I understand that they claim the way I work serves Communist interests which is really senseless stupidities; what really happens is Communists fantasising that I am serving their interests and it’s the good old case of trouble makers doing what they do and then stealing your fighting abilities because they spent so much time making trouble they do not have the energy to fight anymore and so have to rely on the big Country gimmicks, the Russians being the only ones that have stolen and applied my Royal order so far, a corruptibility that I need to snuff out if I must be able to get my international tasks performed and of course it has not given me a day’s break on social Media and the Computer since all together either; when I speak like this the tendency is that it will dig deep into the deep recesses of its mind to seek out the violent bits that will scare the British and then it can fantasise that I am solving its problem from there all together. On more mainstream matters it seems to be the case that I am always antagonising socialists which I am not, the reality is that I have had them spend tax payer funds that was their property to spend in that way, for the purpose of chasing me up over 12 years to wreck finances and academic work on account they have a desire to see me respond to what passes on their left hand side and right hand side even when I knew from day one of their projects of stupidities that it was schizophrenia to do so – I guess then that I will never stop antagonising them as long as the stupidities surrounding this matter has not ended alongside the matter itself. They do say it’s a matter of the powers that rule the world and where their Loyalty lies but it is irrelevant to me what they are loyal to; if socialists show up to take advantage of our Political system to have their way with us as a public and solve some wealth distribution problems for a job role in our Capitalist Government buildings, they might at least try to solve some of the previously existing problems before they had invented some new ones; I mean their lives are never affected by crime and for all their claims to the contrary, my tummy does not give up on me when I am in the Company of my extended family either. So, it is then suggested that everything I do comes with a good and bad side while the truth is that everything I do come with the good of doing it and other people’s insults making an appearance to pay off without purpose and then setting off theories that I had engaged in some form of corruption due to an abusively profitable ego they wish to preserve.

It’s as what happened to the Transformers Movie Franchise; the Canadians were making Films on what happened when Security services got into a fight with some very deadly and dangerous gangs especially when it happened overseas but since last the Americans saw the Films, the structures that allow people to enjoy those kinds of movies were then taken up and dismantled while the problem was allowed to fester and generate its own pay back; so I gathered they did because they were the biggest Market for the Movies as such but so am I rather convinced they will not mind if my Film equities looked the way they saw it when they first found it as well.

It does leave me wondering why the Media goes on and on and on about educating people concerning the perils of war; I mean anybody would know its pure terror to live a life on the run and that the reason was actually life threatening and was completely rampant – to sleep in the bushes and to eat in the bushes and to bath in the bushes along with your parents and then each time the attack comes to the area where you had previously felt safe, you have to run and it’s embarrassing to see your parents run for their lives but the embarrassment is soon replaced with utter terror associated with them being shot dead by cross fire and the madness gets worse and you run and run and run into an area where people speak a language you have never heard and then you wish it was over already. The reality is actually that people do not need this education, they know exactly what they are doing like when they claim I am complicit with racism not by means of what I say or do but by my thought pattern and what my mind set looks like with that big mouth they have, we see the same in the US where they need to get the government forcing people to put away the guns while they want to be the ones picking it up first once that had happened. So it builds up to this case with respect to me that concerns the business of making sure everybody knew the one thing they dreamt of, was to get the British Monarchy handing my Royal Estate to them as per they were better human beings than I am, about which I shall me obsessing over their popular culture and Celebrity in the same way as well needlessly, probability being that I will completely destroy it by the time this is over; so it’s an old story that goes way beyond such realities as the fact it is dirty filthy bullying asking me what I will do while it clings to my Books to manipulate me into gaining access at Royal property in order to make money and get rich quick, it also goes beyond the claims that I attended University which explained most of their actions giving their stupidities needed mobility in the process, it goes beyond clinging to my personal life and public image in the hope that when they had twisted, evil possessed by demons made enough trouble for everybody, Politicians will decide none of that would have happened if I just shared it, same as the destruction of people’s lives and property because they were seeking out the best life to enjoy and then the process of telling those lies and issuing those threats, such that we know once they begin to obsess about the media as well some victim is about to punish them for it; for my part which I do not think of extreme forms of recompense as a whole, it’s a simple matter of issuing the warnings until it’s time to ensure that it was never pleasant when I had to build a family and run a livelihood by making them very uncomfortable. They do claim my whole life is now filled with problems but it is not; it might seem surprising to these guys mostly but it is the business of not dealing with the problems which make me feel stressed, same as the fact that I find it easier to fight back than to look for trouble and those who start will end up finding I had gotten myself prepared for them and then realise they do not fancy it as well; I mean we see what they are doing with my academic work is wrecking it to set up my personality as the atmosphere they immerse themselves in when they wish to be successful as a community and that I must be prevented from shutting it down by completing the academic work all together with Politicians talking nonsense about what I must do to make people feel safe by handling them otherwise I am inferior looking for more of what they were complaining about themselves; so I write Books of create equity and we already had a pre-existing issue associated with the fact these guys could never show regard for peoples thinking space, so I had decided to apply my real self and get them bringing on the problems; we know it usually comes down to the wire when you end up talking like who the hell do people think they are showing up here to make trouble all the time and they know I am never going to become some fly on the wall for them; so it looks like time and again I do not wish to get stuck with a jobs market that had to do with people they bullied to get to the top and what those want to do to me because they would get there faster but time and again once my back is turned the fucking idiots are back in that atmosphere of my academic work they think they want to confiscate for their communities to make money and progress by putting labels on me seeking out some popular culture, Politics and stock market gimmicks all over it, that will help them get successful at dirty sales; the media does not need to keep educating them about the horrors of war like that all the time. it is all filthy dirty bullying and the only thing that will stop them is an understanding that each time it happens I will hit them where the money is, hence, I will run off these warnings for the above ascertained period and then get myself a life at the end of it.

It is now said there are matters concerning Brexit which I am not actually aware of; the truth of course is that a workable arrangement between the EU and the UK is a given, the big question is whether the Eu will use sheer force of majority to force the UK into dealing with its own Immigration problem. So the Germans are the ones who have a biggest cause in the matter I.e. they were trading well with parts of the world where the UK is hated and then the UK started to interfere with the whole thing but that was after and not before the matter of being an ally of France and Germany meant sharing National interest to a point of being intellectually bankrupt because you were being threatened to share it like that, besides which each time the UK looks for trading Partners France and Germany plays up practical jokes. I personally could never tell what the problem with the Politicians was; German Businesses simply showed up and decided the UK is good at doing somethings, so they wanted to take it with them to areas of the world where the UK is hated and do their business there – they have been doing well since with the EU Partnership in that way, but the Politicians somehow still have a lot of problems. I mean at this point here in the UK, the second biggest financial decision you must make being the business of buying a car that is second to buying a House, is virtually in the hands of Germans because they are the ones who own the most expensive Car Manufacturers in the UK. Some say I support Brexit as well and it is a bad disposition to be in but it is not bad to me at all; it seems that in the business of those whose behaviour are the reason for insecurity which befalls them and engulfs other people around them being a low priority on certain public matters, people can never pay their bills unless they get sexually abused so these popularity goons might gain access to popular culture through it and you are then left looking at the nature of a thing and how it plans to get itself out of the mess it has gotten itself into and allow yourself to be made a mess off because you feel sorry for a creature that you should really feel nothing of that sort for and in my case I happen to have stopped access to fame as they had decided my Public image is about to become something they own with the big mouth they have got – I do not oppose Brexit, it has its purpose. I mean they always say have set out a time frame by which to handle these matters and it’s never clear what I will do but I am unlikely to do anything unusual as such for my part, save ensure I got myself a life and my Book sale business ran like a job and not some social play thing no matter how hard I tried due to idiots making it toxic and inventing violent things I am to get myself involved with so they might feel comfortable because they are twisted and evil and have no conscience while being rather convinced they were very important, talking nonsense to keep the delay up all over my concerns for it. It’s an old story behind the reasons employers usually employ me and then get rid of me to get all over the media; I do not like very much employers who take advantage of my so called personality because I work for them, knowing perfectly they are wrecking the academic work that I spend the rest of my time on – there is nothing out there stopping me building up my own means of being the darling of my shop manager employers by setting out insultingly abusive ways through which I may boost sales by running of vicious abusive popular culture, Politics and stock market gimmicks at the expense of Celebrities and their Popularity goons, so I am sure they understand I do not care what their problems is as we can see sharing what I have makes them physically and financially comfortable but does not give me anything and therefore needs to be stopped in its tracks, I am sure they understand why I want them to stay away from my Books as they have not contributed a single sentence in it. I do get told I know these things but allow them get the better of me but I usually spend my time around it chasing National Unity matters, which I do not think I have to chase much these days anymore, so the end of November 2018 will mark the point at which the business of issuing warnings that deter them so I might not end up running a career and a family in a way that hurts them intensely is to come to an end.

They do claim that without Brexit I would have done nothing; reality is that I would have taken necessary action when my Publishers publish my Books and build me a market for it and my whole life got worse on account a certain group of scum had decided I should earn nothing from it which damaged the prospects of earning from other jobs like the sons of perdition, along with their American friends talking nonsense all over any weakness they find around here and looking to ensure the Books were some leverage which affected me deeply that their stupidities controlled without permission. Hence the warnings are important as the first plan in mind when I ended up with googly eyes on account the State declared I was 18 and if my parents kicked me out of the Family home they would get support from the Civil service - It’s not really clear in a Political sense why it is important for these fools to be so stupid at my expense yet anyway, in a spiritual, religious and morality sense however it is as clear as crystal and I am fed up with it. They do claim it is the way they fraternise with Country I have taken up and claimed as a career but if I wrote anything personal diary to help with cope with their need to make use of my temperaments, wreck the academics and wait for me at street corners for ageist homosexual sex, I would be repeating myself i.e. the personal diaries were full about 8 years ago; so it appears that if I said it’s a social issue, it goes on without being checked and if I said it was damage I would have to deal with a crowd and a power that shows up at school to wreck my bits whenever the kids are waiting outside to be taken home by parents, it shows up with the Politicians to do it all the time and now it has built a public place sensibility out of it, spreading like a disease for each employer that I meet is soon affected and then I could never keep a personal or working relationship with any person while it had made money on my public image to dominate and abuse me with and then had it stupid heart’s desire, while their children claim it’s the new form of Happiness they must have, without which the mental state that is the result of always trying to be something others have had as a character and personality years before they knew it existed thus has inflicted on them, damaging my Book sales and making my whole life toxic in the process (I am fed up with it and will be done by the end of November 2018; It’s a simple matter for me and I do not think it should become other people’s preoccupation i.e. it’s always trying to be something that others have had as a personality for years, sometimes even before it was born and then it will damage its personality and decide it wants to make use of mine, to a stage where it wrecks my academic work, passes its own exams and returns to Public culture to make a living from the academic work I did not complete and build a community on my Public image that uses it as their ecosystem for getting by; so it’s not my fault any of these happened and happened to them, there is no reason for me to pay a price for it whatsoever - those who love to ensure they got involve to bear bate will also ensure that I did nothing about it, so when the goons get off on Public places to call me out for a fight while I am busy with other matters until I fall ill, their own stupidities will fall ill in the process as well).

It all points towards the leadership being supplied by the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave which is also apparently the Land of Scientology and the Land of the Church of Satan - so it will show up like that to invent a contraption it says it wants to make a living from which while purpose is to see me fail at what I am doing, then spend time inventing excuses each time reason points towards the fact it needs to shut it down as soon as possible, while everybody else whose finances have been affected by both the victims abusiveness and their intrusive stupidities claims there is a job I should have done which I have not and their lives have been badly affected bearing in mind having money keeps them from doing bad things and then we end up with something that looks like moral fabric of society where they cannot keep their hands to themselves if they assumed they were incredibly important. I do get told they feed on my fear and that it is about National service operatives but they do not; what happens is that they are incredibly stupid people who are also very good at making money from other people’s Public image, since if they did from peoples Public life it would leave the victims with a sense of dignity and not make the victims feel victimised or make them feel powerful at all; so they have Celebrities who do them the favour of building up what they would like people to think about them and use those are shields behind which they attack me all the time, which then gives way to another group of idiots who although they might have had adult children at home to pass the insults at will rather make out that whilst they do not have the time or stomach to read my Books, there is a job I should have done which I have not done, that is trying to take away from them the job that gets to their heads, after they got all over the Public image to continue the business of keeping me from shutting people out of it by completing the applicable academic pursuit; so it’s all incredibly stupid like we find their threats usually mean the Politicians that support them end up complaining about hurting bottoms as well, hence I do not have a comedians Career otherwise I would have loved to just sit about describing these things in a jovial way and then get paid some money for it that was decent enough to get a life with: they do also say I could never win and technically it could be true since it is clear that if I started tackling it I would tell them to deal with the National enemy if they are making use of the Public image bearing in mind they are usually show business millionaires and have continuously pointed out that their money will never run out but it usually means they then tell me it’s the path through which they shall confiscate my Royal Office on account there will be other busy body goons fighting my battles over it to mock the Families that exist at the bottom of British Society in the Monarchy but then again, if it is not to go away and let me be, we will find out by testing this theory either way it goes. I mean they do claim I get about looking for trouble which I blame on others but reality is more like my academic work of which I would not end up with a personality that gets them telling me I am stupid for not deploying it at Celebrity culture to get rich quick if they had not been following me around at University where they ended up wrecking it in the process - sometimes it completely incredible, since it will show up where it sees me spending time with a job in hand to do it.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland