HH's Prognosis: "Politicians are very fond of making out that all I presume to do for a job is something that Governments should be doing and that I cannot just get off and offer them as a service or product that people can buy things they ought to do from their offices and know that they were elected by the people to do those things. On the contrary what they seem to suggest is as such that they have known all these things but have not done them because of the Political issues that need to be resolved before they do them; I have never heard such declarations of the right to incompetence in all my life and yes it does affect this generation too that they have such attitudes towards their profession and we see it in the lives and behaviour of young people and young professionals everywhere. That the fact for example the US is just round the bend affects the decisions that British Politicians should make with respect to the economy, that the way somebody else has a bigger version of my Business whether it is that exact is the reason I am unable to go out every day to run a business to earn a living. I for my part have never needed their help or opinion around here in a decade besides the vandalism of my personal life, literary empire trust books and manuscripts and vandalism of the empire trust itself that has put them in the picture that is. If the entire world is confused about what is happening and more so because they get male and female society prerogatives from them, they on the other hand are not. My working Court is entirely occupied by female journalists and they understand what the implications of that is. With respect to the matter of taking from me all that makes me anything and then getting the US to live up to its principles of democracy with it and not do anything to support systems and businesses I already have there, lest they support tyranny, it is an old story and will not be the first time I have taken steps to ensure those Politicians do not move a step from where they are until I recover as well. However it is completely beside the point which is that I have never asked them about their insults which never by the way seem to run out of types and forms for the purposes of their society idiots with a special craving for superiority to somebody and a thirst for violence, not that they stand and do anything when the problem begin, they want privileges for that too and if mine does not look the way theirs looks therefore in circumstances, this Planet will never move on." "The notion that I am and ought to continue to deal with problems the way I get privileges are ideas and as well ideologies attached to them, which are understandable. I am quite sure if I get my hands on those that create it, they will feel such privileges coming on too. I have never in my life dealt with any silly problems the way I get privileges, I was just excluded from the way the world operates by Politicians whose titles seem to be another name for criminals and con artists, excluding me from the right to have money because they think it is what a Christian is to be afraid of to create propensity for corruptions for them, while they get off attacking me with a combination of bribery and corruption forced on me at the same time and then lots and lots of blackmail when they treat apparatus of Government as though it was their personal and private property with a plan to make me out to be the Man that is creating new Capitalism because they know they are useless at anything they do and people will kill them at the end to keep it. So, I built my business as any firm owner world and they have come to feel that I need to hand it over to them, in fact they claim the fate of the world depends on whether I do. So, I therefore pulled them in and shut down all other escape routes to ensure they are getting the hardest and most difficult deal imaginable-which anybody in my shoes would do." "Progress now is that I only thought I ought to show the big, privileged businesses and insolent power get rich quick me goading fools how good it would be if I offered them a service, they had no choice but to accept and pay for, then used it to find out everything about their privacy to tell them where they are supposed to be, so I can get richer because I am greedy. I thought it would be nice if I did business like that too all together. The only thing I have not yet done so far to emulate them is damage their earnings so I can keep control of them; I sell, they buy, I keep more control and sell more, while they have no money to buy as I keep selling because life itself revolves around me but all in good time. For now, one way to that, I will continue to keep evil on the back foot so I can protect and maintain my Authority.”

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland