Sky news made history today, at 7.30 am a discussion about Children going after career success; I mean idiots whose lives can be used to solve problems as well have been having a party recently anyway and there will be nothing left of civilisation if such a trend continues. The prognosis therefore that people need media careers and would have a better chance if they set their eyes on other things too being entirely misplaced since they do not need media careers as much as they think their problems are solved if they talk loudest and need the media for that rather than solve those problems of theirs anyway. It so happens to be only one of the items in the list, we can easily mention the part about living a life of deviance and as soon as it begins to affect them, attack my women and communities at my company in order to feel good like their Politicians and Godless back stage media fools do before they blame others for their problems as a community itself all together; so as far as One is concerned, it is the old case of what happens when I get my hands on those stupid reasons for their insults aka those stupid cultures which means it will stay again and they will have to move on without it. It has never been a problem, only a reality i.e. that when you say customer is King the reality is that a company has intellectual property with which it does its customer service but after it serves the customer, the customer could damage the intellectual property and it wouldn’t matter because the customer is King period: so it seems to these goons that somebody who has a business that deals with Intellectual Property Administration is unlikely to get into a position where he serves customers and those customers damage the Intellectual property and it wouldn’t matter and therefore their problem has no alternative vicious means of being resolved as well.

Of course there is no truth to a case made that I have everything my way - the blacks do not speak of what their sense of humour is and why it is so well appreciated around my finances and the whites do not speak of why they feel they cannot get off it even if their stupid lives depended on that. The Labour party really enjoys telling this story of how it is in my interest to fight for wages in the Country but it was fun to finger my bum every time that my hands were full with the problem years ago as they chased their fame and fortune and loutish vandalism. So as it stands what I wanted from my involved with the sources of government revenue i.e. wage taxes and employer investments has been achieved i.e. counter inflation; deflation is always better managed because while it is the same as inflation it really does not have that element of public panic to it like inflation does which in turn tends to create social problems that ensure we earn as a Nation on one hand and the social problem takes it all away on the other while we have debts to pay. So I am not actually interested in what the Labour Party wants to do with employer investment and employee wages in order to win the next election and why they are always showing up on media with their problems when the Tories obviously beat them to an overall majority over the same issue at the general election in the first place and as it stands do not wish to lose the next election either by the way. So I don’t want to know how they were busy playing structural unemployment, killing off Royal mail summer jobs for students to show that poor idiots need to be placed on a priority list by young people who need jobs because these idiots are actually closer to their pensions age, they were busy playing games of social democracy and social capitalism to ensure when employers give three persons job to a single worker to save money on wage costs they had social power to it as well and of course turn up on media to find somebody to bully with their stupid party all the time and do nothing about it whatsoever – it is not my problem I had secured what I sought from these parameters of National income. The main problem here was the issue of a sharp fall in National income intakes when these kinds of businesses where their honesty over employment and wages could not be relied upon became ever more popular, meaning the wealth itself will eventually move overseas leaving us with debt and inflation, I have achieved mine and whether or not they cannot win elections because people refuse to vote for those who are not helping their wages to raise is not my problem.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland