Now I must make clear my awareness that Politicians
have come to find enough fundamentalisms of of power
and wickedness to mention that the UK is facing an Economic crisis that is the
Economic Equivalent of a War. The Truth However is that there is no War
anywhere, Just a simple matter of the fact that they
enjoy getting on Public places to tell other people to move left of them and
which such abusive insults is the reason for all their problems. When they have
problems they target me for sadisms and more, when I have problems they target
me for sadisms and more, when other people have problems they target me for
sadisms and more and so it is a matter of them leaving me alone to go take
their liberties somewhere else because the worse case scenario is when the pain
they are suffering gets really bad and they send an Assassin to murder me which
will not change the fact that this is my own life not their own lives and only
I can have it. There is no economic equivalent of a war anywhere.
They speak also of the fact I support the idea
of consistently being ruled by a person whose Sons and
Daughters rule me after them and that they are the ones that believe in freedom
and the fact such a System needs to be removed. This is very far from the truth
which is rather that, their games about removing the System is much the same as
their games with violent discrimination and Racism; Where parents will
brainwash their Children turning them into racists, which they do because they
do not know what Racism really was like during The Second World War when it was
invented and when it happened. They do not know that those who invented the
ideology and worked it, were always inherently evil, right down to the blood
and that the War itself was not the kind where we had battle fields where
Soldiers fought but the kind where people invented Large explosions to surprise
another people that they have no respect for, even with regards to their
humanity, person or right to live and breathe, even in death, even in War, even
in Peace. Much the same with their plans to get rid of Monarchy as well, which
has a lot to do with new kinds of change that they have created into their
Children, bearing in mind they do not think there is anything wrong with
torturing a person for working hard for what they need and actually thereof
having enough to sustain themselves, just for working hard and being
successful, just for being themselves and just for having what they need and
then when they have turned their victim's Property into Public property, also
see nothing wrong with meaning less attempts at oppression because they love
their lies that they tell, with the disrespect of killing them or taking it
away from them, with the use of society and Politics operated privileges of
injustice and this is where it concerns them by themselves.
Where it concerns others is that they take out a
period of other People's lives with Politics that is run on People's Sex and
Privacy, so that they can have new great beauties and introvert temperaments,
then leave those people out there for any thing on the streets that wants to
move into their lives in that way, bearing in mind the only means by which they
would have done this would have been to locate attack and trap such persons as
soon as they became Adults, with no security because they have not yet built
any, no Money because they have just been given leave by the State to find a
job for themselves for the first time and after wasting long periods of their
years doing so, for those that have become more successful never the less the
"why not?" question results in a condition where their Property must
be turned into Public Property and so of course when there are a thousand
people in a vicinity and this kind of attacks have happened to a person and his
property and has become the means for providing people with safety, well being
and security, which results in about 850 of those deciding that the victim
ought to become 'Lord of the Manor' because it is the only way to secure
accountability, then they begin to have questions. Whereas the real issue was
that if they do not want a process where there is a Lord of the Manor who leave
his Estate for his children who take up leadership from him, then they should
not lay burdens of a wicked, evil and spiritual nature on other people's
Children, abuse their human rights so cleverly the Law cannot help them and
then make everything they have worked for and own nevertheless despite what
they suffer Public Property.
I am said to be the Arch Prince who is of course the
Noble man that has no Money, bearing in mind any of their insolent millionaires
would have enough property to put up with what I have had to deal with from
them as well. It is completely laughable as it were, since it is clear that
when you are given a Royal Estate you are not paid for it; however what you do
get is wealth, power and privilege and because of this, any product that you
come up with can be snapped up by people just out of Love and Fanatism, so in that sense you always have a secure future,
which is not to say those who are given such things do not have different ways
of using theirs anyway. Some want it all for themselves, others squander
theirs, others invest theirs. I believe I have been
very clear about the fact if any evil devil worshipping idiot as usual thinks
their abuses and violence spiritually especially and otherwise because he wants
me to notice what goes around in the outside world, on account he or she is
planning to abuse me unto death, means they can mess up my property, I will
mess them up as well.
I.Uno I
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.