The first aspect of this issue involves silly girls and women who claim to be in love with material things. It applies that media trouble makers and destructive fools always use them as a means of completely destroying people’s lives. They speak of wealth distribution and elements by which it is possible but considering that the way it works is that she gains access to your work and business and sit somewhere to stifle anything important using you and or your work as something that is beautiful to her about which she can measure her love of material things, completely wrecks your business and gets media coverage for it to make another set of idiots rich and famous, so it continues to get worse and worse and worse, then there will clearly be no wealth left in the world to circulate anywhere in any place. This is the way adverts and the way they are used by get rich quick destructive fools to detach people from their property and create huge gaps between them and much needed capital while there is a recession in order to ensure what money they make from their jobs make them richer and richer and richer by their destruction actually works.

The other part of it is about Politicians and their claims that I have been so abused that I am now afraid of them which is how it should be with respect to balances in power, which was entirely expected with the way western evil operates and since I know I am a member of the inferior race, have always had contingencies put in place considering that my race is no different either as well. Thus is back up plan thrown into action here over the matter of the powers Politicians want to have being entirely a factor of their inability to stay out of other peoples Bank Balance.

So the way it operates is as follows

I have had enough of these issues and there is no such thing as being afraid of Politicians by the way. It is the reason I had felt that the way to recover was to grab anything they get off to do on the left in order to be famous. I have been a liberal in that cause and therefore allowed Politics to function but the provocation because they have salaries and are trying to get even richer with it continues to get more and more intense as it is getting more and more violent, unable to see that nothing about my means of defending myself will affect the country like they feel it would because they are making it more and more personal. So I am not giving back that left and they will only be able to have it when my finances had recovered and I therefore separate myself from their provocative sadistic societies that hop on me every single day because they communicate languages on Public places to tell them to do so, as a result of which I had gained time to clear them out of my mind and they had also gained time to clear me out of theirs.

On the matter of specifically targeting me by getting up on public places to demand masochists and sadists maul me so to speak; first of all, the abuse of my market place will be their undoing too; when they boast about signs it shows how much power they have, it really does get to mean it will end quite badly, although for now, if they want the left they can come and get it.

This is my value to Politicians and the Media

·         Somebody against whom they can rob their minds in order to have the kind of thought process for doing other things in the National Civil system to have themselves subsidiary nice little earners. This they always ensure they get by unleashing their sadomasochism on me, to ensure the ideas never stop coming through.

·         For the media it is much the same but in their case it is about being able to have the catchy aspect of other peoples work by which it is possible to put up headlines that their bosses will inevitably pay more for and then they can get protection from politicians for it and then proceed to have regular parties that are hosted and run on the basis of abusing those people in the same ways to keep the ideas coming.

On the contrary to their claims for the purpose of teasing of which we are now at a point where it is impossible to separate it from bullying hence the reason they complain about me all the time as well, the only thing which bothers me about it is the process of things about why people would do such things. They always rather claim these are all things they have seen in other countries; where life is incredibly difficult for those who have beauties that Politicians want-hence the recession is the best time to seek more social power, after spending tax payer funds enriching their idiots and more so are these a selected group of these people they are talking about whose businesses they have destroyed to make them targets for abuse, that will suffer the most with a big mouth. All of which is severely misconstrued on the basis of my actions because the truth is rather than I expect nothing from them and never trust them, so I always expect them to do these things and therefore have a backup plan. The reasons they make these boasts is because I am putting my backup plans into work to rebuild my business and deal with my financial issues instead of seek revenge. It does seem I will simply have to postpone it instead as this continues, bearing in mind all we have seen from them all through this recession and financial/ economic crisis is that it is the best time to seek social power while other strive hard to help the economy recover which continually drags us all in and out of recession and then in again-which they claim is a sign of their power and is very provocative. They have destroyed my business to make these possible on the basis their children are frustrated about their progress in life and want somebody to take their problems out on and I am therefore the role model on whom such responsibilities are forced on.  I am trying to tie off these damages and losses so I can deploy my backup to run my business and everybody will be happy as long as there is respect from them that I have the right to earn from a job I am doing about which they know also as long as they are around I cannot escape too. The purpose of this is to rebuild my life before they start needless stories about how scared of them I happen to be.  In those countries they speak off where people who have beauties politicians want suffer a lot, there is a huge amount of localism and so people tend to have small jobs from which they earn with very low standards of living before they ever meet the Politicians. Here in the UK they know they have my personal details on databases that racists can access, while they set off to do such things in Houses of Government and on National Media, then boast about their powers and have already got stories in place I did first, so they can unleash their sadomasochistic community idiots on me who will get pleasures from me that I am unwilling to give them, just because I am a Christian and therefore really sweet.

The way I see it is that of my Office and the Politicians Office the connection between the two of which is impossible to make out, although my earnings are being destroyed so others can have the right thinking to extract a nice little earner from the civil system. Likewise the media of which there is no connection between my Office and those although they have plans to be incredibly rich and I will be the means by which their news is always catchy for their purposes, which will be done by the perversion of my faith, destruction of my income so I don’t interfere and the use of my market place-with a big mouth.

The other issue is about how my Working Court works for them and the operandi of the systems I have created for them is difficult to understand.

·         The truth being that there is no such difficulty to understand anything around here. For every stupid woman on media who wants to manage a celebrity for a living to make even more money always think they can do and undo whatever they like with other peoples property. Although it is a worthless question to ask of why people enjoy getting on Public media to report news all the time in a way which insults me abusively, since my Working Court does not do it, hence I am not interested in the rest, which fact banishes all stupid suppositions that the systems I create for them cannot be handled by them, it is worth the consideration occasionally-how occasional of course has come to depend on the intensity of their abuse.

·         The fact are that somewhere in my diplomatic work along the lines of getting involved with the eastern part of the world was a point where I became the Christian that people can get involved with and betray in sacrifice, each time they must have made the wrong decision and need to switch sides to the winning side. The outcome with my working Court was clarity about the fact there are people making a living in my world which suggests otherwise. The rather senior occupants of the working Court is occupied are Actresses from Hollywood USA and I owe them certain responsibilities and they owe me certain responsibilities which we both share in as I have set out at the site and the regular occupant within the same capacity are female journalists affiliated to me as set out at the site

So if people claim my Court is free for all, then it is up to them; I would say they should not tempt me because I don’t want to be rattled by anybody-I want them to leave me alone.

All these things are very well set out in my crest. Just like they tell me how the things I do is amazing and seems to do so all of the time. Apparently of which I am not the one with a problem with respect for others for what and who they are and above all else the things they can do, especially when I stand to gain from it. Now there are 4 items to my Crest: The Scale, The Sword, the Crown and the Red shield. The Scale which shows my Working Court on the left which is a bit more distended downwards than the right with shows the Consortium which are women that help me with duties to the admiralty with their connections in the City, its financial centre and its operation-because they own the fundamentalisms by which it works. More details on the Classical CVs page, extra details on the Royal Alliances site The sword shows the Royal Court, which extends across the lives of Royalties all over the world and is pure culture and something that even I must rise above to make myself a successful person and the site which shows their position is the Royal Bookshop The Crown shows the British Royal Family. The Red Shield at the Centre show the Giant Lesbians that people seem to want to have sex with-most of them are married or are in a relationship with men and or are expected to be-because they are privileged (obviously).


HH I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.