They do claim the cat is out of the bag with me naturally and I could never make sense of what it meant either way – I want my equities to be profitable for those who broker it every time they did and every time other parties such as these got came into contact with it: they know that nobody deserves Celebrities setting him out as a character people bullied to become more successful with big business deals, especially considering who would copy it when it became profitable for them but this is not the reasons I have clashed with the Celebrities, the reasons are that they bash my Books thereafter to maintain what they regard as an eccentric personality which was separate from their bank accounts and the wellbeing of their families, utterly no reason for it and yet despite making them so uncomfortable the sense of entitlement prevails and thinks that there was something I ought to stop doing. We know that the local people who complained about me were more concerned with running around alongside abusive Labour Party idiots that serve German influence gits who set about communities where they can console each other if I churned their tummy and I was too isolated not to smell when they got obsessed with building communities that thought about my bottom and my tummy all day long, which effect was to run off short insulting videos they claim added up to advertisement while their stupid MPs got around with characters they claimed were my relatives, such that abusing me was the thing people needed to do to get elected into Government Office, at the same time which they had not worked out what to do with knife and gun crime, if it was clear people would think to prioritise public interest if they were able to pick on me, which again I am prepared to suffer so they might stop the murders all together, seems they had not summoned the courage for that but had achieved other more important forms of abuses that facilitate their stupid conveniences. I do not think the matter to be a crisis anyway, it is as simple as a matter of these abusive activities adding up to what people did to create an environment where they could commit crimes, especially crimes of fraud; in that if they have been running a person down for three years and came up with a life changing arrangement that may help the person but was a fraud, prospects of success was greater – the insults of the Politicians however was the founding principles of their success, so I am not really bothered about how it affects them either. We have to listen to that nonsense where they were offered an exit in the sense that women could handle me; it is utter nonsense as the main reasons that we have heard many times of the Queen expressing displeasure about my actions had been to work this thing to such an extent that it was a good enough structure and system to go into action at any time i.e., it shows up here to claim it had a license to get involved with me and all its involvement had to do with the destruction of areas of my career where I had done my best work and yes Politicians think that getting them involved with me was not just amusing because of the exhilarating way I responded but also helped with public Office, so since the idiots started following them around at Parliament, the story had changed, we know they started to complain about me but had taken charge a long time ago – same as the idiots who tackle me to build atmosphere that facilitate criminal activity and so on, hence I have worked it so hard that the Queen thought I ought to shed the reputation for being a bad person but I also do not think that the Political idiots were likely to change any time soon; next time I find them pick up service processes of my Bookshop to follow up what was already a process of building me a reputation as hater of the people in order to make money, which others copy whenever they are better off, with a process of turning something clients did with me into a publicity that suggested I served them, it will develop into a relationship that ends very badly indeed. If people want Cats out of the bag, they really need to eliminate the parts of their abusive stupidities that I can clearly no longer tolerate as it were.

I am then told I continued to deny I am stuck in a rot which I am not, just stuck in Celebrity lies and their need to make their displeasure at the way people treat them, something that trashed my career, had since developed into a crisis of whether I did the work for my Books or they did it themselves, while the lack of interest in their gimmick on my part is resulting in whole sale destruction of my career or making sure it meant nothing to anybody. We soon find them claim everybody deserved to be free of the bottom chasing issues that were the result of their personal decisions, whereby I did the work, wrote a Book and now am stuck in a financial mess while they decide what the Book did and how it was used to serve them – so everything is in order save this part about deciding how my interests at the Monarchy will take centre stage about my concerns and not what Celebrities spent their time on and they are fighting this too, proving to be the most destructive nonsense I have ever seen. It is all playing out as normal, the destruction and violent immorality associated with stupid Men and famous idiots, does not really mean that I am stuck with it, however it is quite a challenge getting them to keep from my Books and keep their stupid comments restricted to their careers. I did not build this whole thing, they did; I mean as per, that everything I have done since I left school and then the time that I went into university, which was botched, adding up to a Book I had written, becoming a problem is quite uncanny. So the way it works is that they claim that I am not doing the job of tackling society gits that get imagination up my bum well enough but what really happens is that they set out my wealth equity as a structure I had inadvertently built when I saw the sense in being a punching bag each time people were trying to secure multimillion pound business deals, then they set about trashing the Bookshop to leave me a financial mess that gave their culture and society gits an encouragement to build communities that got imagination up my bum, it got out of hand, became a phenomenon and the famous idiots complained about me more than I have, that said, it began in 2012 and we are still talking about it in 2021, having there been complains on either side during the entire time. The talk of which one got close enough to become a problem should rather be applicable to me instead – since it is easily understood that if they had ran out of profitability for their popularity gimmicks, finding a way to add my income to theirs and show the banks who gave them the loans, that their show business was profitable, would be the most acceptable option, knowing it would expose me to gangs, criminals and racists, as they were not nice people and their business had no codes or rules. I had it under control and cannot understand what the purpose of such conversations are, same as they never put it out years before and have recently done do because they believed that a business I built up to be impervious to their practical jokes had been put to a Media bubble career tit for tart that the public was eager to see a conclusion to – the stress of which is incredibly while we cannot be free of the complaint on their part about being victims.

The claim is that I never had a chance on the matter but I am sure that even those who continue to put the stupidities of these gits in my face can easily reach a decision on what to do about spending 9 years to build a business that was safe from such nonsense, only for these fools to put the business through a Media bubble gimmick whereby at the end they developed a career abuse tit for tart and the public wanted to know how it ended, so 9 years work was at risk of their insanity, then showed up somewhere with big brother and big sister gimmicks that suggest they were disrespectful, especially now that people knew how to hurt them. I mean I tolerate the part about setting me out as a character people bullied when trying to secure big business deals which none should, I tolerate the part where they run off insulting videos at my expense to claim they were making advertisement by setting themselves out as lovers of the crowd and me as a hater of peoples freedoms – they had to bash my Book sales to build eccentric personalities, they had built communities that spend time on amusing gimmicks where they got imagination up my bum and worked office space insults in a  hope of being rich by doing so and yet for all the complaining are aware of which part of their behaviour is no longer tolerable and that it can be eliminated. The Office space insults being all good, save when I assist them with something important that helped to boost their incomes and made sense of my right to get a break each time, they passed it at me, and they eventually had to concede making sure I refrained from assisting them. Eventually they claim I am liked at the Monarchy and cannot understand that people hated me which they don’t: they love to suggest they had done the jobs of Armed Forces operatives, which involves a process where for instance somebody was making a mess of civil living and throwing down heart disease gauntlet, they needed to show the job was taken care of for the public and it’s the way their world works, so if you dabbled, you find yourself caught up with the work secret services do and the other people at the Monarchy really loved characters that ended up in a situation where they could assist. They do not hate me, just very foolish individuals who do not know business to be unprofitable whether or not they were working on it due to their access to these gimmicks; so they do claim that in my case actual fighting had occurred, current activities showing that it did not necessarily add up to a deterrence, so it had grown into a matter of society gits, the big brothers and big sisters, the Celebrities and the media and how a part of my career might become a tool by which I can consign them to history.

There is concern expressed as to the way I do great work, but it is never anchored enough for best results, but it is since Americans had chosen to put up money leverage and trade in a way that suggests others had lost something important to them, to working their way out of a recession that they had largely created. So, it had since not yet developed into a case of do it on my income again and you will find me waiting for you at the stock markets where I will keep an eye on those stock market bulletins for you as well every evening, hence they stupidly believe that they may be done with it and then get involved with any other legitimate arrangement created, at any time that they wanted. I do go round the bend as well, since it is a capitalist system and there was a law of diminishing returns which ensured this kind of abusive success was limited but what we end up with is the business of building a crowd to attack my health and entitle them to my income. Some people will say that it showed I had the better idea to attacking Russians but they are not attacking Russians either – recent event has been one of British Aircraft Carrier and NATO allies attacking Islamic Terrorists while they chased sales and trading to avail information that helped the Russians make statements about defying NATO to protect their interest in the Middle East, then they referred to me specifically as a character who thinks that he had done it but needed to guess again, followed by a threat of what they will do if I attacked their business as well, the other City centre gits spending a lot of time on gimmicks where my Empire existed only in my head but their obsession with it meant that I could not even acquire or keep a job that others were offering, whilst very good at getting to the heart of what really matters on intellectual property administration about which I have brokered asset equity with the companies to work with them on, I am still unable to engage with Client brokers with respect to my Books and therefore cash strapped. What I have done so far is ensure they gambled and lost, in the sense that of five people working with the Manager of Aston Martin for instance, their Man was always the odd one out, soon after they had set up some character in Belarus to be victim of Political persecution because it was amusing – it slowed them down and they hated by guts for days, running off those gimmicks where my career did not mean anything to anybody which a bunch of clowns with a need to get me putting a handle on their case for the purpose of oppressing them, which I may attend to endlessly.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland