It starts
out with something as stupid as the idea some of us chosen were meant to get
rich and famous while others were meant to fight for civil rights and then share
at a later date - it soon progresses
into all sorts of vandalism where they take those story of role models and
stepping stones so literarily they want to stand on my head to solve their
stupid problems, so this part where I am supposed to waste away somewhere being
a guru that teachers others how to fight their battles is where it was all
meant to have been finished in my their view; thus if their Politicians will
not stop seeing that the need to address the bench opposite while abusing me
and calling me names and striking me in a soft area comes to an end, I can
guarantee there will be a one or two of them that actually start the fight with
MPs all together on this matter. It’s an old story as far as I am concerned
about the bottom hurting bits being an indication of being caught up with
people who should never show up anywhere important and if they are serious
about putting an end up to nonsense before it gets worse, it will be nice if I
no longer see them around mine: apparently they are always untidy because the
British State makes them that way according to them, but we can see if they
have a personality and career and public image to steal from a hate figure,
they might change that anyway but I am not a real hate figure obviously, so I
can return from it if I wanted to. They speak of being easily detached from my
focus which is not actually true, I have to respond to a process where
extremely stupid women say that when they practice wicked and abusive things on
me it tops up their power and ability to go out and get things done and hurt
people and not care and therefore be successful but if that loses its appeal
the fact they are women and I am not being the basis of which they do the same
things will produce the same effect, so I am hot property. The insults never go
away and it has begun to take up this look where I refuse to give it to them so
they gather a crowd and take it from me lie candy from a baby which I will
learn to appreciate at a later date. It’s the same old story about damaging aspects
of my personality because that is the bit they have commandeered and are
selling products with somewhere – since they have found out how to make use of
people in such ways, we can see they had struck once and it’s my turn, I am
taking my time of course since getting it done on time means they will be able
to move on with their stupid lives i.e. they said they dressed badly because
the discriminative British state makes them that way now they have somebody
from whom to confiscate personality and career and public image, so they are
happy to change it; the other bit of the story is of course that I sulk which
is utter nonsense – apparently they think nobody knows it’s about money and
that will continue until it goes horribly wrong unexpectedly, since its civil
rights idiots building senselessness around my personal finances so they can
decide if I have the right to have money or not depending on whether it suits
them while I have decided they like to think nobody knows it’s about money
until it goes terribly wrong, hence it does actually amount to picking yourself
up and getting things done. What I do not wish to tolerate further is their
presence around this business empire, especially blabbing about how it does not
exist until the financial structures end up in another economic location.
Now we
hear the Celebrities are looking forward to a clash which I stand no chance at
winning, while I am only just going to hoover up everything that ensures others
cannot touch them in a soft place like they have done here to begin the fight
all together. It eventually does come down to a simple choice of trying to work
with them when they believe in taking a solution you have offered to a problem
and then making sure you are vulnerable to the same problem but do not have the
solution to it, which is used as a means of hurting people to secure fame by
populism and immoral personal decisions that are mostly built on blame culture
and crowd justice – when matched against Industry people that do not just
expect you to write and sell a Book that solves a problem but should be seen
solving the problem physically as well, then a choice has to be made between
the two. Everybody here knew what my intellectual property space was all about
and they were all aware its success depended on me being a happy person; I now
have the film producers who have not changes that and the music producers and
the Television workers, set to get rid of the rest and clip anything that feels
it is okay to mock me in order to copy something and make its own money as
well, you know secure some respect where it is important for my Business
Of course
the media gains the most from all the fuss and controversy – everybody knows
this, since last Tony Blair thought it would be fun to invent a spin doctor
government and his party has since spent public time on nothing else save
talking to the opposite bench while passing very vile and abusive insults that
goons in public can carry with them; the trouble is that while they could say
they do not have the body type to wade certain public matters and so when they
see a certain kind of news flash edit it out of the story, what they do is
Publish it and make excuses, threaten people and get violent at those they have
already hurt terribly. Where I fit into the picture being that 90% of my Book
sale activities are controlled by somebody else, so I need them to do the job
and will get them to do it one way or another; it soon becomes a case of how I
can get the whole thing done as the tit for tart runs along the lines of
waiting for them to get done and then using their own as well, so that you
might end up telling them many times that they are joking every time they say
you are not to, it becomes a race against time to get it all fixed before they
had shut down your whole life by obtaining some form of restraining order or
injunction against you but what really riles me is that each event in which
this happens while causing me immense distress, leaves them laughing as they
find the whole process amusing, stirs in me the need and desire just to see
them suffer intensely too. Now they say I am not making progress with myself
because I am being held up by those who are making me prove myself and it is
utter nonsense; what is happening is people handling my property and inventing
such an excuse as let them damage it any time that they want to and so when
they tell tales like these, my person and all I am and own ends up in a
condition where there are no rules and if there is any law it does not apply
there. It does seem that it will ever stop until I invent my own that I can
play with too; of which at the moment is the case that lies at the heart of
their need to make me chose sides between the whites and the blacks, that will
never happen so their gimmicks can be played out to the fullest as much as they
want it to, play out with respect to that nonsense of me no co-operating with
their needs because I am risking war when we all know it’s the Politicians that
let the deploy civil service and parliament to wreck my finances and cause me
to spend time on the uncertainties of financial wellbeing which they spread around
as news of fear in me that is gradually used as a tool to put the fear in me
and develop another campaign after of how the fear is about violence and those
can do the violence can have anything they wanted; whilst the Politicians will
never tell them they did not have a chance if all these things were not put at
this disposal, we all know when they show up here, it is the same things I will
do to the as well to make them into the coward they have made me, since I
cannot run a Royal Office in peace with the baggage they have placed around
here so they might get around at football and threaten me all the time all
together. They speak of how I say too much so often while the reality is still
that telling people to stop making references to my Estate and to keep off my
Books and keep their comments about my business to themselves, there is still
the general perception enforced by career environment violence against anybody
who thinks otherwise, that I am asking for too much. It is the reason I cannot
sit around at the Office and work without the space being used by yobs, since
last I ended up having the dumping ground personality after their stupidities
had claimed it existed as a result of me sleeping with people’s wives, which it
seems a half priest environment can no longer explain as a lie. The modern
people who tackle and attack moral people all the time as it were and when I
make my own decisions about the way their activities affect me, it gets worse
as though that was their own choice too, gets worse until they are complaining
as well. It feeds into the case that I am paranoid when I am not; reality of
which is mostly that these people want to be a part of what I am doing but have
made it quite clear that they want to in a condition whereby they were in control
and I have never seen anybody’s livelihood handled on the basis of such
stupidities either – it is therefore the reasons they are complaining about the
loss of their freedom and we are getting closer to a stage where I want to see
them spend their last penny to fuel the car and eat snacks for dinner as
progress from taking away that process where it can handle my property and
start stories in their world of bum fingering men about how my involvement is
creating the problems and then he will get support first and answer questions
later, by which time he had secured himself personal wealth and glory; either
way of which it was never actually that difficult to show some respect for what
others do with their livelihoods and do for a living, whereby doing so solve
every single problem I have mentioned here as well all together; will never
stop showing up to play with me instead of seeking the purchase of a Book I
have written and we see the same madness exhibited by Politicians and Film
Industry goons as well – where I broker equities and they just take part and
tell me the whole business of making sure I sell Books only when others can be
Royalty as well gives way to making me broker more diverse equity – now their
foolishness is an existence full of the people from whence the criminals come
and their bottom hurts and they are telling stories and insults and I want to
get them the fuck out of my system while they think what ends up in their minds
from this Estate will become an Estate derivative property that belongs to them
with that big mouth. It’s an old story; what do the female ex-cons of the
neighbourhoods think of the religious person being hunted down and trapped and
abused by media and Political idiots, save the idea they have found a bum whose
private parts their stupid children can grab and chase and pull if they feel
that the world around them is cutting them a hard deal but unless there is
serious damage like dropping out of University and setting out ways of
punishing people before selling Books, there is no way to make foolish
journalists whose salaries other people play with in such ways the last time we
checked as it were, to stop putting up such behaviour; then they tell me people
really do not seem to understand what I think about others, whereas I have made
it clear I have only the three rules – none peddles my faith and none peddles
my personal life and none peddles my public image. What I really think of them
is that they are very evil people first of all and cannot leave culture and
society where it is, not make a mess of people’s lives by causing it to show up
around other people’s concerns unexpectedly, talking nonsense about how I have
trouble seeing others get happy and successful, a sad narcissism fools that
suck the life out of every atmosphere and turn up here to set me out as the
enemy they can talk with rich people about in order to rub shoulders and get
rich quick, cracked up out of my league – thus they cannot seem to detach from
the ritual sacrifice mentality that means they select people like me and start
those entrapment based insults that I get them complaining about when they
think that I would not have recognised pure wickedness and evil from here. What
I really think of them is a group of silly playful gits with personalities that
look like characters others want to take jobs and careers from all the time –
now I have proven that it is unchangeable but even more so I have a University
drop out badge in hand to show the Politicians never stop lying as well; we all
know they respond to only one thing while the while business of locating a way
of hurting me in order to cling to my personality and the way I react to issues
as the answer for every little thing in their foolish existence and it’s the
one where physically hurting me with their abusive and violent fantasies that
come down to contact crime at some stage gives way to consequences being set
out for those 3 to 5 bedroom arrangements where they teach their foolish
children to grab my private parts claiming I am a bum and son gives way to a
process where I get about the underbelly of the cities to rip up those stupid
shops and warehouses as well; the one they are complaining about presently is
their popularity being stretched from the US to Japan across this Estate and
then telling me I am asking for too much when I ask them to keep their comments
off my case, keep off my Books and stop making references to my Estate like we
see them do all the time, talking nonsense about how it will be difficult to
handle their celebrity madness that thinks it is a better human being than I am
while it has criminal records and its parents lives comes to a stop when they
are running their own. In terms of saying too much, I am pretty sure that in 24
hours I will be talking about their comments and my Books and their insanity
making reference to my Estate again – I mean its London for goodness sake, one
moment you meet an Arch prince you whack over the head and label a bum to
develop new privileges for your madness, the next you meet the Prime Minister
walking down the part in shorts, so you can say you have met the Prime Minister
without looking the part cracked up out of my league – while the youth idiots
tell me I am not in control of what happens in my Estate when people want to be
a part of it without that big mouth, need me and need my leadership but have no
respect for me and have not yet worked out it will end really badly too. They
say I have quite a way of paying back entertainment Industry people for being
so nice to me but it’s an old story where if I said it was a big planet and
they could carry on as though I didn’t exist, that would have been fresh
cowardice to add to the problems I already face. What happens is that I have an
arrangement with a Celebrity and no other celebrity either at Court or anywhere
else has that arrangement with me and then we see those who make the fans
comfortable with it as the ones that are interested and nobody has to be
suspicious of anybody; what these goons do is pick up my work and make their
own films as well, then the things they do after to make me more diverse and
inclusive sets off something to be desired as I am relentlessly and endlessly
punished for being nice to others; I will never stop therefore until I have
them and their film Industries outside of my system, it makes me sick and they
are even making out the familiarity associated with it to be a form of power
and a means of control. I am always told I talk about it because I do not want
to do anything about it but normally it is easy to see I have no wish to deal
with punishments if I did anything about it and the level of detail supplied
with each warning reflects this; we see that the celebrities especially have
become very interested in State provided security here and how to ensure they buy
themselves private security that feels the same way, while I am left wondering
what I have to do to ensure I am not protected by so called State sponsored
violence. Then we hear them speak of discrimination issues as well whereas
there is only the greed that wants people to go to war to defend its family and
friends and belongings on one hand and the greed that wants to offer itself to
war to protect family and friends and belongings on the other and we can see
that even when their uses are National service the way the Americans are ever
so good at forcing others to diversify and be inclusive, it is those who have
favoured them and their characters from the part of society where the criminals
are likely to come from, that tend to complain about it the most. In the end
there is talk of celebrities I ignore to deal with; of which there is no such
case – what really happens is that these goons get involved with my concerns to
do their own business and do their own stuff; so the bit where there is always
a case of those who are being selfish being treated in a certain way especially
on social media develops into a barrier that means if a celebrity is mad about
me and makes five pictures about it 3 weeks earlier, I am still unable to
respond to it 5 weeks later, giving them the premise for those insults where
they say they want to be a part of what I am doing but I am not in control;
whereby when I am not in control I am unable to engage with people and unable
to sell my Books, therefore broke. Pretty much the same as that story that runs
endlessly that I am in some power game with the Americans when there is only a
process of their need to make out that I am while what happens is usually that
being involved with loving American stuff is a risk that one might push them
over the edge when they are caught up with matters of disillusionment and
confusion which so quickly degenerates into violence in the US – so the gap has
to exist where people have the time to think carefully about their actions and
I have not got much space from a Royal Office to be obsessed with America by;
Obama was in love with it, no co-operation from Trump means massive
disappointments as we can see.
I. Uno I
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland