There is that story of course that comes up regularly since there are conservatives in government at present that I had unfair opinions about Winston Churchill, the fact of my opinion of which was that I found it difficult to understand how he of all people, considering his background and his upbringing and the facts we get from his dairies, could have as Prime Minister fallen for that old delusion I hate so much, of people making the country into what they want first before they live in it, I could not understand how he did it as well like all the others i.e. determine that the National Anthem must be toned down so that people do not get out of hand; I am not saying he is not a great leader, this is just something I found difficult to grasp from him because as a young man he was at the heart of things when the Agricultural sector in the UK was at its peak globally for example, Architecture speaking of some modern trades, was not doing as well at it is today speak less of IT. It is not surprising however that such things do come up about 11 years after I voiced them sometime before, I am surrounded by get rich freak women and had purposely decided to make it that way; you know like the part where I put up the façade that I am administratively disobedient which means the criminally disobedient have competition and because they are going to have me beaten up any time soon, the real criminals get involved as well due to the level of noise they make of it and then I can give the Police the support they need, this is the other side which I do as service and support for the Church – I mean they like money and are in love with it and I dare not say a thing against money but nobody knows why they cannot leave me alone and spend the times of their husbands on such things; this is why I go out to wind them up twist their side of society, love older women and gather them to myself so I can ignore them all the time and of course they say it is my finances that will suffer at the hands of popular culture which of course is going very well too, since those ones can never stay out of trouble over money, especially one that belongs to people that are way too weak to protect it with a big mouth. I mean you speak well and study hard and learn the law to be a lawyer who can offer an employer or a client a service but if you are a journalist it is perfectly okay to go to work every day to impress your boss by abusing and cursing somebody else; as long as you tell the necessary lies to the media boss it is perfectly okay and it can go on like that for ever so they can spend yours and save their own and unless you do anything about it there will be no complains. For the media and the said issue I have with them without basis, the issue remains the same i.e. they like to sit in front of my television with buildings in Singapore behind them at the background to create intimidating ideas of rich people in those they have business with which is their patch and of which helps to abuse and insult me to breed them some confidence with the result that they savage my academic work and my books and my finances on the ground to keep the process going because their side kick of a thing that makes money depends on it and it is the same with buildings from Japan and Buildings from China etc. When I have an opinion about the fact it should not be happening they simply get worse and the worst mistake I will have been making would be to address them like people to tell them I do not like it, that it is destructive and that they need to stop, doing that always means they move into another league entirely. I always suppose that if 90% of a people’s time is spent on telling lies about me which enables them to address me at will and make sure they are talking to me which provides them with the confidence and energy that brings about money, money, money, money of which this is what it is all about, then it is what media bosses employ them for, this is not journalism and they are not howling yet as it were either. So I end with the old problem of terrorism yet again, of which what the media does for terrorists is provide them with causes and publicity and of course push ordinary people into it to supply them with man power, while political irresponsibility they claim is the bane of freedom unlike me who understands everything about criminals and makes that out to be a good thing, just seals it off and ensures that the attacks happen. We need to be clear this is what causes terrorism otherwise a criminal is a criminal and that is an end to it. In the end my point to clear it up is that whenever they do those things they do with their media and popular culture to hurt me in order to get rich, salvation may be a private affair but looking into what bothers them will not hurt anybody and I cannot afford to wait for them to come to their senses either – whenever I act in a way that depletes profit for those stupid arrangements it is my opinion whether or not what I can do which they cannot and although nobody will hold it against them if they cannot becomes their major preoccupation like the idiots they normally are, I expect them to let it run as I want it and allow those stupid arrangements to die away so I do not have to get rid of it my way i.e. if they are not listening then I suppose the question is what that media job is good for, as a tool what is its purpose? No point making noise about how nobody knows what I want whereas they know they need to do the job of journalists and leave me alone; they go too far with those insults all of the time and it seems there are no rules where they work either, but the real problem is that they cannot leave people alone, on this occasion myself in specificity. I am aware of those statements I misunderstand what media are doing with me but such confrontational and chatty face to face process of insulting and addressing me anyway by the way of which there is the question of what the confidence from it really means too. In the end I suppose the crux is that when I do not feel that my books are my property then their side kick will make them more money and this is enough to wind up anybody seriously; I mean I can understand other issues they raise but are my books my own, my writing and my property and my products, yes or no? If they say no, then they ought to see I cannot be held responsible for being dissatisfied about what I have already done to them bearing in mind the idea that going into the Office to work coolly and calmly and normally will continue to remain completely obliterated by them by their familiarity and insults through them.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland