The bits
about things I cannot do are an old story; where this matter is concerned,
people can only make so much trouble for me until I had started to see them as
a classification as well and this one is mainly Society and Celebrity with
optional extras such as using my career as Torchlight to get the best
Girlfriends and female celebrities where the one I feel as though I cannot break
free from unless I dished out vengeance for was the part where they caused me
to drop out of University all together while they never really needed to show
up there to do the popular culture and Celebrity in the first place. So it does
appear that mine is an influence that is leading to a bad end of course but the
reality is mostly that each time people are open and truthful concerning what
is happening around them, the Politicians become expensively and obsessively
interested in practical jokes that will ensure they are in charge of people’s
lives; so what we find is that they do damage and then they give money to these
really stupid and mentally unstable people to make fame and celebrity with and
then realise that they cannot even tell them that what is being done by them is
wrong – so they fall back on the one with less money that can be bullied and
tell me they are using my state of mind to resolve any madness which results
from it because they are the boss of me which each time they do will lead to
outcomes where I use them and abuse them the same way they use and abuse mine
too (it’s the way they do it you see; the first few years is usually filled
with abuses designed to find out if what you studied for GCSE is Science or an
Art and then after that what they pick off is every single career path offered
by the subjects that you studied and by the time they are satisfied and are
certain they can talk demagogues at you which makes sense, they have taken a
toll on your whole life and next to a decade of your time – so if they say
these kinds of things to me, I will use and abuse their own in the same way as
well – it is therefore not ideal). So they say my activities are really amazing
whereas they are not; it is when they say that not believing in either God or
the Devil is choice, then it becomes a matter of modernity and what you do not
think about most of the time does not affect you, when it is not a matter of
choice, it becomes that atmosphere I have to respect while I pray in my own
bedroom or else with that big mouth; such that when it does not have it any
more I will be punished for the rest of my life if another group of fools have
media jobs to mess about with and if it has it, I will be fighting for my life
in the neighbourhoods. When I was younger I used to think most of their civil
rights money loving madness and its wickedness are excuses derived from bad
experiences they have had themselves but now I have seen the Celebrity culture
and the Popular culture, it is clear to me that what happens is that normal
human beings get up and pull out some socket in their minds in order to become
mentally disturbed, then cling to other people’s lives and make themselves into
huge responsibilities – in my case those responsibilities are a matter of how
they would have been more important than I am save for one thing or the other
half the time, while the other half the time it’s about moving into areas of my
life where the wealth and sources of it is located such as my right hand side.
So what we have is the same case of the reasons I want nothing to do with the
men who have insultingly insisted on setting me out as the guy that learns
about women and returns to tell them about it, their problem therefore is a
function of the fact they invite themselves into my concerns and then make
trouble for me to establish their position as dominant force and those threats
are only as good as their cosmetic freedom civil rights money loving madness,
which is why we hear them complain about me all the time; the threats that come
with it only means that the issue of feminists and the Men becomes increasingly
important to me. On the whole of which by the way these things do not actually
matter to me in a wider sense; as per who I am, they are not supposed to be my
main preoccupation, just thinks you react to when you allow yourself to become
reactive to them instead of reading the Bible and attending Church in a
proactive way in order to manage how it affects you but we are here not just
because every time I get out of bed to feel entire neighbourhoods striking my
anus it is because of what has been going on with media on my case, where
people will not deal with their enemies first before they get into a fight with
me for the sake of their ego, so that when I shut down the left hand side and
get them to, they might complain about a lack of justice but also because the
Politicians are usually interested in such things and need a whole Parliament
and whole National Media and a whole
Civil service to get neighbourhood prostitutes into my personal life and so
these are the things one faces at school and University whenever their
stupidities attend, which is usually especially for the blacks, every time that
I set foot in an academic institution – the outcome of course is that I have
set up their own bottoms for neighbourhood prostitutes too and they perpetually
feel as though they must get on Public stages to make a statement about how
they expect me to regret it; I mean it’s nearly a decade since I dropped out of
University for it and they are still having fun without a passing 24 hour break
for me the whole time. It therefore tends to suggest that the rest of us are
completely devoid of a sense of culture whereas the reality is that these sorts
of stupidities are a matter of society and celebrities and even when it is a
Church environment, if I do not want them doing it, it will become a main
cosmetic freedom money loving madness preoccupation issuing threats which are
as stupid as themselves alongside the whole time; so it just ceases to be
something they have set out to do with their own time and takes up my time as
Their only
gain in this matter as we can see is to take up bits of evil things I could
have done which I have not done, make them into an impetus to carry on for
eternity basically and then get up on public places to mock me for thinking
they are stupid, while the reality is that they are and need this flurry of
activities that create the idea they are making money even though I do not
allow them peddle my faith and personal life and public image to facilitate
media and public place bullying. Does it mean then that I am disrespectful of
Celebrities? It does not; the reality is that whenever people make public appearances
we see them pick up literary work I have been through hell to create and then
try to make use of it without payment and when it’s turned me into an animal
since it costs that much, they cannot handle the beast but it gets worse
because they think they love their practical jokes so much that they must get
privileges of injustice with the help of Politicians - so we do think about
what people who appear on Media do with authors trade thinking that being able
to write makes them authors but I never thought I would see the day I took it
so personally as this - I mean I cannot give myself 6 months of unemployment in
order to find out whether there could have been another career path for me
because I set off to write a Book, I cannot give it to myself in anything that
remotely looks like peace, even peace of mind and then we find they had built a
community of gossipers and a sick atmosphere from it too talking rubbish about
people they think they want to beat up in which category I have found myself
without reason or purpose consistently over the last decade and a half.
My Books
are written as equities and not the stories in it for this reason; so that
those who want to write my Books might write it and those who want to trap me
somewhere and get my inspiration to make me insane might do so - it hurts so
much the effect each time they try to deploy it as a tool for stealing
somebody's fame or making sure I earn peanuts while they make millions and
although the pain and suffering causes them to show up and issue those stupid
threats, it is so dumb it will do the same things again and again and again
whenever it has an opportunity.
They speak
of this lack of respect I have for women when it’s a matter of insulting
practical jokes where they take pictures of themselves being me and make a
certain little unnoticeable Publicity out of it until they start to get to the
bigger parts of my life where they can keep it if there are other peoples I
need be afraid of - the British ones like to help me with it too knowing that
helping Royalty makes the issues worse and they do not need any help all
together - so they always become so surprised when I get about making sure
especially for those of them who live in federated systems of government, that
their society people have no peace until they have lost the fame, so they might
tell me that the result will be war while the result will only be a better
understand of the system of unbridled corruption they come from where they have
a need to tackle people’s lives, just to show up at Fashion and Celebrity
culture and popular culture to ensure one item they buy allows them to bottom
whip and tummy whip members of the Public anyway that they wish, except when
they see a British Arch Prince they have a go at that too and it marks the beginning
of the end. I do not think the matter is a big problem as such, it’s none of my
business most of the time; the problem is usually that they are narcissists and
so if I for instance came across a Millionaire Couple and they were having a
party and the theme was tight shiny leather and lots of glitter and they were
interested in what I am doing, then I say what I say and keep an oversight
where I know their reaction will be one which suggests that I respond to their
antics and give away precious things which then adds up to an industry they
have created - it is usually not a problem save the fact another group of
idiots have jobs on media where they put a name to their faces, goad me and
explore which forms of discrimination I am vulnerable to everyday, by clinging
to my income. They say I am disrespectful of Media even though I need them,
which is utter nonsense; the only business I have with Media is to know I can
trust my Court completely, mostly it is a matter of being done with those
things I needed to do to them to a stage where they think I should regret doing
it. It’s pretty much the same with the idea most rich people do not feel the
way I feel towards me, which does not apply; people have their big bad
boyfriends and big bad girlfriends and if they will not stop stifling my
finances with insults that allow these goons to pick up bits of my public image
to male collector’s edition of magazines for instance, which facilitates their
money laundering as well, there would be no problems; besides which they need
spend more of their time with the concerns of their mates and not mine, I only
get involved if it concerns me, if people have taken my Clients and the Job is
not done, if people have showed up around my concerns to please themselves
without knowing what it is about, if they run away and leave me a mess as soon
as they had found out.
We hear
then that I speak as though they were stupid while reality is more a matter of
the fact they are really clever taking pictures of themselves on my trading
standards to claim it makes good fashion or good advertisement and so on and
when told what it is and what trading standards are used for we find that they
bail and also leave me a mess so I cannot catch them, which is an activity that
is performed by people who got rich through being clever as far as they are
concerned. The first the Media complained it was about their community croons
tackling and abusing me and once they found out I would tackle them as well for
it, they made the abuses so relentless it would be pointless to try and recover
some sanity by tackling them too, now they say I interfere and it’s about
getting out of their beds to explore which discrimination I am vulnerable to
everyday - they speak of people protecting me but what really happens is that
other suffer needlessly because they have media jobs yet they are unable to
spend their time with their own mates - for my part it is not that I find it
such a complicated matter as a whole, just reality that their jobs gets to
their heads and they are in such need of somebody who would hate their success
that I cannot be myself, so there is an atmosphere that says I sleep with
peoples wives to gain my personality which I must respect each time I pray in
my own bedroom (first I was said to be sleeping with peoples wives thus
Husbands could take advantage of me and questions asked later, thereafter I had
to be desperate enough to try and make money from civil rights so others can
show they were there first, it has now all given way to a process whereby each
time people wish to gain talk show host salaries, they have a go at me and it’s
amazing that they are making the complaints while they find it so difficult to
spend time with their own mates, blabbing about what has been happening when I
am protected - very stupid individuals obviously and of course I do get told
they are being silly for me, which is utter nonsense - we can see the same
gimmick play out here, where it picks up things it cannot do and attempt them
in very difficult circumstances to bellow revolution at a later date and in my
case we have features in it such as National service being completed and played
out alongside providing me protection I do not need).
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland