It is regularly suggested that my War on those who always want and desire things and love to make a public status quo for themselves that they can manipulate with operates for them a process of power through media and politics to barge into people’s lives and take whatever they want, does not work with respect to the sense that an economy in general needs to grow but it is these same fools that have spent all their time doing nothing but evil dark entertainment to cook up problems and suck the life out of other people’s happiness in order to be rich and famous and with this continue their insolent blackmail and terrorism where they prefer people if people to be, the more racist that they are - it is as though we are being schooled in evil and wickedness and now I am being schooled in economic growth as well, when all I am saying is that bearing in mind the purpose of a business is to find out what problems people have and solve it for them for a price by selling them products and services, they need to settle in on what their position on the recession is and get themselves off my book sales and career that they can never steal and a world does not exist where they will ever be able to do so, lest I have to get them off it myself and make light work of their stupid sexual desires as well personally. These excuses do not run out although the fact remains there are two careers involved in every altercation with them - and one must be destroyed so that the other can be better off, even if such an advantage will be nothing but a fleeting feeling and of course it was all their idea and invention too.

Talk is common of course about how we in a way need to acknowledge our mistakes and move on, but I have no idea how realistic that is and more so at this freedom and greed point anyway. All I really know is first that a certain group of people are always setting me out as somebody that is attractive to be abused and for that they always like to damage my means to ensure I am lowest of the low and humiliated too - secondly, that what they do is wreck your finances and get on media which will make you buy some cheap services with the finances you have got and then with that take over your life and you will have some money to give but the services will be used to ensure they gain access and take anything they like on account you feel guilty that they are cheap. The problem of course is that they popular culture never listen when it comes to moving into my right hand after making it out on media and exposing it thereof even after I had warned them never to, for the express purpose of damaging areas of my business which ensures that what you have paid for cannot be used to harm you because you paid for it and it is a working business and for this aspect of business they damage they have never paid for themselves  because they have not got it and the fact they have not got it has come to mean they have power to do and undo. So it eventually comes back down to the old issue of a threat I issued before; that a one more occasion where I have to go to my websites to make my business operable and keep it that way will mean a one more task for them – this warning was not heeded and that is why we are here today; talk of acknowledging mistakes and moving on tends to suggest somebody here is their bloody popular culture equal as it were and I don’t care if I did detach them from the Queen either, again they lost like they always lose everything and will lose here as well; we all know they spend all their time rummaging around areas of society where rules do not apply, so they can see traumatic events and take it out on those who are not as traumatised about life but refused to accept those who did what they saw did the wrong thing and that is why that media power to determine what people think is so important and I want to create a world where there are not rules around every one of their activities in their entire lives, so we are still some way off, they did hear the warnings that there will be serious consequences if I have on any occasion to do something to bring my websites into a business working order on account of them. They always say there is nothing I can do about them as the big business guys but of course the big business guys say so on account they have got their hands on my book sales which is a criminal activity and have enlisted the support of very evil civil right idiots that are grandfathers at this point but have never really grown up etc - it has never really been an issue either, I know exactly how to get their stupid hands off my book sales and the means by which to make it happen as we all know they do things such as handle your earnings to provoke you because there should be a fight that you do not get to fight on account they want to handle your life and feel special and this was tolerated during the recession on account other things were more important. You do develop your own prejudices against those who do not look like flesh that needs to be handled as well as you do when these things happen and staying off my book sales is the only thing we have in common or I will rip up the Politics and Popular culture and everything else - we all know I do not stand a chance against the governments but I do it anyway as it stands already and I am not giving back that stupid culture, which is why I keep my mind vulnerable too so we can find out.

I do not have any wish to make changes to my life to ensure their existence allows me to be comfortable; I want to get that choice of living and that change out of them by their own decision and that is why I conduct my affairs the way that I conduct them - it is my property and my life not their own.

I have always rather lived comfortably with that idea I have mentioned before that the only form of friendship they can offer others is a homosexual relationship; when I mention it of which they will say the denoted purpose is that I don’t think the Royal Family is actually important because deep down I am a democrat who really is not comfortable with the oppression of the Monarchy but what I really mean is that you need to live with a sense of emotion repression from them in this Country where they expect you to have been abused at some stage in your life and expect you to be dying to tell somebody, so that even when such things have not happened they will manufacture it to seek self-improvements from a process of ignoring you or blatantly telling you they don’t want to know or even threatening you and for the politicians there are lies and tales and accusations to tell 12 years down the line and financial ruin means it is funny on media all the time as well because of course the reason for these things is that they want to be predisposed to spend and destroy and waste everything other people have then name it their civil rights. They go too far all the time and cannot even tell people what they are going too far with or what they are going too far about. They complain that the message they got was one that come through as a Rebel Royalty that checked the excesses of the others with whom they wish to rally and spend their lives but of course last I checked I was actually a Royal that was able to stand on a global stage and talk about or fight for the Interests of Monarchy and so do seem to be the only one when it is their call, that recognises that the last people who should be winding me up all the time should be the media. I do not think them to be a problem either; the story is ever the same – rape and murder and genocide especially are good things they are funny and the fact they happen means idiots can break down those that are loved, those that lead etc and now they look the part as well as I am not giving back that stupid left-hand side and will spend all its greed as well.

We hear those tales they take care of me of course but the reality has not changed from what it has always been; that a collection of fools who laziness pays off all the time because they soon find themselves in a condition where others are making them solve so many problems until people realise their own is being solved as well are taking care of me – I mean the old story as per the only relationship they can have with others is a homosexual one and the only people that will worry are active people that cannot stop and always need to keep going, so they would so much like to fuck the bottom of active people and find what it does to them funny, create a modernisation, create an industry, tell people, share a felling and get rich and then they will find a really bad one to detach from what is really important and the results will be such that they turn up to take care of me looking for more especially when black and female. They always claim I cannot actually perform any of the things I boast about but I am not actually boasting as such - they know I have a Work Court of Female Journalists and that they are all married; so understanding it serves a state of affairs where they can never be free of me sending them off on one difficult task after another seeing their need to ensure we are always working for them without pay on account of the things we need to do to fight and strive and make our way in the world, so they are talking about confidence while getting rid of the bits the fear the most and I wish they would stop doing both as well. I mean, they can always been free of me by taking out their ear drums so they never have to listen to what I say or they can show up here to buy Books and not to play with me - I for my part am quite settled on the amount of work I now have to do since the last time I dropped out of University, to get myself back into an Intellectual Property Administrator that can speak with Clients about their Stocks at the International Market and what may happen with the exchange of it, giving them fact based and real world survey based advice and of course I need to keep my options open, such as keeping them cracked up and pulled in all directions as well, to ensure there is possibility I might do the job without too much stress considering I am getting quite too old to end up in a classroom. We all know they speak of which one I do to help people take advantage of my own race but which is an old story of the fact I lived in Africa for 20 years and was quite clear which I didn’t fancy when I did; so now I am being told I shouldn’t write what I write and say what I say but I am only thinking about what it is exactly they are going to do when I do it and thus they are unable to show up here to do some money loving without consequences.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland