It was set here to spell the beginning of the end after 9 years of making misery for parties involved at the Jobs market and Global Industry, of egoistical idiots with some bread winner insults at their fingertips and great ideas of their genius, wrecking everything at this Hermitage over insults of how I will be an Arch Prince if they approved it, on account it made it possible for them to claim their parents owned the Countries that ran the world and I needed their money for my activities which I was getting free of charge whenever I got involved with Clients, supported by their Older gits and Tutors who must have by now realised exactly what will happen if they stalked me for the abuses I experienced the first time round and the destruction of my academic work that followed, when next they saw me make a presence in an academic institution.

They do claim that I am fickle but I am not fickle in anyway: take for instance meeting a woman whom I found attractive because the way I organised my concerns provided her with energy as hers provides me with it and then their lesbian stupidities gets all over it, ends up trashing the finances and makes silly statements that will go all the way to ensure biological clock catches up with somebody while they had no Children and I stayed single forever. I would like them putting a sticker on their faces to say they were lesbians which would make matters easier for people to handle as such, but they do not find the offer attractive. Hence it’s not that I am fickle, it’s just that these are  handful of incredibly stupid individuals and we see it play out with respect to the way that they draw attention to their needs, being the same processes they claim makes service operatives the most hated characters in the world of celebrities and Media – never will they say that this indicated they were evil and their interest in me is a matter of the fact that their original wickedness led to such effects as they had lost everything associated with the wickedness, hence resorted to working stupidities on my career and income margins. It showed up like so at University to run off those gimmicks where it laid claims of ownership to my Public image and built a crowd that would decide I am meant to get into a fight with people to serve its stupidities, I ended up dropping out of University because the Politicians decided to serve them for it as well, they passed their exams since then which hell hath broken lose and they have had this perverted interest in my finances and now my Bookshop for 15 years, at this stage which I too have decided they have had it for long enough. It bears towards the sensibility whereby it is suggested the fight goes on forever while it doesn’t – the reasons it happens at all is that they build up a version of me derived from abuses in order to handle the same public image for money making purposes and then they set out a media presence for it which then makes it part of mainstream living, crisis point is when I want to study at home since the academic environment had become so toxic and their need to ensure my career did not mean anything to anybody if they did not have it reached me in my bedroom, while the society bits will be ideas on how I should be used abusively backed by a community of men who provide them with necessary false confidence, running off to a stage where the Public thought their insults were more important than the fact I am a writer, each time I stepped out of my door, to meet friends, family, employers, business partners. I do not believe their insults and abuses will prevent me from attacking them, I believe that no interference with my Books and Public interest in my Bookshop as soon as possible will certainly achieve it. Mostly it is the old story about how they have been taken by those Office space insults doing my stuff, such that we can see the Celebrities and Fashion models want to handle my concerns to make money all the time; when they were being respectful, we find it was a matter of the idea that if I had not approved somebody they would find it difficult to secure a contract, beyond that, they get the contracts and spend their working on me to do anything they are asked to, which is soon developing into something of a process where I got into the necessary position to see that they lost the contract each time it continued. I suppose it’s a matter of the talents I developed at school as well and the way my mind works i.e. I am happy for them to keep the insults right down to the part where they were so accustomed to it, they threatened violence because they were important while their jobs clearly pay my Bills, talking rubbish about confiscating my public life to make more money with, that they can keep the insults, but I will find it incredibly difficult to tolerate instances where they tried to make something of it. In the end it is not just a case of privacy problem gone completely wild where I would fancy that they did not put my current living situation on Media and got about bullying me into changing a disgraceful situation, which then makes a mess of my Bookshop and makes it impossible for the situation to be changed – it develops into an explanation of the reasons that the bottom chasing issues are controlled from above at the Monarchy i.e. I have public service problems, but Celebrities have never been found complaining about it, while problems associated with their lifestyle, a need to earn my money and make me do something about it is a global stage phenomenon now. I believe that a more successful Bookshop that is due to an absence of their involvement will ensure their freedom from me, not the insults and threats, hence I am not fickle in anyway, they just need keep away from the Books and stop thinking themselves important public figures at my expense.

They do suggest this is what the business of making the most of a failure looked like but it is not at all, it is what a recovery from health matters brought about by consistent exposure to financial complications that are inflicted by goons who fancy my career, hence they got in touch with a higher power that will help them wreck the academic pursuits and give them an opportunity to do it in the service of such a power - to which effect we never find them inform anybody that they were evil and practically lived on perdition, we hear them claim the Church was the source of their wars (It has taken 8 years to tidy up and prepare for the completion of my academic studies at a first degree level and I am still not socially prepared enough for it, especially since last those stock market stupidities expressed greater interest in me - it never stops when there is opportunity to stop amicably obviously).

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland