the problem
with the Union in the UK at the moment is the English and it is as simple as
that. The Politicians never talk about Politics because what they want to talk
about instead is money. So the result is that when devolved Parliaments have to
report to the Central one, there is no demarcation between Political affairs
and the affairs of the financial aspect of economic activity and there are of
course no rules whatsoever in the constitution which suggests that things ought
to operate that way, nor are there any changes no matter how much people
complain. Hence the usual outcome; the English want to take advantage of
everybody to get rich which does not mean anything because people are always
doing things to ensure they have money to get by. Unfortunately English MPs do
these things because they are up to their usual antics and will ensure that
peoples lives are wrecked so that when idiots get rich they have to care and we
are completely powerless on the matter and just have to sit back and watch the
way it plays out with the Scots and the Welsh and the people of Northern
Ireland-who have by the way had a history of bombing them anyway. It goes on
like that endlessly; it’s the English the English everywhere and over every
single little matter every blessed day. What they want is to get to the point
where a 17 year old idiot can stand on Public Television and tell people he
made a few millions the previous day at the stock market, which is how it used
to happen during the 80s and it is not clear why they don’t go off to stand at
the stock market saying it on Public Television then; the only explanation
anybody gets for it and the way they cling to people for it is that they have
got passion and so it goes without saying they have another one more enemy here
to deal with as well.
HH I. Uno I
United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland.