospital bed or worse, the Nelson Mandela legacy and stupid Ghanaians and North Africans exhibiting their stupidities on my social life story; the three parts of it where its wickedness cannot really handle what I am doing on the spiritual front, so it sets about punishing me for any public good I had done with endless problems, making silly civil rights excuses for it the entire time. It does sound to them as though I am completely harmless on this, I must say but it’s not so harmless to ensure they lost everything at Industry either and I am aware they are informed of the consequences associated with an outcome in which this nonsense meant I got to stuff their heads with what I am thinking all day, so they got to lose Industry leadership positions due to an obsession with making contact or handling me.

They do claim there is little I can do if the Labour party continued to build public interest in the abusive processes that these gits threw at me, but it does not mean that knowing insults that got imagination up people’s bottoms would stop them from doing anything with their lives, prevents people from buying Books when they get involved with a bookshop. It’s a matter about which they are soon to end up with that power gimmicks on one hand while they had choices to make about the consequences of stuffing the heads of their industry fools from Africa full of what I know, so a little prick from other people would make them smell and cause them to lose top industry Offices, then only I suppose will it get serious because it seems the main cause of it is that it is inescapable that the idiots must work the business of getting in touch to tell you what to do, to such an extent that they were pillaging my social life to show up at Industry conferences all year round. I don’t know that Nigerians have had a history of getting all over that sort of behaviour anyway and they do say that Nigerian response to it varies wildly but it depends since it’s the Yoruba that have an outlook where they got into a fight before it cooled off generally, my parents come from the other side where neighbouring Countries are not West African outright but French speaking former French colonies – so we had this case where these idiots believed they could screw up your life and career and when the way you hated gits that got imagination up peoples bums got you building something safe, their stupidities would be entitled to build a new life away from the personal decisions they thought would make them rich in the past and leave you to clean it up, so when they are certain they can do and undo in such ways, their stupidities would know no limits with a German influence behind it. They do claim I always have a hidden agenda and its utter nonsense as I have warned them before that the Books will be their undoing; the silly popularity laws that are enforced here remind me all the time that if the Police do not show up to enforce the laws of the land so often, I am doing the right thing and so it is about to find out why some of us never join in before it thought it was best to shut it down instead of blabbing how the embarrassing things I did had come back to wreck my life I suppose. Some people have suggested it was more a matter of ethnic minorities fighting each other to please the white man but I had no idea who then was trashing other people’s finances, academic work and career like a one problem that shows up all over peoples professional relationships to please a handful of socialites that are always telling people how to be polite and how to be a real well-mannered English person, even suggesting that such character were a type of Royalty when we know it’s all war of roses literally. They do this endlessly and it’s a matter of denying they have created me a dangerous situation by wrecking academic work and taking another 8 years of my time to ensure I was properly stuck with the boys who got hold of my social life and public image that was built for my writing career and were entitled to my income margins and then there is big brother and his theories about me being afraid of his stupidities getting imagination up my bum all day, society gits pointing local criminals to my residence while he is at it and spending all my 24 hours on a process of me clearing out consequences of their popularity instead of looking after my finances – three years having gone by, I have shown it is the last straw and they have decided when they are unhappy it mattered and when I am it didn’t, according to current facts.

It is still the same problem of building profile for my Bookshop and the gits grabbing it a thank you very much, I needed this for my media and Celebrity job instead of getting involved with the Bookshop properly. The reasons are still the same; a history of insolence they had gotten accustomed to – the blacks will show up where I had done the best work for my career with the help of racist abuses that get us all huddled up together like we were all the same and make a total mess of it to facilitate getting paid for being popular and now I am an Arch Prince but they still remember me for it and wish to execute this nonsense at my expense like so every day. The blabbing about thinking I can take them on while I cannot is nothing new – I would be taking a Royal hermitage out to get into violent activity with people which is rather unbecoming but they may run off that we can force anybody to be part of our popularity and to make us rich through immoral popularity gimmick black communities, to any extent that they wanted, if it was so important they got to see what I would do about it. It’s an old story where they invite themselves into my concerns to make a mess, then when they started tackling the women as per the business of somebody getting beaten up in a dilapidated neighbourhood by another they fell in love with, showing up on media to play into the hands of those who wanted to pay women less for doing the same jobs that men were doing, then the crisis began and they told me they knew there were consequences for getting involved with my concerns like they did but didn’t think I was important enough for those consequences to apply, managers wanted the women to lose acquaintances that their male colleagues were comfortable with and my career suffered – it happened in 8 years and the women achieved managerial positions where they didn’t have to deal with it anymore but then they unleashed a 12 year revenge and the last three have been the more insufferable as it were – it can only continue like so until they got to find out what my own prejudices were, especially on that business of putting themselves in charge while they had no clue what they were doing to punish those who did all day: I mean I should be getting the better of them as well, licking them too literally when they get people’s families into hospital beds on account they were making money and saw my Hermitage income as a way out of the bottom chasing problems that comes to idiots that are as entitled as their stupidities are – it will always remember me as victims of its insults and now who I really am, looking for trouble every day.

They do this endlessly and it becomes a story of claims that I think a gloss should be placed on racism and we could all wish it away – reality being that they spent time wrecking the lives of racists to get racists attacking those who dared to own property that they didn’t, little choice left then on whether one person hurts another and both lives are lost to us all, if the only choice available was to play up a message that those who see the last time that racists were nice people were more of a threat to racists than those they didn’t know. In the end we think about the number of people who got killed during the second world war and consider the pressure that causes people to turn towards such persuasions, the corruption of it, the abuses and so on, it therefore becomes obvious these gits have their own career crime paths devised for the gimmicks they think we had to tolerate all the time and then there is a sense in Government buildings that I know about it but do not take my own actions on to the fullest when Politicians speak of my part in the matter. The talk they are so fond of is that I am so weak and spineless while at the same time the smell issued looked good on them and I had to tolerate the abuses that caused it all the time because their idiocy put themselves in charge and had no idea what they were doing, the same abuses that are now soon to ensure they showed up here to hand in all that allows them carry on their civil living without the tummy issues their insults cause and then will they get it back when they had no discipline to do so and could make me hand it back thereof. They do claim this is the revenge phase of some things I have done in the best but yes I had, as the need to force me into popular culture and get paid for being popular on my social life gave way to destruction of my University studies because it was not as important as the need to pay people for being popular, so I ran off some equity gimmicks that got them losing money at the stock markets and was barely done when I got on another waggon to develop equities that allowed popular culture which immobilised them because of the way their local community criminals made their activities about my private parts as well – but we do hear they are winning so there is no deterrence yet as such. Now I have written a Book and I did warn them of the abuses and the way it affected my career – the problem we have now being what I must do to sell the Books. The big problem they say is that I am completely incapable of fighting for anything while my entire life had stalled because the media had built media presence for big brother characters who get idiots with ideas about how the existence of others simply tended to tell them what to do getting all over my personal space and therefore spend most of their time getting imagination around my private parts and churning my tummy for it too – I mean I know what happens with my tummy if I have a fever every day because of it and wake up in pain every morning but it is manageable when I have my 15 minute rest first thing in the morning, so that I get into a routine with what I did with it and allowed it to function like a real tummy should but I will never have this provided a handful of idiots were the criminal characters that big brother and his society gits pointed towards my bedroom window all day. If it is such a big problem for them, they can either stop doing it or I may begin attacking them to make it go away.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland